The Brussels Post, 1967-01-12, Page 2acenumuleir1111118111410.—...1,....."3 Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch!Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure raw Expo — April 28 to Oct. 27 at Montreal. THE CHARTERED BAND SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNM iplie.4:22*.cmi—ruzAttgaolow&thtvitra.1) THE 13KUSS4LS, POST„ 'r Ls, ONTARIO TAN. 12th, 1961 1111111EVEMT Ask about convenient departure and return times CANADIAN NATIONAL i0.65 ESVNIFIEST17:: rPlail'F' L"'"ANSIERENEMENEEMS51 111 IMMIMI For information, .ptiont, the local . • CN 'Pessencter Says OfF.cu COMPOSITIONAL TESTING OF MILK. NOW OFFICIAj.- IN ONTARIO. In lweping with the advances that have been made within the industry in Ontario during the past year, Hon . Wm. A. Stewart Minister of Agriculture and Food, has announced, that the central laboratory compositional testing, of milk is now official in Ontario, Addressing the First Annual "Meeting of the Ontario Milk :Marketing Board. Mr. Stewart said that the dairy industry must Constantly advance when ehange Seems to characterize every a ctivity. •'lt is with recognition of milk marketing concepts that I wish to announe central laboratory testing of milk as the basis for nil milk purchased in Ontario," said the Minister. The compositional testing will be carried out by the Infrared Milk Analzer commonly known as IRMA. Time Minister pointed out that for several years the fairy 'Branch of the Department has given study to the Contra labor- atory concept for compositional testing, of milk, With quality im- provemener in mind, three pilot areas wore set up in 1961 in Tirizbion, l<emptville and Guelph, '.-Tbese niIor projects were suc- cessful.' sold the Minister. "With laboratories of the Ontario Department of health located through the Province. an agre- ement war reached where all indo:sirint milk samples would be tested for quality, which other- wise could no be tested in the dairy branch laboratories at Kemptville and Guelph. This has developed central lab- oratory quality testing of all milk samples at least once a month in the Province, The Minister said that one of the tinnder obstacles in the de- 1 yelopinent et' the compositional milk testing, laboratories was the fact that the Babcock test has been recognized for the test- ing of Mater fat for many years, "Yet it was a manual test operated by people," said the Minister. "It Was realized that it would be doUbtfal if the greatly increased cost of making' the Babcock test in a central labor- atory would result in any. More efficient and accur- ate, results titan that being done now in our dairy plants under the supervision of the Dairy Branch. Mr, Stewart recalled that J, L Maker. Ontario Dairy Commis- sinner. spent sonic time in land at the National Institute of Research in Dairying with Dr. J .T), S. G0111011 Who develODed the Infrared %Strut:nett, It was felt that the Machine obviated the human element of error. The development of the ma- chine was watched with interest by our departnient, said the Min. ister. "In 190.1 it was decided to purchase the first working Model which was manufactured in the United EingdOtm We were con- fident of its future potential, 7110 plifeinlgo of the cnolV,er tldd is very conveniently with the last. year of the milk compost. ition study Ilion under way at the Ontario Agriculture College. "In 1.965, it was decided to corn- muellee using the amtlyzer for the lestiug of min; in the newly- tut roduced owner sampling pro- gTt a muter the Dairy Herd Im- nrevement :System." "I mention these details of de- velopment to indicate that we in. the I /epartment apparently tvere the only people who sa.w the future potential at the infra- red analyzer," sold Mr, Stewart. Now, because or, the woric have done in the Province of Ontario, other countries are be- rem in int orest ed." The minister told his audience that. with the comencement of the Northern Ontario Pilot Pool for milk under the Ontario Milk Marketing Board, it was felt that n good opportunity was provided 10 bring the analyzer into n cen- tral laboratory concept for the testing ofsnmples for payment. purposes. "This has given us an oppor- tnnity to study the operation of the in:arm-neat under full pro- duction conditions anti will pro- vide for an orderly expansion in I number of samples tested " Mr, Stewart said that , in order 10 speed up the development of the program, Wm. A Harley of the Dairy Branch staff, has :been put in charge of the development of the central -baboratory pro- gram, using the Infrared analyzer under the diret'tiop of the Dairy commissioner, It must be kept ill mind that is something bra in( new," the :Minister told the Annual meet- ing. "To our .knowledge this hats not been...on this scale nay- where i'1Oi .(11.0, To order that all sehments of the dairy • industry. will linve voice in, • the operation of lime central laboratory. ineledinr: taking and. collection of ering' vonLinitti4, has boon annointed consistint:t of a repro- sNliative.•from the Ontario Milk Marketing Board, Ontario Dairy Processors Ontario Mil; Transpo.rters‘ the Depart meld. of Dairy, Science, University of (ltio]pli, and limo Dairy :Branch of Departillent of Agriculture and Food. "They 'ha Ve 'held heir and :Ire well on Hie o dev °Inning m eft icicn I and effective systi.un of tpsting milk through a central laboratory.' said IMr. Stewart. FORMER SEAFORTH IvlAYOR DIES J. Edward 'Keating, a Seaforth druggist and .former mayor (lied Sunday at St. Joseph's Bob- pita] in Loudon. A druggist in Sea forth since l923. Mr, [(eating served on council. for ill years, during which 11(! held the mayoralty for two 3.041.4, When he died he was fintinc:o chairman of the Seaforlh. Com. nmeity hospital heard and secre- tary-treasurer or Liritannia, Lodge. Ye, 170, A.F. and A.111, I-le had held the latter post for 37 years. Ile was a charter member of tlx Seitforth Lions Club, memb- er or Ilearorth Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion, and was a Shri nor. Surviving are his wife, the former Elagerman; daughter, Mrs. David (Merle) 1100ver, Sea forth; son, Ken- neth 1.3. Tiartford.•Ornm.; sister, 'Mrs. George (Mabel) Swanston, Ter.Into, 1;'uneral service was held at p.m, -.Wednesday from the II. Funeral tiome, Seaforth • 7.f.giVEM Ft0 0 ONE w4p iltt)