HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-02-02, Page 4401.armwn used (:,0111 422wj ; WANTED --- Would like to buy brooder stove. John Per 110 • BRUSSELS FIGURE SK.A.TlNG CLUB PRESENTS VALENTINE DESSERT EUCHRE In The 1.0.0.F. Lodge 'Room WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th At: ,1:30 pan uno. r the auspices ei ielorning Star Rebekah Lodge All Ladies Welcome Admission" 50e . CARD PARTY. In. The 1.0..O.F. Lodge Room WEDNESDAY, FEB.' 15th • 8;30; P.M. Proceeds for C.P.T. Fund Everyone Welcome This Message Brought to You As a Public Service "ONTARIO'S SILVER AND BLACK FLEET" 711)4 In3.11F4004 POST 1.310.;.3.6F241,,S, .Wv--It.i.ZUgter-7z74€42'4-Zeff -.-4411rSga' EUCHRE PARTY BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6th At 8:30 Admtesion :J0c Prizes Lunch Served Sponsored By Majestic Women's Institute EVERYONE WELCOME L.CV,". The meeting was opened -by Mrs. Semi Mete.ean with the theme • ".Kept by the Power of .God." Mrs. Ted Fear read the script- tire, Psalm 121. A balance of $1162.70 was.' reported by the .treastirer, Mrs. Allan Mc:Taggart, Reports of the work of the past yeae were presented by cone mitee convenors. Minutes of the previous meeting were react by Mrs. Charles Harrsion. 14 memle ed, responded 'to roll call with the paement of fees. There were four •guests present. Moncriele-i UCW 1967 Are Installed MONCRIEFF The fiext. meeting will be held on PoletuarY 10th., the World Day of Prayer, diction le- 111r. Higginbotham. IJCW 1967 Offieers. President, Mrs. Scott McLean; vice-pres i dent. Mrs, Jack Cox; secretary, Mrs. Orval Harrison; treasurer, Mrs. Allan McTaggart; representative on official board. Mrs. Scott MeLean; representa- tive on board of Stewards, Mrs. Joe Smith' commenity and friendship. Aire, Archie Mann. Christian end citizenship, Mrs. Don Armstrong; finance and stewardship, Mrs. Clarence Den- pie: program and literaltire, Mrs. Tilts Dilworth; supply and press, Mee :dark Tlal nominations, T. Smith; pianist. MrS. messengers, MrS. Ron McLean, card committee. Mrs. Orvcil Mrs. Scott Meteen. APPLICATIONS WANTED — APPlieatious nye requested for • earetakor of Brussels Pnited Church, to be In by Pehruery 20. Appliceets to contact; .1, Cardiff, Treasurer N 0 T .1 C E Pioneer Chain Sew, serial -number :i2s.12, on which is owing $52.00 for teeters, will be sold by nuction at Ilrusscls Sales Ilarn on February 17, 1067. Themas.Garniss SALES HELP WANTED MALE Earn up to $50 a, week or more full or port time selling Raw- leigh Products. ('rood opportunity for retired men. Write Rawleigh, Dept. 13-152-6, te10e Richelieu St.. et. IIn rrv, el entreat. NOTICE Oil County Wheat -Producers will hold their Annual Meeting in the Agricultural Board Rooms, Low, February Me at 1.:10 p.m. da s H. Shen or tee:linen, guest spot'. ker. Sec.-Trens, earl TIontingway. PC SALE — To support the Ontario Apple Promotion Plan Stratychuk Orchards are specialling Cort- lan(i. apples I fancy grade) for the month of 'P'ebreary, We also have i\fclutosh. Spy, and Delicious apples priced according' to grade. Only the safest sprays have been used by us. No DDT or arsenate of lead used in the -past n years. APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will be receiVen by the undersigned up to .Feber- ery 4th, 1067 for the position of Secretary - Treasurer of the Brussels, Agricultural Society. Applicants to state salary axe pected. Any application not ilecee- sarily accepted. Donald. McDonald, President, Brussels Agricultural Society, RR 2, trnseel.e. DEAD STOCK ATWOOD PET SUPPLIES under new management GARNET SMITH servrce tnd better price°. Paid on the spot for dead or disabled cows We are he'e to give you fatter and horses. $5.00 and up fOr any animal weighing over 706 according to size and condition. Smatter animate plCked up ff.. Also free veterinary Inspectleinti Call collect ATWOOD 356-2622 24 hours a day — 7 days a waelt Lie. No. 401445 GENTLEMEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS Did ye hue your nugget (01 Robbie burns Night and did yea curling? The three SCUM 10 ..,“) together although the devil ite vented curling. Shortly after the fall of the Tower of We [lever get haggis ;round here because it ire to ceeked in a lamb',, stomach. Thompsen and Dec'ke'r buy their lambs ill YieW Zila . • By -the tent' ;hey get. around the limit etei throaeh the .Penante ('anal they ore either old owos or old teens Si) they veil it Milli all, I laggiS in :41:WOWS liver. heart and linens mixed with outeuell, booze and biecuit. It seems to be flavoured with cinnamon. Then put 10 ii s1ie,'1 ,',1 stomach. or 0 cow's, and boiled. or steamed. I don't like it. Some- times I think they throw tin oet pair of kilie• ill, it also n pail' of: spats. Burns was e boozer, nn alco- holic.. He was lazy, The best thing a heel him, was that he had a way with women. He had i\lary rind Jean. When he wanted a clung(' he said (sell-r-ri Vin goon awn. Anima ..ye • ken. Tic would leave a poem, dedicated to • tne one the. left and she was satisfiedell • was lazy because. be was in. an aims hoose when hot yet 40. He was a bum. He Would go' down to a, hon.- spiel and or course they had 'a, liquor license. The enders Woad buy him a scotch anti soda to bear' hire give 'a toast. If„olding up his scotch. lie would say, my name is. Robbie Burns. I'm a Scotsman thee and thee. You ask the will I hat; another.? Well I don't Mind. if I. do. The one -Hike best. - Late in last November as near as I remember, I was walking up the 'street in manly pride When my heart went all aflutter and l fell into the gutter, and a. pig came by and laid down by my side. As I laid there in this gutter with my heart all in a. flutter a lady passing by, was heard to soy, You can tell a man that boozes by the company that. he chooses and the pig got up and proudly walked away. ti 1 hears .her huller rretty bold and flirty. • it. myself, Hit, the energ-y tet)•rt ith tilt. brt)01I1S. At 'Mince VOCII elealler,, t Tel, Olin' for tip and one cn. They sweep the ice till re s ills any left. If they worked lti .0 home (hey would 1 hi spit al. Soinet Imes trite .'41 0 PriVP, A . bottle of Hefner. blenket. total cost '4.00 y pry ten for a Imby sitter, ter eco,teh and eie for meals iii is iP,ntl vc.orth of gas. The rinks (liam.!;0(1 somewhat, in (Li y at t.aat end was al peal. rronzon solid in the ice, .'e ill.,) time a terrible epidemic enetel end it wes simply the BON'. et: Year bele A wealthy' Scot, the Ileke , -tray!, , eut up scratch- terete all ever Sewell:id. ween you hear someone e, Teri it lousy curler. you know v.there tit eepression originated. It 1`reliia hi to Scotland ir • rr Irmtrtt or cricket players free, old Louden. 'Whenever an visris another coun- try h' el wars leaves something, t kes away ten times more. ii' it•,-,..tt smallpox. scarlet r. .earlinee, pneumonia, she erow4,. Shakespeare. The Gentlemmes Club will bet' cheted all tiny Thursday, March, irth Its We Want to go' to, Prank Steiiet"e stile, On March 17 the t•oatcauito Committee Will pres, tit on Irish concert, I guarantee this show, to he a good one. We linve already booked some out-, SICIO taiont. ['lease keep this date .-; mind. Robbie Burns and kill 11:e frien(1s. With all his faults he \Yo:, the greatest of poets.- Veber,. •could you bent Flow Gent., ly t,I,weet Afton? Long may your MVP "Robbie" and may tt; always be fl sheet) avail- eble for haggis. May the bag- pipes and the bonnier always be with us and Ins( but not lease when we .get dry may we always he able te. buy a bottle of Robbie Poltus, u cltrr' Monday night, rob, 6, (lehilemen against, the hated Leeion, Come and play Whether' ,etii beton e; to either or not. TriSit, encore St. T'atriclesi Day. Truthfully Yourfl, C 0 it 0 R A A." SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 P.M. Si LOCAL SKATERS GUEST SKATERS CLUB PROFESSIONAL — MRS. FAYE AllcDONALD Admission — Adults 7bc Children 50c (Pre-School Chlidren FREEt DRAW TO BE HELD Watch for Further Announcement doggimaigighogitimgWed,,,,,,,a1..4:),Ant,w;sk Mrs. J a IIWS 1:11111 WilS tee The uttering was received and the hestees tor theeloncrieti the meeting closed with bone- The (txecutive members were installed by the Rev,. Arthur • 'teen f I n ; Higginbotham. They are, Mrs. Jem es ma im m rs. Mack Cox, .:111e.e. Orval Harrison, • eFsistent Mrs. james Mrs. Allan Mt:Taggart and. Mr's. ,i,;1 use Scott McLean,: Tterrie REMEMBER, YOU NEED MORE ROOM! Leave bit of room between your car and the one ahead — you'll need OXtrci stopping space under winter conditions: Wintertime the time when rood courtesy is most essential—give the otbee *Nen a breold Snowbanks or drifting snow may conconl *died •nehicItos, hidden cirivewayt, Irdoromitona feat tsar ' Mem Curling in Robblete day was en- tirely different and much hettetr. NO W011101. Women stayed at borne and looked after the bairns, cooked the 'haggis and repaired T. K V- ibe haepines, Now leek at the bold luissieS. Tile ether day at the rink f heard one lady yell at her rOl'f;01. (0 attend the team mate to "Knoelt his (lain three Q110 parties ibis month.