The Brussels Post, 1967-02-09, Page 4T*- 1.14 Al= $1144.3 1}0312 likti;',1S4L431 ON'PALLW Rh, 190 FOR SALE SALE Boy Scout uniform, .Usti 1 pair :--k•out, short pants. Plume 11.1 iu the morning, APPLICATIONS WANTED — Applicatioms are requested for tiaretaker of Pkrusselb United Chur('11, to i•sebruary Applicalus 14. couta(2t; c. 1„ t'ardift, .1. .Safe} NOTIC It S;11, number on -which is ov,in,•,,-; Loy mill be sold. by Lion I <i I.1-2,6t.'1 6i I eS. 11',i ti nil Fcl.,ruai.y 1.7, 10137.. Thomas Uttruiss SALES HELP WANTED MALE J men with or -without oars, .\.veragt., up to per hour. , lieee;zsary. Write Dept, it)thi", St I l t,ri -ry :\ I out.- CURRIE FURNITURE Win. htun for Gigantic Yurniture Salo. Sale starts Feb. :lib, ends P('t). _NIL Only Ci.'11.111.Z'S offer you easy budget storage. Delivery cod Parking., FOF. To support the' Ontario Apple PrOMOtion. Plan Stratychuk Orchards arc sv(,cialling Cort- land apples t fancy grade) for the 100100 of February. We also have McIntosh, Spy, and Delicious apples priced according to grade, Only the safest sprays have been used by us. NO DDT or arsenate of haiti used in the past 8 years. S E A F O R T H UPHOLSTERY Centre Street For all kinds of upholstering Er,ssels Representative: Phone 4 t.„7 79 Brusmeis SELWYI'4 EAKER CLERICAL ASSISTANT REQUIRED FOR HURON COUNTY LIBRARY Minim/In starting salary $2,400 3-dus allowance for experienCe; tylrltl r s'sential, StIbluit Nvritif•it application to i Ii undersigned before Fobruary 04:-titY Secretar,,.. Treasurer Iluron County Library tioard. Cottri (loderich, Ont. t -,ENTLENIEN'S CLUB i..1%-tS Ito you belie; e id on tniu hootiJu',Ci Sunday morning a few W.41) 1 WWS (m my way to eintrch in itinevale. (113,11ill the Mal Ono across the centre sidoroad, so I can soe the hug fat herofords grazing on the luxuriant hills of the "'Yearley Plat•c". As I made the turn my bin folk, John :lark, was stand- ing on the bridg:c. carrying a lot ..2.ear, lishing poles, spear gun, worms. err. IL) holllsr011 at nit' to cont.. Well, 1 park- ed my panel and joined him, too old a cat to be fooled by a kitten. I knew he wanted ma to curry nil this stuff so he could sun 1. or a 10 ng with the In those days the ri 1 or was three limes big'ge'r than it is now, Look 10 the' west you could see millions of turtle heads, to the ;1st the same. They were as thick 1,0 bubbles on the breast of 'Etc' liver durMg 8 suntmer show- A big- cadillac car appeared 0c'i•ic•,ln license plates, and T p ,ars 0 ma0 say, do you have the ri ,.,111.-;? Now .lack didn't know 1' hat he meant. In fact. didn't 'von 'know right from wrong, hut sys. yes I have, The fellow vat's, be hock Monday evening cr iii' IV the writings. 1 would like to gel a thousand tons if pos- F.'Olo. ,1!,•h went buck to the henqe and Stella figured it out. .,.;.ext morning' they got our 'M.P., Elsien Cardiff, to go with them to Goderich ivhere they got sole '1rt5 to catch turtles from the Florida hilverglades to the North. Pole, For months the Americans trucked these reptiles: They took so many into the States the price of butcher cattle dropped ,S cents per potind. So much money caine into Canada our dollar value went up 4 cents, and the river drop- ped three feet. Jack made enough monoy to keep an average family -Ian years n..16 enough to keep him- self and cola' cash in beer for al- -Most li months, However It made Jima lat/y and, be neglected the tillage of his form. Next year he didn't plant a single seed. He and lUs i'r!ihour bonnie experts at, shuffleboard, The farm grew up with a dirty yellow colored Weed, neigbrrirP 00inplained, said it ATWOO '3 PET SUPPLIES Linder new management GARNET SMITH V"Vt'" t:•^ttCr prices, Paid.-On tt•t f.. c!oact or disabled Cowl We are here To give you Neer snit horses. 5 (IC and up ler any -rdmal weint.,ing ever 70C lbs. sate: and condition. Smaller antenals nlck..d Up freq. "1!=11 trre. ve•r ,,P Irfrf.c!'crIt. Was 11111.1titard. Ono day an ingpeet• or e;:inte ill. and gave him 24 boars to destroy it, Next day another nla n appeared and said. "1 v you sold your rape seed yet? I see it is about ready to combine, Jack thought rape was a had word in eonnectinn with sex. Any- way the fellow bought it, so much gold per pound, to be delivered in flensall. There was rape seed in the granary, in the drive stied, in the kitchen, all over the place. ii lout it had to ho dolivered, Jack MeWlitnter, and Frank Alcock had done ail the work. ;,-,0 tar. 110 , couldn't expect them to truck it to Hensall. As he snt there with his head on his knees ponder- ing how to get out of this. work, into the' yard came a HOW W a gew it was Joe Coroner :LIM Volvo from Ohio. They had worked hard without ti holduy for Ilinost a year so came to Jack's for a rest. John got tolling i twill no‘\ ell;(' American tourists went to see the, magnetic hill. Some went to Ltaaft, but they all went to sec fle.nsall. He made them be- lieve it was more attractive than Walt Disney's, 'When they de- cided to go, Jack asked them if They would take a parcel lie want- ed delivered there, The pace} was 21 tons of rape seed. For three days and three nights lee, Velva and Stella loaded the Volkewagen ...lid unloaded • in Honsoll while. John ituproved at shuffleboard. WinniHthe job Was finished 'toe was completely done, so was the Volkes, - Joe. had ilo Spring left in him, • neither had.. it. •Joe'S knees wore dragging .• while the relir end of the truck •was tug rm the ground When. they to coss the border home, ,Joe' • WOO accused of trading his new truck to Don Martin for a, heap of junk,. Joe was in jail for two days until r'orciff got lihn. released, Velva says it is the last. time she will become involved in, a rape case wit)) Jack Clark. Joe says quote,'"That goes for me too, Clark or anyone else. So be it. I dedicate this column to my American friends, Joe and VeiVa Coronor of Covington, Ohio. WP extend a cordial invitation to be with us fo'r ottr Centennial celebration June 30th and July 1st And 2nd. Don't forgc-t the Irish concert :hatch 17th. Be Jabers. Truthfully Yours T. Renew your Post Now. MEAT PHONE 294 WEEKENb Personals Mrs, Mae Engcl, Mr. Jud Mrs. Clain'. Long, Brussels, and ....\11.1 1s 1:'si Cli f ford Dunbar, Ethel, Torrance 1)1111daS, Walton, attend.- ed a Library meeting in. the Court louse, Goderich, on Wednesday, Feburary 1st. Mrs. Mae McIntosh is enjoying Itointav III ('algary. Alr. and Mrs. Ross Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith loft on Friday on a motor trip 'to Florida. Miss *Mary "McDonatd, Toronto, was home for the weekend. .1\1r. and Mrs. Altai' Dunn and. Eitchener, visited with. Mr.- and Mrs. hlarl 1)111111. The . pupils tic tirey coptrai School, Ethel, are 'practicing for public speaking to hi' heid at the sch.00l on Thursday ..evening, February 10th at eight. o'clock. Mr.- and Mrs. Clare • Voitch, Ross and Janet, visited on Sun• .day 'with Mr. and Mrs, ...juniot. Graff. Knox W.M.S. February Meeting Mrs. Earl Dtain was hostess for the February meeting of the w.m.,s. The leader, miss Alico, Forrest, opened the meeting with prayer and a reading. Mrs. John. Petrie led in prayer, Acts 1: L - 14 was read in unison, with Miss Forrest giving the meditation and conducting a Wiestion period. Mrs, Mttc Engel. introttned the new study book tor Centennial year, assisted by Mrs, Calvin OaMeron, "The 1.3,oginnings of rho Presbyterian Church" proved au interesting study. The president, Mrs. Earl Dunn, presided for the business. Eleven members and one visitor were present. Used cards and stamps were handed in, A letter regarding "Centennial' k.,,4 it a .11o1n :1111;„ DavidS011 \v as read and verit i items 008i0e5 discus- ,t11.01ey VISCher, z-WerC. (Ile 111.intiles and gave a port 1)11 the Presbyterial in StI a i iord on .1 undo ry 1 1 Lb.. Mrs. ('1111.0 Vvil(*b. ',Involuted to or( varn the 111110 ,1. for the. \Vorld \ of Prayor service on Yebrit- ,a the iintrcll, Mite 1,:w 4c1 closed the mooting \vith prayer. e.%; Foreest condUcted 2IS in- t( f!..:-ting. cowl sts on ";11011 of 1111' 1;1111.. and Choir occupations ' Mrs,. .1l(•\ Sieks and :qrs. Wil- fred Strickler Ir,sisic(1 tile host- ss in serving lunch. CARD OF THANKS I 1l isIt to express my sincere frounis anti relatives. N(110 1aq:101111)0n tl me While i \vat; It pullout In VictOrin Ilidspitai, 51)eein1 !hunks to lir, I Cayman and "'arses on SI, also 1\largaret aid,' .1; tdc, M0C1,1tC (q)11, 'Phis afro all very apprec- i- This *S..voi- Vory Mtlell poree.- iao,d. .11.ts. Dorothy. Pegelow CARD OF THANKS The Iirothers and Sister' of the late James St would. like to eapreSS Olaf Most. to relatives and friends for the many expressions of sympathy at the time of Ms llonto Also to those who acted as pall- bearers, to those who donated. .:;ideon to those Who con, iribuicd to the cemetery Mausol- eum. Our special thanks to Mt', Enna, also to Mr. Fra.111‹ :mthrie Mr. Robert Me1,are4 of GlIQ1Ph. [or their. kind words 01' sympathy, It was all deeply , appreciated. Don't forget lo vote for your r'entennito Queen. SNAG,KED AV4:211V.. .a:,1i1Zigi:27Jire CS0, 41,14 ...ilea. a. k • TRAIN TO.. TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times MARKET BRUSSELS, ONT. 5.eECIALS TV DINNE&S COURSE TV 1)1NNER BEE ROASTING CHICKENS, 5 E.). average 55c 69c 45c lb 550 ii) CASH ON THE FARM -- For good heavy fowl, 51,E lbs. and up, 15c a lb Les Hood 8.47-lt974 IVfolaktoU !AT- ()or) 356.,2622 24 ho.,,t 41 day days s Vieett Lic. NO. 401:C.-6S. For information, phone the loco! CN Passenger Sales Office CANADIAN NATIONAL ao.6S 110.111111MINIIIIMMONMINIMINEEMMEN2MEMEGIEMMIMMI