The Brussels Post, 1967-02-02, Page 6WI-PA` PAY A ,HIGH RATE ? LET US DO YOUR INCOME TAX AT REASONABLE RATES itmis.IALa vow oNTAtAtO ,*e'titi) 11147 ^.7•Kvok,r . •11,144. 40,10.10.1. .011.010 Malb...01,100401..11011 NEW HAZARD WITH LIQUID MANURE New i hoati and techniques sometimes t ring now problems Tins has occurred with the new new systent (If It:twang liqUid manure. patieular1y iu hog barns, at a0,1„tee to Hal - Wright, Farm Safety Sperialist- war the Oat- - ario Department of Agriculture tine Food. . • Liquid manure storage results in the production of various gas-- t•s produeed by bacteria that do not require oxygen. The gases aro menthane. carbon dioxide, anion- - ra, and hydrogen sulfide. The ere,ence of these gases- present three serous safety hazards; tli An environment wit-bout oxygen, (2) The presence of ex- plosive gases. and CI) The pres- t-nee of posionous gases. Methane is colorless, odorless, or 5 to 14 percent by volume with air is highly explosive. Hydrogen sulfide has a chant- ••cteristic smell of rotten eggs, ,s an extreluely polsouoUs g' is and, and -lighter WWI. WI', It 1/41,111i rtatit13 mid in - -t.:viteentrallea knue‘nitrations more Ulan outs tenth. of 1 perveut can catiso serious disabillly or twee 40atin uarbou dioxide Is a colorless gas with Lt - _Ealul, pungent smell. and a s4iglitly acid- taste and is one and -half times heavier L1L;ua air. Antonia is a Coleness. alkaline ;tit , lighter titan air with a ellaracteristic pungent _ odor. Since these gases have differ- ent characteristics the following safety precautions should be taken:- - 1. Do not enter a liquid manure tank that is being emptied, unless you have a special breathing apparatus. In addition, a rope should be tied around the waist and held by It person outside the danger area so that if the person is overcome by the poisonous gases or from lack of oxygen he May be pulled to safety without his rescurers also being over- come. - 2. If an operator does feel faint get him out into the fresh alt and give artlivial respirauou ti quired. - se poi tilde . [:suit, -to expei the carbon dioxide and patsine_ tilts gases -101a replace theta - the nogen iii tilt[ li.e(hice possible . danger to livestock by using- a. twu•way fan - system of ventilation. • Thu small fan should operate - continuously while the larger one is vontrulltel 1)y a tht'rinestat, 5. lust-all ladders with safety ' rungs - int all its.' ill an vinvrgency. HURON FARMER FtNEL) AeliMAt. NEGLECT t:111L11,1 14 ILIr, a euw, N"b "li" V iv kW. Ai °Mitt} Ill IllagistrIxte's - court in ttota..ratli UIIU fared tie. Magistrate (lieu flays told Mvlbourite IC. XleVittie, Jett 3, Myth. lit was imposing a anniatal tine only because hu felt MOIL- tie had suffered financluilly after semure of his cattle by the Ont- ario Humane Society May 13. - MeVittie pleaded not guilty to the charge. A second charge of neglect of a herd of cattle was withdraWn by Crown At- torney W. G. Cochrane. Sydney W. 13one - of London, - OliktUi..W.1.444414. 044 a.iu told 010 I urfil it •aol f. 4ly-0(W) uil vow, . it Luuna 0.01er walatritielli 1•.:Ititt MI ttanit; tut -a 41--• via to .130- fe Law.. • .or. it as accomeanied.- . .+t wr.:•..rititi, and OPP coil- staii.va Twuddle of 094- 11[11 and a. h.. /*WI i ut ‘VIIIghitilk. i ft,. lt . illit lifll 1/1'. Hold Null the eta- MU) atm duriag Li April 21. v., I Meeting iliemstra was the lia,tc.aa jar the COW, Mrs. Jim tia I, a s et)-110S teSS. lit' I!! ;0210 period • was in tliargt• td. Mrs. Carl McDonald. Mrs. Alex Pearson presented the teaic. The business was conducted 1y •t Aiil,rs.;11'.Colutie:ter Narl, president% Mist- Donis Hanna, assistant si.cretztry, read the minutes of hue previous meeting. "The first ell-lurch of your childhood" was git eti in roll call response. GLENN RON NENBERG INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Contact Us Tuesdays and Fridays PHONE 65 • BRUSSELS, ONT. ,..aufarf.112r:Mu=siliriatissareClitar- S.2.4117,4...cestlikkalawc.FA: "I like this armchair banking" Banking by mail saves time, travel and park- ing problems for customers of a chartered bank. It's one of many ways your local branch helps make modern banking so simple, so convenient. From your own arm- chair, you command nearly the full range of bank services. You can send deposits, make withdrawals, transfer funds . . . or handle almost any other banking busi- ness, including some types of loans. Special mailing forms are available. There are no extra bank charges. At home or away, you can count on prompt, personal attention to all your banking needs. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Through 3,650 branches, all across Canada,. the chartered banks bring fidl-range banking within the reach of everyone-.