HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-02-02, Page 1POST puausiniNG Tit FEE,. :!od, 1.11117 THE BAITSSaLS POST, 11,8,44„. Welf144k.' A YOU ARE. REQUESTED. TO ATTEND A GENERAL MEETING Tlwre Will hi• a (lens ral iw.>: of all iiival11),,N c,i I ' and Centennial coin. mittecs, the business num, anti all other citizen, on Friday, Vol). rm.ry aril. in. the basement of :John's Anglican Churt'h 11 s oeli is important, HURON COUNTY JUNIOR FARMERS TO HOLD FUN NIGHT, ANNUAL MEETING The I-Ittron County junior Farmers mot in 11w Agricultural hoard Rooms, Clinton, on Jan- . nary ':5th, with the president, l•iob Fotheringham in the chair. Don Pullen presented onite favourable 'financial statement. Donald Young outlined plans for Drarma Festival which, wil! be held in conjunction with the A gri ( urn! Conferenc e at Olin., ton, Friday evening, Mareh Vitt- Seaforth ,Tumor Farmers and. Clinton Jtintor Fanners will ho presetting plays at this time, The TT_ T. Baker Meeting Improve. merit Trophy, ether awards will, he given at thiS time, The designing of the sweater contest was extended to March 15th. Any .Tunior Farmer Member Who has ideas for this sweater is asked to send them to Mr. Bob Fothoringnam. Sea.forth, prior to ibis date. The color of the sweater and crest may also he included- Murray- hoover reported that the Curling flonspiel was a emu., plete success. The flowling Tour- nament held in Clinton in Dec- ember was also very successful acoordhig to Gordon Goss who was in chari2;e or the tournaMent, Eight members were chosen to re- present. the County in the Inter- County competition. Congratulations were extended, to the Huron County Girls Trio ic ems sl tug of Sharon Strong, Than Sinclair and Christine pryce, who Won their competition in Toronto on ,Innuary 7th. The. Juniors deemed to extend their Centennial Sign Project until the end of 10117. AnY nitnli- lied fa rill owner who hag it Ot 111 led for a Centennial Sign may still obtain one at the cost of $5.00 by contorting Donald Mc- Kercher. Seaforn. Tom Cnnninghani was namod Junior Director to the "Federation of Agriculture. .Iamieson Rthey thanked for Colinty for giving him the op- portunity or altendimr, the Effect- ive Sonaliing Course v'hieb was 1101 11 11 Phr -rtirrcat.r? 1 a St illralth .Tonics are requested to attend the Min Night and. Annual ing in 11w Belgrave Arena on :Friday. Febriv,ty 111(1 next Meeting w'hl l,I, held rebtitrut 22ntt . • PLANS MADE FOR ,,coLoRANIA". • A meeting • of..the. executive of Ilrussols . Figure Skating c1z -,11, and mothers of skaters, was the Frio,sels Library on. min ry rah with 'M rs. Cecil • ;iding, The. secretary's report and. tinalwitil statement was given. by :Mrs. L. Rernaghan. Pilo- one skaters are registered club : This season. Plans were Made for the Ice to be beld'.en • February P.-It h. commit tees chosen art' under direction of the Carnival Con- 1•,,';ot', 'M rs, tit QVc art r:owe. '0 ,,corAing.: Alt H, Borden Steph- enson. oqtion es : Mrs. 14°Nya rd. Bel'- rd, Mrs, (lleorge Mutter, ('barbs Thomas, 'Airs. Jack -Mc- Whirt or Dressing Rooms: (1) Mrs. Frank A100( k Mrs, George Whe- plo t % (2) Mrs. Iva a Campbell, Mrs.;, Cordon Workman "Ti's, Dorothy Brown. Mrs, ,t ,t10. Gibson Skaters' Lineup: 'Mrs, George Elliott, Mrs, L, Kernaghan Financial Report Up To Jan. 26th, 1967 Expf.'"nses nrits,:•els Rec. Club, lee rental $1,08.00 "russeis Roc, 'Club, inAructor's salary 300,00 tees, Ottawa .... 25.00 Credits •,1i.aters.' fees ,,,,,, „„ $48:5,00 Pro ,eeds from sale chocolates ,7c6.20 PEOPLE WE KNOW Mcs, Ed. Pollard was visiting fr;endE in Cialt. !'Ir. atm Mrs. Wilbur TUrnbull, -,.:ftionine. in Florida. \('heeler Rintottl, 1 Galt, had s-were: heart attack and iS con- fined to the Galt General Pies- • Wilbee Was given a so ,."Pts.o birtbdo , party at the: b.WP'' of r. and Mrs. -Kenneth were present from 4 ale. -''if 11-Fadden re a patient in Hosplal recuperating • heart Mc• ,'-mon Wes shrivelling snow On • evertin,ir when the at t oh rr!,1 Becker is back in ItospiRil again, the. tile's'- in .s-ven weeks, She ir,flerwout surgey a week ago. V .F• hone when she gets hack lion this time it Will he for the r".:( ihe centennial ;Year, with! ..,oeb health. • ,I. in,•,•1•1;1.0, t (me'res't to attend the ihrt•T ofurd PattioFt thb Month. cgy TWP. PLANS cENTENNiAL CELEBRATION A well tatended meeting was held al the Ethel Community Centro on Wednesday mght, Olia ries Thomas, chain:nal] Of the Cent Qtlaia 1 Comittee, was chair/Man and Edythe Cardiff •.•as appointed secretary. A "Rig Day" is planned for Saturday, June 171.11, to be held h el. A Committee W a with Iwo members c0111,111 11 11 ty. Committee: Ethel - John Conley, chpster Earl .:\foncrieff Ronald Th.' Lean, Orva rrison nbrool; ErunTi. Smith, 711rs 1lar' Macintosh Molesworth --••, David Simpson. Mrs. 'Robert ltremner tamestown Max Demaray Mrs. Archie ,Tacklin ]]''algae • • Roe TIonston, 7Trs. .Tan van Vliet •.• • Soh-committee§ will he appoint- -A by the central Committee. 'Edythe Pardiff Seeretarv. • VOTE FOR YOUR ' CENTENNIAL QUEEN Six young ladies, whose names were drawn from the Centennial Queen box, are in the contest to reign as Queen of the BrusSels Centennial activities. They are: Misses Dianne Fischer, daughter of ,Mr, and Cliar10$ Fischer: Linda Lowe, daught or of Mr. ancl-Mr',. Stewart 1.owe; Karen Mutter. daughter or. and Mrs, George Mutter; Anne LoWe, daughter of sir, and Mrs. .Tack LOWe; Lin Dellow, clime:bier of Mr, and to ll' and Marten(' Smith, i'qr,gliter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith. With every $o,00 purchase you make. at Brussels stores von are entitled to one vote. Ask for an official ballot and name the young lady you choose to support for yeur Centennial Oncen, if you do not km.w any of these contestants you ran see their pictures on display in the window or the Baeker and Thompson M (1I1 t Market.. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Purton Prior wish to announce the wedding of their daughter. Susan Atnelia, to Mr. (roialon L, Jacklin, son of ATI% and Mrs. Lanrence .Tacklin. RR Prin.:sets. on February 18th, 1967, in St. Ambrose, Catholic. Chutch. Pro ,:qels. rint. r'T Itarr"; :017 'POUSSF-1..9 P NTS 80 YEARS, AND OVER., WANTEE1) names of Brussels resi- dent a who are eighty years of age and over are 1•00110o.ed 1.1!,7 C'crit “nnin Ccrirmittee. nive the 41,110(,-, or these neeple it r"? ),onch M','; POI% Horticultural Society 1967 Officers .111111W President ,,,,,,, Mrs, George Trhpeicsr Airs Boss Bennett "ud Vice Mr, A. Knight, see,-Treas. ..... Mrs, Earl Ondmore Pianist "Mee. Walter Kerr `Mlitors Mrs. .Tohn Speir, Mrs, Gee, \rk 'year Directors: Mrs, Ti. Hertrenglvay, Mrs. 77. A. Pqnn. Miss Mae Skelton, Mrs, '"no, 'miler, Mrs. T., Frain. Year Direr1ors: Mrs. George Michie, Mrs. F, Shaw, Mrs, L. McCutchoon, Mrs. Perrie, Mrs. Allan McCall. 'Mrs. James Armstrong moved ri,is slate of officers be elected, seconded by' Mrs, C', 'Dunbar, r.vieet. Mr Knight gave ttio News Letter. ..Irs„lohn Kelly won the door TI''' spring list will be prepared • oild will list mums lite‹ed plaits, gladilorts, ilint other plants. bases will not ne/Isiod this year, Knght reported on nark tables, Mrs. nemingway thank- ed the members for their support during her term of office and welotned the new president, Mrs, Wheeler moved a vote of thanks tt, Mrs. :Hemingway. The Queen closed the meeting T.nneb was served by Mrs. rrain, Mrs. D. ITemingway, Mrs Dunbt!r and Mrs, R Cudmore. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE 'rho world tiny of Prayer ';s't'yle , for 1967 will he held in Prossels Pnited Church on Fri- day. afternoon. February '10th. at n'el epic,nth o rs from the, i. chnrchos of the virinvo will take part, This service will he, Thinlicated hi hundreds of 01'ntreS, • ''out,'.] the world on this dry )',very -woman in the ommornits, te thr MINOR HOCKEY DAY A HOWLING SUCCESS wi,‘11(i,„i the 30, [he Bromic.d.s. MN, and to t.;:!T• II,.e minor :ozccest.3. hi.,11:i,.111 oc day was the raw' game ,-u night, The Minor Hockey .All-stars nipped ii'' reakmnial Oldthners by a —iir.• t AR six goals serrod by the .\ll-stars, in the Nom the 01(1011)01'4, came as or luck and tlreindine on p;,ri of the rofor,i , and his o-sist a nt s. Towover, !ht' goals s-orod by the Oldlimers. in. the, 00ninion of th,• OP:Hinters, were. (•\,•cuted ploys of 110,7;py prow(.;•!:4. There ',vas at 10-1.41 ten MOTO goak wired by the' due to 0 niNlinder- :•{0tidinu: wit)) the roreree they we're disallowed, There to bo some eon- fusion among'• the officials and feseentive MOM 1101.8 fie to Which h , 01H lit ' ,-..c•oro -favoured. porhnps next week the ton ]]Pets:: will be str!ightened out as 10 just who won the game, 'We hope next year to repeat this game with maybe a better rt-eilt for the Old thrterS. If you missed this gaine then ask some of yoor friends who w.ore there and [hey will delight, Y(..11 with the many incidr'nts the I occurr..d. If you were at the sane,V,"f, (;n1'1 pbreciitte your or bath Simply write to the und!'rgui'd decribing how ,,ou think Eno g-ame next year could lit' Improved, would like to thank all those. who attended the games and all these who couldn't attend who -Tot their admission fee anyway. The biggest thanks 'must go to the volunteer workers who belt'( d out (1,10'!.r, the day and special thanks t." those brave ztrul funny lePows on the °Minn' vs who dressed up in 1111 -41" ritliculdin 4411'41os and brought a little laughter to Tirussels. To all these I have loft or.t, *0 ;toil 0...7nktt. Minor Hockey .Ga..trie Results: Squirt Game flrm,srls PeigraVe. t'irst Period -Bernie '11:.tnin4 (nitsti, D. Thompson) 1*Zt•wr Cousi ns) nono reriod ri•re.2,:•1;,:„ P0n1 Miltter (Mc- Cutchemn Pelvcave, David Dunbar on Cloal llelnrave 11 P s•Ir., • 1 '1. 1 15,110,1 7111 f,-, -1 I t; ;Au iji?!,,,,! .01 haetk a pimillt PC1 From each The society tuts learned they aro to ;.)urchase , 1 Royalty Crab trees. Pauline and Miss Yonne Peclitcheon ontertined with tw o much appreciated triusical Waal- !.,c.rs. CPeOrr4e McCulchoon, ,.reest speaker or the evening', showed slides of 0 trip lo Gali- rc.rllia and Florida, -Mrs. PI f'ad- Hui ed Mr Mont t eon Nnr, the girls and n1sonl(',1 each small gift. no nominating report was as I;e0r.,_te ‘Vht,eler was elected President of the rrussols ;Ind District itortimilturul 50,4ety I at • the Jainuary nweting • Mrs, C. llonlingway, retiring presidc.ki. opening I with '()•• C.iinti(la. 'The minutes, the l'reasturer's report -followed, annual 'Treasurer's rc-port sini\%'tql at tlxp••inliiiire or :i.4 11.00. Tho ••:,r .with r bnlance or .?no.on ('sir t.,,sooilit-noo watt roail