HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-22, Page 1cY? ,A4F ),i;4(F V C lEv,TE' l Voitfizk . THIRTY-FOURTH YEAH. , WHOLE NUMBER ITS!. No 6E s? L , 1 .1 -111 ERAS INT' ! It3E ``'• GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1881. • McOILLICVDDY RHOS. Prsn.uname i $1.59 A YEAR IN ADVAJRCIL New Advertlwuteats. Waggon -John Fastnore. New Oso ds -Hugh Due!' p. Parasols --J. C. Iletin- R t' .. Wall Paper - (i. C. l tui r r eon. Parter-In G' l'rlcit T •wna't'pp, on Stev1n^.s- daf. April :xl., the +• VP Of Mr. John Portae Jr.. of u danooter. 1.tIJtttn. 11arrw_imall l -Al 11.terioit, on the lith Inst , by the 11.+v. Jr. Cris, qtr. /ieeor4o NQr- row. to ]ifs Mary _t-.', 1otm;. all o (ioee- ricd Travelling Guide. (iI ANI, Tit' T.ee.T. Pew.. Fxp'e. Maid. Goderi, h. Lv 7.11 uu . 1t' Spm.. 3.15pm.. 9:0 sant R`itoth '.-,yl •' 1.10 " ..4.45 • ,.13..50 •' Stra:ford..t.r s.&Sau 2.13pm..G.30pm.. 1.00 " wear. Pats. Estes. Mii d. 3155 d. Strattnrl.I,v l.Y4ns .7.50pin.. 7.00am..7.4.Spm Seaforth. 2.17 .....A " . 9.15 " ..8.19 • Goderich.Ar 3.LSpro..9.S0pm 11.00am. 7.15pm 0itEA1 W Ertl' ERN. Exp'a. 5Ia11. Ezp's. Clinton goin. north...9.thm ,l t.'1pm 8.2Spm " going south ...aJ4yru...8.Vtam_7.21 " ,:.0;E LINES. Lncknow :'t; .::► Iyt ar-. 1a.l:oaun .. dep fpm Einem-din: •• •' 1.0oem " 7an llenlniUer " W. !n• et v and est'.cs:an gaits 9.e mem.. "9.15 " Dentistry. 1If 1 NICHT tLSON, SURGEON DEN- T. Tis r..1ttl.r. and residence. %Vest Street, three awes '" u.v Dank Or Montreal. Godo - rich 1752 Real Estate. FOR ;ALE. -LOT 9. LAZE SHORE Tp. of i oihoraa eO .a!nitfk 1I acres, 30 acres cleared. balonce et..ell^n' timber. Soil a good clay loan. As this property adjoins the Point Farm a is l,. cuuw-ius.ace must eligibly sitils:cit. Fut part):'liars apply to J. J. Wright. • Marco 1st 1S.+1. I» 1776•t 1. HOUSE ASD LOT F'(nt SALE -AT Dungannon. le mi)s4 from Goderich, consisting of wan acre of land. well fonved; NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A chiefs among ye. Lakin' nota, _.n' faith he'll prent it." TOWN TOMOS. We want rain. The duet bloats into the eyes of the just and unjust alike. Mr. W. L. Horton paid a flying visit to Ingersoll on Friday last. Mr. T. McGillicuddy, of Ter S1 SNAL, ate his ,EAster eggs in Stratford. The M iehenics' Institute received a donation of $10 from a friend one day last week. Goderich streets are now as dry alt if July's sun had been louring upon them for a fortnight. • Mus Agnes Dickson, who is teaching in Exeter, spent the Easter holidays with her parents in this town. The High. School didn't get regularly clown to work till Wedneaday morning. I takes time is work the sugar off, you know. It is time the watering cart made its appearance. For the past week the dust on our principal streets has been intolerable. Mr. Dixie Watson, of Wulghani, for- merly of Goderich, was in town Oood Friday. He has managed during the winter to keep up his avoirdupois. AT HALM-JIA.4T.-The flags at the Court House and .British Exchange Hotel were at half mast on Tueseay, upon the announcement of Lord Bea- c,nafield's death. PEa-soNAL.-Rev. John A. Williams, 'D. D., goes to Moutreal shortly. as tit- an -deer in doctrinal history, at the forth- coming examination at the Wesleyan Theological College in that city. ARMED. -Chief Cunstahle Currie re- • oicts in the possession of a new baton, o which has been given the euphonious itis of "Bean's Patent Paralyser." In brush with n recalcitrant prisoner, that hub will be trump. l [tame p.m*t•..1 ilt•.xr w.•u ase 1•uu.p or, .++.+ . •n the pr. -raises. The let hoe ueen Well un- 1 ;,roved. Term+ r-as•anabie. Particulars can I had fr.ta Mr. J. M. Hoetsats, Merebaat- Dungair:on. or 1:- E. 1I1101tx, Nile P. O. . 1741-tt. , HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND :o. corner of Victoria and East "trete. in , :he town et ti.derich. fur sale ct.•ap, or will be i •z.-hange.l for farm property. For part'.rulars apply to J As, SMa1Lt. Ar+eiUect, oftke Crabila 1 Block, ur J. C. (viuttIL. auctioneer. ``'HEPPARDTON-FARM FOR , iJ sale ski ares. 91 acres rlean•d and well 1 fenced. Brick t'ottage 2300..•tone cellar full , size of beim.. A large creek rune through ;he lot. no waste land on the crek, A very Ione orchard surrounds the house. tiood barn , ind other buildings. Terms Very easy. Appiy R. T. HAYNFso. lot 15 rake Shore Itoai, Coll- ; norne'rotvns:tip, or to l)ARaow Sr PRocn- . rob?. 17st9 1 F RA1131 FOR SALE. -BEING LOT 9, , con. 13. Calborur, about seven miles from . Goderich, comprising 50 acres. 50 Catered'. A '. frame house, and a new frame barn 50.05 and s stable and other outbuildings are on the ; premises. A young orchard, good pump. etc. en the farm. The farm he a road on two sides of it. Four acres of tall wheat are sawn. Distant only 1 mile from a post oMce. For , particulars c.:•,...; to Wm.SIIIE-Ds. Sheplard- ton P.O. 1,17. ' QHEPPARDTITN.-STORE. WITH ' IJ Post Office, for ale or to rent with I acre land. Stock all fresh and good. W ill sell on very esy terms having other business to attend to. For, further particulars apply to R. T. HAYNxi. Also 100 acres of land West half of Lot 5 on the 3rd con., E. D. Ashi'cld. Coat Or- chard, Frame House. and a stable. Fiftymtres cleared and well fenced. Apply to ()ARROW Sr PROCnrom. 1711. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Lot 8, Con. 8, Township of Colborne. Co. Huron. containing 98 acres 75 of which are cleared and In a good state of cultivation. There is a frame House 20x:ts with cellar under the whole. kitchen 15x20, wood shed 16x18. stable 18x28, for horses. also cow stable i1xlt. There is a well with a never failing spring. and a good young orchard with about 10 tremas. selected. Terms easy. For plrticttlars apply to THOMAS Worsn, proprietor. Carlow or MI Worsen., GARnOW to i'RouDroOT. Goderich. 1756. FARM FOR SALE. ; Comprising Lots Nos 18 and 11 t'on.'. in the Township of Wast, Wawsoosh, lxdon 'ng to the late Mr. r'haries McDonald, contain viz iSO ACRS* in all. Over thirty acme Are cleared. There are over 15 *„res of gond bard wood. sand the balance Cedar and Pine hush. A stroll Frame HOW* and a Well are also on the premises. A good creek miss through the 'farm. For particulars apply to Jou at TorM- a('LI.. Bag.. Dungannon. or to Mrs. WA1O4(WK. Ooderkh, or to this mane. 177041. J _ Auction Sales. ('IO1TAGE FOR SALE AT AtJC- .J TION.-1tr. J. C. Currie will offer for sale OR SATtraOAT. APRIL 16th, at 12 o'clock, noon. the Baso Carreras, with large garden at- tached, situate on NL George's street, opposite the one atlas ofd English Church. Thehonee is In excellent repair, This property will be sold to the highest hidder.-J. C. Curtais. Auctioneer. Dela AIICTION SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. --The vacant lot converser et hast Street, and Court House gpeare. known as the McConnell property, baying a frontage of 16 ft. 8 in nn the Agnate, will be sold by ppeblh' auction. on SATUR- DAY. APRiL 16th kaki. at 12 nclook p. et. This U a soma lot and one of the moot eligible besinees sites 1n ben. it will be pet sep sub - Jett to a reserved bid. Ober partic made knees at Rate of rale. J. C. Ci-RRi Auctioneer. HMI. INTEl MAJUTIILE COURT 011PG$iTAF.-A$etlss Sebeset rale of 'g/lfirlw,er war wa.s, et. to aslre twain laiti J.I.: ' A st at h saeamairce1A hwsMw -.4,- t .Iee1 PP Rn6oR_G(Aa0 11, er tlatresy >AYsaaY. areerteh fiat Auctioneering C CURRiE,THE PEOPLE'` AI TiONEER, Geder!' b. Ont 1751 41r. J. H. Edwards and his brother hipped to Goderich from Toronto ou Friday last, twenty bead of fat cattle, or the benefit of their customers. This averting of cattle to Huron County - ms like bringing coals. to Newcastle, cut Mr. Edwards says it pays, and he ought to know. St. George's Church will be formally opened ou Sunday next; services at 11 ul. , •3 p. m. and 7 p.m. The services rill be of special interest. Rev. Canon "armicltael, of Hamilton, Morning and :venins, and Rev. R. McCosh in the afternoon. A special collection will ue taken up at each of the services in lid of the building fund. ON Hi+ ROUNDS. -The Seaforth .Suit ays: The Census Commissioner for entre Huron, S. Platt, Esq., called at ur office while in Seaforth this week on his rounds of inspection. He speaks .f very highly . his enumerators', as he has bund them perfurmins their (mer- le; duties duties satisfactory. The department will find Mr. Platt "the right roan in the right place." Cricket and ether outside, games have been indulged in during the week„ The butchers had their usual display of Easter cleat on Friday and Saturday, last. • The Messrs. Hunter, of Exeter, shipped over 100 head of cattle from Goderich station un Wednesday. ON TIME, -Much satisfaction has been expressed of late with the punc- tuality of the afternoon mail train. Mr. B. J. Wade, of Wade Bros, See - forth, wens in town on Thuriday, putting in a pian„ for Mr Chas. A. Humber. Mr. J. J. Wright and bride, of the Point Farm, arrived home on Wednes- day, after an enjoyable Wedding trip. An entertainment consisting of music, readings recitations, dialogues, etc., by children of Knox Church S. S. will be held in the school room shortly. Mr. John Passmore has been appoint- ed anent for Seeginiller's chilled plows, and will keep thew on hand at his wag- gon works on \ ictdria street. METHODIST Haiti BOOK. - Those wishing the new Methodist Hymn Book, from Mrs. W. T. Cox, can be supplied, by calling at Mr. Abraham Smith's store. IN Towers -Mr. T. Farrow, 31. P. fur Nurth Huron, spends u portion of this week in G.derich, he being a witness in one of the cases in Chancery. He hooks well. The Brussels Post says: -Rev. Dr.. Wt-illiams, of Goderich, gave a bibleread- ing last Tuesday afternoon inthe 3letho• dist Chnrch, which was highly instruc- tive. He preached in the erenih3 to a large congregation. His discourse will not soon be forgotten. Seel or SHoIcT•HOFse.--At the stock sale at Defter Park. Chit:nee, on Good Friday, forty-umhead of pri:ue short- herns, belonging to Mr. H. Y. Attrill, Ri lgewu.xt, Goderich, . were sold at prices ranging at from $150 to $500 each. Prices for first-class stock have tauged. low this spring. Mr. shrill', short -horns are of the best strains, and are admirably kept. CHAscELws's DINNER.. --On M. .ndav evening Chancellor Spragge gate a dinner to the Members of the bar, in the British Exchange Hotel. The spread is slid to hens been a magnificent one. The guests we:•e 3lessrs McLellan, Boyd, Bloss, Smith, Godfrey, H. McDermott, Davi- son M. C. Cameron, Garrow, Maicnmson, Wade, I, Lewia, Johnston, Sheriff Gibbons, and Vein Archdeacon Elwood. Horn:ne-Mr. A. M. Polley, who nur- chased the first prize span of bays from McTa,ggert, of Clinton, has sold the teats to Mr. H. Y Attrill, of Goderich. He has also disposed of a handsome •black driving horse to Mr. M. Hutchison. Mr. Polley will next week send another car load . t heavy horses to aiic hig an, h whi •h g ma •e the fourteenth shi trent of EA.aTEa Soavi•'as.-On Easter Sunday morning Archdeacon Elwood delivered a very impressive discourse, on the death and resurrecti•in of our Saviour, and the. glorious significance of those events. He took for his text the twenty-tifth verse of the fifth chapter of Romans, and front it preached a sermon peculiarly earnest, pathetic and eloquent. The song service on the occasion was cis., very fine. PEIutoNAi. -Mr. W. C. Hamilton, student-rtt-law in the office of Mulock, Tilt, McArthur & Crowther. Tnrgnto, spent the Easter holidays with his rel*. tives and friends in Goderich. We ob- serve that Mr. H. has been selected as one of those wlio will participate in the forthcoming debite on the "Irish Ques- tion," before Her.. Edward Blske, at Os s Hall. In this debate. our am- bitious nuns; friend will have his hands full in endeavoring to cope auxesafully with so wily and hrilliant an antagonist ase, 1r. Charles J. Leonard. Coansertoe -In Last week's SIGNAL a mammoth spring advertise•nent ap- peared, from Mn.. C(ltoeland, but unfor- tunately as we were not particularly well tmetod in ladies head -goer and "sich," a typographical error or two found their way into the announcement. We regret the matter, as much for our own Igno- rance of "Foyle, Sura and Languedoc," as for any other, but we promise Our advertisers and the public generally that if we don't know all about the styles and the price of spring bonnets next year, it will not be stir fault. R. C E urns SterIvi .e. -Holy week being unusually Ane, the services in `)t. Peter's Church were well attended, a great nenilrer partaking of Lha Holy Sacrament. On the evening of (1.xx! Friday, Father Wattan delivered • Toy suss* ow the Palsies sad death Mast, fsUeteed the stations of the Oraas. The Shebat alinWater, mss ie ply 'ma waw► stleasad to M hareem very nee& who the &yeah ea PtlibiN the_ . Qir . .tUtei hat Pie wYth Le: vr.iee, alltlah tit devrotie,s% 4 the Idle t. He aia'&llebMs1 at High Kars sad Ves- I ppistaa w aleebr iii ndnl. The choir sang IurhallsNs's Boss in very good style; tlee lingesh Powe "Prue ye the Lord." was reed sad very much aimir ed, the dhaeh rands, with the elorione notes ot the ADdis W. 8. Hart & Co. will change their advertisement next week,look out fur it. Rev. McKay addressed the S. 8. children of Knox Church un Sunday afternoon. Subject, "Chinese Idols," Inspector Yate had Andrew Bennett, of Sheppardon, before James Mahaffey, J. P. on Tuesday, for violation of the liquor Lw. Beaaett acknowledged the corn- -or rather corn -juice -and will be fined on Monday. Wien Drente. - Conaiderable discus- sion is indulged in as to the propriety of shootingthe wild ducks which hover about the harbor. The close season for ducks of the Teal variety prevails from January until the middle of August; but it would appear as if the "saw bills" can be killed up to the fat of May. Some of our spurting readers should give us the benefit of their experience in the nutter.vi Hous.,. -Mr. R. T. Thompson, who preached so acceptably in Knox Church a few weeks ago, is now through his course in Knox College, having passed, his final examination a few weeks ago. He accomplished his 7 year's course In 5, and succeeded in obtaining several scho- larships, and last year the silver medal. He is now engaged teaching as wathe- m.ttieal teacher in Brampton High School, but purposes taking a tour through Europe, and a et urse in Ger- man. EASTER VssreY Megrim -I. -At the above meeting in connection with St. George's Church, nlessrs. VanEvery and Deac••n were appointed Churchwardens for ensuing year. Messrs. Deacon and Jas. Sheppard were appointed delegates Ito the Synod. Messrs. Newton and E. Lewis were elected sidemen and Messrs. Cooke and Malconlson appointed audi- tors. A vote of thanks was moved to the County Council for their kindness in atlawing the use .a the Court House for divine service. Mr. Hick's salary was placed it 700 for the incoming year. Archdeacon Elweed etatel that after the 1st of Mty he would sire 5500 of his salary for the uses of the pariah. The meeting was most harmonious one. Good Friday Siete*. • Tile weather was lovely; . And so were the ladies in their new millinery. The holiday was generally observed. Services mete held in a number of the I churches. I In the afternoon the bands played for I several hours un the square, touch to the I enjoyment of listeners. Many an old musket, bearing the dust of a twelvemonth, was dragged forth again. and made to do terrible execution on isolated tail fences and other like !game that abounds in this neighbor- hood. • I The fro; has tuned ire silvery chords • boll p again, and the air was once more tilled horses since last September. He •is the I largest horse dealer in this section. PI eels Is CHAN•:ERY.-A pair of beautiful pigeona entered the court nem' yeaterday morning, and gracefully flew from place to place, to the surprise and amusement of the members of the bar and the epectators. Quoth one present : "They look se sleek and gentle, tit em- blems of the innocence and harmlessness of the chancery lawyer." "Nay.' re- plied another, "they rather resemble the unfortunate clients, who by their pre- sence in court, invite plucking." Then there was a solemn pause. VOCAL Mt -+n•. -Prof. Salter opened a class for instruction in vocal music in the basement of North St. Methodist Church Nit Tuesday evening. As a teacher of veers! music he is able, painstaking and efficient, has a happy method of illustra- tion, secetr's the attention of his class and cultirates the en cinch needed 'rhotnrical rendering of mnsic. He will he at Knox Church next Monday evening, and also at North Street Methodist Church nett Tuesday evening, for the purpose of or- ganizing sinning closes. All interested in the cultivation of vocal music should attend. with the melody of the Canadian Band. A number of High School students were observed, in the afternoon, in an 'entirely reckless and aimless sort cf fashion. kicking a foot -tall about. I starlet Sews. There is yet no sign of the breaking up of the ice in the -harbor, and naviga- tion will to all appearance open at this port much later in the season than usual. The repairs to the Bar Point lightship were completed at Detroit; last week. She has had new plonks put in her bot- tom, and her lamp stand has been re- paired. Her mainmast, which was part- ly rotten, has been taken out, so that she now has hut on•' inset. '1`lie new $125 lamp gives a much }tetter light than the old one. During the present season stations of life /saving service will be established at Sleeping Bear Point in the vicinity of Bailey's Harbor, Lake .Michigan. Sia- tione will also be erecte•l at Port Austin, at Sand Beach Herber of Refuge, and on Middle Island. Lake Huron. ('AUETe. ENrcaTAtxttssT.-Goderich The Georgian Bay beet of sten®eros Se,tion of Temperance Cadets gave their will commence the smell commanded first oaten meeting in the Temperance as follows: -Francis Smith, Capt. W. T. Hall on Tuesday evening. Mr. ,antes I Robertson: City of Owen Round, Capt. Mitchell occupied the chair. A number John MeNab; City of Winnipeg, Capt..of the cadets gnre read I Jas. Kennedy; Manitoulin, Capt. P. M. ings, recitations, dialogues an, music. a recitation by young Theodore Hall, entitled "The Grasping Bar -keeper," being particularly well reveive'l. The tableau 4 the "guardian Angel" was alta. rendered. Mr. Hezehial Hale is trying to do a good work amongst the children of the town, and it t . he hoped that all the young cadets will remain firm to the pledge. Ftsnsrwx'. - The following Order -in - Council will he of interest and nee to anglers. The first part 4 it dates the curse season fur different kinds 4 fid "Pickerel, maskin••nge and bass from April 16 t•• May 1?' speckled tr.ut or river trent. frau Sept, 18 to llall 1; aal- mon trout. lake trout and wlktsisi. hon let to the 10th Nov The foll0w- *are the rules regulating the catching of fish. asd the penalties attached to emir vioiiibt: "Net, Nine, or fishing IIIIIhout a bum Nets NOM be relied free Retamisy un- til Mondavi m•srninq .,► etch ttrreplltt In diens are forl.id.fen to Ash it pa me es white men Ea•h parsers of violating these rerslationa is liable to Erse and eosin, or in default of payment is eakeet to impnao nment ?to person shall. daring such prottihtted time fish far, neteh, kill, buy, sell, or have in poo session any of ,hs kinris ,J fish mention ed above CHANCERY SITTINGS. datdrete to the Ck*aceller s'\aaceiles aHsaaae s ttteerly. - Wednesday, April 20. The spring sittings of the Court of Chancery began to -day before Mr. Chan- cellor Sptaigge. There were present at the opening the following preeminent barristers: James McLennan, Q. C., J. A. Boyd, Q. C., Charles Mn,ssToronto; A. O. Geoffrey, T. A. Ptirdon, London; -Smith, Port Hope; and Cameron, Holt, Darrow, Proudfoot, Malconisun, Seager, Davi- son, Wade, Dujde, Johnston and Morton of the local bar. Itnmediately after the formal opening Mr. W. E. Macara asked permission of the Chancellor to read: the following ad- dress from the local bar: - To the Honorable John Godfrey Spragge: In offering our warmest congratula- tions on your Lordship's recent appoint- ment to the Chief Justiceship 0 the Court 0 Appeal, the Members of the Huron Bar desire, on the occasion of this your last circuit visit se Chancellor, to express the gratitioation with which, in common with the whole profession, we regard your elevation to the highest position in the judicature of Ontario. The fine judicial dualities that have fur so many years (listinguiehe,l your dis- charge of the functions of CI:ancellor justify in an eminent degree your elevation to the Court 0 Appeal: and there is a confident expectation by the Profession that the same urbanity and kindly demeanor towards the Bar -the same patient hearing and considera- tion of matters in litigatiuu-the same lucidity of judgment and impartiality in', adjudication that have characterized you as (lhaucollor, will, with extended ea- penence a::d.vitil mental posers ye: un- impaired, accompany you to the higher tribunal over which you have been called to preside, and will lend further 'race and efficiency to a Judiciary already dis- tinguished for its leanting, its dignity, and its worth. In giving expression, however, to the dominant sentiment id the Profession throughout the Province; we do not con- chal that your ellvatiou to the Chief Seat in another and higher Court is not unmingled with considerable Pers ,iud regret. We cannot ignore the circum- stance that this is the last of your perio- dic visits to us en circuit, from which we have heretofnre derived to much pro$t- able instruction and pleasure; and that henceforth the. kindly and courteous intercourse with your Lutdship which has tended materially to encourage lour professional efforts and to smooth our labors must now cease, and- can be re- garded only as a memory 0 the ' past. The friendly relations of the Bench and the Bar, and their reciprocal obligations, are keenly appreciated by all classes 0 the community as conducive in a high decree to the hest interests 0, suitors, and to the administration of justice in its greatest purity ; and although the time has I• mg passed when any aggression on their respective prerogatives could be passively endured, it is now well under- stoodthat thepatient, kindly and courte- ous attitude ot the Bench, evoking as it invariably does the respectful find con- siderate demeanor of theIlar, aasiata ma- terially in the elucidation of platters in dispute and in the arrival at a prompt ansi righteous decision. In our profes- sional intercourse with your Lordship we have been constantly met with that spontaneous urbanity and tolerance of minor short -comings which, contained with firmness of decision, so admirably adorn the judicial character; and in tak- ing our respectful and affectionate leave, we offer the fervent prayer that your Lordship's life may he prolonged for the exercise 0 your administrative abilities in the Court 0 Appeal, and that health and vigor may enable you for many years to discharge yen- important functions with honor to yourself and advantage to our Country. Campbell: Emerald, Capt. Jas. S. Foote; N nrthern Belle. Capt. Dugald Taylor: Norther Queen. Capt. A. J. Camerm; the local steamers Wiarton Belle, Capt. E. Dunn: Jane miller, Capt. A. Port; Metamora. (apt. Gilbertson. Schooner Fellowcraft, Capt. Timothy Crowley. Batley Bros.. are building for Carring- t•wn & Casey, of Toledo. the largest sail vessel seer designed for the great lakes. Her dimensions are Length, 286 feet; over all. 2T8 feet; bean, 38 feet, and depth .d hold. 18 feet. The rowel will hove two centreboards, twenty -even and twewnty fire feet wide respectively; four bulkheads, and three kesisons, teen, Comdata sad twelve. Sac will have Ave to rk a fear eel than rigged fent and 4*, std the foamiesthare-rls[ed, after the style of the Nie n. vessel is maculated to take90, bushels of grain out .4 Toledo harbor, but could carry 140,000 with water Me will register ab..tit 1.000 tom, draw six feet light, and fourteen feet when Melded to 90,000 bushels The cost if her will be $76,Ann. ansi of her o t$s 9111 M t more, ,r $°0,000 The KLahress res nor Rin.•,. _ambling house of (*taw* has been meted by the police anti pr•eess teener, nosing. theism Prieto. Chancellor Spragge then made the following reply:. -- gr. Mantra and (iertlnmon of ;i,e (Lele- rich Bar : My warmest thanks are due to you for the address which you have done me the. honor to present to mo. I pray you tw accept them, and to believe that I re, ciprocate with all my heart the kind and cordial feelings which you have eerier - sed towards myself. i entirely agree with you that the friendly relations 4 the Bench and the Bar are conducive* in a high decree, to the beet intere nth of suitors, and to the pyre administration of justice. They have sprung up and have heen maintained without effect nn the part 0 either. They have hsitheir root in the feeling of courtesy, dee frown one gentleman to &ne.ther, and in .he feeling also on the part of the Bar that the Bench represents the majesty 0 th.• law, and is entitled, therefore, to de- ference and respect; and that deference anti re*per't have been' always accorded to me, red only for the arks of the posi- tion that i fill, but, it is meet gratifyr to me to find, with a personal rest and gond will that have found expres- sion in the very cordial *Meese that you present to me. it has been most grati- fyigg bo me in this my laetcircxit, to ree wove in other county towns similar marks of goodwill and kindly regard, and it has been above all thnr*a grstiq- itig to me to brut the setimationTin which this Court a now held, tken ' when in former times It wsa receive" with 1error end dt*SS. N is now re garded se a terror testy et, evil &meets ' e resirna r •,f w.nrtee o' 1 5* pn^:11^e'.„Ae vS•).e!in •.:y t t•- 'isru •`I rality than had previously beetle mined - end necessary in the dealings of mas- a higher standard, as Lord Hatherley has well expressed it, than the standard of the world. My intercourse witlt yon, gentlemen, has always been to ,1e a source of very sincere pleasure, and it is, therefore, with no small regret tbat I contemplate the discontinuance of my vieits to you on circuit; but to the end of nay life I wfll remember the kindly greeting, and the affectionate parents; words that you have addressed to the to- day. Allow me in return to wish and to pray for the Bar 0 Goderich profession - al prosperity and every personal andl social happiness and blessing: In con- clusion, allow ole to say that it is indeed a pleasure for ore to receive this address from the Bar 0 Huron County, through Mr. Macara, a friend of many years' standing•. The case* and their results will appear next week. List of Lleea.e. 1* be sawed West tiding Harem for 18414. Goeree n Town-(Am't 5125.) -Wm. Cox, British Exchange; Win. Craig, Ocean House: David Curry, Woodbine; Thus. Whitely, Western; Ed. Hosker, Maitland House: J. C. Martin, .Col- borne Hoose; James Bailey, Union House; J. W. Headrick, International; The Albion as. soon as it is finished and satisfactorily tenanted. SHOP LicxNsEs- Henry Cooks, • CIS.,. Grant, W. D. Shannon. CLIS'roN Ala't hotels $100.-M. Kelly, Raillt;ey ••House; P. McLaren, Queen's Huuae; I. Rattenbury, Rntten- hury,,House; J. Mere, Commercial: A. Kennedy, R••yal; Saml. Pike, Central; Geo. Swarth, Prince Wales -Nicholas Rohoon, shop Itemse, $150. W'INGH.(M-(Amt $1tN)_ )-Henry - Mc- Iraush, Exchange; Wm. Dulntage, Brunswick; Saud. Grigg, Royal; W J. Blatchford. Queens; W. J. McCutcheon, Central; R. P. Simmons, British; Jn. Dineley, Ditwley House; Shops- J. Hul_lett, H. A. Black. VILLAGE OF 13LyTH-;Amount r5) -- David Irwin, J. Hawksllaw, R. Brown- lee, .1. Emigh. -shop license, L Thorne. W. WAwANoage-(Amount $60)- Jno. Lougheed, Thoa Nicholsr.u, Donnybrook, if properly tenanted. E. WawAxoq t-(Amnount00O)-Simon Merrifield, Bcl,grave; Wee Wiley,White- church. TUraNIIEE%Y-(Amount $60; -Robert Kerr, three menthe. • HUM Err -(Amount $ti0) -.Tro. Bell, LLondesborough. CotBORNa-(Amount $U)-1. ,Mar- tin, Wm. Lasham, for thisyear only: W. Dixon. J. .1. Wright, M. A. Jones, Isaac Martin, three months; Jonathan Miller. AsHrIsLD-(Amount $00)-A: Young, pintail; R. H. Deicing, Port Albert; J. Martin, Dungannon; Thee. Smiley, do. Hotel keepers iia this Riding not allowed to have billiard tables on or adjoining their premises. Gi'WW. Atte urn HEAVY TaSM.--Robt- Mar- tin has a span of colts rising three years old which weight 2.740 lbs. His young heavy draught stallion ager} 1 year and 10 months weighed 1,550 lbs., a gain of 210 Lie. since Mr. Martin purclasod hint 5 months ago. SUDDEN DEATIL-John Livingston 0 lot 3, con. 9, died last Saturday rather unexpectedly at the early age of 44 yearn and six months, Mr. Livingston halt been ailing for the past two years, his comlalaint being aathna, no one seemed to think death was so near, however. A wife, four daughters and one sea remain to mourn his less. The re -opening servit- n hole^ us Whit - field's Church ltsst Sabbath peas d off very successfully. Me c.eogsegetions were large and, very attea.ti,e. The church is greatly itupreves?. the seats, pulpit and wood work aro nes painted the walls kalsominedt, the witiduwa frost- ed, the choir• platform arr'awged different- ly and the whole aspect 0 the building presents an inviting ajppearaace. The work was done try tYna Reddick, of Brussels, and has given satisfaction to the trustees. A pleasant time was spent m Moniay eveaing at. a alusi(al and literary entertainment. - tastama nesse, MAT,ttuoNIAT. ANKO(rst:lIKKNT. -Ladies married or single, but particularly those oontetnplating matruaatsy, will do . well to call at R. I3. Smith's and ats their magnificent stock of faoey dress Bonds , with trimming to iwstcb, also various shades in kid eleven ribbons, laces, per &sols. &c., from the lamest in price to the very bed quality. Aa mud that we. can help you in this platter, mad butt week's SloeAL Bowmanvilles, Ont. Varela 22, M. Whereas certain parties in the town of Seaforth are twlvetrieing swirl offever.g fes sats (h;aha seep Piamea haariug one mow We hereby give netu:e that gait* parties have no authority whatever frog W to sell our ictatrawisr:ta and Road t advise all in purchasers to dent with Kamm Wailit, 8eshr le, who are our owly aatharasad agent* to and tier the County of Huron 1)nenurow f ao a,s f tet , , • Jorge wa*Llft Reety • The Neetton tor reeve a$ f smllingw.rest j F ill the t►Me. If Mr Hnu" ' 1 • . .r r 1...