HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-01-12, Page 5ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET 0.14U8S1144 BOO.' iilit 0.NTA.B.10 111.1.:1tSi)AY, Uth, /96'4 IN MEMORIAM Miller's Shoe Sure Main S Listowel WINTEi' SALE NOW IN PROGRESS All Sale Shoes, Snow Boots, Skates Curling Boots & Luggage GREATLY iik.DILsitii) '4:hoe :-••••• Main St. Listowel .LITHEL CONGRATULATIONS' Congratulations to the follow- lug music pupils of Withee who tried Grade II Theory at the mid-winter, Royal CoO.SeVaLory examinations; j onoN: pojilLU, Step4011$011, • 76%. Alt:1141 F.,r8c Class Honors: Marie Veitch SU% First Class. ..Honors: Ruth \1 altos 100% u_1\ iIIVIEN'S CLUB ITEMS Ills day has started like one ot those days Dad couldn't Lell you about, lie fortunately never had oee, Mine all started with a bad (Ireton, a night mare. I scent- ed te be paralysed. My feet weighed a ton and it took me a minute to lift' my arms. L was lighting Ned Rutledge. I knew if I could get one hand to work could lick him even without the use of my other one even if my ftet Ivere stuck in cement. When 1 a wakened I bad an awful sore where the dirty brute kicked me when. 1 was down, 1 suppose.. When I reached the bottom. of the stairs , there was no light any- where. I always keep one on. in the kitchen, I was sort of feeling my way by sliding my feet along when my big toe came in contact with the iron poker. I grabbed the foot with my ,hands and Went into UM Hop rag Act. Then my other toot contacted a stick of wood, so I had two stubbed toes, a Vile temper and a desire to kill. I switched on the light and imined- lately had the Motive. A pail' of lady's overshoes. 1 knew We had a house guest: The Party who placed the obstacles iii my path. I repi;Mished the five and start- ed getting ready to go Eli Wn to the Sinners Club. Now, I'm one of those guys Who nitist have everything in its place. l have three sets of gloves. one I keep oti a certain shelf, a brown pair. A black pair, I keep behind the TV and the other pair and tity fur cap high up in the closet. If I can't find one I have two other chances. Thig Morning they were all gone. I I' Milled on my hands tin old pair Of sox 'and went to my Dodge. 'Nawas On ice. Forward and back- Ward f went, buil dotildn't went forward enough. i kneW a. few ashes Would get 'tile out but I had filled a pair of overshoes With all there was. i couldn't take asheS out of the shOeS as I hid filled the works with water. \\ hen I Wont hack into Eire hod.„, breakfast \waS ready. la: tom, was burnt, the coffee tasted gut1 ,r hitter aloes, and the eggs weft, LOU red 'Inc way i lilt ley toast! It must be made ovt..r wood coals, !lave the tea kettle "litho". Put two • across tits top and steam your toast on top of this. When good anti soggy spread • (inc.:Hut:no:ter inch ui en sa.,de aim serci.:,' 'lids I., ..1u• way IL When ,ny Ddii Lind conm I5 iii .000 inning the past y (_;a1:6 nave anjoycd Lhis hied 01. oicakfabt three times. Once lien Delia vrcpareu it, once' made and on e when a nen et was suggested. the table aitd sivirted looking for my gloves. I sit' ;,;, it (mote, if people woold :ea, things alone, junl let them stay whore I put them, but, oh no, they can't mind their own business, It ain't house cleaning time is it? She speaks_ up so sweetly, are ybu looking for your gloves? says, you know what P'm look- ing for darn Well, where are they? Well, she said Isobel called yesterday and there is a brown pair you left Christmas day, out there, Della called last night and said your black ones are there. Yon can see 1 was on a spot. I says, I know where they are. It's my ftir cap Int looking for. It's missing, Up speaks that impudent daughter of Glen Smith, says, 1 don't thing' its missing. If it was, your head would likely be in it, I answered the phone and hearS Johnny Clark say, yogi' old bald head must have been pretty cold going home from: the patty the other night, I took your hat and gloves haine with me. I wish you a happy New Year for your three piece orchestra, you, your foot and your fiddle. Take good care of your foot, it's the only music you have, He hung up just as I. palled the thing off the wall. Dance in Brussels Legion Jan: 201h, and can anyone tell where can buy or borrow a plug hat please. The dance Jan. 20th is under the atispices of the local fire- men. Every cent goes for crippled children, (Muscular DyStrOphy). If yoU cannot attend leave a dol- lar (at least) With any of the local Firemen, Jack McWhirter, Jack Micetithcheori, Bob Richt:mind, Doc Stephenson, anyone will see that it goes to the right spot. A fonitire of the Minor Hockey totitnn intuit. here San. 28th will be Old Tyme Demons versus Rev: .TOlinston's Angels. TrUthfiilly Yours, T. K. F. l' 1 itin lily Waite wee 50115, liavy, y and Eddy, v,ho passed way Seven yours age, Doe- ember :list. It crime my heart to lobe you, Lat ;,,ou dud nut go alone, Fur part Of 11.10. 'went with you. 'Lite day God culled you home, remembered and sadly miss(,( by Mummy. loving memory of Ihi vy, and Eddy Firhy, who passed away seven years ago. No tete heave the illul z,leps tit* Elie angels drawing near, Who took from us to heaven, The .0ne5 we loved so Lovingly remembered by the Elliott .•family. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA inister: Rev. A. M. Johnston B.A. S.D. Organist: Mrs. gyred Stephenson a.m. Church School 11.00 a.m. "Pie in the Sky" PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA rvIELVILLE CHURCH interim Moderator: Rev. McLean Organist: Margark Thompson A RCT 1,1: ult a.m. t'ubiic 'Worship Rev. C. A. MeCarrol of Cookstown, Will preach in view, of call a.m. Church School THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, OF CANADA Parish Priest: The Rev. F. G. Braby, B.A,, L.Th, SAINT JOHN'S — Brussels Organism — Mfts S. Elliott 5:00 a.m. The Holy liluchariSt 1130 a,m. The Holy Eucharist and Primary School SAIN1 ALBAN'S 6r. SAINT DAVID'S— Atwood Organist — Mrs. C. Dickson 10.00 p.m. Mattins and Chureii School Notices: Annual Vestry Meetings St. Joint's - Tires. Jan. nth, S:30 p.m., Punish Hall. St. Alban's and St. Daivd'S Wed, ja a. 1. th, Parish Nall Supper at 7:00 p.m, Meeting to follOW SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 FOr all kinds of upholstering Brussels Representative: Phone 4 c;r 79 Brussels SELWYN 3:•AKER LETTER TO THE EDITOR (continued, from page one) that it takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to Make a statement Of this kind. flow things have changed recently! It, was just a little over a year ago that Mr. Steinmetz told the. Writer that, he had no responif Sibility over the performers that appeared on the station, whatso- ever. (He mention.ea that a note, on which the writer aid riot sign. his name, was placed on his desk forbidding him from using me, or any of my family again on 1KNX.) Who this letter writer was, he didn't know. There is enough local talent within range of C.KNX that is not getting a, chance due to inept producers, that it is likened unto the number of mosuito born in the 'Belgian Congo last year. Mr, Steinmetz mentioned two pertorMers that allegedly 'got their start on CKNI,X1, to which I answer, B.ALONIDY. One :at them started on a London radio stag ion, the other on a Medicine Hat station. Itegarcling the latter - was there Charley! As far as your 'discoverer of talent for square dancing' goes, as Abraham Lincoln once said: "For those who like that sort of thing, that is exactly the thing they will like." There are many local callers tar superior - and I esti prove it. Re Mr. Steinmetz remark "There were a couple of other remarks made. But I feel they do not require an explanation, be- cause .1 cannot in all good faith take them seriously." Nell, the writer only feels that he 18 being personally referred to. T have never produced a TV show, Nit if I couldn't do a. better lob than this fellow is doing, I'd never call mySelf a showman. just where did he learn anything about how to entertain an and- iende? Steiiim,etz ClaintS 60. Circle 8 Ranch : is uniette . According to the Webster4der- riani dictionary: Very unusual He is right. He 'further states that "it. is not as polished and professional as some other shows", Well, who's fault is that? He stated earlier that he was in charge: of all talent, performers etc. Now, referring : to `.,hotiest effort of the performers" Would you get the village idiot to do brain surgery on youi- mother? No doubt he would make an honest effort, Mr. Steinmetz should be for- given for his remarks, Perhaps he was writing under a severe handicap, Slim McCiory. VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS COUNCIL MEETING (continued from page one) seconded by I, '0', Campbell that By-Law No. 1-1967 be read a third time and passed, and the Reeve and. Clerk authorized to sign and sealed with the Corporate seal. Moved by I, O. Campbell, sec- ended by T. L. McCutchcon that C. a McFadden be appointed Comtnissioner on the Brussels, Morris and Otey Telephone. Moved by I. JG. Campbell, sec- onded by C. L. Cousins that Western. Star Lodge 149, be granted permission to erect a. sign in front of the Lodge Rooms. Moved by J. Tennis, sec- onded by S. L. ?icCut.che 0 that (1. Stiles be granted a. building permit as per application. Moved, by C. L. Cousins sec- onded by McCutcheon that the Clerk apply to the Depart- :Mont of Highways for the bal- ance of the 1.116ti subsidies. Moved by 11-. J. TenPas, see- ended by C. L. Cousins that. the meeting adjonrn, to meet again. February II, 1957 or at the call el' the 'Reeve. Kranter Reeve 'Win. H. King Clerk BRUSSELS AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FRIDAY, JANUARY 20th 7 P.M. BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH GUEST SPEAKER: THE REV. ALLAN JOHNSTON Tickets $1.50 CLIFFORD BRAY: Pres. NORMAN S. HOOVER: Sec.-Treas. io‘ing memory of