HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-09-15, Page 7READ THE ADS Alex Cameron Phone Brussels 356 J 4 The Capitol, as you know, has been resting. But she hasn't been idle. Come on out and see refurbished seats, freshly landscaped walls, new floor covering etc., etc. We regret that due to rising costs in every area of our operation we must revise admission prices. EVENINGS Students 75c MATINEES Adults 50c Children 25c OPENING EVENING THURSDAY, SFPT. 15 AND CONTINUING THROUGH 6 BIG DAYS TO WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21 The motion picture the whole world wants to see AGAIN AND AGAIN! Starring Julie Andrews Dick Van Dyke David Tomlinson Glynis Johns TECHNICOLOR® ifElhEBAOREIEY.IiICE•GRIR-MfgaR.IBMIEd•Ogll'aiWYNN .... c' r a....!tr.ri 11/4.5."'""" 130 1;Y'1S11' t: . ',CO.::: LOFL 04, Jr. 1,f. Le g Now at Regular Admission Prices 1st Show 7.00, 2nd Show 9.80 THURS.- FRI. - SAT. SEPT. 15 - 16 - 17 STEVE McQUEEN as toe "Loner" on the violent frontier. See him hunt down three gunslingers In "NEVADA SMITH" Color Adult. Entertainment Plus JERRY LEWIS in "WHOSE MINDING THE 'STORE" polo LATE SHOW SUN. 11.00 p.m. SEPT. 18 WOMEN'S PRISON" Adult Entertainment `CELL 3455 *1 DEATH ROW" Adult Entertainment IMON.. TUES.. WED. THURS. SEPT, 10 PO - THEATRE CLOSED Adults $1.00 Children 50c 'Z I.4 BRUSSELS POST, 131.3.,US:3E,LS, O4T40,10 -1.11-IVASDAY, .0tiit .4.00 R. , BAL. I Eli YOUR MASSEY - FERGUSOIN L.Y." A Cpnapiete Line Of ew and Used harnit Lquipment PHONE 5 iiii.U4*L.S, (Wk. (laughter, Mrs,. 11', SttIL4 Gordon McGavin. grandparents, Air. and Mrs. qaviii 'were visitors with their Leslie, Martin anti Scott; Mc- it OraleVii ti11i.4110 trip, and lit eLilait, 11UL11 and .1.1 VS. 1,(.1v,•1 GY, kl a 11, .1.11g 1.1.1UULLILtill Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall visiting in,: slot)!', and, Beverley were visitors with Higgnioutlatut at Bale Vertu, New- relatives in Burlington on Sat- iouudiand. urday. jou lcutleuL,e, who %.a5 a sum- • Mr, and Mrs, ItIarry Bulger mer ylsitur With ailU ...)1f6. were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ulliC LU with Air. and A. A. Fowler or _Port Elgin aud Mrs. klorac.:e itutlecige and lannly also with .Collingwood friends. who visited Nvitii tile ilumpb.nes an Bennett fannlie.s. ed summer in 13raMpL011 has return- Miss Nellie Balm who spent the , illy. and Mrs, laugh Johnston, at- Lesley, Sudbury, were guests a Gary Culyer, Mrs. Torrance was in,: Kitclten- Lending the Joimsion-Buiiinga er for a few clays with her wedding in Clinton. TENDERS FOR BUS TRANSPORTATION MORRIS AND WAWANOSH TOWNSikii- och !'lie; .11C11'1.1:i ILL! 11,Z1SL Iti ILL'S aj)1211C,1 t !Wiz, LUC LI IA, a C61./.161)Urt.i.Cliti11 CL LU .1" a bilC 6e,bOul, Lue .1.)1.1sSul6 Schuoi, and Beigrace Si.noul tor no 01. tut: m, listed routes, to tender tor ail routes or inure titan one sLIUllllt IR; Mated sLparateiy.). 'the tentier CulothU be fur the sellout year, anti as the schools will open aiLer NsAeniber 13, payment maul Joy (bat portion ot the schuin year during which the tiarispunatam. is provided. 'lenders recLived to 0(:1 01)1' .3, by Mrs. Lorraniu Cook, Beigrave, R.R. 1, and MT, Ralph Shaw, Lirussels. Fortlicr inturinution iroth ally member oi the .Bards. ROUTE 1 Begin at, Ken Conte, Lot 1 Concession 14 East Wawanush, proceed east to Ilignway :1, south' to Con. 12, west miles, south. miles, west to jot ;31 on Con. east ,to Highway -1, south to Lelgrave and to school. Appro..;imate mileage 17 miles; 00 pupils. ROUTE 2 Begin .Let 2, Concession 1, i41orris, proceed east seam 1.14 miles. 11 est miles, south 11/4 Miles, east 3V-4 . miles s0ut.:1, :at. i west to. J3elgrave and to school. .A.ppi ox- iinately 21 MHOS; GO PUPILS, ROUTE a Begin at Lot 38, Cor.cessiou it East Wawanosh, proceed west 3%. miles, south 1.4',.s miles, west 114 miles, north 2:4 miles, east 6 miles to Belgrave scuool..Approximate mileage 16; pupils 60. ROUTE 4 Begin at Lou 1, Concession 7 Morns, north 1 mile, west 11/8. rules, east 1.1/8 north miles to B61grave school. Approximately, i miles; 30 pupils.. ROUTE 5 Begin at Lot 42, Concession 3 likist 'Wawa:nosh, proceed north 17/6 Miles, west 5 7;;., SCULL 1% miles, cast 5% miles, south 1% Miles. to Myth, w st 3 miles, east 3 miles to B1yth PUblic School Approximately Z4 miles; GO pupils. ROUTE 6 Begin at Lot 28, COTICQS13i011 1. Atorris, proceed west to centre side- road, south 11/4 miles, ea.st 3Ti. allies, south 11AL tulles, west 3:14 miles, south 11/4 miles east 3:;.; South 11/2 miles to Brussels Public School Approximately 19 miles; 50 pupils. ROUTE 1 Begin at 1314.1.4SOlS, south 11.4 1114108, west to Highway 4, north VA, sillies, east to School, Approximately 1$ mileg; ROUTE S Begin at Myth, oast on County Road miles, north 14-3 Mile to ninth Concession. west 3li miles to Blyth School; north 114 unties on Elghway 4, east 3% iiililes, north 11/4. Miles, west. miles, 2`1/2 ' miles to Myth Pablio School. ApproXiMately 2"1 miles; 60 pupils. • ',MPH". i-TOR SALE — 2 furrow Massey PloW Phone 464J13 GallesCorn Silage Additive avadabik.: Lit ilarriston i?ertnizor Ltd. Clinton. Phone .162-ia34 r" SALE — :Large size coal aim wood, lieal.tlr, 1.1150 Aira. Laura derin.ya Phuue ..1W. coudition. Phone 26014. FOR SALE — c Quit lieu ‘....(11Lial . 1.6, 3J2-Q i US' wat!jr, Out, r; ;,:.)ALE .ileater, with urea, in guuu shape, also 10 curd of dry wood. Nprinan. Beiraes Plume, .1(30.1: Brussels E -ENDERS WA1‘;TE.171 fenders will be received by the undersigned lot. sliuv plowing III Lilo ,iiiage UL Lrussels 'for the 1.966-67 .c.U.:abe state hourly rate ;lac' btaialing time, and type or eiithp- Mt.M, to be uSeci. Lowest or any tender not nwessarily accepted. Win. H. King, Clerk, Village of Brussels. Pciii SALE — au 1 acres Way loam with b led brick nouse. Bank barn geuu staoling. i3uu house i0ia pig pen. This is a good farm wed kept. i.uuni cottage. at Seabach v.util 3 piece oath, oil couveneu :L,r,ige. end large lot. .1:; a real nice dome and in. a good location. 30:no Wade, Brussels iiono d, Agent for Clayton" B.+. • Ilcultor, Galt, Ont. AUCTiON SALE tir SCHOOL PROPERTY ..orris .,chum Ai'cia Board will SLtJL n; Public Auction the Bowing: September 2 4th at 1 p.111. School No. ii, South Boundary, tic! ochuol property including the i•nroa,.:4: am; pressure system also tilt, school furniture and equid- 1110111. 24 at 3 p.m. School No. 'It Eighth Concession the school property also an oil -furnace, pres- sure system, gene,rai school furni- ture, and eiluipment. October 1 at 1. p.m. r.3chool,No.3, Concession, the school and ,grounds excluding• the pressure system, also oil furnace, and school equipment. October 1 at 3 P.M. School. No. 10 1st Concession, the 8C11001 Property inClUding the fUrniteet 'also the pressure systatn, school ben, teacher's desk end other school furniture and ecinipthent reserve, Terms: (In ttoul 171state, 10% the day of sale, balance lit SO days. All other items cash. Hobert Henry — - Mtetton or CASH. ON THE FARM For good heavy . fowl, f.)% ;1.4- :ilia up, 15c a lb. Les. Hood Phone 347-2074 Ildopk*on FURNITURE FOR SALE PROMPT DELIVERY from a SlitiNNUID STOCK of Living- room, Bedroom and Kitchen Suites. Free Delivery, Conven- ient Terms. Godfrey Schuett Furniture Mildmay and Mt, Forest CUSTOM COMBINING 1-lave GIANT CLAAS COMBINE Available for Custom Work Cereal Grains and Grain Corn Call ROE FARMS LIMITED Atwood, Phone 356.2211