HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-08, Page 66
The Poet's 'tomer.
Orales. Cedilla Dees.
The bairn* ouddld down et nicht,
Wi module faii an' din;
"Oh, try sleep, yo 7agltzife rogues,
Your her's oumin in."
They nev heed • word I speak;
I try to gid a froon,
But aye I hap them up an' cry,
"Oh, betrntw, cuddle down."
Wee Janie wi' the curly held--
eld-He aye sleeps next the wti -
Bange up en' cries, "I want a piece;"
The rascal starts them •'.
I ria at' tich them pieces, drinks,
They step awn the soun';
Then dran the Ipleaketa up an' cry,
"Noo, ' .ani , -cuddle dome"
But ere five minutes gang, wee Rab
Cries oot, free 'ueath the clads,
"hither, peak Tam gie ower at snob --
He's kittlin' wi' his tare."
The mischief's in that Tam for trick.,
He'd bother half the toon :
But aye I 6p thea[ tip en cry,
"Oh, bairnies, cuddle doon."
At length they hear their faither's fit,
An', as he stinks the door,
They turn their face* to the we',
While 'Dam preteuds w snore.
"Hae a' the wuaus been gude t'' tweaks,
As he pits elf his rhoon;
"The bairnies, John, are in their beds,
An' lane sines cuddled doon."
An' just afore we bed omits?,
We look at our wee lambs;
Tutu has his airtua roun' wee Raba neck,
An' Rab his eines roun' Tarp's,
1 lift wee Jamie up the bed,
An' as I strain each croon,
I whisper' till nig hears" fill up,
"Oh, burnies, cuddle doon."
Thu hairnies cuddle doon at nicht,
WI' mirth that's dear` to ate;
But sune the big ward's perk an' care
Will quaten doon their glee, ' •
Yet conte what will to ilka ane,
May He who site aboon
Aye whisper, though their pows be bauld,
"Oh, beirnies, cuddle doon."
The Brltlsb &evertig.s.
First William the Norman,
Then Willem his son;
Henry, Stephen, and Henry,
Then Richard and John.
Next Henry the Third;
Edwards one, two and three;
And again, after Richard,
Three Henrys we see.
Two Edwards, third Richard,
If rightly I guess;
Two Henrys, sixth Edward,
Queen Mary, Queen Bess.
Then Jamie the Scotsman;
Then Charles whom they slew;
Vet received, after Cromwell,
Another Charles, too,
Next James the Socond
Ascended the throne;
Then William and Mary
Together came on.
Till Ann, Georges four,
And fourth William all past,
' (1 sent us Victoria
May she long be the last
•• Ingersoll's Creed."
\\-ith this title some one sends us a lit-
tle tract, containing epigramattic ex-
pressions from Col. Robert G. Ingersoll's
latest lecture, "What must we do to be
saved (' We have reed the tract and
we have the entire lecture. If this is
truly Ingersoll's creed, the colonel isn't
so far out of the way. He is coming
.around, maybe.` He manages to get
considerable scripture into his creed, as
he sots it forth. There is lots of hope,
in fact there is a great deal of certainty
for the colonel. We subjoin a few arti-
cles of this great man's creed, just to
show from what hook he got his decla-
ration of faith.
"Honest industry is as good as pinus
idleness," says the colonel.,
Well, that's all richt. That's ortho-
dox. The Bible says the same thing
and said it long before the colonel
thought of it -''Faith without works is
''Christ believed the temple of God to
he the heart of man." -[Ingersoll.
Yes. that's orthodox, too. We "must
worship hint in the spirit." "Know ye
net ye are the temple of the Holy
Ghost '!"
"If I go tc heaven I want to take my
reason with me." --[Ingersoll.
Of course, and an you will, "for now
we see through a glass, darkly; but
there face to face; now I know in part;
but then I shall know even as I am
known. -[I Corinthians, xiii, 12.
"Fear is a dagger with which hypocri-
sy pie assinates the soul." -[Ingersoll.
That is good gospel, and "perfect love
casteth out fear,"
"If i owe Smith ten dollars, and God
forgives me, that doesn't pay Smith." -
Correct you are; the prayer of Christi-
anity is "forgive w our debts as we for-
give our debtors." "Owe no man any-
"Reason is the light of the soul, and
if yon haven't the right to follow i1,
what have you the right to follow r
"Yet in the church 1 had ra her speak
five words with my understanding, that
by ray valise I moght teach others also,
then two thousand words in an unknown
teeing. Brethren, be not children in
nnderstatxling: howbeit in malios be ye
ehildreo, but in understar,diug, he me1J►."
-41 Ooeinthians sae, IA, Mk
"if you go to hell. it will be f.w not
ra,•tising the virtues which the Sermon
,n the Mount proclaims." [Ingersoll.
That s all ,irthodox "if ye know
•hese things happs sod ve if re do
I'he meta wit, ate • io 'ninnies ell
died long sgo. I wasn't sogtminted with
s way with men who es; Ser-
11241dtY ¢ e+. . !fat the Mahal aced
firmly ►.*levee thIg Servetes site ta
"A ilittle now, right -
just a little one -would do suers toward
the advancement of Chrigbisoitiy Jhap
all the preaching of 4he last thisy
yens." -[Ingersoll.
"If they hear not Moses and the pro-
phets, neither: 'ttiiU they In persuaded
thou. 'o ss Noe trips the *tn."--(Luke
"If there is a God in the universe he
will not damn tun, hynest matt. "-4In-
"A false balance is an abomination
unto the Lord; but a just weight is his
delight. "-{Proverbs zi, 1.
"There is only one tree worship, end
that is the practice of jentice."-{Inger-
"Render therefore unto Caesar the
things which be C.epar's, an4 unto, God
the things which be God's." -[Luke
xx, 25.
"God will nut damn a good citizen, a
good father, or a good friend. "-[Inger-
Certainly not; nor any geed moan.
"A good mat showed' favour, and
lendeth; he will guide hie affairs with
discretion. Surely, he shall not be moved
forever: the righteous shall be held in
everlasting remerubranoe." - [Psalms
exit, b; 6. r
"Study the religion of the body in pre-
ference ' to the zieligion of the soul. - A
healthy body will give a healthy mind,
sad a health; mind will dsatr'o4 tt{ptrsti-
tion. "-[Iz>,gtrnsolt
That explains why the Indians have
no superstitions.
"People who have the smallest souls
make the most fuss about saving them.'
Of course, colonel; they are the had -
est kind to save.
"I will never ask God to treat me any
fairer than I treat my fellow men." -
Well, that's perfectly orthodox. "For
if ye forgive men their trespasses, your
heavenly Father viU also forgive you;
but if ye forgive not men their tres-
passes, -neither will your Father forgive
your trespasses." "For with what judg-
ment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and the devil fly away with you, you inieher
with what measure ye mete, it shall bei from Munster, and make celery sauce of
measured to you." your rotten limbs, you mealy mouth -
"Upon the shadowy shore of death, . ed-"
the sea of trouble casts no water."-- "Ah, you can't deny the chasge, you
[Ingersoll. miserable submilitude ;,f a duplicate
The colonel must have been singing ratio.
that good old hymn "When I can read I "Go, rinse your mouth in the Littey,
my title clear," in which occur the lines: you nasty tickle pitcher; after all the
"And not a wave of trouble rolls hard words you speak it ought to be fil-
Across my peaceful breast." thier, you dirty chicken of Beelzebub."
"Rinse your own mouth, you wicked
A ermtabtetare eto'c.uett. minded old polygon -to the deuce I
Most persons have heard of the cele- pitch you, you blustering intersection of
brand encounter of O'Connell with the • superflicies.'
famous scold, Mrs Moriarty, the huck- "You saucy tinker's apprentice, if you
ster of Dublin. Nevertheless, at the don't cease your jaw. I'll-"
risk of telling an old story, we will give But here she grasped for breath, un-
it as related by Father John O'Rourke, able to hawk up any more words, for
P. P., M. R L A, in his recent work, 1 the last volley at O'Connell had nearly
"The Centenary Life of O'Connell," just !knocked the wind out of her.
issued from the _ "Whilst I've a tongue I'll abuse you.
low• you most inimitable periphery. Look at
There was at that time in Dublin • er, boys 1 There she stands a perpen-
certain woman, Biddy Moriarty, who
had a huckster stall on one of the quays' dicular in petticoats ' There's a con-
-near opposite the Four Courts. She tamimtion in her circumference, and ;he
pass a"virago of the first order, very able f ambles with guilt down t., the extretni-
with her fist, and still mors formidable ties of her corollaries. Ah : yuu'r found
out, you rectilineal antecedent and
with her tongue. From one end of
"Keep a nivel tongue in your heed,
you old diagonal," said O'Connell, calm-
"Stop your jaw, you pugmoeed bad-
ger, or by this and that," cried Mrs.
Moriarty, "I'll make you go quicker nor
you pante."
"Don't On in a basion, my old radius
--mese early wrinkles your beauty."
"By the hooky, if you say weigher
word of impedencs, 1'U tan your dirty
hide, yogi baste y common tertib; land
aorryI'd beds eu4Luiy fists an pug. par.
"Whew ! boys what a passion eld Bid-
dy is in. I protest as I am a gentleman
"Jintleman ! Jintletasn ! the likes of
you a Jintleman ! Willa, that bangs
Bsnagher. Why, you potato faced pip-
e* nseeaer, where sial a Mndalptsear
monkey -like you pick up enough of
common Christian decency to hide your
Kerry brogue 1"
"gray new-ewy now," cried O'Cott -
nel, with intpettarabje good humor,
"don't choke yourself with fine language,
you old whiskdy drinking parrelello-
gran► "
"What's that you called me, you four
derin.',rilailn 1" roared Mrs. Moriarty,
stung to fury.
"I mill you," answered O'Connell, "a
parallelogram; and a Dublin judge and
jury will say that it's no libel to call you
t."--"Oh, tare -an houns ! oh, holy'•Biddy!•
that au honest women like me should be
called a parybeltygrams. to.yber face..
I'm none of your parybel(ygrunis,'you
mallows -bird; yytit cowardly,
:leukin,' plate lic dn' bliggarti."
"Oh, not you, indeed 1." retorted O'-
Connell; "why, I suppose you'll deny
that you keep a hypothenuse in your
house (
"11's a he for you; )r never had such a
thing in my house, you swindeling
"Whim sure all the neighbors knew
very well that you keep not only an
hypothenuse, but that you have two
diameters locked up in yonr garret, and
that you go out to walk with them every
Sunday, you heartless old heptagon."
"Oh, hear that, ye saints in glory !
Oh,,, there's bad language for a fellow
that wants to pass for a jtntlenian. May
Dublin to the other she was notorious equiangular old hag : Its with you the
for her powers of abuse, and even in the devil will fly away, you porter -swiping
i similitude of the bisection of a vortex."
provinces Mra. Moriarty's language had
Overwhelmed with the torrent of
language Mrs. Moriarty was silenced.
Catching up a saucepan. she was aiming e
it at O'Conn;ell's head. when he very 0111C! mi lligenagr
prudently made a titnely retreat.
"You have won the wager, O'Connell.
passed into currency. It was mooted
once whether the young Kerry barrister,
could encounter her, and some of the
company in O'Connell's presence,
rather too freely ridiculed the idea of
his being Rae, to meet this famous Ma-
dame Moriarty. O'Connell never liked
the idea of being pot down, and he pro-
fessed his readiness to encounter her,
and even backed himself for the )hatch.
Beta were offered and taken. so it was
decided that the matter should come off
at once.
The party adjourned to the huckster's
stall, and there was the owner herself,
superintending the sale of her small
wares. A few lawyers and ragged idlers
were hanging around her stall --for Bid-
dy was a "character," and her way was
one of the sights of Dublin.
O'Connell was very confident of sitc-
oms. He had lain an ingenious plea
for overwhelming her, and with all the
anxiety of an ardent experimentalist
wanted to put it into practice.
O'Connell commenced the attack
"What is the price of this walking -
dick , Mts. What s ram -name r
"Mnriavty, sir. ie my mese, and s
god one it is. and what have yes to his home.
say *gen-it i And one and sixpence is
the pries of the stick. Troth, its coupe
as dirt, so it is."
"One and sixpence ter a walking-etiek
-whew ! Why you are no better than
an imposter to ask eighteen pence fox
what cost you two -pence "
6Tteo-Ifmoe, your grandmother," re- Oen that Week h k ou ate do et speed -
plied Biddy; "do you mane to say Ws ' safe ami �fa14 *iib Hargis& s
!'Lctowi BsMrga. Now i. W► &baro. k�
C-RaAaINTID T.:=5'2' 1
-_- AT -_
DETLOR & 00.8,
Nair Scok'��il !'NewT Spriu llats!
TO' C110081i'FROM.
We are reoelring liberal sbipineateot
SP RIN G G-0 OD 8,
which comprise all the Desirable Lines of the Leading MatseAoturers of the Uominiw.
The Prominent Features& oar Stoott tbtr Series will be
ore have also added
Several New wee of Our Town
in both Sewed and Pegged, w hlch will be found all that ti customer cast d.•sire.
Promptly Attended to and Promptly Done, aB•Call and examine be yourselves. We shall
• he pleeedas show yotrtgte tlondattnequste prices, whether you buy or not.
THE SQUARE, Goderich. Feb. 3..th, 1881
If You. 'Want C+ood
Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel.
In addition to the Ordinary lines of the Grocery and Crockery Trade. I tarry a fu stock of
ILW1'sATw SWI u.4 emoOi la eta
t and O0 Illustrat tuna,
the beet )'lowers and
tor 'rowing. 0611
(1*rtsen. It you atter-
p��snl>fef dedset t0 meta,
re Meds ore the holt the world. Tea
Outdo will tell holy' to get and grow
Ditime g0•i sed Ptatea iN IenrenvI*is roe
13 omm is covets; MAO le etyma cloth.
In ♦ o Immo us
NOM • l•�sla 'every ?oZsesr aw
essay IfeLni�vN.� �Prior
solss� )Mu�hsse
seatIbr{(g"'pe.b •$ VIC
for. sags
Addrrd ep- ate; 11lt oI i Roohesle•
` N. Y.
Fiotir, Jeals, Pork and COflOfl Proisus
And People in Caeaea say at out
Scott's E+naulsion
Of Pure Cod Liver Oil
Hypophosphin of Lime & Soda
etltcodlec, N. a, Nov. S, lee t.
Me.es. SCOTT d` BOW NZ:- 1 hi ve used and
tq Boase time • i4.ott'e Eniulaiun of
ted Lf ver OU.' surd find it do exeellent prepa-
ration, agreeing well with the .tumach, easily
taken, and its continued i adding greatly to
Abe strength and comfort of the patient.
A. I1. VI.'k, M. D.
Penn. Mid. t'ollege.
Amherst, Nova Scotia, Nov. 8, 1880.
Metra. semi. lit BOWNJ,-Genua: For
nearly two years I have been ooaax�.��uaiutevt with
r,-ott • Etrtulalon of Cod Liret'Vil with- hypo -
phosphites, and consider k the Detest prepars-
twa now before the pubile. Its permanency as
an Emulsion with the eleven% %Ivor, makes it
tbe great favorite for children, sad I do highly
Warm it for all wasting &erases of the
Yours, very Maly.
17 ..� .'. A. /LACE, Y. O.
" Halifax. N. S.. Nor. 19, 1880.
Messrs. SCOTP d• HONNE,-aeatlernan: I
have prescribed your gmelsloe ter the past two
yearn.. and found It mote aaggrreeeeaable w the
stomach, and have betteereeul['from its use
from nay other preparation of the kind 1 have
fl. le cAYa'aus, Y. D.
Belleville, Oat
Meosws.8(01Td' HDW\E.- Dear Sirs: I
feel it a duty I owe not only to you but to the
oommmaity. to make the following statement:
Aeons three years ago ray eldest daughter was
taken with a serere cold which settled on ber
lunss..aad not withstanding all that her medi-
cal attendant could do, she got worse and
worse. and appeared w be in the last and hope-
less stage of coraumptlos. The Loctorsald he
could ds no more. but t nisi-' dad your Em-
ulsion. and the effect of it was in the opinion
of every one who knew her, simply marvelous.
Before she had used the first bottle. she felt
much better, and to the surprise of as all. she
continued w mend so tepidly that in three
months she was able to go about as meal, and
has continued In such excellent health that
she gut married t8 months ago, and has now
as fine aad healthy a son as yon can find in the
;:lora• Ono. July, 1900.
This is to certify that my daughter bis had
Leng'theraa. fur Bosse rime, and vest much
reduced In 'milked sot.trsegtk enough
to waft across the street. She w•a advised by
• lady friend to try Scott's Emulsion. and w
our great surprise before she had used three
bottles her health was complete) recovered.
i recommend it to every one troubled with the
same disease.
"`Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices."
Coal Oil alsoleold.(see(my Stock and get my prices.
/2F Goods delivered to any part of the
D. Ferguson.
Daniel Gordon
here's your bet," said the gentleman
who proposed the wager.
Biahop, the would be suicide of Pe-
trone, has since undergone a severe ope-
ration, for the removal of a cancer, at
Ann Arbor, Michigan. When told by
the Drs., previous to the operation, that
his life might be log in the attempt, he
said, "that if they killed him it was
more than he coulddo,and he tried right
hard, too."
Waterton, Wis., March 24. ---John
-Lewis, the famous dwarf, died Monday
of congestion of the stomach, aged 24.
His height was 27 inches, average weight
19 pounds. He wits a perfect little man
in every respect. He was born et Izo-
nia, near here, of Welsh parents, and
was the eldest of seven children, all the
ethers being of orlinerysize. Re spoke
both English and Welsh fluently, and
was a gond scholar. He made itis broth-
ers and sinters and all others regard him
as their equal, and in intellect was mupe-
rio to many. He was averse to being
exhibited or petted, and received marry
Qifts from thousands who visited him at
TAW Oil is flw its ours
.sakasss iniad in tkr b rinillbkim sio other
is to Mufti he well ee tttrtgtsal we.
Zoog bMM& is guar.nt.ed So give seals -
Viatica. All smedietse design sell it.
eiutun the public 1 am. im le -
mitAUCTION A7� •will
r tomo! spied eel& If .. would
Gmsumptbioe n�1ee� trot the mot A t , b
"Ay. imposter, and it's that trail yogi tt1E aq gyard'a Naomi
to ynnr teeth" rejoined O'Connell =Vim it ce� pHjgf'LSI1 M We eIaN, ,+f 1 H*) i�it RIOR AIL
"r"me. cut your stick von cantanker Cnewp, Asthma Brown'
Cough mod all Potwtasary
a p►c.;anapest ' Obtain it of your druggist - North unseat" (bind
Oldest Huse in the ("minty, and Largest .4toek this.ride of London!
PARLOR St rrsa,
Ban -ROOD Surma,
gear Chaves,
Lovleosa feTc. , rrc.
(:ash Buyers will fin•i it to their advantage too see my stock it they need!* good artkle at
eine prioe.
D. GORDON, Went Btreed,-near Post Office, floderidi.
Carriage works!
having teased the ahop of Mr P Bayne, is sow engaged in the manufacture of
first clam
Give mea call, and I will give you pnoes that cannot be beaten in the
TIMES I -The ('ills Purify the Blood. correct ail
disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and
Rowels and are tn valuable to all complaints in -
cideetal to Females. ThoOintmeee Y the only
reliable remedy for Rad Ings Old Wounds.
Sore. and Ulcers. of however to standing_
For Broach ltls,D! theria.('ought+•('oldaRout,
Rheumatism and all Skin Diseases, it has no
irwiTB.- i moat resipecttully tape leave to pall
the ettentimn of the Public generally to the fact
that certain Ilo»aesln New Yorkaresendingto
teeny parts of the globe SPURIOUS ,rrrAllgtrs
of my Ptlltaad Ointment Thew frauds bear
nn their labels some addrees in New York. T
de not allow My Msdktae to be sold in an part
ori the Caned States. I have M Agents there.
My Medicines are oal me by me, at Seg Ox -
ford Street, London. i'ad
n the Books of direetsoas
affixed tote spurious make is &caution warn-
ing the Pithik- against being deceived h ooun-
terfeits. IM not be misledr7 this audacious
trick, as they are tie muster• eats they pretend
to deno+ewre. These connte a1yegep rchased
by unprincipled Tendorsatene.AaDtite price of
any PI1u sed Ointment and s/eMin tel ynu s. my
genuine !Medtettnea. 1 mem •e. appeal to
at saris *elastics which i Igihn may ven-
ture upon ask Ing from all honoi••Me persona, to
midst me and the Pubile, as far as inlaylie In
their•pnwer,Indenouncing thisshe mete! txl.
Each Pet and Box of the Genuine Medicine
bears the British Government Stamp with rho
woe* "HnLtow a Plow Byrn Onerwusirr,
♦ Op the label M
_ 1,�[(h !stays! Nhde01106722:
n. where
'weitQl'IB � eVrt tet • "'T• •'alts
esenionift11 !!a -74:,
e & tweet Mad(
eeee3 1n Ottawa Hence any one
as Del tub £oe.sserma who may
btu �MA�� iIs for wile. will be
as, t. int
srwas M e
wase as
its r sadst
sets with rspslty4,
Try It totter , •sty etflar. Ant& b all
1 de'ssofete. Pt•ISSS sa a be/fta 171,1..
AGENTS W Ce, �;,t :+an sen
+ it logetel reesited. Jaime Ids R to Moe
Eruto the d
we clip the ful
"Much has b
bating to the be
to plan it to go
goad potatoes.
declare that he
to pot two good
.Mier asserts
that two •rasa Ir
one party plant
Um potato and
end, another pr
there is also a di
gard to planting
tows; one party
small potatoes
while the other
toes ase over rii
the smaller and
also a difference
planting the sat,
suoceeion, mud
from a higher
We must not
that the pots.°
ber ora rout; t
in the same h
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l.11igent men
more mix than
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stand what q
in spring; for
change the v
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is about as
This being the
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those who p
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ment from the
are to be sup
and cramp
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large number
large potat
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result will
small potat
portion of th
A series of
tried hats
number of pis
quantity of
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to wan best
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cut again,
Beed end
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