HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-01-26, Page 1,•••••_ 62.00 4. Yect .n Minegee THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, JAN.•26th, 1967 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE .el ANN VAL 14,EETING PRESBY. OF THE W. M. S. The Annual meeting, of ',Mait- land, Presbyterial of theW.M,S. at the Preshylerian Church was held in St: Andrew's Church, Wilnghath, en Tuesday, January :tit. Mrs, George Sutheriatld, Pre- sident. was in the chair, and (melted the meeting with an tu- inessage for the New Year. 11 r;: \' King of Brussels proSided at the orgaii Morning devotions were taken by Mrs, Jas. Lott, Mrs. Nobin SOlinston, and Mrs. Morgan Hen- !iersori of Lucknow A7AT. M. 5, Delegates were welcomed by 3.1rs. rf, A, Currie of Wingbarri, Annual reports presented the secretaries showed gratify- ing progress in all departments. Plans were made for even groat-'r effort in the Centennial year with More Prayer, More People and Ileiter Programs, krt011neorl doVntions taken by Mrs, Finlay MacLean. MrS, Don MacDonald and Mrs. Ken- neth 'MacKay of Ripley W.M.S. The snealccr, Mrs. Everett iTawIces of Pluovnle. was intro- duced by T\Trci Thonins Mrs. MillriteA tttessaen nn the q.,ay not up for vonrselves treasures tarn earth. brit lay up for yenrsolves treatircrs in heaven for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also", '5015 an inspiration and a chal-: MO.. She bald in is most interest. lag manner of the life and expel'. knees of her family as she and Rev, Mr. Hawkes, as teaeher and preacher, ministered to the people of Anglish descent living in the Kentucky mountains, It proved a most rewarding ministry, The small colony, with no comimmi„- cation with the outside world and with little land satiable for agri- culture, seldom hod enough food to eat or c1othe5 to Wear and had very little happiness. 'Mrs. Jack tloyd, delegate to the Training School for Leaders, at Renville, presented an inter- esting report,. The Offering was dedicated by Mrs, Dawson Craig Of Wbitechntich, Airs, Mel Ritchie of Kincardine presented the slate of officers /Or 1967, itietalled by Itev, 'ailatclert Fish of Winglio,M, Mr, Fish also brought greetings front tfurell Maitland Presbytery and cere- ment-led the W,M.S, rti °Mb era for their 'keen interest in MisSiottS, Tti his message he said "Pray that the Lord will do groat things and Hint lie will send forth reapers to His ItartreSt, GovrteSy reittorks were given 'hy Mrs. Jas. 'Reid of Teeswitter. Mrs. Stitherland in her clesin„ rerptirks spoke of the many wasted opportunities in one liven. which Oland be fruitful, Joym151 and useful as we 1111114 for triter- " tiny. Thi, closing prave,' Wet !river, bY Mre. Vovil Irelirrel of norrIn. torit0). CLARK PATTERSON .bltna Elizabeth Patterson, tfltte, 1, daughter of the late Mr, and' :airs, William Patterson and James ltioorge Clark, Owen Sound, son of the late Mr. and :Mrs. ;fames I. Clark, were married in 'I (mile ceremony held at, New St. Anglican Church, Weigh- leek. Rev. Hervey Parker ffie in led. Mts. Laura Machan, Sarnia we :4 matron, of honor anti James P„ Clark of 'Brantford rietrici as best. Man, ItsOliowitig' a reception in Woodstoek, the tiounie left for ii, honeymoon iii Florida. teen. return they will reside in OWeti \Heading were immediate re- nail friends. PROCTER — MARTIN A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized in Knox Presbyterian Ethel, on January 21st, with Rev. Harry Waite officiat- ing, wheri Filizaboth Anne, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph E. Martin of Ethel, beeante the bride of Mr. 'George Abraan Procter younger son of Mr. and: Mrs. J. Stewart Procter of R.R. 5', Brussels. The bride was attended by her sister-in-law, Mrs Peter Martin of Ottawa, Mr. Charles Procter, of R,R,. n. Brussels, brother of the bridegroom, was the best man. edd i ng ninsi c was provided by Mrs. Kenneth ,Alton, sister of the IvridegroOm. After a trip to ;Jumada, the balmy couple Will take 'up resi- dence on the Fourth CoaceSSIon ,'f Morris Township. The bride is a graduate of the Hamilton Hospitals School. of Nursing. The bridegroom rec- eived his degree in Science or %.triculttire from the Ontario Agricultural College. 'Ortelph, NAMES OF FORMER RESIDENTS SOUGHT Readers are asked to supply the names and addresses of relatives friendg Who are fernier resi- d•-nts of this community so, they may be made aware of the "Collie Irmo AM'ook Centennial festinr itics being planned here for June 20th:, July '1st and 2nd Yoti are asked to give the give the nantes to Mrs. D. C, Matheson Prussels as soon as possible. N o -rtot tin tin n 1 Mooting of the BelgraVo School rair will he held in the community Centre ;,-0 Mondale .1a n nary 80th, at R mini. As hew plans' fat the. Fair arc ileCesSary 101 a.li inter- aorsons please attend. Soo yrm at risea rena• this, tlietirdtre at Minor 1-Toekey l'o'.,111aYnent SWING INTO ACTION NOW cominitiuv etenibers for tires- 'sets iCottne-lionite'Weeki activities of June 311th and July isf and 2nd, are swinging into action: The" committee in charge are already at: work to assure a monster parade, eowplute with bands, baton twirlers, floats, a Centennial . Queen and various other attract- ions., • • . . Committees can plan, and work, but they•need :the co-oper-, .atfori of all residents of the eom- ,manity to Whole-heartedly part', cipate and help 'when and where • they can • Officials Natia For Old Timers Vs MI-Star Further Information regarding the Old Timers' Hockey Game on Saturday, jatittary 28th. Official referees have bedif Appointed: Eddie Slack, Referee-in-chief Sophia Loren, Referee Brigette Bardot, Referee Further additions to the Old- timers' lineup: Reckless Rutledge la'afftipin George .Langlois Ruthless. :teed FP-tether BORN 'GRENKE Jean and Verne (Iranke arc pleased to announce the birth of a son, Kerry 6. lbs. 2 oz. on January 19th at Sudbury General pital. •. ROWLING NOTES The tie has finally been broken With a one point margin. What iviil tapped next week- when these two lea,ing play each other. Nick's Niehols • $8 Marilyn's Malthus • 87 Atelis Cameros $2 jack's Jiggers 76: Davie's Sting Rays .. , .. 63 Marline's Tornados 61 actiest High SiegleS 'Karen trestinzs ... , .. 2(10 Marni 'Bronson 215 Mabel Willis 206 High Triple Karen Ila,stings e23 tots McArter ""'"' 528 Marlene Rtitiedge 528 Meti'S High Singles Hill Stephenson Altht til••-•*,1 Ned Rutledge Men's High Triple Mel MeArter r.•• Ned Rutledge I•te .;1 TO Elliott Ross Minoan Substitute-a Dianna liTastillgs for Marni Brett- Son Brian "Inertial- for Petty Pronson t•rwe rot. Velma siopbenson Thtneen for Dmtcn p WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE 'rhe World Day of Prayer Serviee for 1.907 will be held in Brussels United Chureit Fri• day afternoon. rebrtiary loth, to, o'clock Members from the row , ehnre•hei4 of the \yin take parti. This service wilt he deplieated in hundreds of rentros Around the world on this day. ii)very woman in the community is urged to join: in the service. DONALD MdDONALD HEADS 'BRUSSELS ARI, SOCIETY Ninety persons were in attend ance to enjoy a turkey banquet anti attend the annual meeting of the Brussels Agricultural Society held in the Finited Church on Friday night. Clifford Bray, president, was chairman for the ao ening. The hey. Allan Johnston, 'minister of the church, was the guest speaker. The theme of his address was "I-Tuman Relations'' dealing with prejudice, Business included the financial report presented Tiy the. secretary- trea so rer , Norman S. Hoover. Tbe statement showed all obli- gations met with a small credit balance in hand. The 1967 Fair will be held on the same ates as last year, the lest Thurday and Friday in Sentember, Cl•1. Parker, manager of the local branch of the Canadan Imperial Bank of Commerce, presented their award for tile nighest stand- lag in 4-H work to the 19(313 win- tie, Gerald Baan. Norman S. Hoover, who has served the Society as secretary- treasurer for the past 11 years. announced his resignation, which was accepted with regret, New directors, appointed at the meeting, for a three year term. Were: Wheeler Dong. I-TeiningWay Stanley Hopper Alfred Knight At the directors, meeting which 'followed Donold McDonald was Pitied the 19117 president of the Prussels Agricultural Society with, Jan van \Met 1st Vice-president and Doug Fraser, 2nd Vice- president. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr, And Mrs. Mel Aroxness of Ottawa have been recent visitors with Den and Sara 'McKinnon. Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Penile and Mr, and Mts. Donald Petrie spent a few day last week with friends ill Windsor. Dan. AT,cRinnon is a nstient iii n a in Momeriai Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, li'. G. Whittare(' p ad family or were weds-end visitors with Mt • . , } WHO WILL BE BRUSSELS CENTENNIAL QUEEN? lirussels Centennial activities bi graced by a ceutermial Young ladies who hay0 aspirations to reign for Come- iltunii,• Week are asked to deposit their name in the "CentenniaT Queen' box now in the window Thomp,..or, nutehor shop before 6:00 p.m. this- Saturday, On Saturday night if nettles will be drawn and those six Iits will be the •contestants for the "centennial Que'e'n".. Beginning Monday customers of Brussels .stores will he entitled to am' vote for the girl of their thoice„ with each i171.0(1 purchase. The 'purchasing. : pub lie • who shop in -Brussels store will dee.146, which young lady will he Queen. • With each $5.00 purchase ask for an official ballot and vote for the young lady you sunport Protect The. Blue 'jays • If you are looking for a quick, onsy and inexpensive 'Centennial projeet, that even the children will enjoy doing, it is suggested building bird :houses for the Blue ,l ays. The starlings are driving our smaller birds away. Protect them by building a bird house with an opening' no larger than. 114", to keep the starlings out. Then place' it .safe place out of the reach of cats and enjoy the feathered .friends you attract. JAMES M. STEVENSON James Al, Stevenson, 71, of iOrey Township. died yesterday at, home, He was a retired sawmill operator, He is survived by two brothers, William and John, both of Grey; one sister Mrs. Richard (Margaret) Carter, also of Grey. The funerni service will 'be held. Friday at 2 p.m. at the D. A. Ratin Funeral Home. with burial in Brussels cemetery. Children Of The Church 'the Meeting or the Presby- terian C, O.C. was held in the Presbyteran church basement jannary 22nd. The call to wor- ship was given by John t, toe" to hoer the story was sung. had the wo ate ihe• children of the church. We work and pray togH .\rid trusting (led to lead our eery. nil w'r do and think and s"y. Thabible read- in:., Psalms 07: 1-7 was given by Andy Adams, Robert Armstrong err ,,red a eraver. Joan I tiethnli Altnmrl rrk, Arm:Strom.' had :birth- fltly,4 in January-. Collection was talten by 'Peggy (-Wilson, Joan lilt oilier and 1`1nnieldli Stiles. Then business was bad, Thes-''ebildren. 0'1.1 41.4 hate three groups for their stml- entitled "S•tories of Can- :'ell's :roypo TreLltid "tvaF4 pio ltoni1011 u' I am so 0 it.' 1!•;11,..; no. was • hi' let 1,1 222 215 209 5.24 512 PO'