The Brussels Post, 1966-09-08, Page 4ATTENTION FARMERS FARMERS INTERESTED IN A SILO BUILT FOR THIS YEAR, OR NEXT YEAR PLEASE CONTACT WES. iHIUGILL PHONE 236-4928 ZURICH r. COIN COLLECTORS & INVESTORS FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED 1965 PROOF-LIKE MINT SETS $4.50 EACH Price List & Catalogues on AU Coins Freer Write to: HAMILTON COIN EXCHANGE 42 James St. North Hamilton, Ont., Canada Centennia l Deport Repot* VA I MAYA AIWA 1867 11967 C EN TEN NV LIgNi:missiONER ..Stragagen POIOT BRUSSICUit THURSDAY, SEPT.. 8th, 1966 •••••11,7".•11 FOR SALE Bartlett Pears Blake Bros. Phone 442W7 WANTED One or two respectable boarders (room $7. board) close to doWn town. Phone 150 HELP WANTED — Mne and women to pick and grade apples, Wm Stratychuk Phone 124 WANTED -- 4 wheels off a Lloyd baby buggy. Elmer Hart Phone 443W4 LISTINGS Nmc:DED FARMS, HOMES, BLISINEStikti nave 2 clients looking for farms at present. Apply J. Wade, Brussels. Phone 9. Agent for 'Clayton G. Hogg Ltd., Galt. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM MACHINERY and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Lot 11,. Con. Morris Twp„ 5 miles west of Brussels and Ye mile South on TUESDAY, SEPT. 13th at 1 p.m. 'Machinery Junilee i ord t rector, `Deei•born Plow' Deerborn Mower 6 ft. Massey Perguson Manure Spreader (90 bus.) Rubber Tired Wagon Flat 'Rack 16 ft Hay Rack Alurniaum Wheel Barrow Fertilizer Sower Seed Drill McCormick Side Rake 3000 lb. Scales Lumber 32 ft. Extension Ladder Diamond Harrows [WM er Grass Seeder Heat Houser School Bell Forks' Shovels Chains Sugar Kettle Ya H.P. Motor Emery with motor Poultry 125 Hybrid year old liens Household Effects Glass Cupboard' Cherry Drop Leaf Table G Dining flown Chairs White enamel Annex, like. new. Doherty Organ ea Stool Hocking Chairs Pedestal House Plants Coal Oil Lamps Antique Dinner Set Other articleS too numerous to 'mention Terrnsi Cash No reserve Farm sold Proprietor M Ichie Bros. Auctioneer Harold Jackson Clerk Mel Graham 'DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC W OAKS Or' 4..:ANADA I L: LN a £ ,z) 1:44.X t ea to Secretary, Departmem Public 1V011iS •B 32u, Sir cnarles Tupper nsund- ing, itiversiou Drive, Uttawa J, and endorsed TE.N.D14,11t. FOR.. I LARBOU It REPAIRS i1.N Lai Pitt/ Nati MEN T S ( ItEd'A /RS TO N,ORTI-I PIER), BAY- HELD, 1-1GRON cpuN,T 1, ONT." will be received until 3:90 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), WED- NE$SDAY , OCTOBER 5, 1966. Tender docuptents can be ob. tained on deposit of $20.00 in the, form of a CERTIFIED bank cheque to the order of the RECEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA., through: Chief En- gineer, Itoom E-443, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Illugineer, P.O. Box 668 Dom- inion Public Building, 45'7 Rich- mond Street, London, Out.; and can be seen at the Post Office at Bayfield, Ont. The dePosit will be refunded on return of the documents iu good condition within one month from the date of tender opening. To be considered each tender must be submitted on. tile forms supplied by the Department and must be accompanied by the security specified in the tender' documents. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Secretary 4-H "Supper Club' Elects -OfficOrs rirst Meeting The first meeting of the Club ''The Supper Club" was held at the home of the leader Mrs. Main The meeting was opened with the._ A-H Pledge., .The ,Roll Call was taken with fifteen girls answering present. The election of officers follow- ad,, They are:, 'President Rosemary Blake Vic&Pies. Joke Triebner Press' Reporter . . ... „. Any girl 'Pianist chosen .Kathleen Krauter The next meeting will be held on Thursday Sept. 1, 1966 at Karen Miitter'S The name for the Brussels club is "Brussels Savoury Chefs":' The' honk covers are to have a white background ;with black lettering. In making plans for Achieve- ment Day, the girls chose Rose- mary-Blake and Kathleen Kreuter to present a ?demonstration on `Let's make tea biscuits". Mrs. Wheeler gave the girls pamphlets and Club Objectives. .During the discussion; topics" talked about were "Good Food makes a differences", steps in dishwashing, and ahreviations. In the Group Work portion, the girls learned how to measure dry and 'grease measurernents. ' the relation"'between tbstt, tsp.;' and cup the Use of scare sheet for each day's inealS. Tito` meeting was Closed With "O Canada". What inspirese most, of all Centennial - plans and prOjeets,iS the fresh enthusiastic approach of many individual Canadians to our 100th anniversary of Coated-. federation. At the Centennial Commission we receive hundreds of. letters from individuals or • families, asking for no praise or assist- merely telling us .•about their Plans to celabrate,'-the Cen- ennial and offering genuine ex- pressions of their own pride in being Canadians. It is unfortunate that we can- not do much about the pessimists — the knockers and the moaners. in Canada they seem to get far too much publicity, I think we should try to turn our attention away from them as much as pos- sible and join with those who have positive ideas about Can- ad's future and for that matter, the welfare of mankind. 1 gives one a warm, happy feeling to think about the Guig- nard family from Callander, Ontario, for example, starting off on a world trip in a model T Ford all decked out with Centennial crests and flags. Their motivation was simply a desire to advertise Canada's Centennial. Mr. Guig- hard who in travelling with his wife and daughter, say, "I spent six years fighting for Canada. Why not spend one year advertise . ing it? 'We received a straighforwarc' announcement in a letter from Ward Loveys of Dorval, Quebec, describing his plan to travel from coast to coast during thin and next summer. This summer Mr. Loveys is motoring to Prince Rupert; B.C. sailing to Skag-wa,y,. Alaska; then. driving down the Alask8. High- way and Mackenzie Highway southeaSt throughout the Yukon. and Norhtvest TerritorieS, Next summer he'll complete his Cen- tennial trip with n tour of the Atlantic provinces. Then there are the two young Canadians, one a native the. other an immigrant, who together are crossing Canada on a 20,000 mile back-roads trip and writing about their .experiences Impressions and what they hear from other Canadians who are planning to celebrate Centennial. One is Paul Page, 26, forester and painter who was born in Orillia and lives in Toronto. The other is Marc Chaumard, 27, who wits born in Algeria and has been living .in Montreal and Toronto since coming to Canada three years ago. They first discussed the idea of a Centennial trip iu Toronto whore Paul, a graduate of. the .Ontario College of Art, has an Art studio and where Marc has been Working as a French instructor. They started out with, a car and a tent and up to midsuMmer, have coovve:i e:oo tui.amid l Newfoundland, mostof PN.Ee.Is New N Brunswick. The Kingston-Whig Standard and the Telegram in Toronto have been pabliShing writings and sketthes they have produced during their travels. What pleases me most of all, of course, is that they are stirring interest in the 'Centennial among all the people they Meet. Without proding by govern- Merit agencies and without sub- sidles, many Canadians are mak- nig a great contribution to the iCentanniai celebrations already: It is people like them who will. Make the ratite of Confederation a. success. ip.A SALE -- 2 unit apartMent like. new Con- dition a good investment proper- ty. bedroom house .with bath and neW oil furnace, -House with bath. cupboards. oil !armee, garage and large lot: Other 1101180.5, farms and apartmentS. See Elmer Tllacott, Salesman for K. W. Colqiiihoun ARTEX LIQUID EMBROIDERY PAINTS — Anyone interested in having an artex party or buying liquid paints and materials please contact Mrs. David Hutton, 270 Elma St, East, Listowel, Ont. or phone 291 - 4835. DEAD STOCK under new management ATWOOD PET SUPPLIES GARNET SMITH We are here 'to give you faster service z.nd better prices. Paid on the spot for dead or disabled cows and horses. $5.00 and up for any animal weighing oVer 700• lbs. according to size and condition. Smaller animals picked up 11•40. Also free veterinary inspections. Call collect ATWOOD 356-2622 24 hOtirs' a day — 7 days a week Lic. No. 401,045 FOR SALE 1961 Corvair, auto. trans, radio, 2 door, in excellent condition. Phone 260W FOR SALE — Good Red Cedar Posts, Delivered. Phone 392-6250, Tees- water, Ont. FOR SALE -- Calrea Corn Silage Additive available at Harristou Fertilizer Ltd. Clinton Phone 482-9133 WANTED TO BUY -- .Antiques, glass, china, furni- ture, bowl and pitcher sets, odd dishes, cars, buggies, • cutters, oil lamps etc. Write Box 50 Brussels or Phone 31 FURNITURE FOR,, SALE —. PROMPT DELIVERY from a SbLENDW STOCK of Living- room, Bedroom and Kitchen Suites. Free Delivery, Conven- ient Terms. Godfrey Schuett Furniture Mildmay and Mt. Forest HELP WANTED MALE — Apprentice to train as aircraft mechanic. Must be interested in learning to fly. Preference given to farm boys, Apply to Sky Harbour Air. ,Services Limited, Box 1oO, Goderich, Ontario. ► •