The Huron Signal, 1881-04-08, Page 3an 1"' na- oat nn tin- ne- or fail Cid 1n i THE HURON 8ftNAL, FRIDAY APRIL b. 1881. U,7rrvni 3 aa eat...d now egassateeme Already we are beginning to see the effects et the policy of the Government in the dealing with the Pacik Railway Syndicate. Mr. Peter Imrie, who was emit out as a delegate by the ILnarkahire farmers, visited that Province last yaw and reported favorably on it sa a field fur immigration. He did this un two grounds, first, that the farmer may there become his own landlord for a men noth- ing; and second, that the quality of the sail 1. so high that wheat may be grown there at • cost to defy competition in the 'English market, and potatoes at a rate to defy competition in the Ameri- can market --if only they can be carried thence at a reasonable rate. In a letter to the North British Aj'n- eulturiit, published in Edinburgh, un- der date of February the 19th, he ex- presses his regret that he is obliged to Biter his opinion with respect to that Province, by reason of s gigantic rail- way Monopoly—in other words, of the Pocific Railway Syndicate. He goes on to .ay: -- Grain grown in the North-West can be of little or no value till carried to the markets of the world; and this the mono- polist railway company will of course do just on such terms as may best suit itself. I greatly fear the charges may be made as high as possible consistently with nut stopping production. The c in- pany limy be expected to permit settlers to live and toil only, but never to grow rich. In short, it is not now a place worth going to. Let us suppose the charge in excess of fairly remunerative rates be 6d. per bushel between Winnipeg and Montreal. Such a rate would not stop production, but it would come to the same thin$, ea -a rent of £1 per acre fur all land yield- ing 40 bushels to the acre. Capitalise that at, say, twenty years' purchase, and the real cast of the land to the settler may be set down at £20 per acre, or 0,200 fur the 160 acres promised "for nothing." Really the cry of "160 acres for nothing" is a delusion and a snare in the presence of such a contingency. Etiorbs of Wisdom. !laking apologies is a omen business, but the necessity of making them is Mill inm met. He who wurka and waits, wino Common seam is the gift of heaven: woes* of it is gains Cesemwies and bill .4Mire to be neoseesry. Many people Would not know how to not without the one nor what to eat without the other. The ambitions and vanities of an old man aro too weak and ridiculous to be The tune spent in reading books that do not snake us think is worse than use- less. One good book, however, is food for a lifetime. If there were no listeners, there would be no flatterers. If contentment is happiness, it is bet- ter to be contented with a good deal than with a little. The man who has no foolishness in his n.turo probably Itis something worse in place uf it. We owe one half of our success in this world to some circumstance, and the other half to taking the circumstance on the wing. Of course I do not say positively that wings over the riding to no avail, as his Crime is the outgrowth of vice; to stop the former you roust weed out the litter.happy man cut u pigeon wing on themde- A cunning man is often shrewd but I walk. seldom wise. He sets so many traps for I Never reckon your enemy too cheaply. others that he generally gets into some (Judge justly concerning the opposing of them himself. Tun urea Fancy. The butchers of Brooklyn have just started for eeotabdlity 'The Leg of Mutton Club." Then motto should be, "In Ewe -union then Is strength. Taus. —"Money does everything for a man," said an old "endemism,pompously.!7. "Yes," ' replied the other man, 'but money won't do as much for • man as some men will do for money, A lawyer's brief 1s very try, Aad Mr. White isMaes. A man is dry whoa he 1• glum And when be's tlght s• .Lack; A gra 1pt T, ilii Is *laughits 1 t, V y A lamesgboSht hhniti shoe A man alba ass masa out of eight. Fut Hie Wore. —"Is there • letter here in a scented envelope fur m wife T' he asked the postmaster, while the green tire from his eyes nude the office Look like • leafy forest. "Yea, air," answered the post -master, as he handed it out. The jealous man tore it open, when lo and behold : it was the milliner's bill for 1100 "You look so luippy that I suppu a you have been to the dentist and had that aching tooth pulled," said a Galveston man to a friend with aswollen jaw. "It ain't that that retakes me feel happy. The tooth aches worse than ever, but I don't feel it." "How's that t" "Well, I feel so jolly because I have just been to the dentist, and he was oat;' and the TIi! FRBITS.18-81 NEW VALENCIA$, NEW LATERI& NEW CURRANTS, S. S. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHESSNUTS. Good breeding is s aural and easy that it can be takeu for mere simplic- ity. There is a kind of honesty that is nothing but fear, and a sort of patience which is nothing but Laziness. Co.Yuetry is more natural to woman A StnsrAcrosv EXPLANATION. —01c1 than prudery. A woman seldom out_ Mom and another old darkey were die- ootses a prudeot her coquetry,ilsheand nevi . cussing[natters and things, when Jim Domes •prude until she is obliged to. Webser happened to pass. "Dar am about 40 regular chicken stealers in Galveston, including Jim Webster," remarked the old man. Jim overheard the remark, so he came right up to Mose and threatened to elim- inate him if he didn't take it back. "Den dar am 40 regular chicken steal- ers in Galveston, not includin' Jim Web- ster. Is ver satisfied now 't" Jinn said, very touch affected: "Uncle Mose, when a man 'pologizes, lie jean disarms me right der.' Shake, old man. 'Taint often now -a days dat anybody platters me as you has jest done." force and then make your arrangements accordingly. "1 will make an attack on England '" said Napoleon in a rage after the'Peace of Amiens to Lord Whitworth. "That is your, affair. sir," was the reply. "And I will annihilate you !" continued the tyrant. -Ah, sir, that is our affair," calmly retorted the Englishman. ssr L4XE SUPERIOR V TROUT, WHITE FISH s HERRING. ai SALT WATER -aik HERRING AND CODFISH. A hUHlest Dodge. L' is a pleasant thing to see brethren dwelling together in unity. Sir John Maodnnald must have 'looked with a great deal of satisfaction upon the union „( the Orange and Green in East Nor - I thumberland. But peace folded her the railway cnmpary will thus at once put nn the screw—it would be bad policy to do so until the country gets filled up a bit; but after that they will of course just do exactly what will put most money in their. own pockets. I therefore con- clude that any use settling in the Nurth- West under thea* new conditions will place himself under something worse than anyland] or candidate was defeated. W hen we nee Orange Grand Masters working tooth and nail for Roman Catholic candidates, we may make up our minds that the days of tolerance have at last been reached, and the millenium is close at hand: that i to say, if we have not already bade up oar minds that the whole thing is a° ° R h ; bis , and that the gentlemanh of the Orange and Green who join hands ALSO, A LARUI AIWIT'.INT or Teas, Sugars, And General Groceries ; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A N 1) CHINA. Dr. Piuclt'a Creast Baking Powder. Dr; Paics's Lupulin Yeast Creme. Chas. A. Nairn, THE tiQ Ued RIZ'. 1758 Extensive Premises and Splendi d New Stock. G— AR _ B . ckBIIr•.1�� X111 Hamilton Street, (lode rich. ERT A geed essorta eat of Kitchen. Bed -rue . Dialog Room and Parlor Furniture, waccb ss Ta, blee, Chats half oaae and wood .eatedi. Cupboards, Bedsteads. Matireesee, Lenitive, Wes. �Vbat-Not., Looking Glossa. Shrouds alwayson. bead. ago Hnareee for titre N. EL --A complete assortment of Coffins sad • at reasonable rates Picture Framing a specialty --A call solicited. 175 Red, White and Blue 1 Acheson GEORGE G. BARRY Acheson New Dress Goods, Gloves & JUST ARRIVED, SELLING CHEAP- yier BOUND TO GIVE BARGAINS. Hosiery, 1751 W. S. Hart & Co., Jessie Adams, a .Canadian girl aged 17, at Chicago, ran sway with and married d—vis. an absolute Young, three weeks Aga The railway lord—a corporation without a in sn election campaign will {p[robabltook apartments at the Union Parky Hotel, where Young Sunday night fired eonegiente, and with peculieculiarly practical be found throwing stones at eseh others I three shots at his bade, and then escaped. powers of rack -renting ; e the first chance they get She was only slightly wounded. Young In saying all this I ani aware that therearo u •good deal of humbug in life, I was jealous. are certain reservations under the but in no ease ti it more apparent than Four students of Syracuse University way contract calculated to make it appear when Sir John Macdonald pulls the te HitaDetmoX BftoTaetta, that the monopoly is not absolute. But were arrested on Saturday, charged with N. Y. really these ,eservations are intro moon- string and ands out Orange Grand Mas- committing an assault upon a fellow O,,,o MRS. E. WARNOCK, Albion Brock. tem s to stamp for Roman Catholic condi- I student. Ezra S. Tipple. Tipple was 1751 Agent at Godertch shine, as every ene rcqusinted with the ,hates "Telegram. kidnapped, bound, gagged, and taken topography and circumstwnce„ f the „ country knows. tive miles into the country, where he was I Record * * * * * * tied to a tree, his head shaved, and he I write all this with the greatest re- The folio was abandoned by the students. luctance. But I cannot help myself, as tams f g pP The Herald's Albany correspondent my favorable report has been widely cir- announced by T rt says that a sensation was created at the culated, and may lead to people going P Il A boa hearing on the New York Street Clean - to a country whose attractions have for Capt Richard Gsrd Bost n ing Bill, nn Monday night, when a let - the present been seriously obliterated. ap B ffal Capt James ter, from Dr. Peters was read, stating that and will remain so unless the monopoly Cla k d for the first time -in the history of New clause (clause 15) of the railway contract 1► j York true spottel typhus, which only be revised,—a result which I will even cairn Capt E t f C d E re originates where great filth abounds, has FIP.ST PRIZES AWL RDED THE yet hope for, if the subject be properly made its appearence in New York with- L ' MAN" ventilate(! h Capt. I out being traced to importation. P1tOPR1ETORS 0BERICII SILLS (Late Pij5er's. ) A LARGE QUANTITY OF choice Buckwheat Flour ON HAND. ANCHOR LINE. UNITED �S t Aimee AILSaturSTEAMERS NEW YORK TO OLAuIOOW CABIN'S. gem to fee. STEERAGE gra' These Steauie ri du not carry cattle, sheep orplas NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABINS $.I3 to slot. Excursion at Reduced hates.. unsurpassed. are Passenger ll staterooms on Ma n Deck Passengers booked at lowest rates to or from anyRailroad Station in Europe orot berg.,. or America. Draftaat lowest rates, payablerad and Of charge. throughout England, Scott e. For books of information, pians. Ra. apply 7 owiaKO Gftacx. searlae Sews. win appointments of cap- er the season of 1881 have been the Western Transporta- tion a - tion Company : — Propeller Arabia— Capt. Capt. Valentine Jones; Buffalo, Drake; Badger State, Capt. Alex. Clark; Commodore, Capt. Wm. Dickson; Chi- cago, i- owar Condon; mpg State, Capt. Delos Waite; Fountain City, Capt. James Gibson; Idaho, of the LYMAN Barb. Burton envy; Montana, Capt. J. H. T -r late Mrs. Andersen, I'l)iasett; Milwaukee, Capt. W. H. Round; a rebellion has broken out at Herat so Oneida, Capt. Robert Jones; Potomac, great in its strength that Ayoob Khan by Mrs. Mary Anderson, who died last 1 Capt. J. Carlisle; Vanderbilt, Capt. J. this timg is probably exiled or taken week at the residence of her son-in-law, I Williams. p, isoner. The rebels are headed by Mr. J. S. Porter was one of the pioneer The river and lake shore boats will be Mohammed Hassan Khan, Governor of Four -Barb Wire Fencing A despatch from Candahar states that at MONTREAL., QjTE. HAMILTON ONNT. CINCINNATI, OHIO. ?.EXHIBITION9. YRACU$3 N. Y. DAVENPORT, IOWA. FOR EXCELLENCE and SUPERIORITY yy run as follows this year:—The Saginaw, I Kushk, who induced Mohammed Jan's Over all (ontprtuert. was a Aug With under a new captain, will run on the t() rain him in the attack on W' p, Scotland. Alpena and Detroit route. Capt. Frank 1 her husband she left her natio country Hehner, h run the Saginaw last d to Canada about tel vents sevsnn will run the City It is pointed out that t ted settles of the County of Herrn. Slu daughter of Captain McGarvey, of Stranraer, i ons ire, . o 1 MEDICAL HA GODERICH. F. JORDA Chemist and Druggist LL. MARKET SQUARE, GODERI('II. Wool l d Retail Dealer in Dross Cbersfoals Paints, Ot1b, Dye Stuff's. Physicians Prescriptions carefully dispensed.WS caiman Patent Medicines. Horse and a Medicines. Perfumery, Toilet Articl N 9 Artist Colors. a, Kc. Holiday Presen At BUTLER'S ts! Photo and Autograph Albums in great variety, Rork Boxes, Writing De suitable for presents for Teachers and Scholars. PRESENTS FOR•EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SU Stock is New, very complete, and consista of Ladies' and Gents' Purees Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Vases in many patterns, Flower Po Cups and Flowers, aka, very rsupposed egiments , Herat and it is red with that Mnhanitew. Thr Cheapest & Best Fencing Jan was murdered with thio end in view. � 1 jj e n who J an emigratedof Concord,this gives Abdur- 1 to THE ago. They resided in Toronto about two l which he and J. E. Botsford & Cu. have rahman Khan an opportunity to bring all j ORLD_ Years. On leaving Toronto they cam°bought off the N.T. line. The Concord Afghanistan under his sway. The same Adopted and in use on 19 Railway Lincs in to Goderich. The passage from Toronto will carry salt from points un the U. S.. despatch states that Ahdurrahman is on the U. S. and Canada. See that our trade to Goderich was made in a sailing vessel. i shore to Ohio ports., The propeller St. his way to Candahar, hut another says ma rreeel. Bor ro Xenia eyelid for a yfloes rand They were accompanied from Toronto by Paul will tow barges from Duluth to 1 that it is now too late in the season for I oireulars to It. tti . AtcKElvzlE, Goderich. Mr. Alex. Btoadfont, the Mesar Car- i Buffalo. The Keeweenaw, Pearl and the English troops to march to India. . DOMiNION BARB wiith FEMNontr`ai• CE ('O., nochan, and AdamBlack. These gentle- IFlora will ply between Detroit and Mac - men with their families were on their I kinaw. The M. D. Ward will make - road out from Scotland to settle on their I daily trips between Port Huron and Port homesteads in Tuckersmith. The voy- Austin. The Saginaw Valley will make age from Toronto to Goderich was a very .e,ni.weekly trips between East Saginaw rough and tedious one, lasting over five sad Cleveland. The Mary Martini will weeks. On the passage they lost most I nn between Bay City and Port Austin. of their goods and ran ort of pnovislons. The Messrs. Carnochan, however, had with them a good supply of oat fie' hams, &c. This they generous) shared with the other rs, and thus kept them from au ering for food, said the deceased lady frequently mentioned this voyage and ever spoke with the deepest Before the New York Assembly Com- mittee, Gilbert Hensham, produce /pok- er, testified that he had visited a nti'tnber of oleomargarine factories. , The oleo- margarine was made frons peanut lard and oleo, nils. alum, and acids. In some factories the em to ems were exceedingly feeling of the kindness she received frim filthy, working half naked. the Tuckeramith pioneers, and the friendships then formed continued I Some families in Kingston, N. Y., last through life. Shortly atter arriving u Goderich Mr. Anderson took up land is Goderich township. and with his family settled upon it. The country was Ikea • vast wilderness, but Mr and Mrs An- derson continued to reside on their Goderich township home until they saw it and the surrounding country • beauti- ful agricultural district. About ten years ago they renewed to Marine City, Michigan, where they reside for about three years, when Mr. Anderson shortly after which the nallig_st or aketeh date to reside wile Porter week. became ill after eating largely of pork and beans, and inconsiderately put their blame on the pork, until a medical examination revealed that it was entirely free from trichinae, hut that the beans were infested with small black insects The bean which is thus infested presents en its surface s faint, black spot, under- neath which one or more of the insects may be found. Persons who have eaten heartily of such beans have been taken violently sick with vomiting. aoconi- pained J general weakness and prostra- tion, which continues for a few days. at Egmondville, and lived with ken un- mans and It follows, that people ought to "know til her death. She beevesbeans" before they eat them throe daughters, all of whom ars marred. Mrs. Love, died Her eldest daughter, about five years ago. Mea. Aadersosi was meet highly esteemed by Ihws who knew her hest She was • truly Christi- an woman who never permitted an opportsrut1 for doing good or for siding • deserving poer'entt or worthy cause to pass unimproved, and her memory will long be affectionately cherished by many even outside of her immediate family circle. - {Expositor damsel Muir, of Tara. died from the effects of poises about ten o'clock, March II TI is sot known whether it was taken modestly or intentional!y es he lived alone. his wife having died n- amable: family. living in the senile same sn nN boom, heard his and gar* the &!arta. The door was forced open by the weighissl, sad he died sheet live unarm. afterward' Irrryr1(.,x'n.t.- GRATEFUL ANDCOMVO1STINO. Ity a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. and by a carefgl application of pe the fine propertim of we11-e16ctnd Cocoa. Mr. 1 Epos has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavotired beverage which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. It i by the judo-' ciclons rise of such articles of diet that a con- stitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to reglad every tendeidcy to disease. Hundreds of subtle msla-ites are dating around un. ready to attack wherever there Is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." - Civil Sereice Gazette. - .gold only in Packets labelled - "JAs'aw Ere. .t Co.. Rominopathtc Chemists. London. Eng." --Also makers of .w Epps's Choeolate 6ence for afternoon 08. 1761. ' 17756m. Car Calcutta, March 25. —The Indian Gov- ernment s deficit for the year 1881-82 is estimated at £6.269,000. The surplus for 1881-82 is estimated at £Rb,'5,000 It is thought that there need be no canoe tie anxiety on the subject of finance when India is free from war expendi- ture, but strict economy is necessary. Newspaper Laws. We call the special attention of post- masters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws 1. A postmaster is required to give notice by Wier (returning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the offioe, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the responsible to the publishers lir payment. 2. if any person orders his•paper dis- continued, he must pay all areserages, or the puhaieher may oontinue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it he taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. Weaving in new l'a•(ern+and new Warps. China and Wax Dolls! ITED. China tis, A Large Assortment. Smokers' Sundries—Merschauut Pipes and Cigar H and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. School Books, Miscellaneous Boo DINING -ROOT CARPETS and all work i and eone,weavipromptly carefully neatlKingston street, Goderioh. 1 Any person who takes a paper from the post-ofdoe, whether directed to his Itains or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to DYSPEPSIA. — d ht d lira atl at a certain time, and the the seb- "afen your '- 11b11 er contin,s s to send. cmc fat utilisin p 7,'ue Great American Reined yv jbr i 'o tTGJI.s COLDS, A,4TIiMA, BROIVCIII7'1S, LOBS OF VOICE, IIOA RsENR88 AND THROAT AFFR CTIONS. Prepared/ma Ow jitweid 'ted fo awe ewd nR tae .ee/r. ° fr.u.,s ' rhe w_w ealw� g„e,tr for Yedeseew t vreysi+a !rearm erne 1 w this od 11n• &* "t reeae-s. GRAY'S fees 'h, er the won (},tis•,,,e„ev Jere' of net nwlillr~W Hprseu sw e.pe.- end the -e ,omit ew SYRUP f " sere of aet•amse Lente De► or peel �• e REDr Mtf•i thrs er ep cert. /elft Tr^ their tow- . al e #1: SPRUCEI�'w new pees feta. e.wtelw• (.. rt reee,eip e r a w�tei eeeve•a ,re�el•e neo ew a ,r. lab 1,1, -.-re: 5eere GU - e,aa�e. ass. its remarkable {power in relieving certann ferns / Bronchitis, and its almost speei4e east in curing ob- stinate haeeKse h., is now well alvtow+n to the 1 at large. Mt di sa.. U#& ir4et, a e wd eYf� an w.w r .i. aaa Oar ,hvrN. r ICRRRY. WAT80N it f•e'l. Onto A•e,erreeer• ^M'"""�r oldera ks, Bibles, P&c., &c.—Subscriptions taken for all the beeks, Church Sermons, Ws -stair's t ENGLISH, Scarcer, mn Books, Psalm Books, rem, AYERN'AN and CaiiantAN Papers and Magazines at Publishers' lowest rates --now is the time to subscribe. A full stock of School Books, for Teachers and High ane Model School Students All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a choice and largea(selection of Christmas and New Year's Cards! THE BEST EVER SH(1W e ANU cHSAPRft TB�N RORR, At BUTLER'S Dominion Telegraph and Postage Stamp (imc1• 1 '- N, andton, tone the stn assimilating every atom of food you a hound to ppIaryy for it if he ea tats, $e body needs it tot str*ngth nod it out of the pomt-ofiee. T'tue prnceeda vigor. Aron cleanses the entire Ns' upon 11tet thetlseatmd that a man mutt pay for tem. stimulates the liver, keeps piss t'egwVt said stole to eat tet -penny nadir. 6. The neons have decided that refne- IAttsrs and postal rands enme in daily hag to tete a newspaper and psnndieais shelling Zopeas from Brazil Positive frosus the pout -oaks, m rvenovirag este) 1 of Math and vigor it gives. (hi a having them uncalled for, irate'twin 0 rent sa,nrle Sethi by F .fnr+1•r .v,oienee ^f ,nf>,ter'itmal frau " Dominion Carriage Works," Goderich. MORTON .AND CRESSMAN manufacturer. of FIRST CLASS CARRIAC4MS, BVf C+IES,etc- Opposite Colborne Hotel. We solicit an examination of our vehicle*. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED Tr ). In Leaving Town wish to return my thanks to the piddle for their patronage tiering the past, and solidi the same In future. and to remind them that 7 have Leh a fellable person in charts of the business REPAIRING AND PICTURE FRAMING will be done nn SHORTEST NOTICE.