HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-10-20, Page 5i6t44 SIAN NOTICE Ba,elter Thompson MEAT MARKE1 To Our Customers past, present, and future: Meat Inspection, under the Ontario Meat In- spection Act, is now in effect in ligron County. Our plant is under Inspection and our number is 116. Our designated Kill Day is Monday. We request that you make arrangements the week before and that our custom-kill customers have their animals delivered to our plant as early as possible Monday morning, or no later than 12 p.m 1867 1967 b y CEN TENNIA LjHNW FISH ER CO MMISSIONER !We stistiiiialui row, eiatINhatu.oai ORTkiii0 MELVILLE GUILD BAKE SALE. and TEA R001111 SATURDAY OCTOLiE.R 22nd IN BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY AT 2:30 P.M. You've heard explosion. Have you heard the information explosion? In this fast age, I am told mankind's total knowledge is in- creased daily by thousands of items of new information pro- duced by scientists, engineers and other profesionals. The prob- lem is how to get the information to the people who can use it. It's no good filed away in office cabinets. In a way we are faced with problems of an information explo- sion at the Centennial Commis- sion. The Confederation Exhibit- ion .Train: and Caravans touring Canada frotm coast to coast next year; for example, 'will be stop- ping at more than Soo communit- ies. That means more than SOO place names and more than SOO sets of dates and we want all the people in the 800 cora- numitiee to know about them. The Train and Caravans repre- sent merely one challenge in the business or Centennial nter- ivallen itineraries for the 3,500-mile Centennial Canoe Pageant, the Armed Forces' Military Tattoo, dates for the naval assemblies in coastal ports, air Shows, Festival Canada performances across the laud — travelling exhibits of paintings and sculpture and world sport championships — people want to know what, where and when about all these and the many more national events of Centen- nial year. In addition there are more planned by the provinces and territories, phiS local activ- ities, sponSored by coinuannitieS and private organizations. Advertisemeat in the preas'and • CAW television and radio, of c.oersv, will herald events in the cities and towns in the weeks be- fore tne occasions. Bat to let all the, people in all of Canada know months in advance about every date and every location for each eVent, we believe, Would. — creitto aft un the order of about six mega- tons, (Our theorists et the Cen- tenaial Commission also advise that it couldn't be done!) It's it great challenge to get in- ft,rmathm out across the land to all the peoplo especially when some of the projects are still in. the planning stage. think one member of my list- ening audience realized that wheu, she asked a question in an midi- wrium recently. ni hula \N utte. hock, British. Columbia, aim having friends iroin the Suites visiting in the middle of Can you tell Me what is happening in our area. Bien?" -2-- ' Well Lirtanately 1 had a set or Our computerized data books with me and was able Lu answer, after a little searching. One or the Centennial Caravans would be stopping in 'White Hock for two days in May, the 13th, and Not that we can come up with all the answers all the time but I realize that a lot of people many places have similar quest- ions in their minds. May I suggest, it you can't find the right answers, that you try Information Services, Centennial cminission, P.O. Box 1967, Ot- tawa. We'll try to beat this infor- mation explosion yet.! ANNUAL MEETING OF HURON- BRUCE LIBERAL ASSOC. The Annual Meeting of the Unron-Bruce Liberal Atsociat- ion will be held in the Wingliana Town Hall, Thursday, October 27th at 3:30 p.m:. Guest speaker will be. Andrew Thompson, Lead- er of the Ontario Liberal. Party EWE:17one welcome. PEOPLE WE • KNOW Thanksgiving visitors with Misa Min Skelton were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers and daughter Nancy or Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sheehy and daughters Linda and Maureen, Toronto, MrS. E .Pollard has returned home after being hospitalized. -Her ninny - friend wish her a eemplete•reeoyery. .11•11111111,M.611120.....Six3024zermr-44--rma FEMALE Full time job. 44 hr. week. Many benefits. Salary com- mensurate with ability. Ap- ply in person. by mail, or by phone to Lorne Fisher, at: FISHER'S oyal Hotel GUELPH THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Hey. A. M. Johnston Organist: Mrs. Fred Stephenson : 45 a m. Churci. School 11:00 a.m. eublic Worship r RE-Sul E'RIAN t.:HURCIT OF CANADA MELV-ILI.,E CHURCH interim Moderator: Rev. lioLeer. aniat: Margaret Thompson ARCT _ : (0 a.m. Public Worship 10:00 a.m. Church &host ANGLICAN CHURCH CANADA mre. B. Elliott ST. JOHN'S 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Primary Church :School St. Aiban's and. St. David's ItTW 00D 9 : 3 0 a.m. Morning Prayer and Char& School READ THE ADS. and Grey of the poptuktion about et -=1:ismmissmtfc=tw...olar r-smessmcww=a, IETY The Centennial Committee for :brussels, Morris WILL PRESENT A NCE T LS LEGION HALL Thursday, ct. 27th AT 8:30 P.M. TOP TALEN1 will be presented and otal Proceeds will go Admission to Fund for Clinic. Children 35c Adults 75c {Ldp. ..-Us Gel A Doctor -. Moscow, interviews IT:S.S.R. ' Prattler Kosygin (centre) and ir.K. PrijialQ Minister Harold Wit- Son at the British industrial Ex- hibition in 3.,loSe0V.e. PROGRAM COMMITTEE f JACK THYNNE MR. MRS. JAS. s. SMITH HAROLD THOMAS FRANK THOMPSON MRS. D. WHEELER MRS. BETTY BRONSON MRS. R. B. COUSINS TOM McFARLANE CBC MOSCOW CORRESPONDENT %WY LEIVY (extreme left) CBC radio and television newsman in