The Brussels Post, 1966-12-01, Page 112.00 A Year ie AAvasee BRUSSELS POST, TKURS DAY, 1)4C. 1st, 1966 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Acclamation Returns Grey Municipal Officers Held in Ethel on Thursday, with a fair crowd of ratepayers in attendance, 'Attend Preaching Mission. In $t. Thomas Church Feveral members of Brussels 'United Church attended the Preaelling Mission Services at the new St. Mark's United Church St, Thomas. Rev. Lloyd Brown, formerly of Brussels is the minister or this beautiful new church. The guest minister for the week was Rev. Cordon Hazel- wood or Hhtimilton, formerly of. 'Walton. fled the music .was tinder the direction of Rev. and Mrs. Ives• Basinger of the U.S. C R ANEW OOK Personals Sunday visitors with Mrs. Stuart Evans included Mr. and Mts. Taylor, Carol and Don, of Varna Mosel Moore, Exeter and -Me and Mrs. Barry Taylor, of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs, Aubrey Sthith and senely, Toronto, visited over the weekend with, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith. MisseS Gertie Pride and Maxine Smalldon, Kitchener, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Smelldon on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cameron and family visited with Mr, and Mrs. Danny Tiffin, Wingharn, on Sunday. Knox. Ladies Aid Hold SucceSsful Bazaar The annual bazaar under the auspices' or the Ladies' Aid of Knee Presbyterian Church was held in the comenunity Centte On Thursday evening, Nov." 24th. Mrs. Charles A. Winn opened the baSeat and soon "'the variety` of articles for sale were disposed of. These included aprons, fancy work, articles suitable: for gifts.;. produce, home made candy, bale ing and Christmas cards, Tea was served bringing to a close a very successful hamtar, NeWlyweds Honored A presentation and dance was hold in honor of MT. and Mrs. Harty Jecklin, n ee Mary Ellen, Smith of TroWbridge in the Cranbrook Community Centre On Satuday evening With a. good crowd in attendance. Stewart SteiSs read the address and Alex Cameron preSetited the young couple with a gift of money= Music was supplied by Tiffin's orchestra. e'ederetion Banquet The banquet and anittial Meet- ting of the Federation of. Agri- centre will be held at 12 o'clock tieoe in the Cranbrook Coin- mithity Centre ou Dec. Gth. The 39 who were in the Fartnstea.d tr-ore-ernent will be presented With a (queue, and certificate. Eesitybody welcome. If yeti can- na 'attend the hanged you are invited to the reeethig after- Wards. Those in elittege are netteee that all the Fatitistead Ttnettiebilitiet metishete will, make ti sp ecial effort to :be prig sent and. Veceive their nested& Election For 'Reeve And Councillors it is to be hoped that the resi- dents of this village will display a much livelier interest in their municipal affairs on election day, Monday, Decemper boi, than was shown at the nomination meeting. A regrettable lack or concern was evidenced by the number of those not in attendance at that, meeting, It is not only e Prierelege, but a. duty, for every eligible voter to exercise -their right to cast their ballots in favour of those they consider most capable of carrying on the business of the meniciPal- ity for the next year. Vote as you see fit but get out and vote. The 'kills will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For consideration of the various candidates for office see their election cards on an inside page. The name of Lawrie Cousins a candidate for council, was in- advertently omitted in the list of nominees in last week's issue of this paper. PEOPLE WE KNOW Oran Russel left this week for Calgary where he will spend the winter with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Won,, Eckmier and children of Woodstock were recent_ visitors with the Hansuld family of Ethel. Mrs. K. R, Grewar, Nancy and Bradley, Montreal, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A. G-rewar, Mr. and Mrs, J onn Alcock have returned halite after an enjoyable trip to Alabama, the Smoky Mountains and the Lost Sea. Mrs. Arthur Link. Mrs. Al. Pento of „Grenfell, Sask. and Warrant Officer George Ttithart of Greenfield Park. P.Q. visited with their sister, Mrs. Wes Bud- nark this week, Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Kennedy were in. Toronto to attend the Fall Convocation of the Univer- sity of Toronto Friday evening, When theit .yotiliger son, David. Kennedy ,B.A., M,S.W. received. his M.S.W. degree, Mrs. JIM Davis, and Cheryl; Davis, Lateati, MrS. Winnie Belt,' Clinton,. Mr. and Mrs. WM. Reavie of Barrie and Mts. Geo. Daels eef `Brussels. attended the Weddinga Robert. Davis of MeoSonee, O'nt. and Susan Bucket of St. Agaibe, Quele in Trinity Anglican Chur- (11, on Saturday, Nov, 26th, Maty Jean Kernagban, chosen tiatighter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Kernaghan, received the holy' sacrament of. Baptism on Nov, flOth in Sacred Heart Church. Wingham. Rev. j, G. Mooney administered the sacrament and: god-parents for Mary Ji7,,,iten were T,E,o Dither and Jane Dinpel, both of St. Agatha, Sympathy is ;extended to eleotge Scott. former Prudential agent fo this area; and Mrs. Scott of Wibeham• -• in (teeth of their ./, See David. k111611 it ti011iotnn til trlitifitito. Four Brussels Youths Injured In 1-lead-On Crash The rout Brussels youths who were all seriously' injured, nar- rowly escaping death, in a two- car head-on crash on fog shrouded Highway 4, four Miles south of Winghana, Friday afternoon, are reported by their parents to be improving, Paul Wilson. son of., Mrs Melia Wilson, is in Victoria Hospital, London, with a serious eye in- jury, nostril gash penetrating in- to nasal cavity, and broken left arm, Douglas Davidson, son of Mr, and Mrs. George Davidson, had both legs fractured, and head in- juries. He is in St. JosePh's Hos- pital, London. where he has had a pin inserted in one leg and may reouire a pin in the other one, Gary Long, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Clare Long, is in Victoria Hospital, London, with head cuts and broken cheek bone which ceased dislocation -of at eye this was corrected by surgery. , Harold Metter, driVer of „the car, is' the son of Mr. and 'Mrs. George Mutter. He had the ribs of his left side. broken, an ester, sive elbow gash and lacerated eyelids. He remains in Viringhani District Hospital where all the boys were taken immediately fol- lowing the aceidenteesel suffered severe shock and multiple cuts and bruises. ,, iMedical Building Report The property' cent-nit* for the Brussels Morris and Grey medical centre are pleased' ,to announce they have negotiated the purchase of the former Budnark property, and „the site will , be, the , location for the new medical , building. Plans call for the removal of 'the Awesent building as soon as 'possible, Members '-• of the com- mittee are R. B. Cousins, J, Mc- "Donald and H. Stratton, Finance Committee Meeting The Finance committee meet- TWO TO BE ELECTED TO MORRIS TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA BOARD Ili Morris Township there will be an election on Satuday, for two School Boaid memb- ers for Morris Township School Area Board. Pour were nominated, All other township offie,ers were returned by acclamation. Nominations were as follows: For Reeve: Stewart Procter, (Accl.) For Connell: Wm. Elston, Jas. \\salter Shortreee. Ross Smith (All Accl.) School Board, 2 to be elected.; Bert Elliott, Carl Goering, German feitedsah:es, Boyd Taylor. all quail, See election cards on inside gc. Horticultural Society Have Plastic Demonstration 'fiic November meeting of I he Brussels Horticultual Society was held in the Public Library Mon- day, Nov. 21st. at 8 o'clock. The president, Mrs. C. Hemingway, welcomed everyone and opaned the meeting with 0 Canaria, Mrs. Walter Kerr was at the piano. The September minutes were read and approved. Tr surer's report given, correspondence fol- lmyed, The members approved a skins tile Chrysanthemum Soo- Ceti for their 'slides and teeture t'er a future meeting. Miss Linda. Wilson favoured with two delight- ful 'vocal solo's 'accompanied by' Mrs. Kerr. Mes. W. Edgar thank- ed Linda and presented her with' a small gift. A nominating corn- mittee was appointed of Mrs. R. W. Stephens, Mrs. Ross Ben- nett and' Mrs: 066, Wheeler. The toll call was answered by 33 teetebers, There were 37 guests Mrs. D. Dunbar moved we do not qponsor Christmas Decorating' ;this year, seconded by Mrs. R. Stephens carried. Mr, Knight read the News letter, Mrs. C, Henenew,iy introduced the guest eNalese„Miss Mary :Realm, of cif Win6bam Who deinonStrated plastics, The discussion Centennial Napkins brought out a motion we do not sell these, a med. Mrs. H. Smalldon of Walton made 1 ,nd donated a Christmas Cake. Tickets were sold and 5.S..Se llized. Mrs. Allan McCall held ihe winning t icket. Mts. T. Lecan- jig won the door prize. After the meeting a delicious lunch was ser- ved by Mrs. S. Baker' Mrs. C. Mc- Padden., 'Mrs. 3as. Mair and. Mrs. °minters was evident there is a. shortage of cuss and saucers and it was suggested there be a cue and .saucer shower. Anyone Coring to donate a cup and saucer for uso in the 'library may leave it at. Velra ,1 ''a rher shop. Do your Christmas Slimming in Ilitaigets Santa Claus Day, Sat, 116e, 160 Nominations were as follows: Reeve: Kenneth Bray, Cliffere, R. Palliser (Q) Councillors: reeeired. Lawson Ward (Q). 11Ielville Lamont s(f), Charles Thomas (Q), Jan van Vliet, James Knight, Arehle Mann, Glenn Iiiiether, Kenneth Bray (Q). James Knight not present at the Nomination Meeting and Consent to Moneeation not received by Returning Officer, therefore his nomination not valid. School Area. Trustees: 3 re- quited. Samuel Sweeney '(Q). George Pearson (Q), Donald Mc- Donald (Q) All offices filled by Acclamation Clifford R. Dunbar, for his (8) eighth term as Reeve. Andrew Bremner appointed Chairman for the meeting. Clifford R. Dunbar repot-ed. on County affairs including the ap- pointment of a Safety Construct- ion Inspector; addition to Huron- view; salaries of Co. employees and County Library System, voted in by a majority. under this there are no fees and schools neve free service. Kenneth Bray mentioned the .1 Mill raise but some taxes lower clue to decrease in rate of Wing, ham and Listowel High Sehools. He Would like to have calcium chloride, put on in front of every farm; also something to celebrate the Centennial, • Lawson. Ward said more greeeI had been put on than other years, on north part of township,, and more spent on wood spraying, Melville Lamont, reported on the purchase of a new grader. He said the special sehool tax was levied again this yea' as an antendment to the tax levy by-law propoSed by him not to collect the special levy Was defeated, Charles Thomas told of attend- ing meetings on the Slow Growth Area; on new ruling of a liceesed Assessor; and a township license for hunters. .lan van Vliet felt there should he a representative from his part of die township. .Archie Mann said a new Ogeer was needed as the roads -Mee first. He thought 'Council Was doing a good job. Glenn Heether asked OtieStiortS on warble fly grant and the Coen- ty cost of plowing match. Clielord Dunbar in his reply said council should consider hare serfaciee roads, A surplus is elk- pected this year, School Trustees; reeniess, Deneeret feeentintioe eft back pagel ing -A, J of the 'Brussels Morris and 'fires, Medical Centre held a meet,- . 'ing on. Monday, Nov. 25th, at the borne of H. Stretton. There was an excellent response-- to this meeting and it was decided to enpoint a sub committee to lay pions for a general canvass which will ne conducted she eerie part of the Netv Year. The members or the sub' committee are: Robt Richmond ,chairman, Per. F. Brabe, Russell Knight Jetties Main Russel Knight mov- ed that• present accounts be mild seconded by Fred Thuell. carried. ..\ Isiestby diectission dose wee the eroiect itSelf» any defnite nlans to he etteseetee in the near future. in the rrienntinie any- obe wishing to donate to the' Medical Ceette Mast do so by Pontartino; Pov rrurvev. nbonci .141 for which a receipt Will be given The meetifie fidiournecl on eestlee of jeiteriS Main Pelee Beletieete ActtnpOemrstat3',