The Brussels Post, 1967-02-09, Page 2If you're looking for a place to start on
home improvements, consider
these facts about electric wiring.
To most people, home improvements
mean a panelled recreation room or a
shiny new set of kitchen cupboards. But
there's a way to improve the improve-
ments: modernize your home wiring first.
Up-to-date wiring lets you make the
most of the new room you're building, or
the old one you're re-styling. It lets you
place your lighting wherever you like,
have as many electrical outlets as you
choose, and use as many appliances as
you need without popping fuses.
In fact, you'll notice pleaiant changes
all through your home. Modern wiring
can improve the efficiency of your light-
ing and the performance of your appli-
ances. It puts such comforts as electric
heating and air conditioning well within
your reach. It can also make a big differ-
ence to the safety and re-sale value of
your home. Before you reach for your
toolbox, reach for your telephone. Call
a qualified electrical contractor, or your
Up-to-date wiring
costs less than you may 4
think. Yet it could be your
most important home
improvement of all.
EM 6 11:63,61.
.d lair ceileague,
seeeielists in plant.
.e.enure yield is
!ae . the fre-
eel by selecting
for the . cutting
;':es versus
..e‘e,s.ed pro-
.per acre for
1,er acre for
?r. eetteluding Dr. Lowe ex-
planted that three-cuttings vet-
‘.ssentially means all
forage Is a week or more lees
mutnre at harvest. This increases
icy value per pound by six pere
fl-rtlt. Animals will cot:ignite 74
more of it. but the additional
veTee In trrtils rAt anItnat prbdtict
eeeeed 25e-1. -
fes Lt Cep tt4 PAPIM
rrr r'no( heavy fowl. 614 fluffs
d up. ire 4
Las good
intone 4Y-2074 Itonkfeti
C' iever ;
Nete:. eee.1
eedtires Onter.e Labor
nee, !eel eliee;ii lie seced-
ed tip ; 3 rr!4!:5::At'. '
is) tibiiii:411 ;Lie -perte jL-
juctions in labour dieeates.
Hr Werat-4.-Zi
1re:31,s of tirl:ri
DEr.:T,AeL Govern-
eed .7aedowners.
.s,e (tilt the ever
rn:.:- :re still
to be
the ntest eeperteet iitrm prob-
lem fee::g as tone) and cited
figures to prove It.
F103. 0th, 1967
(MPP, Huron-Bruce):
1.1 hy: th, three
fesee es in lit- Thr l'Aitte.
, ..-lacDunain.
Leader of the New Democratic
,rty. :.e.febeeeid dealt at
-.eel, the downfall of
Prudereal e'erperation.
.-ruleent's failure
to =riff=,reis own orders to Pru-
. deetial Vinanee Corporation
1.71.ewed the terepany to defraud
eet.ey investors.
:1:e:fee:tett charged that
otdiee, from
se,:arities fL'ommis-
seilintr, notes
;Aid then. to stop
seliFita thrill tt. Its own note
, ignor-
tfl ifra I Arthur
neted. had said
the (exile—fee ceuld not act
atrefest Predeetee until last Nov-
tr not aware
jf bong being broken,
'd thee went on
trr, •- thet !IT the under-
prier-10e seenritles
d's-Ieelre it
be eeneistere -with that
prinelele tr, :et seenrity holders
end rite -crenertekltew that
Prudential wre, eettine deeper
and deeete. reueIc. Icy
ine elble, -the
GoV:-rt•Iii-11+ • t.1 !inf.! nelal .
:°:7T7 5r!.115P of
- security.
Prfli;jr.r T 11..f4-31110d his
int./T/011in Tf) eltil ..,"...qte..rg?T'IC'c on
eon Iccl era:Hon.
-')'lit~ niet-tin?. 1.vnitld
provide all for a r#'-'
ltmtd dirtrInt,sis err -renade's ills
in which tbf, lords of rtnvern-
went relent ee...1: At_ -reit• tr0731 i
illtrFrort:ttitt rho inteepetS the.
country in advance of any tortoni
tu terms_
-- product it
.ereong the forages, air -
are.: of protein,
• end - Ontario
.mpri,kvensent As-•
-es in Toronto
/hr• re.
te.i•.ee gains. He
eeins on two as-
pereentaae of diges-
ertter. and how much of
attlrnal would con-
Thet is. with concentrated
eis. f.r. animal only needs to eat
ee,eatt to get tne amount
nutrition it requires. To get
•tu.:-zczli :attrition from a low en-
.el, it would hare to eat
t: lot of bulk. and since an ani-
inal'e stomach will only hold so
cinch. it could actually starve.
'Animals preferred DuPuits
produced under the two-harvest
management even though digest!.
ie':7y of the forage was slightly
lower", Dr. Lowe related concern-
ing etwriell's alfalfa research. "On
the other hand, there was a pre-
fereece for Cayuga under the
three-cut system. Average differ-
ence iri intake values Indicates a
. advantage for three cuttings
versus two." Considering the am-
ount a feed animals would eat
in ',Melon to the greater crop
yields. feeding vaule of the three
hf.rVf•St forage averaged 21%
Metier than two cuttings.
Health Tips from the
Canadian Medical Association
The Canadian ere:Heal Assoc-
iation advises that it may be use.
less or even dangerous. to treat
a blood condition alone if the
underlying cause of the disorder
is unknown.
When a doctor tells a patient
blood is low, he usually means
the haemoglobin content is be-
low normal — that is, the patient
is anaemic. 'The eaemoglobin
pars the fed color to the blood
ant is ventaleed in the red blood
cells. The function of the haetuo-
elobin is to take up oxygen front
the ale In the lungs, and carry l&
in the blood to where it is needed
to support life in all 'the tissues
of the body.
The bi- oe contains two othee
types of rem -- the White cells
and tre tigtelete. These tells can.
also lie mina by disease, Pt&
dating corresponding diettiti,
Mice; of bodily. fittialong,
There are several types of blood
cells. The job of some Is to
counteract infection. The job of
others is only partially under-
stood, or is completely unknown.
The platelets take part in the
process of blood-clotting and when
they are low, certain types of
bleeding tendency may develop.
All of tne blood cells may be
increased in number as well as
decreased. and may function poor-
ly even though present in normal
quantity. Although too few or two
many nlood cells of the 'various
types produce sickness. it is us-
ually neecessary to look beyond
the blood to find the real cause
of trouble,
One reason the C.M.A. suggest ;
that It May be dangerous to
treat a blood condition without I investigating 'the Underlying- cause
Is seen in the Mowing example:
case of anemia due to here
deficiency, they in turn, be due to
eery slow Wog loss from an
nice? of a caner' of the bowel,
which is not big enough to pro-
duce any synitoms itself. Iron
treatment- will ettre the anemia,
but unless Ow cause of blood loss
is found and removed, the pat-
ient's life will not be saved
('ensuing-re arc- missing a bet if
they aren't including eggs on,
their grocery lints. says Fratik
rayllo of the VIM Poultry Divis-
Ile 'tonne out that egg pekes
have' fallen 20 to 25 per cent in.
the last month making eggs a
Neer buy than ever .for the price
conscious shopper,
The drop in t;gg brier); isetlettt
the reedit Malden Opettrge
produrtion from rutin/Mtn nottitry
Mr. Payne says that eggs Pro-
vide protein in just about it most
Peonomicat tonic Otitit
pound for protein when Ogg
are soling at 40 cents a Anton.
tour eeti
to two
eritig his one
eimute speech.
to be ereeerty taxes,
in settees durieg a normal tour
t ., iiv, :o7ar term in office; -
Pree.e. erremeut sup-
t to about 50q-
-. .t:Iirtrr;diate steps to cnt
-down the t-ist of government,
ine!mdiee reducing the size of the -
C.:el:et. -
ye e.importaot
;.e.eletieration to I.ee7 and
that same
free of the bias or
• extsting system
eer.--inctal conferences
the Premier stated.