HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-11-17, Page 5BAKE SALE
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...,„ 4..y. 1,:. ,,Ar iiiik,1 ii
Minister: Rev. A, M. Johnston
B.A. B.D.
Organist: Mrs. Fred Stephenson
9:45 A,M. Church School
11:14 rii. i .ublii Worsiitp
Wits *op it
109,11441.10.45. ,313,i):UEIL.8, ONTAMA NOV. 17th, ipsd
For the best in color, or
The season s'or hunting deer
is over and for every one who
got one there are seven who
didn't. A great many were shot,
mostly in the Legion, the .Ameri-
cap and the Queens, by hunters
who were halt shot. They all got.
80trlettltng, most.* curds, the flu,
frustrations, bad tempers, skin-
ned heels and a good soaking.
Ned Rutledge got. the first doe,
the smallest on record. Kay had
to buy a rabbit from Roy `Purvey
to put. with it so there would be
enough for cue meal. Frank
Alcock was very lucky. lie was
being chased by a buck, he fell
and Lilo gun went Of shouting the
buck right between the eyes.
Jack Clark got a couple Out not
as big as the three or four him.
and .kold Kash got before the
season opened. Francie, Duncan
tired eighteen shots at :Wenn.
Smith's big collie dog. First he
said lie thought, it was a wolf.
The boys kidded him because he
didn't know the difference so
AEI Sad a LW. lli.Uagin IL 1.'L15
mad dog. Well, no doubt the dog
wasn't pleased alter dodging 16
bullets but he wasn't half us mad
as Glenn. Jack MeWhirter had a
rallied strange experience. Mon-
day morning he tuia the IllisSUS
not to buy any meat as they
would be having venison. Jack
too,: nis stand on a roadway in.
the swamp with a double barrel
shot gun both carrels cocked.
big buck started towards him
tat ing 30 foot jumps. At forty
' paces John opened fire with. the
iatt barrel, at tell jiaces with the
right. 'You might say they were
lucky shots. The first one killed
a ,crow cawing up in an elm tree
sixty feet from the ground. The
Other missed his big toe by just
two inches. The buck stopped and
Went over to a little sapling and
began rubbing his antlers. Jack
thought lie was sharpening them
so he quick tried to reload. He
had hawk fever so bad he was
Shaking so badly he shook the
gun barrel! off the stock. All he
had lett to defend himself was
sex appeal. kle sat down to think
it over. The buck laid down about
7 ' -
forty feet away. This Was a smart
gee,.. lie knew he stayed close
to Jack he would be safe, gun or
no gun. John Sat about four limos
till he got rid of the shakes and
then he. started for home, the
back at Ins heels. Jack had to
throw stones at hint to make
him understand he wasn't wanted.
When MeWhirter got home lie
had a hot bath and a change t)
linen and was hack to normal,
Instead of venison with wine
Layered dressing he had to Bet-
tie fur fat pork and molasses.
Next morning he ordered half a
pig and a quarter of beet from
Backer and Thompson, for the ,
lanniy. lie is still on the pork.
1.11 1.5 proves sex appeal is no good
around home. It also proves it's
1w good away front home without
some nerve and it's no good, any-
where if you take buck fever.
‘a (.11. it's tunnel' tune, aid 1 must
go. Boy does that venison smell
good with that Maritime, uressing
moistened with Burgoune, lipid
wine from the rich vineyards of
old France. I feel so sorry tor
Poor Al eWhirter. I hope soon
Kathleen will change nis diet and
give hint apple sauce instead of
molasses, Boost for Brussels,
Morris and Grey Mendical and.
Dental. Centre. It's for your bene-
Truthfully 'Yours
T. K. F.
:)Jr. and Mrs. Win. Smith and
'family of Aylmer were visitors,
on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Joe Smith.
Birthday Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mann and
Londe of Clinton, Alex Maim. of
Brussels and Mi' and Mrs. Harold
Roberts of Litowel were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Atcnie
Mann when a birthday dinner
honored the birthday of 'Harold
Roberts and the second birthday
of his niece Lorie mann.
A six string guitar. Apply at
The .Brussels Post.
interim Moderator:
Rev. McLean
Organist: Margaret Thompson
.11:00 a.ni. kublic ti', tn'ilup
10:00 aan. Church iSclicx:J.
Parish Priest:
The Rev. F. G. Braby, B.A„ 1—Th,
SAINT JOHN'S — Brussels
Organist — Mrs B. Elliott
11:.i0, a.m. The Holy Eucharist
and Primary Church School
• SA i I" A LEAN'S
Organist -- Mrs. C. Dickson
u:00 tam. Mattins
and Church School
Anyone wishing to curl please
contact any of the following be-
fore • November 20th: Frank
Carter,- • Ken. McDonald, Danny
Pearson, Mrs. Dolores Wheeler,
Mrs, Joyce Johnston, Ralph Pear-
son, Bob Wheeler, Jim Mair, Clare.
NeW members welcome.
'1 he fist two teams are battling
for top position white the ether
ones are close behind.
Ladies' High Singles
Betty Bronson 21a
Karen I xLetsi tings 2(14
lrikki in 197
Ladies' High Triple
tty Bzonson 551
Lois 111,cArter 492
Karen Hastings 491
Men's High Singles
Mel McArter 239
Jack Higgins 236
Lloyd Machan 220
Men's High Triple
Jack Higgins 624
Mel INICArter 565
David Hastings 524
Dianne linether for Mabel Willis
Anne Lowe for Velma. Stephenson
'Mary Lowe for Nikki Exel
Willis Knight for Betty Bronson
The following players have
taken over for these boWlere:
Karen Ita.stings for Ann Higgins'
:Take 2;ackaris for Alex Keifer
David Hastings for Ray Bronson
Team Standings
Marilyn's Manlius 34
Mel's Cameros 34
Niek's Niekols 31
Davie's sting Rays 26
Marlene's Tornados 22
inek's .ToyotiA Jiggers 1.8
Rev. Charles Winn conducted a
service of Remembrance in KnOX
Church on Sunday at 2 p.m. •
Keep in mind the annual _bazaar t
in the Continuity Centre on
Thursday evening., November
24 at 8.30. Everyone welcome..
Newlyweds Honored
A presentation Was held in the
Community Centre on Thursday
evening for Jur, and Mrs. DOL•ald.
:Petrie. Dancing was enjoyed by
the large crowd to the music of
Kea Wilbee"s orchestra. The
bride and groom were called to
pirraorm and presented with
a floor polisher and purse of,
money. Donald expressed thanks
on behalf of himself and Brenda.
Lunch was served.
Miss Joyce ',Weiner, Brussels,
spent a few days with Miss Joan-
ne Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cm:Isla and
Vaina, were Sunday visituis
with Mrs. Stuart Itivans. Mr. and
Mrs. Jith Young, tioderich, also
visited with Mrs. Evans recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dc vine and
family, Toronto, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Smith_ and finally.
Miss Mary McDonald, Toronto,
was home for the weegend.
Injured In Car Accident
Miss Kate McNabb is a patient
in hospital at Oakville as the re-
sult cap an aCeident on '1 htirsday
evening, Kate was on her way
home from Temiskaming. accoM,
panied by a friend who was driv ,,
fug when the car Went out of
control, ending up in the ditch.
Both occupants were taken to the
hospital where Kate is suffering
from broken bones in her left
wrist and two broken fingers on
her right hand, She expects to be
hospitalized for at least twe
Cranbrook W. I.
The N:oveniber meeting of Craw
brook W.T. was held at the
home of Mrs. Clare Witch. The
roll call was answered by each,
member introducing her guest
and naming a popular song of her
Mrs. James Bremner gave the
motto people are like tea hags,
they never know their strength
until they are in hot water. Mrs.
Warred Sltrickler gave current
The guest speaker was Mrs.
Torrance Dundas of Walton, who
showed her pictures of Europe.
Plans were made for the Dec-
ember meeting which will be in
the form of a noon dinner for the
members and their husbands and
Pre-School children.
Mr. and Mrs. Les 112arl spent
Sunday in Ayr at the cottage of
and Mrs. Win. searson
Miss Grace Lamont is a Patient
in. Victoria Hospital, London.
Garry Godden is a hospital
patient in Listowei memoriai
Mr. and Mrs: R. J. Annett of
Brussels were surprised at their
home on Friday evening when
tornter neighbours gathered to
wish them happiness in their new
home. They 'were presented with.
a clock. Progressive euchre was
enjoyed. Lunch was served.
Sing a song
of Christ-
A stock-in
of cheer;
Christ- mas Seals
on all your mail
Will mean a
Health -ler Year!
Chri,strnas Seals on
your holiday mail fight
tuberculosis and other
.aspiratory diseases
MI Cinsde's Capitol, .119111 Istoloverti a* Lauda' AV..
al OM NI Roos* Frns Wand idle
Mew hisis Skies $7:.50, "P .25
Doubiss $10,02:30
+ erns it 5-3333