HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-08, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1881. EXTENSIVE TWO i. WEEKS' SALE at THE EMPORIUM. COw G2,rcIrCIZyTG MESSRS. J. C. DETLOR & CO. will for Two Weeks give, what they believe to be, the GREATEST INDUCEMENTS that have .1 been offered in Goderich. SEE THL POLLOWING On Monday and Tuesday On Wednesday and Thursday On Fridayand Saturday y OF EACH WE OF EACH WEEK CARPETS at 65cts, Regular price, 80 cta. do 80cte, do do 96 cta. do 90cts, do do $1.00 FLOOR OIL CLOTH at $1, do do 1.25 PRINTS & COTTONS by the Piece at WHOLE- SALE PRICES. TABLE LINEN & TOWELLING at Panic Prices. WHITE QUILTS, at $1.25, Regular Price, $1.65 BLACK CASHMERES at 28c, do 380 do 35c, do 45o do 45c, do 60c do 72c, do 85c do 83c, do 96c A Special Line of BLACK CASHMERES 1i yds wide, at 62ic, worth 75c. DRESS GOODS at 12, 15 and 22c, worth 18, 22 and 28c. OF EACH WEEK_ LADES and HOSIERY at Job Prices. LACE TIES and LADE CURTAINS at Whole- sale Prices. 26 Dosen Lady's and Gent's LINEN HANDKER- CHIEFS at Big Job Prices. BROWN HOLLANDS at Case Prices. CROMPTON'S CORSETS in all Sizes. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, Open Worked, in Fash- ionable Tints. KID GLOVES in all Sizes. The Ordered Talloriu & Gollts FllrJishJii Dep't I Canathall and Scotch T*eed, Wast of Eu1alld Cloths, xe FULLY BVPPx.xEn Worsted Coatings and French Trowserings. OTTR MR_ MCCORMAC IS ADMITTED TO BE THE MOST SUCCESSFUL CUTT. �R WEST OF TORONTO. CALL AND SEE OUR SUITS MADE 10 ORDER FOR $13.00 aid $15.00.; J..C.. DETLOR & Co. do business on CASH PRINCIPLE. They buy often, and are always Prepared to Handle Large Lots when offered Cheap for Cash. C rri 31A C CO I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. MR. D. FRf+TJSON - -1T ♦ - VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! Nearly an of lam Stock as well as my own original Stock. was bought* before the tdvase se Rardware. lam therefore la a posltba to Nell !!sewer than any other2 mouse taw Voaaty. MY STOCK OF �'a�m�rs' Buil��s'& �e�eral llaNhU ilardwan is Comi)lpift, which I want to run off quickly. COMM 4. D BV Y T 84C8 PRICES dBiWILL PLw A taw ?CQ. Fresh Ground Water Lime in Stock. AGENT POE BEST STEEL BARB PENCE WIRE. M11 r NZIE nw�4m. GRAND CLEARING SALE 0 F— Boots and Shoes, --A T-- - CAMPBELL'S BOOT and SHOE EMPORIUM, FOR UNE MONTH. 10 Stook taking. My Stook is Largeand wall -assorted, and GREAT BARGAINS will be given TX= - CtAassH WM. OAMPBELL. u ttMri.h, Jan. 18, IML 170 THE WORLD OVER. A Boston court has decided that if a woman lends woney to her husband she cannot get it back. The decision will not be new to many wives. It is now said that the gentleman known as Commandant Allred Aylward, now serving with the Been, is no other than Murphy, the Manchester informer. An affray has occurred between the people and police who were protecting a process-server on an estate near Balla- ghaderin, county Mayo. Two men were killed and many wounded. At a London musical entertainment a song was sung in which Mother Ship - ton's prophecy was alluded to. An Ltglish gentleman hissed because, he said, he thought it blasphemous to make a song from a prophecy in the Bible. Mrs. Capt. Flagstaff, inspired by jea- lousy, in Montague, Michigan, where Emma Drake, aged 17, was working, threw twelve ounces of sulphuric acid over the girl, burning her face and the upper part of her body terribly. Kibaltschitisch, a Nihilist, has been arrested in St. Petersburg on a charge of making the bombe which were used by Roussakoff and his accomplices. lie will be tried with the rest, whose trial has been necessarily postponed. An exchange says:—"To clean out a stovepipe, place a piece of zinc on the live coals in the stove; the vapor produc- ed by the zinc will carry off the soot by chemical decomposition. Persons who have tried the procesi claim that it will work every time. Mrs. J. W. Mackey, wife of the Bon- anza king, gave in Paris the other even- ing the most magnificient ball of the season. For the dancing she furnished not only the hest hand to be had, but a group of singers who sang the waltzes, giving a marvellous spirit of fascination to the dance. Chas. Harger, managing editor of the Evening Wisconsin, at Milwaukee, has been arrested for a violation of the new Anti -treating Law, the c nnplainant be- ing the city editor of the same paper. It is understood the proceeding u to test the validity of the new law. A sensational, but apparently authen- tic, report has reached London from Paris. It is that the Sultan a few weeks ago made a secret proposition to the French Government to depose the Khedive, and put in his place any one named by France. By this the influence of England in Egypt would be destroyed, and that of France vastly increased. For this France should float a new loan for the Sultan, and furnish military sup- port if necessary. The French Govern- ment, after getting the whole scheme laid before it, declined to accede to the proposition, and revealed the whole pro- posal to the English Government. TKoa000saRSD. — An exchange in- dulgts in the following very practical re- flections:—"If one-tenth as much pains was taken to improve the physical man as there is to improve the short -horn cattle or Berkshire pigs, what a world of manly beauty we would soon hare When we see what care and experience can do for the brute creation. we can easily fancy what it would -do for our- selves. Just go to the poultry, dog, and pet stock show, and you will see what careful breeding can do. A beet or a bird can be improved beyond recognition, and yet there is man, proud, haughty man, no better physically than he was when the world was young and when the twilight of history found him shel- tering in caves and living on raw meat and blubber. And yet civilization is mighty '" The legislature of Wisconsin has pass- ed, and the governor has signed, a bill to prohibit, break up, and utterly anni- hilate the pernicious and immoral prac- tice of "treating." All persons who may invite others to drink, and all per- sons who may accept such invitations, are made liable to arrest and punish- ment. Alvin Bronson who was the only sur- vivor cif the war of 1612, died at Oswe- go, N. Y., on Saturday, aged 9A. Bron- son had charge of the military stores be- longtng to the Government of Oswego, and to prevent their heiag eaptored by the British threw them into the river, for which he was confined in prison at Kingston. It is reported that Senator Cochrane bas already purchased seventy-five bulls in Great Britain, and has made arrange- ments for the purchase of two hundred mon. They are of the Hereford, Short- horn and Polled Angus breeds. He will also secure soste thoroughbred dalliese sad we ►omdrwd hall bred waren ?hies ate all far his ..cots M Bow Rio, .ad will De farther suppi..w ky eight thousand bead of .MW p eibaa.d to Menten sod Dakota- meeeorelogIeal Report. State "f the weather for the week end- ing April 4th. March 28th— Wind at 10 p.m. North- west, light, clear. Number of miles wind travelled during 24 hours 222. March 29th—Wind at 10 p.m. North, fresh, hazy. Number of miles wind travelled during 24 hours 364. Snow flurries during the day. March 30th --Wind at 10 p.m. North, fresh. cloudy Number of miles wind travelled during 24 hours li83. ; inch of snow fell dunng the afternoon. March Siat Wind at 10 p.m. North- west, fresh, cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hoar 617. 3 inches of mow fell dorsi the day. April 1st- Wiad at 10 p.m. North, fresh, cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled during 24 hours 644. 2 inches Of slow fell during 24 horn Aprril'led—WW at 10 p.m. South- west, light!,. akar. Number of miles wind Unrolled during 114 hours 311- 9sow terries daring :tie day. April aro—Wind at 10 p.o. North light, Gloat. Nmmber of miles wild trashed durhtg s.4 knurl 900 Ara ata—WW air 10 p m. North- , trash, poody alar. Number of miles wind tosesSed d.rnsg 24 b..0 1173. O. N. MlacsowaL» Observer h Gode.i., April ata. HSI SOMETHING NEW.. 5 Per Cent. Discount for Cash 017 $1 sales.. 5 Per Cent. Discount on Monthly Accounts. G. H. OLD HAS ON HAND (JUST ARRIVED, A CHOICE Loi OF FIRST 0I1188. �ROCRRI&S- _ And is'G(ving EXTRA VALUE In T$L&S Japan. Ilio, ;. Green, and Gunpowder. Try them. You will dna they are Good. Also, be keep PORK, HAMS SMOKED BACON. on hand. llidlteit price paid for BUTTER and EGGS. Also, a lot of CHINA, GLASS, DINNER and DESERT SETS. and all kinds of GLASSWARE and CROCKERY. !:Give him a call and pet Chep Ooeds 439.- H_ OLD, C. House Square. SI -Farmers' Produce Bought and Sold. F ere Atterition ( Barbed Fence Wire contracted for in any quantity at very, lowest prices. I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire asd barb galvanized alter being twisted which cannot scale off. Use Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW DRIFTS -NO WEEDS -NO WASTE LANDS. For sale by 1779. G. H. PARSONS CHEAP HARDWARE, OODERICH. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Mr. Thos. Sneyd, who for a number of years has been in the employ of Mr. John Acheson, he entered into partnership with JAMES A. REID. The business will be carried on under the name and style of REID & SNEYD. We have oos.tderably enlarged the premises, and put ia a large stock of general Dry Geode, which he boort bought entirely for slag We invite the public to take • look through our stook, whieb 'old at very ekes prices; and we are satisfied our way of doing business will so meet the view. of the general public as b. secure a very extended patronage ISEZCZ dr, MANCBISTRE HHO118E. JORDAN'S RU)CI. Gnderteh. Marek 18th 1981 177 -lm