The Brussels Post, 1967-01-19, Page 1THE BRUSSFILS POST, THURSDAY, JAN:EARN 19th, 1967 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE, 42.00 .4, Yeiar
The inaugural meeting of the
Giro), Township Connell was held
on January 9t7.i at 11 a.m. with
ell members present.
Reeve Clifford R. Dunbar rail
Conncillors 'Kenneth. Bray, Law-
son Ward, Charles Thomas and
Melville Lemont took the oath of
office before the Clerk,
ReV. H. E. Waite of Atwood
Presbyterian Church opened the
meeting -‘vith a devotional period.
The first meeting of the Council
for the year 1867 was held Jan-
uary 21st, 1867. and the minutes ,
of this meeting were rend by the
Reeve Archibald McDonald,
Deputy Reeve David Dobson,
Councillors Charles Millard and
John Stewart took th' oath of
office, The Reeve issued his
warrant for an Election of one
Councillor ("Samuel Sleman was
later elected.
Alexander McNair was appoint-
ed auditor for the current year,
the only appointment made at
this meeting.
Reeve and Mrs. Dunbar enter-
tained at dinner at the noon ad-
The following resolutions were
By Lawson_ Ward and Melville
Lamont that the minutes of the
last meeting be adopted as read,
By Kenneth Bray and. Lawson.
Ward that By-Law yo. 1 of 1287
he finally passed authorizing the:
Reeve and TreaSurer to borrow
$90:000, from the 'Canadian. TM-
perial Bank of Commerce, Brits-
Ws, for the your 1067 until the
taxes are collected.
By Charles Thomas and Melville
Lamont that By-Law No. 2, of 1967
be finally passed to pay Town-
ship officers,
By Kenneth Bray and Lawson
'Ward that the Reeve and Treas,
titer he authorized to apply for
the balance of the 1966 road sub-
sidy froin the Department of
By Kenneth Bray and Lawson
Ward that By Law T"o. 8, of. 1967
to appoint Poundkeepers and
Fenceviewers he finally passed.
By Lawson Ward and Kenneth
Bray that the Ethel Community
Centre Board be appointed as
Alex Pearson, Bruce Speiran,
And John Conley from. Ethel:
Mrs Thomas McFarlane and Mrs.
Raynard 'representing
Ethel Women's institute: Mel-
Ville Lamont and Clifford Dunbar
representing Grey Township
By Kenneth Bray and Melville
Lamont, that Cameron COchrane
be appointed to the Mount. Pleas-
ant Cemetery Board for a three
year term.
By Lawson Ward and Melville
taniont that. :Kenneth Bray and
Charles ThOlnas lie npppintoci
rebtlintiO On With, Vigo)
iteoN e Dena id eKenzie,
Ashriolit Township, was elected.
Warden of Huron County • by
zwvlantation Tuesday,
Reeve • Clavin Krauter of Brits'
sels withdrew • from the race • in
favour of Reeve 'McKenzie. •
Huron County Judge Robert S.
ITetherington administered the
oath of office. Retiring Warden
'Kenneth' Stewart, Reeve of Mc-
Killop Township„. presented the
chain of office and gavel to.
Warden McKenzie.
Not only does it contravene
the Highway Traffic Act, but it
is difficult to keep township
rk,yd.:1 free of snow if the plow
in being continually lifted for
milk cans and vehicles left on
the road. We are not. responsible
for any damage that may Occur.
Also snow should not be removed
from gateways unto the roads so
thni it impedes or hinders traffic.
Earl Bowes,
Road Supt.
Township of 'Grey.
A meeting will be held In
Brussels Library on. Thursday,
:Tenn ;ivy 26th. at 2:10 p.m.
Business discussion and plans
to be made for Ice Carnival.
Mrs.Cecil Raynarcl, Presiden 4 .
W. D. FL S.
The studentS of the Wingbara
District High School will present
their annual Variety Concert in.
the School Auditorium on Thurs•
day and Friday evenings, Fehr-
- 16 and 17.
Two teams are still tied with
other ones coming up near the
Marilyn's Illatibut4 S1
Nick's Nichols 81
Alet's Carnaros 75
;Jack's Jiggers 71
Davie,'s Sting Rays 64
1 a rt en e's Tornados 57
•flif:!s' High Singles
Betty Bronson 248
Marlene Rutledge 241
Karen I-tastings 231
High Triple
'Karen Hastings 618
'Afarlene Rutledge 552
Marni Bronson,.,.19
Belly Bronson 549
Hirai Sinolcs
ck Tli.ggins 262
Jiro Tiosinan 239
Lloyd Machan ........... 21.8
and ...... 4:".e 21.7
Wm], Trifle
Lloyd Yfarhait 1.13
71n ye Tinstine.s 927
,in gig
Toorias for Wfarni Tironson
Atm l's‘)-,ro for V611116. rItepluvito6n
John Shouldico, 70, London,
died at his home Monday. Born
in McKillop Township, he was
(he sop of the late. Mr, and 'Mrs,
James Sholdice, in his early years
he Was A former. Later bo be-
came a real estate salesman. In
1939 he married Resale Elder,
Tie is survived by his wife;
three sisters, Mrs. Tolbert Mar
garet) Clark and Mrs. John.
(Jennie) McNanghton, both of
London: Mrs. CPeorge (Annie)
Williamson, 'Walton; a brother,
M`at;on, Brussels,
The funeral service was held
at the R, S. Box funeral home,
sea forth, on 'Wednesday, at 2 p,rri.
Temporary entombment we in
P Pei: Memorial ensolerim,
r. and Mrs. J, E. Martin of
Ethcd, wish to anounce the
engagement of their daughter,
F,lizabeth Anne, to Mr- George
(thrum Procter, son of Mr, and
MT's. J. Stewart Procter of R.R. 5,
The wedding will take place in
late January in 'Knox Presbyter-
far Church, Ethel.
To comply with Department of
Labour regulations, the Brussels
Coal Yard Will he closed on Satur-
day afternoons,
:Mrs. Stanley Fischer. Mrs. Mac
:Engel, Mrs. Clare Veitch and Mrs.
'Wilfred Strickler attended the
cennal. Meeting of Stratford
Presbyterial in St. Andrew's.
Presbyterian Church„ Stratford,
en January 11th.
Mrs, Harold Jacklin met with
an unfortunate accident last
week When she slipped and fell
fracturing her left wrist. She Was
taken to Listowel Hospital where
she spent a couple of days.
'Man Evans was practice
teaching in ;Gittelph last week.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of Knox
Presbyterian Church Will be held
moss part of the Mooting.
Mlle Gad
On January 17th the Guild of
Chereh held their first
meeting of the yeat in the church
parlotit, beginning 'with, a pot-
luck slipper.
The devotional part of the
meeting opened with a, New
Year's reading by Leona. Arm-
strong, followed by singing hymn
74. The scripture was read in un-
ison from Psalm 90, folloWed
arnver by Jean :Higgins.
The topic was given be. Jean
Ireland. Hymn 599 was sung and
elesed by repeating the Belie-
(e(qr,-,11 .
Helen Telliott. the new president,
then tnel: ihr, elimir for the bus,
1`nof s titirt meeting.
plans for Centennial Activ.
hies here are now well under
Way following a. meeting held
Tuesday night,
The chairman of the Centen-
nial Committee, Archer 'Grewar
was pleased to find that a
number of Older residents
showed their enthusiasm by
their attendance and willing-.
nests to help,
A "Come I-Tome Week" 15
going to be held, tentative
dates Friday, June 30th, Satur-
day July 1st, Sunday July 2nd,
with a variety of Activities
b my arranged for these days.
if YOU have friends or re-
latives, who once called. Brus-
sels home, see that they hear
about P,russels Centennial
"Come Homo Week":
The first day will be registra-
tion clay, Silly 1st., there will be
sports of various kindS, ball
games, tug-of-war. a water fight
The narad6 committee hopes to
orga.Pize a parade in which many
individuals and business con-
eevris Will participate,
Sunday will be given to the,
church emanate, everyone attend-
ing the church of their chOice
in the morning with. a commun,
ity open-air service at the park at
Committees 'Named
Chairman, Archer IGewa,r,
Sec.-Treas., Albert Gilles
Entertainment, Jack Thynne,
Slim McClory.
Sports, Mel Jacklin, Carman.
Parade, Ivan Campbell, Frank
T)ecoration, Hank TenPas, Law-
rie Cousins
Registration :& Finance, Walter
Shortreed, Fred Thuell
Church, Father Mooney, Rev,
P. GL, Brady, Rev. A. Johnston.
Concessions, Roy Turvey,
Craeme McDonald
Crounds, Lewis Frain
Fire Brigade, Bob Richmond,
jack McWhirter.
Press, Mrs. 5), C. Matheson
Advertising; Mr. and Mrs. R.
W. Kennedy
Mrs. Lothar 'Weber and son
Philip are visiting her parents
in England.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cardiff And
family of Brussels were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tim
United Church Annual Meeting
Time annual m eetin of Ethel
United Church was held fol-
lowing a pot-luck dinner,
Rev. Alan Johnston preSided.
-Mrs, George Pearson was elected
secretary. The retiring elders
were re-elected. Stewards elected
included Mrs. Bert G'odden. and
Cecil Raynard. Simddy scheol
superintendent elected was Mrs.
Preynk Fflonintrn DI111110
WO n nkniritribt.
The Mareli of Dimes campaign,
wIII take place in Brussels next
'Chet (',Invass will be Made by
fulfills of Grades 7 and 8 of the
'Brussels Publie School, MrS, Rosa
McCall is the campaign. chairman,
De as generous s,s pcmibles
when they call on behalf of this
worthy catise.
George Bridge is in Victoria
Hospital, London, where he under-
went surgery last week.
Mrs. .1 Pegelow is a patient
in Victoria, Hospital
Mrs. Ray Bronson has returned
bonne from Clinton Hospital
where she was a patient for a few
days this week.
Perfect Cribbage Hand
In a game of cribbage with her
husband one night this week,
Mrs. Bill McClory found she held
a perfect cribbage hand. She had
5 sPades, 5 diamonds, 5 clubs and
Jack of hearts with 5 of hearts
till. Etcperts say there is only one
chance in a million of this occur-
Clip out the right advertise-
ment from this newspaper now,
and save 7c.
at $2.25, from tre Children's Aid
Last week Al, Johnston sup-
plied the names of his Old Time
Super Star's, Now JiM Prior has
povided the names Of his Super
Duper All-Stars who will battle
them in the hockey game that
will be a feature of the Minor
Hockey Tournament at the Brus-
sels arena on Saturday, Jan. 28.
This Will be the first organ•
ivied minor licptcicey tournament
held in the arena. Come and en-
Joy the games, Don't Send your
boys, bring them and watch thern
Minor Hockey All-Stars
Lloyd Valiance
Blaine INIC,Cutcheen
-f vvei(eitlRayinoild
Rick McDonald
Bruce Struthers
Gerald Wheeler
Miirray Workman
Philip Blake
Ken Cowing
Terry Rutledge
Pent McDonald
Neil Gowing
Kenneth (Trailer
Preg WiIsen
Vitirrby T.1,1"Ostlftty
TO .111 111111