HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-08, Page 44 TETE RUILON $IGHAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1881. THE HURON SIGNAL PRWI B, APRIL 8, 1881. A TO.oIy, ttsrtsage maker hos been detested using l ons .h in his _business wad the people of the Queen City, who very property object to being fed up, u eaffhea, M'• £IW OSSOd that hu shan't carry on (!) the lnelfaess any longer. Commas D. BAs*, of the Lindsay Peel eases of victorious is the recent libel emit brought against him by Grace, of the Lindsay School Board. By making • plucky stand on the mutter in ques- tion, did Charles D. Barr his adversary freta getting either an or dam- ages. This is a coup de f{<raoe, so to speak, to the ewbrogllo. NiciOLA& FLOOD DAv1N has been giving his opinion of Canadian Parlia- mentary speakers, and pays a high com- pliment to the leading men on both aides of the House. Referring to a re- cent debate, he says that "Mr. Cameron (Huron) spoke with the foroe of a practi- cal man and an astute lawyer," "Praise from Sir Hubert is Isaias indeed." Tia stand takes by the Liberals dur- ing the last general election, that the foreign demand regulated the price of canadian farm produce, is now admitted even by the most extreme Nation Pol- oista Silsoe that time, whenever the price of grain fell below its normal figure, our N. P. friends, who had put a "mask" tariff on grain, shrieked, "Ok, the Liverpool markets are downl" thus endorsing those who had pre- vioaaly pointed oat the absurdity of put- ting on • high tariff on grain. Now that Canadian consumers are paying an extra cent a lb. for meat., there is no credit taken to the increased duty on live stock, but the "Old Country de- mand" is said to be the cause of the rise. The hollowness of the Agricultur- al Protection cry has been proven after two year's trial; and those farmers who were caught by it in 1878 have a rod in pickle for the party which promised them much and gave them nothing. Taz total returns for East Northum- berland are Crouter, 1,190; Kennedy, 1,700, giving Crouter a majority of 190. The official count in Carleton gives the following totals :—Irvine, 1470; Connell, 1425; majority for Irvine, 45. The fol- lowing is a portion of Mr. Irvine's ad - dregs, and will give an idea of the out- spoken character of the man : "The 'People of this county must not, cannot, shall not stultify themselves be fore the world, by sanctioning those acts so fatal to the Dominion at large, and that policy of PrJt.ctinn, so espe- cially damaging to this Province. We roust not endorse their broken pledges, all of which is dune if a Government candidate is elected without opposition. I am resolved to save the people of Carleton this stigma, as no other man has offered. I, who profess to be only a farmer in the backwoods, have deter- mined to place myself at your disposal. I have no money to spend in bribery, and if elected it must be by the indepen- dent voice of the electors, who by my election will have done all that in them lies to wipe away the stain resulting from the acts of the present Govern- ment." A STRANos political contest is going on at Northampton between Henry Varley, the celebrated revivalist, and Bradlaugh, the noted infidel. Bradlaugh, it will be remembered, was elected to the position at the general election, and raised some excitement by refusing to be sworn. Afterward he expressed a willingness to take the oath but it was found necessary to snake his admission to the House of Commons the subject of a vote, and he took his seat up- on the division being in his favour. His case was brought before the Courts and it was adjudged that lie was sitting illegally, and liable to a heavy penalty. Such being the cane, Bradlaugh resigned, and placed himself in the hands of the electors. It had been said that the noted infidel owed his former election to having run in a pair with Labouchere, and it was thought that the constituency would reject hint were he to run on his own merits. There was talk of Miss Coutts -that -was new husband -that -is, the late Ashmead-Bartlett, coining .utas the Opposition candidate, lout that gentle- man after due deliberation thought he had as much business out hand as he he could well attend to, and declined to the nominee. Atl this stage, Rev. Henry Varley came forward as an op- ponent to Bradlaugh, from a religious stand point, while a regular candidate Iran also set up by the Conservative Party. And now the battle will not he fought out on straight political issues alone, if at all. Politica are politics and religion is religion, and we cannot see why the one is sought to be dragged into the other. if a clergyman attempt- ed to run a church on politica, he would soon be denounced, and we fail to see why a politician should attempt to run politica on church principles. We have known many real religious men, like our own Mr. Farrow, who made very indifferent politicians, and we have also known excellent political tacticians, of the Sir John stripe, who made no loud professions et piety. latest ae.otlale Mort that Earl Bea consI.ld is sinkiig fest Tam Toronto World never seems II to us; nay, it is well re(a)d. Eel N Horton to pun. Iv is said that a number ut county postmasters are in the habit of lasing cancelled stamps, and the authorities are about to investigate the tytttar. it is also said the! s1,me stn tilos et.sIMt people cannot see where the hers is o1 using a stamp that has already been used, but whish the poet oaks clerks have failed to deface. Perhaps, then are fewer temptations to penbity ,Aare trying than to tear up an unmarked post- age stamp which has already done ser- vice, but which would pass muster again. But to palm off a postage stamp which has already been used is just as bad as stealing the value of the stamp in cash, whether it be an undefaced one, or one cleansed and r. -gummed. Tis editor of tise Strafford Times is convinced that he made a "jolly old Mb of himself" in the matter of the Judge Squier investigation controversy. Ia his last issue he drops the subject alto- gether. and instead of endeavoring to argue his case, or let himself out of the difficulty by a manly apology for his ig- norance of facts regarding the nutter, he publishes a mournful wail against the editor of Tilts Sweat for the Unpalatable dose of enlightenment given him on the subject under discussion. Whipped curs will whine, and although we pity the Times man in his tribulation, yet justice had to be done in the premises Next time he starts to bully and bluster he will look before he leaps. A Prepare,. The next general election will give the Government of Canada to the party of that distinguished Irish Canadian, the Hon. Edward Blake.—{Irish Canadian. A Voice from New ■enaswlek. We congratulate the Liberal of Cana- da on finding that the voioes and hearts of the people of New Brunswick are at one with those of all true Liberal all over the Dominion.—[St. John Tele- graph. As raiepemaeat Opiates. The success of the two Liberal candi- dates, one in New Brunswick and the other in an Ontario conatituency, unex- pected in both cases, is a prettygood indication of the way in which te tide of public sentiment is running. It is doubtless true that the Government is as strong as ever in Quebec, but it is not by any means as strong as ever in Ontario and the Dlarititne Provinces. Its success at the last elections in On- tario was phenomenal, for the Liberal were routed on their own ground, horse, foot and artillery. But the Govern- ment must snake up its mind to lose largely both in Ontario and the Mari- time Provinces the next time. It will be fortunate if it does not find itself left in the lurch.—[Telegram. Camellias Kilt. From the New Era. For a considerable time interested par- ties have endeavored to prove that Cana- dian Salt was inferior to English, for dairying purposes, and although it has been most clearly shown that such was not the case, but that the Canadian ar- ticle was in every respect equal to the English, and in some points superior, there still remained a certain prejudice among some cheese makers against Cana- dian salt. Am further testimony in favor of our own article of manufacture, we give the following letter received by Mr. R. Ranaford, of the Stapleton Salt Works, (near Clinton', from Mr. Thos. Ballantyne, of Stratford, than whom there is no better authority i n Canada, on the matter:-- STRATFORD, 24th March 1881. DEAR SIA,—I should have attended to yours of the 17th inst. sooner; I leave for England to -day, and have only time to drop you a few lines with reference to your Factory Filled Salt. I have cheese on hand now, in the manufacturing of which I used Higgins' Eureka and your own Factory Pilled Salt as an experi- ment, and to test, as far e• possible, the quality of yours as compared with Eureka, before giving my opinion. Hav- ing now done so, I can with confidence recommend it to our Dairymen. I an well satisfied with its quality, and con- sider it equal, as far as i have been able to judge, to any salt ever used by me in the manufacture of cheese. Yours truly, THOMAS BA LLA STIR I. Erneelm. James Drewe has gone to London to attend the Grand Review of the K. O. T. M. now in session in that city. Mr. J. D. Ronald has shipped one of his celebrated fire engines to Amherst - burg, as per order received from that corporation a short time ago Mr Ronald has also gone to Amheratburg to give instructions in the working of the same. A gentleman from Hamilton has en- tered into partnership with Duncan Mc- Intosh, woolen manufacturer, of this place. It is the intention of the firm to enlarge and increase the facilities for manufact uring. xfla. E m • ATIOWaL. - The following is the standing of the pupil of Nilo aceording to recitation, behavior and attendance: Cleo 5. --1 G. Pentland. Clam 4 Sen. -- 1 E. Mcllwain 4 M. Mcllwain, 3 8, McKnight, 4 T. Hogaw $ D. Mellwain. Class 4, Jun. - 1 E. I#err, 2 J. Me - Knight, 3 T. Sheppard, 4 `Y. Eehltne, 5 S. Jackman Class 3 see. -- 1 J. Mc- Knight. o-Kniqght. 2 1. Dodd, 3 D. M.ilwaa, 4 G. 8m lie, 5 J. McWhiney, 4 ill Rail* 7 F. Hutchins, A E. Garner. / R T.�wwtlttgg, 10 J. Bailie, Close 3 jun.-1 R Naek 2 G. Jackman. 3 E Ntowsrt, 4C Mott: 5 R lechlino hit 'h, es Wee". - -The Dakota 4.e.s is still ragtag. .else noise from this vicinity intend starting wen fur the far \Vast Nsau s.4 . --Mr. Willman Murchison, who has bees attending K. ardine High School fee sew time pest, is back sodoag es again. He 'Amite as if hard study agrees well Wilk Mia Cuirass.—Th. s art given by Mr. Ward and kis leis o17e class was held in the GraigMrs Hag in this law on Wed- nesday evening last. The attendance was nut w large as was expected. Though the audience waa small, a very enluyable time was spent. The concert Wei bre ht to a Glow by singing "God taws the Queen." Auburn. The friends of Dr. Hutchison will be pleased to learn that he is going to lc - cam in this village. We understand he has succeeded is securing an office, and will commence to practice in a few days. The Doctor is a skilful physician, and we predict for him a large practice in flus section of the ouunty. At" WENT Robert Tunney, an en:- plovee in Mr McVettie's ate twill, un the 3rdnun., E. Wawane•h, met with a *alai sacideat on Thursday, the 31st ult. He nus imaged in drawing lugs in- to the sill and dart his arm caught in the bull wheel, when it was broken in several place. It is feared atuputativn will be neeeemry. How Hs dor Yooazn. -A hotel keep- er in the township of Hallett was the victim eta practical juke on the let inst. A customer went in to his hotel in a hurry carrying • jog and told him to fill it with the best whiskey, quick. Jack got up,and hurried to fill the jug het it woulnot fill as there bad been a hale drilled in the bottom et it. Jack mid some bed word., and snatched it up and smashed it against the pump. enema. • Mr. John Caldwell, the propnetur of the Maitland cheese fac- tory, called a meeting of patrons on the 31st ult., which was poorly attended. He decided to make • personal canvass, in which he is now engaged. He has called another meeting for the 12th inst. If he succeeds in getting sufficient patronage he has decided to stop in Ontario and run the factory instead of going to Manitoba. Pon Albert. The piling and other timber work in connection with the harbor is about completed; we now 'await the dredge. Mr. Edward O'Connor has taken the contract from Mr. R. H. Delong, to build a new hotel, on the site of the one Wily, destroyed by fire. It is to be com- pleted by the 15th of May. Mr. De - long intends having the stain part ve- neered with brick, which will make it a respectable building. Railroad matters are quiet here at present; but when the T. G. and B. reconstruct their toed, we hope for an extension from Wingham to this place. It is reported they have been offered 9(1 for 41,000,000 of bonds, which shows they are not dead yet. An individual wearing a large plug hat, brand new, was found wandering in the bush near Teeswater a week ago, enquiring from the natives where he could get a cheap railroad. He was directed to an old saw mill, which had ceased to hum, (even the N. P. could not revive its music), and shown two parallel1ines of decayed Bantling, which started at the old mill, and ended at the alb pile, on which rested the remains of an old four weeled structure badly bat- tered, and rusted with disuse and age. He was informed this valuable property could be bought. After two days nego- tiation, and the disappearance of a large quantity of old rye, in which time the plug hat was beginning to comport itself with the occasion, and assimilate itself to the surroundings, a bargain "fast and and sure" was concluded for the large sum of three dollars and seventy-seven cents, payable at Kintail, from the first earnings of the railnad; and the man with the plug hat, chartered a boy with an old horme and waggon, to remove his purchase to Kintail. But he got,, so bewildered with the magnitude of hie purchase, he loot his way, and still he wanders. At lad accounts he t"ilas asking the natives to take him home, and the Township of Ashfield would reward them handsomely. When asked who he was, he mournfully exclaimed: I was once conqueror but now I resemble that other plug hat man, at Port Albert who went to Ottawa, and on his arrival did not know himself from his respectable brother at home. AtRORA REDlvivca. O*RVAnr.—We have to chronicle the death of Mr. Satueal Carlisle, of Hay, atter a lung and painful illness, which he bon with christism fortitude and pa- tience. Deceased was widely and favor- ably known, and leaves a wife and large family to mourn his death. A Parienzeoe Sv&uioa. -- A couple a1 weeks sine. Menest& D. di J. Fisher, of Colborne, went to Chiosigv with five stallions. We urdentand that several of them hsm been old at Bawd tigurea Gn Saturday Last s splendid Percherun stallion, purchased by there in Chicago, went up to Ooderich, and we understand they intend travelling it in this section the corning season. New Era A Oeweaci'ci Aer.—Mr. Philip Green- wood, of Usborne, has been very ill fur some time and not able to leave the house. Some twenty-fiive or thirty of the young men in the neighborhood turn- ed out with lance tooth and champion saws and cut up about 40 cords of stove wood for him. Then after the inner. man was satisfied they turned into they Montreal House where they had a real "fandango," which they kept up till . the small hours. MANITOBA. The fourth Excursion party for the North West, ria the (:rent western Railway will start WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20T11, 1881. FREIGHT MONDAY BEFORE. For particulars apply to G. W. R. agents, to THOS. GREEN W AY, Ceatsal1e or to W. J. WHITE. Express Agent, Exeter. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL of LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY. GLAS- GO W. The popular route between Canada and Great Britain • SHORTEST SEA ROUTE. Cabin, Intermediate and Steerage l'icketa at LOWEST RATER SAILINOS. FROM DOORTON. FROM $ALIFAz ApCaariax a a. m. " lithpill letk. Moaaviax 3 p. m. " nal, SOrd, cincrosas:ic e w m. " rath, 30th. RAILINGS FROM QUEBEC: Pttstvv1Ax7th May. PoLntitAx.,,sees,sees,,..,14th PAararAs.. tier flamo xlAx 38th Mosamax 4th June. Ciaaa.iAx - ietk „ us. 'The late trs4a annecUag at Quebec with the Allan Mail 8tessner will leave Toronto every Friday at 702a. m. Peaseagere can also leave Toronto by the 633 p. m., train on Fridays, and connect with the steamer at Winooski (paying the extra fare.44 45, Quebec to Rlmiouski.) Persons wishing to send for their friendscan obtain certificates at lowest rates from England, Ire and Scotland to any cit or railway town in Canada, and the amount ti re- funded less a small deduction if the ticket L not used. For tickets and every information apply to H. ARMSTRONG, I7tpJou Agent, Montreal Telegraph Odic*, Goderich. 4`t'6 • week in your own town. Terms and v+vV V 45 outfit free. Address 11. HALLerr B Co., Portland, Maine. Mrs. Mary Wingate, (formerly of Goderich, later of Detroit,' Has opened a MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING establishment on SOUTH ST, three doors from the Albion Hotel, with a full assortment of Taneuu) and CNTLIUM*D HATS, FEATHmas, Flowasns, Teas, Lids, RUFFLINOa, FICHUS, FRINGES, VELVETS and Daces TRIMMINGS. A CALL IS INVITED. 1778-3m. e Tweeds NEW OVER.COATINOS, NEW SCOTCH GOODS. A FINE averts OF Heavy Canadian Woollens Just the thing for winter clothing. Some Good Lines of Gants' Furniahiags re` READY- MADE ilkZ h Mr. J. Rogers, Jr., wwho has for some OVERCOATS time melded on the Huron Rad, Oodeh rich Tp., has moved into Benmiller. all well made and reliable. K. 0. T. M.—The next monthly re view of Barzillia Tent. N.,. 259, will be held in the Temperance Hall, on Mon- day evening, I lth inst. TSB FALL WsaAT. This winter has been unusually hard on fall wheat, many farriers in this part intend plowing down the land on which they hal made large calculations, and sowing it with spring grain. Rarovan. The followingresidents have recently removed from tis village: Mea W. G. Luker to Victoria (B. C.), sed Mr Jno. Scott and family to Clin- ton. Their absence will be very much felt for • Ste time. The following list comprises the n6i- een elected for Div 308, Soyas of Tem- pwwnoe Wd tine MODS for carnet quarter: P. Eswoa. W. P . Sank Phrsmmer, W. A.; Wm Robertson, R R. ; James filewart. A. R A , Thos. Heddle, F. S.; Casa Waller, Trees . W Moors, Chap.; Ass 8W.srt, 1 R . Jno Stewart., O. t ; Aad. Be W1., P W. P. Eaussora —The Rev. C. W. VoUick kis kremlin sermon ere Sas- y, > 1 hest *b 1issewne width was very calmest mod OtR+tlise, 1st inti m. mirelrtt µkith within* be pliers f errott- a The reµ. gestismas sled his esteemed psrMw w 11 011. &mem their they of toe years as lrsltW aiesit, leade s boil of friends, all el whom with them Heave.'s name ►Mmisps wherever their let is the femme wise he oast CLOTHING MADE to ORDER under ray own supervisipn. ALL WORK WARRANTED.IE Hugh Dunlop, FASHIONABLE TAILOR. Next Door to Bank of Montreal NOTICE. Giving asp Photographing in (hie, id. la retsrai•g thanks fee pea tavws, wino jetttey turpirwtakta•R seer will mew fori Prom. 1. Finer. Lite Moe Motes. - 44.e3 PM ea 10 Photos, - - - 1.30 Ile WMt.. Pbui. per dot. - leas 134• Cued Photo par dna. 1 M CM Aad Fumes 4n suit the above et 1sOTTO11nt P' ATOMS. 01:40,.se•.veoase all' sae have 7ewx orb g«I•etwad. by rata. gaol and ase lt�f.t.B 1756 R L Jotgwaow'r �7 iO aN ruse ti 1i.oe ''e Partite✓ Masa The People's Div Mons Owlets to falling health 1 tare disposed of the good will at my torahs' to MR. GEORGE BUY NAS, and would recommend him to the pablle for .bit, ea4roeMrs lgn OW). CATTLE. w retard to the about i would usitteases te the olds• ul 1udtneh owl rie.n,ty that I ve opened out u Drug Business in the cos ,cr of Blake's Block %tar the market, and hare purcMard u fresh stuck of Pure and Chemicals, and by cartfisl attention to bossiness will endeavor to merit your putroaage. Your ob'dt errant, G1.E0_ R#i Si!NA8_ A FULL UNE OF PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, TOBACCOES, CIGARS, RC. ALWAYS ON HAND Physican's Prescriptions Carefully Prepared. I GRAND OPEN/NG ! T1711DAT t WLDNLP,iI, tprll If .4 13. MIS8 STEWART has pow et hand the olosls( t•on.isnrnett of her purchases of SPRING i SUMNER MILLINERY, \ The novelties introduced this season are both for the season of leaf. numerous and pleasing, and Miss Stewart has succeeded in making a selection as various in description aa in price, and which will be ap• predated on inspection. There are • myriad of extremely pretty new things this year, and the styles and colon are very materially altered from those of last season, so that the Ladles will be gratified to • see that MW Stewart has spared no paid and \ gone to greet expense to have them all includ- ed In her Stock. Aa usud. her assortment of the Staples In Millinery, such as - SILKS t SATINS, (all grades and colors). LACES. GLOVES, HOSIERY, PARASOLS. FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Etc., Is very complete, and all the newest Shades, Tints and Colors are represented. Min Stewart bas acquired the ag'eacy for Cornwell's Improved Self -Fitting Chart. PRINTS AT COLBORNE BROTHERS FROM 5 CENTS A YARD UP. THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN. AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. STRACEAN ILLS REMOVED MN C,~•ROCEa BUSINESS Te the old stand to the Albion Block, formerly occupied by him, where he will be pleased to welcome all bis old customers and the public generally. A large quantity of NEW, FRESH GROCERIES AS CHEAP d S THE CHEAPEST. D, C.. STRACHAN, Stoves Stoves ! EAVE TROUGHS and CONDUCTING PIPES, CISTERN PUMPS, Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL, - - ttit,u,o,000. SURPLUS. - - - - IS.000.0o0. Goderich Branch. C R D UN.9FORD, - - - Manager Allows Interest on deposits. Drafts, letter of credit and circular note. (eyed, payable LEAD PIPES, it. In dl parte of the world. 1754. PLAIN AND FANCT TINWARE. COAL OIL WHOLLVALE A\D RETAIL Coal Oil Lamm rte.. Old Iron, pper• Braes Wool Pickings and Skin. taken in exchange. J. STORY. Sign of the Coal 011 Barrel. JOHNSTON'S INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. BI )YD'S GALVANIC BATTERIES. HOP BITTERS_ .TAMES W1LanN EMM lariP'aFik1La. PNwrjpttews aartlr NW CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE . Paid up Capital, - 16,000,000. Rest, • - +1,400,000. Preddeat, - HON. WM. NcMASTER General Manager. - W. V. ANDERSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - Maxinie. interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on al the principal Towne and Cities In Canada Great Britain and the United States, bough and sold. Adraneewto Farmers on Notes, with one or more endorsers. without mortgage. 1753 HYMNBOOKS. Nei Preabyt nae Hnual, in every variety published. Nei Methodist Hyena Boil in all its fortes. I')WVFST FR'r''Q as SHEPARD'S BOOKSTORE.