HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-11-17, Page 6NOTICE TO ifGr.](‘VIISTS THURSDAY, NOV. l7th, 1968 THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY Established 1870 Assets $75,000,000 • Capital & Reserve $9,000,000 Paid. On 1, 4 & 5 year debentures or 61/4 % paid on 1 & 2 year debentures Offices: Toronto . Hamilton • Ottawa • St. Thoas PleaSe CO1110lete coUpda acid Mail with cheque to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE CONIPAN'' 197 Dundas Street) London, Ont Phone 432-4158 fears W./Mrs./Miss Address .............. Tel. Signature Ainounl: Phones: BrusselS 388W10 Whigheml 1091; 'GO-OP MEDICAL SERVICES RE-ELECTS FOUR DIRECTORS ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Hon. Irwin Haskell Minister • Effective January 1,19G7, a passenger in a motor vehicle,, who is not paying a tare for passage, will have the rightto. :Claim damages from the driver and /or owner of • the. vehicle if he's injured in an accident caused by the driver's gross negligence. (There will be no change in the • law affecting fare-paying passengers, who will continue.' to have the right to claim damages.) The insurance industry advises that almost all automobile liability insurance policies now in effect include coverage against this new risk. However, all motor vehicle owners, and particularly motorcycle owners, are urged to check their policies to make sure that passenger hazard cover- age is included. If there is any doubt you should check with your automobile insurance agent. - fected us as yet:" Then added that competition is as healthy rtn. in the medical insurance busi- pess as in any other. Mr. Kirkland informed members at the annual and turkey banquet in. THE BRUSSELS POST,. 80,i16$0,§ 01.01it3IO • ed the IICMS office staff in CUR, ton to conduct a survey of •claims.. • over the next few months. .astern taro just what the cost of current claims. would have been if paid on the specialist rates. Approval, for the Department of Insurance Would have to be approved for this added benefit. The financial position of the. medical co-op is good, mainly. due to an increase in rates in August, 1965, Members approved the trans-. fer of $18,112 profit for the year ended on July 31, 1966; to the. general reserve fund. Pratilt Thompson of the co-op's. ing firm, explained the financial report to the members. Four directors were re-elected to the 12 man board by membership. These were •Mrs. O. Anderson. Belgrave; ..Lorne lodges, RR. 1. Godericb; Fordyce. Clark, R.R 5, Goderich .and Kenneth. Johns, Exeter. The other directors are Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter: T-Tugh 13. Smith, RR 2, Listowel: Roy Strong, 0orriei Gordon Kirkland, Bert T. myth,. :1IR 2 Seaforth; 13ertant Klopp, Zr.vich; Gordon, • Richardson, Rrucefield ;4nd Robert Al Sin' forth. than 40 percent, — or part, of the 40 percent mark-up could be re- turned to shareholders. The speaker was introduced by Vice-President Ken Johns and thanked by Director Gordon Richardson. Winners of six draws for first aid kits were: Layton, Elliott The president of Huron Co- operative Medical Services, Gor- don Kirkland, RR 3 Lucknow, warned that the future of co- op Medical services .is "rather uncertain' due to the Dom- inion government's launching of a medicare program. Then he asked the members to thing carefully before dropping their HCMS coverage. He said "OMSIP" has not seriously of FROM PENTHOUSE TO FADMHOUSE Glamorous ]Ova Gabor stars 8s Douglas, the wife of. a New York city attorney who traded his laW comedy series Omen Acres seen . every Wednesday evening on the CJ;(: television network. The t arc: will appoint president and vice-president at “r F f meeting. Guests at the dinner included Rev. and Mrs. Grant Mills; Mayor and API's. Don Symons; Clare Magee, former manager of HUMS. now manager of Went- WOri 11 County medical co-op; John 13owrAa1 of the CIA. office, Olin,: ton. 1r4.;n1: ;la turn en t was provided by ers friar! Seaforth • Palsy Donna, and Sherrie. — who stop danced acconipanied by their younger brother Jack on the violin. Later in the evening, the or!, were Joined by another sister, Mrs Call Granville. Who is a clerk at the HCMS offiee in another sten dance number, The guest sPeaker was 174- ward Schofield. provincial sec- retary of the Co-Operative Med, ical ser vic es Federation of Ont- ario. lie is a PrliVersity Of Tor- onto graduate in business adMini- stl atlis ol ntindee liztsi alwaysn. been in lb Mr, Schofield Said that: medical co-nos have increased Slime bothg• "kicked out" of the hosnital field. Hp said they have increr18- ad nearly 25 percent. in the past 12 months. I-Te remarked on the new era Ere Dui into effect last Year on chimp/Tette care: there is Some success in developing dental pro- "Tams be said. There are 31 medical co-ops in Ontorio and all are increasing their volume of business, the Prn- vineinl secretary said. Tie also said sonic offices aro converting t o business accounting machines. saki sonic Monet:it; ber ,1 elven io co-op drnp: nrop TT.. r, , he a vp.i.r1 Plc-nn rlrrirs in ein I al10 ty 11611gng Wev,17 " Tie Went on to say •.,tr cohld oper;1te cut less Ted Crich, J. J. fi111tott, Mrs. Wallace Ross, Mrs, Stanley John- ston, Bob Dalton. FOR SALE — 1 Aluminum Window, 29"W x 57" H. H. J. TenPas Phone 480 Street United. Church, auditorium,.. Clinton, that the, board of direct- ors was considering paying claims on the Ontario Medical Associat- ion's specialist tariff of fees, rather than the seneral tariff now covered by contracts. The hoard has already instruct- the 200 meeting Ontario farm in Hootorville, on the new