The Brussels Post, 1967-02-09, Page 5VOTE FOR YOUR CENTENNIAL QUEEN Being a candidate for Brussels Centennial Queen, to represent you at your Centennial celebrations. I will sincerely appreciate your vote when you shop in Brussels stores. Thank You , VOTE FOR YOUR • CEN.TENNIAL QUEEN As my name Was ehOsen for one of the Centennial Queens in. arysSeis vIrci4ild you kindly Keep illy name in mind while voting in the local stores, Thank you ANN LOWE been chosen as one of the candidates represer,t Brussels as your Centennial Queen would sincerely appreciate your vote while shoppmg met our local stores. Thank You KAREN MUTTER -laving to DIANNE FISCHER, VOTE FOR YOUR CENTENNIAL QUEEN !'m Linda Lowe again to say, Thank ycu ir. a spedial way, One week in, doing on two Now depends what you will do. Voting ends on Saturday night, So make your votes come out right. I would be pleased as I could be If you would spare a vote for me. 'LINDA 'LOWE. REMEMBER VOTE For YOUR Centennial Queen to be declared Saturday February 11, 1967. Ntr NA W30344 I'M WALION 8th And 16th Unit Of Walton U.C.W. The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Jan van Vliet, Thursday afternoon, February 2nd, Mrs. Alvin. McDonald opened, the mauling with Call to Worship;, Hymn 21;3 "Xly Faith Looks tJ To Thee" was sung followed by prayer by Airs. Aivin McDonald, also .he Scripture taken from. Matthew 25: 31 - •15 , and a read- ing. The topic by .Mrs. Clarence Martin, was lakes from the, Study Book "Church is Where The Action is", She also read an article "A NewYear's Pie" Hytnn 2 19 ".Jesus Shall Reign Where'et The Sun", was sung. Minute8 of the last meeting were read by the secretary, The roll call. was an- swered with !I bazaar item. There were 14 members and one guest present. The collection waS taken. Plans Were made for the bazaar which is to be held inlay 23rd. A pot-luck supper is to be hold at the church at 6.30 Thm, Morch 17th, and each unit is re- sponsilde for a 15 minute pro- gram. A silver collection is to be token al the deer, The Stb and '16th 'Unit la to serve and Walton Petit: to clean lip after, .A hale is to he sent from the church March 1st. Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Mrs. 'Rae liOnstOn are to take up the collection at the Women's World Day of Prayer, February 10th, 1. Cottage 2. Cottage 3. Cottage 4. Cottage ERCI1 Unit hi IA) invite neighbours and take Genii to the service. Presbyterial meets aL Winghum. all (lay February 21st. Grace wan sung and luneh was served by Mrs. Rae Airs. Don McDonald and the hostess, Personals Mr. and Mrs. clarence Martin and grandchildren Blaine and Lori Ann Pryce, Winthrop, were recent visitors in Ingersoll with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. McDonald and Mr, and 'Alt's. Jas. Knight are vacationing in • Florida. CARD OF THANKS I would like to give a very special thank you to everyone who gave me personal gifts, cand- ies, flowers, sent eard,aad letters, visited .me, those who took the time to phone or ask of m' being while I was a patient at \\Ingham and District Hospital. A. special thank you goes to the Nurses of Intensive Care for their undivided nursing care when I needed it most, and 'for the Birthday they nia,de special for me while I was a patient. I thank my doctors, Dr. L. P. Walden, Dr. B. Corrin and Dr, Klahsen for the surgery perform- ed enabling me the cluinee of good health that is already re- turning to me. My thanks to llev. A, Johnston for his visit tO the Hospital. ;Kindness such as this will never iii forgotten, Sincerely, Mrs. Fred Beeket. dishes THE UNITED CHURCH Oi7 CANADA Minister: Bey, A, 1.1. Johnston ti.P* Organist: Mra,'6'red Stephen&on 1'' a-in. Church school • 1 ani. Guest, ripeaker: Ross Hemingway. PitESBYT.L.x1AN Ch U.RCH 01' CANADA MELVILLE, L:li.U.RCH. interim moderator: Rev. McLean Organist: Margarsat ,Thompson A RCT : I . I/0 ['abbe Worship le UO eau. i,t arch School THE ANGLICAN OF CANADA . er.z•e Priest: The Rev. f-, G. Braby, B.A., L.Th, SAINT JOHN'S — Brussel; Organist — Mrs B. Elliott eau. 'rite Holy 4ucharist i\lattins and Primary School SAIN7 ALBAN'S eg, SAINT DAVID'S — Atwood Organist — Mrs. C, Dickson iu.hu p.n.!. Militias and Church School JAMES STEVENSON lames Stevenson, passed away at the home of his sister, Airs, Richard Carter, at lot 13, con. 13, Grey Township, on January 26th, in his 72nd year. He was the youngest son of the late John Stevenson and May Ilislop. [Le was a life-long resi- dent of (ftey township, being born, en lot 7, con. 13, Grey Township. Surviving ace two brothers, John and William, both of Grey Township, and one sister, MrS, Richard Margar et) Carter. The funeral was held on Satur- day; January 28th, from the I), A. Rann funeral home with Mr. Frank Guthrie, and Mr, Robert McLaren in charge of the service, They were life-long friends of the deceased_ The, poilbearerki ware John AlcOek, Will. Blake, Eld•win Martin, Howard Savage ,FVNI, Itayden, John Schnook, Temporary enteinhement in ilrosselS Cemetery Chapel, Guide Notes The month of January the ankles held their Meeting in the library with their leader. The Tenderfoot Guides have been pas- sing their tests. 'The 2nd Class fluides have been finishing world gel ting ready for Thinking Day. The 1st ('lass Guides have been taking First Aid. Mrs. jack belly was with the girls, In DecoMber Mrs, Wheeler and Mrs, 1). Machoh helped the. Guides Make centre article for rlirislmas gifts. For their Chrligt- Inas party they song enrols for. shut-ins, then returned lo the libt, ary for their Christmas party, MELVILLE CHURCH W.M.S. The ,program for the February meeting of the W.M.S. of Melville Presh:lerinn. church was held in the ehurch parlour on PridaY,, r2 C,1. .,r0 and was in charge of 'the President, Mrs, Gerald Gibson, who opened the meeting vtit h a poem "A Missionaryos Prayer" Hymn 490 was sung, .1.5 this month was Prayer 'Month a fitting message on Prayer by Padre Young or 0.A.C. Guelph was read by the president 4(e,,1( w d by ',-..criplitre reacting from Ac s, chapter II 1-S chapter 2: 12 21 by Mrs. 'Purvey and -,:‘!„iFer by Al i's. Dennis, 1)yogrnin t rif` Study Book, "The Church growS in Canada" was introduced by Mrs. Gerald. Cilison. Prom it map or cannua followc.d the growth or the enliven from Nova Scot in, Where pionoor.o. first settled in 17(19. The rust church SOVICeS Wr s 6 nee in the homes with lay Merl oonducting them. The new 11, in• wes pleading for an. crdtrinori ntitli',Ior to ho sont out ih until 17114 did they 17av!, the first ordained minister. first penderny was built Pieton, N.S. and later Qiieeti's ( ;liege Is; in e:s1•011 11•11(l latex. lo":0 Toronto, ;is the settlers nwved westward and the chtircti went with them. A very interesting life sketch Rev, John Black. a student or Knox: cellege, who was the first Presbyterian minister to go to the west. He went to a small emigre-. !,alaian along GI , Red River in 185t and founded the. Kildonal church which still stands today. fl nrcvnised to go there for tum ,ear, but stayet( with the StrUt. glint; congregation, tinics f(..1" thirty years and died at floods, crop failures tathbrootutget: the ply age of sixty-two, it true soldier cf the Cross: It was noted in the history of Melville the congregation was formed in I'Swt and united with 'Knox church in. 1895 to form the present congre- gation: Mrs. qihson illuStiitt en the govertunent of the church by using' a cardboard plaque show- rig government or the church as 11 whole, also the \Vernon's de- partments, The 'business part of the meet- ing followed. Roll call answered 'by a Bible Verse containing the word "church", offering • Was taken: calls on sick noted; The day or Prayer announced: a eottlE•nnidi 1.roject disenSsed, The meeting closed with a twain! a ha benediction, latepamnalt10~1.4tgjortbipitapplawgityptlga."..Rraday.--,eirli7+ow•-••••,10L.,....• BRUSSELS FIGURE SKATING CLUB PRESENTS iG COLORAMA" SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 — 8 P.M. 51 LOCAL SKATERS GUEST SKATERS CLUB PROFESSIONAL — /MRS. FAYE 111cDONALD Admission Adults 75c — Children 50c (Pre-School Children FREE) ;MAW TO BE HELD Watch for Further Announcement rehire n it. • 4" ma.... While shopping in the friendly stores in Brussels. MARLENE SMITH ACOmmeliMigs '-'4411'=*"'"r,:-777""Fen9s1"..11111111.1.411Wsulit1211.1". for colourful, protein-rich salads and main enjoy Fresh, Delicious It's your best protein food buy! TRY THESE RELISH TRAY SUGGESTIONS GET A 1 lb. CARTON FROM YOUR 'GROCER'S TO-DAY ''C071 TAGE , CHEESE LENT EN SPECI AL Cheese, and diced cucumbers or twee! pickles. Cheese and coarsely chopped raw cranberries. Cheese, and chopped or diced ham. Cheese, and chopped onion or celery.