HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-01-26, Page 6First Show 7:15 Admittance restricted tuC ptirsJos Isisssz.22-aus.stAstassattiassaseassatisaaa—„....t.,sais.t: second Show 9:25 18 years and over WED Baussas Poe BROSSALS, (*TAW° iratIRSDAY, TAN. 26th, 1.067 •••••••millar••••••••••••••••,••••. .11.04.•••• ""a111..4111.11."0111 11w 'Wrkirsiz-"'daliWP"111111 CAPITOL THEATRE Listowel, Ontario MON. TUES. WED. THURS. JAN , 30, 31 FEB. 1 - 2 "Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton" in The Smash Broadway Hit kaki of V i This is a shocking -- yet fascinating drama starring Elizabeth Taylor in a role which many people believe comes close to revealing her true character. grant sa:,..13.,w.c.le trAliMMANCOVI...*141N.: By TRACY S. LUDINGTON Kipling was wrong! East is east, and west is west — and the. twain DO meet, from April ,Z8 to October 27 at E.4o '07 In igontreal. Peoples from. the four corners of the the earth, and from more than 70. different nations are be- ing gathered for this extrava- ganza and they are bringing their 1967 ANNUAL MEETING Wingham and District Hospital Association The 1967 Annual Meeting of the Wingham and District Hospital Association will be held Friday, March. 3rd. This date is approxim- ately one month later than in former years. The change, to facilitate completion of year end hospital. business, was authorized by the Board of Directors at its regular meeting on January 13th, Further and clue notice of the 1967 Annual. Meeting on March 3rd Swill be published in this newspaper according to the Hospital By- Laws. R. B, Cousins, John Strong Chairman, Secretary. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the purchase of the agricultural barn at Wingham District, High School will be recs. eived by the undersigned up to 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9th, 1967. Barn is 30 by 50 feet, of ceniet block constritution, 11/s storeys, with asphalt tile hip roof and two overhead garage doors. Barn is 30 by 50 feet, of cement taken down, but in either case must be removed from the school, property on or before April 1st,. 1967. interested parties may see this building by contacting Mr. Elmer Walker at the Wingham District High School. Highest or any tender not neces Sally accepted. A. J. WORRALL, Box 400. Teeswater, Chairman, Property Com. WANTED — Home typing of letters, state- ments, envelopes, etc. Prompt service and reasonable rates. Hazel Sparling Phone 89J1 Wroxeter customs, mature and their pro- ducts, A trip to these countries would be more costlY, more bother- 80/110 and take a great, deal of more time, but probably couldn't provide anything more in the way of a glowing picture of life as it is today artmul the globe, than the national exhibits that will he on display at Expo '67. No other world exhibition has ever included so many pa rticipitt- lag nations. Just imagine some of the things yott will see at Expo '67 '— paintings and tapestries from Belgium, for example or some of the wonderful specimens of firearms, veritable collectors items, for which this country is so lamous; crystal works of Val St. Liiniacrt; the Bolshoi Opera, LaSealla Opera, the $2,500,000 fantasy Gyrotron ride; the 38 intissite sculptures commissioned especially for Expo and a thou- sand and one other items to be seen nowhere else in the world: ' There will be Means aplenty :from Britain, France, Morocco, the Netherlands, Austria, Vene- ziueia, Israel; Iran, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, China, Japan, Italy, Ireland, Russia, India. And not only the larger coun- tries are partactpaung. Check off Malaysia, Ceylon, Jamacia, Monaco, Switzerland, Columbia, Thailand, Ethiopia, Argentina for a few more. And this isn't half. We blight also list the 'German Federalist Republic, Trinidad and. Tobago, the Ivory Coast, the titer Oita, Lite Republic of Chad, the Congo and BarbaroeSi and still not be finished. Ana we haven't mentioned the United States of America yet, with a pavilion right next to the Russinhs. And iii ail their exhibits; the 70-odd nations of the world eXhi• biting at Expo 67 are revealing as 11111011 as possible of their, customs and products and cul- ture, their history and geography. This is one reason why chil- dren will find a visit to Expo so very valuable. 'Kipling, we said at the outset, wns wrong When he prophesied that east and west WOtildtatt meet; but lie was right when he wrote shout. "the female of the species." Women who travel and those who wish they could will en- joy wandering through the pa- vilions of the many nations at J.x po '07. The non-commercial exhibits will exhude the atmosphere of the countries they represent. And there will be food, remem- ber, just like mother thinks she used to make and mother won't have to wash the dishes. And if milady lutS a desire to shop that trill he made easy tts Well. and in the ninny shop- ping plazas she will find limns she couldn't pick up anywhere eke in America, and that's say- ing something. Tracy • S. ;Ludington,. EXPO. at .7005. . Kildare • Road, Mont,' real 30,• FARM RECORD BOOKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE The Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food is making 1967 record keeping easer for even the most specialized farmer. .the, Department has printed two types of farm record books plus an, Hdditional ledger for the home. maker. Previously, this record book was Only geared to livestock producers. While the familiar Publication. 540, Livestmk and i.'encral Farming, is still avail- able, Publication 284, E,Orticulture and Cash Crops, has been devel- oped, Because each of these clearly ilustrates how the farmer's, ,lusinei-',8 is develOping, such a record also makes credit easier to obtain and income tax easier to assess.. Both publications pro- vide for Canada Pension Plan payments and the new Uuem- ployment Insurance that starts In April — While the Horticultural and -Cash Crops edition also pro vides a much needed labor section for the short time and full-time employment data. Per- haps the most unique feature. however, is that Publicatioas 540 and 2:84 have been designed for computer analysis. That is, farmer's keeping their business records in these books can have them analyzed and compared; with low and high income farm; enterprises free of charge at the year's end by sending the books to the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege. The three Publications are 'available at Agriculture Repro, sentatives' Office now. FOR SALE — Set of cupboards, approxim- ately 7 feet iu length, glass slid- ing doors. Suitable for office or kitchen. Call 247 FOR SALE — Oil furnace rn good condition, complete with electriCal controls, z00-gal. tank, arid dUct work. May be seen ih the agricultural barn at Wingham District High Schad]; where further information as to price, etc., Will be available. Health Tips from the Canadian, Medical Association CARE OF THE EYES Imeortant factors in care of the eyes are kaowledge of what is likely to damage tbein and ability to recognize symptoms of eye disease, the Canadian "Medical Association reports Just as it is necessary for any- one working in a plant or shop where fragments or material are flying around to 'wear pro- tective goggles, it is equally im- portant to take precautions when similar conditions ptevail when working arounil home or farm. One common cause of eye injury is in the use of a ban:liner and punch or cold chisel, When a sharp fragment from the head of syesintoottheyeeeyine: thew hammer jerilia• nrriyaycarul jury can. be avoided, eye disease may develop without one knowing there is anything wrong, One ex• ample of this is glaucoma. in WESTERN SINGER wiTH A SCOTTISH ACCENT Scottish singer-accordionSt John- ny 'Forrest is the new face on Don Mossor's Jubilee, the popular 1V'I.1IC it eye' pressure, beconies now. i fie U.,11.A., suggests it is: In-0.01U of or to have eye preJsure checked by their Junin) physician. er an opthal-" 11.10.0 ;4,1;4 my o physician). In the care et childrea s eyes it is only common sense that sling shots, air ritles and bows "aid arams mast be kept from youltiers until they are old Lo handle them safely. i'areuts should be impressed nia . child with a turn or cross eyes should be treated without delay. Children seldom oiiw out of these conditions with- out proper treatment, and if the condition is neglected, vision is often permanently weakened. Proper treatment may result in complete cure, See von at the arena this SAM day et. 'the Minor 1 ockey mune:merit. 'clown east' music show seek Monday's on C130 Television„ Johnny. who conies from Carluke, near Glasgow, collects old Scot- tish songs, many of which are on, three Lori -Play albums. JAW C'r e 10 e Ciff,DA FARM & INDUSTRIAL.. adalliIENT SHOW. • JAI,:UARY 25, 26, 27 & 28, 1967 • EXHIEMON PARK • TORONTO, Ontario Secure your free admissions from your Farm Equipment Dealer Who's a oolf.