The Huron Signal, 1881-04-08, Page 1THIRTY-FOU'tTH i };_eR. WHOLE NUMHEnt rad. GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1881. M0OILLICUDDY EROS. Pust.aasa 91-20 A YEAR iN ADVANCE. Mew Advertisements. Prints --Colborne Brothers. na•ttoba--Thos. Gressw•y. Great 8als—J. C. Detlor k Co. DrtK Store—Geo. Rhynas. The OW Mand—D. C. fltraoha•, Chancery Bale- H. Mac Dermott. House Wanted—Applyat Stosit_ Girl Wanted Mrs. Jon Raodord. Court et Chanoery—H. MacDermott. Royal Mall Steamships--- H. Armstrong. Cottage for Sale by Auction—J. C. Currie. Travelling ENde. GRAND TRUNK. EAST. Pass. E:pis. Mix'd. Mtz'd. Aeacrle► Lv 7.00siti 12.06pm 3.13pm 9.00am . 7.50. 1.10 •• .4.45 ••.10.'50" *Ar &4Sam BISpm 6.30pm 1.00 " weer. Pus. Kip's. Mix.d. Mtz d. Ibetferd.Lv 1.9laro 7.50pm 7.09am 3.4Spm 11 h...., 2.17 " 8.36 " 9.16 " 5.40 ' rtch.Ar 3.13pm 9.50pm 11.00am 7.tSper GREAT WESTERN. Exp's. Mai1. Ezp's. Cllnto• going north ..0.30•m ...4.1Dpm &Mpe going south ...3.54wp_n...8. tam 7.21 " STAGE LINES. Lucknow Stage (daily) arr. 10.1Sam dep Spm alnotnline " " 1.O0am 7am Benmiller " (Wednesday and Saturday) arrives 9.00am 9.13 " Dentistrul. M NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- 1!}. TIST. Office and residence. West Street, aft, doors below Bank of Montreal, Gado - rich 1752 Real Estate, FOR SALE. —LOT 9, LAKE SHORE Tp. et Colborne, containing 111 aeras, Ice acres cleared balance excellent timber. 8oU • good clay Loam. As tab property adjoias the Point Farm it is in oonsequenoe most eUutbl bloated. For particulars apply to J. J. W_ _ rht �l•rah !d 1891. 177641 HOUSE AND LOZFOR SALE—AT Dungannon. 12 tnNs from Goderich, consisting of 1 of an acre of land, welt fenced; • frame house, • good well and pomp are also on the premises. The lot has been well Un- proved. Terms reesoaable. Particulars Gan be had from Mr. J. M. Rosa&T., Merchant, Dungannon, or R. E. BaowN. Nile P. 0. 171-tt. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76, corner of Victoria and East Krets, is the town of Goderich, for sale cheap, or will be exchanged for tars property. Forpsiticulan .pply to Jae. 8RAILL. Architect, once Cnh►'s mock. or J. C. CCSRtz, auctioneer. y,,,,„—FARM FOR AY sale 60 acres. 50 acres cleared and well fenced. Brick Cottage 25:31 stone cellar full size of house. A large creek runs through the lot, no waste land on the creek. A very ftne orchard surrounds the house. Good bare. and other buildings. Terns very Apply to R. T. BAYNES, lot 16 rake Shore Roatt, 1 - borne Township. or to ()ARROW & Paocu- root. 17e FARM FOR SALE. —BEING LOT 9, con. 13. Colborne, about seven miles from Ooderich. comprbing 50 acres. 50 cleared. A frame house, and • new frame barn 50:33 sad • stable and other outbuildings are on the premises. A young orchard. good pump. etc. ea the farm. The farm has • road on two sides of it. Four acres of fall wheat are sown. Distant only 1 r .'le from a post oftloe. For particularsap;,iy to Wm. Snizuns, Sheppard - ton P. O. 1777. QHEPPARDTON.—STORE, WITH t Port Ofsoe, for sale or to rent, with I acre land. Stock all fresh and good. Will sell on easy terms, having other business to attend ite.� For further particular app) to R. T. Marmots. Alan 100 acres of land, West half of Lot 5, on the ad con., E. D. Ashtleld. Good Or- chard, Frame House, and a stable. Fifty acres cleared and well fenced. Apply to BARROW a Paottn roOT. 1761. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Lot R Con. 8, Township of Colborne, Co. Halrw. owtaining M acres 75 of which are classed and in • good state of cultivation. There is a frame House 1101211 with cellar under tat whole, kitchen IMO. wood shed 16z* 4Mhle WM. for horses, also cow stable 14x14. Themes well with a never failing spring. aad a good young orchard with about 40 trees. selected. Terms easy. For particulars apply toTHOMAS WATSON, proprietor. Carlow or to BARROW a YROCDroO'r. Goderich. 1756. FARM F()R SALE. Comprising Lots Noe 18 and 19. Con. 3. in the Township of West Wawanosh, belonging In the late Mr. Charles McDonald. containing eel trate in all. Over thirty acres are steered. Then are over 15 acres of good hard wood. and the balance Cedar and Pine bush. A small Frame House and • Well are also on the premises. A gond creek rens through the farm. r particulars apply to Jaw TRt- st'LU., Tor mit rat i)nngannon. or to Mrs. WARNOCK. Underfelt. or To this pace. 17744. ,?Auction Sales. ('1OTTAGE FOR SALE AT AUC - kJ VON.-- Mr. J. C. Currie will olbr for sale OR SATVnaAT. APRIL lab, at 12 o'clock, noel'. the Bruce Cowries, with large garden at- thesit, olj a on teethlaseUekhrch. 'street, e is h eiaato is t�epnir, This property�pwill bye sold • l'eewr. highest bidder. -J. C. Cowl, AU�ONp�SALE OF VALUABLE •aeon ret 10511 atrRe.4,, and Covacant Hew Square, kwew. as `br eCol'nell property. s�ih�}spasp of Ea t hi. en etre tlesan.- will beTh T. A Acct ea P TSIs . Yb• ossa bssi...40.8 Ire' r t ).eta to • reserved her »tri• kaawmi.1tun. of side. J. C. CUR E. Alai maser. t N THE MABTIIME COURT OF ancithopielea %ee of issieSeasasec OINK. Ist alarm ne whoa sipt, I ad itaidi:•""admruxcLe===si Auctioneering. j C. CUR,RIE,T$I PEOPLE'S LUC •J . TTONEER. Oot.r4,k, Oat 2781 NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A abler. Vises pe. talon' notes. An' faith he'p-peat tL" ?QV TOPIW. A Spring opening—The mouth of a rat trap. Next Friday will be good Friday and a general holiday. Richard Simmons left for the North- west one day last week. TILL TT To ALL. —11 will get Tall SIONAL for the remainder of 1881. The Canadian Methodist Magazine for April is a very readable number. Mr. D. C. Strachan has moved back to his old stand at the Albion Block. Tuesday last was one of the rawest days of the season—a keen frost and • high wind prevailing. Owing to the illness of Miss Blair, the scholars attending her department of the public school had a holiday on Wednes- day. Srsrlto SHOW.—The West Riding of Huron Spring Show will be held in Gdderich on Wednesday next, April 13th. Conductor Crawford was incapacitated from duty during the week, owing to inflammation having set in his burnt hand. The Census brigade, directed by com- mander Platt, are on their rounds. It will take them about a month to com- plete their labors here. Mr. Geo. Rhynas has purchased the good will of Mr. Geo. Cattle in the drug business, and has opened out in Blake's block, corner of Montreal street and the Square. The friends of Rev. Jatnes McLaugh- lin (formerly of this place) will be pleas- ed to Tarn that he is succeeding well with hu mission work among the Indians of the northwest. Mr. D. McDonald, Clerk of the Crown, has been indisposed with a severe cold for some time past. We are pleased to see, however, that he is now on the mend. Ca errs. —The Goderich section of Temperance Cadets will hold an enter- tainment consisting of dialogues, recita- tions, etc., on the evening of Tuesday next the 19th inst. Admission lOcts. A stylish wedding, in which a well known caterer to the comforts of the public is expected to take a leading part, is on the cards for next week, and there is a flutter in certain circles of Goderich society. The sound of the auctioneer's hammer will be heard in the Albion Hotel to- morrow. Mr. Currie's services have been in great demand during the put fortnight, and he is "just the man for Galway." Tax HinttAL.—The hymnal is now being used regularly at the services of Knox Church in conjunction with the psalms and paraphrases. Lest Sunday's evening closed with the familiar hymn "Rock of Ages." Mr. George Brown, formerly of the Bank of Montreal, Goderich, and now Manager of the Ontario Bank, at Winni- peg, has been visiting friends in this vicinity (luring the past week. He left for Manitoba on Monday. Pause. —Among those who passed their primary examination for admission to McGill University were the following from this county: James Grey, Bruce - field; A. J. Rutledge, Bayfield; W. R. Rou, Goderich. INCRIASINO. —We are pleaaed to re- port a cheering increase in our circul- ation during the past week. Our offer of the SIONAr. for the remainder of 1881 for el is being accepted by many who find that tee,/ can't do without a lire load paler. Business men, mike a note of this. EDUrATi„NAI. MRETIj,oe. Services in the interest of the Educational Society of the Methodist Church will be held by the Rev Dr. Williams as follows: Sab- bath next Ashfield, 10 s. m.; Lucknow at 6.30 p m : Wingh•m, Monday; Brussels. Tuesday;-'-Belgrave Wednes- day: Blyth, Thursday; at 7 o'clock each evening. Carmen Oeslrtxo..—The formal open- ing of St. George.' Church, the new Episcopalian place of worship will take ppl1aanonGaa on Sunday,April 24th. Rev. Can Carmichael has signified his in- tention of being present at the opening, and we understand Other pronrineet churchmen will also attend. Ssoar-MOs SALL.—There IS 10 Ifs a Bolable sale of short -horn male at Port Huron on the IRth and 19th of May, at which time there will be put up for lab eheice ..lectins from the hems 61 Avery & Murphy and John P. Sent nra, of Port Huron: T. Berkett, of Bees Lake, and H. Y Atrill Mr. Richard Hawley, of Goderich, will elan put up lar sale his famoes and beawdfel white bnU, "Beema old. " Then will be a gnat a sober of prominent stock men pressed. —{11t. R C. BAZARS. Arrangements ars on foot for the holding of an extensive ba - mar, under the "aspires of Rt. Joseph% Rt, d. Climb na the let, 2ud, 416 and lith of JeLy Rev. Father Waiters weeds' pi rho if the ladies 1who an h{tvr tfith seeress of the Immo weld give all the si,* i, tlfftisslrw- ties with regard to artistes, Ma , at early a date se posgibla The Mont of details in cosneecioe is in e hand" of an dllciertt committee Is tr Taunt—It is now reported that Charles Melton, alias "Nigger Sam," is not dead. Mr. George Stewart, of Colborne, who has been attending the Ontario School of Art, at Toronto, returned home this week. Maas Fraser, daughter of the Deputy - Registrar Fraser, leaves to -day for a visit to friends in Hamilton and the east. She will be absent fur several weeks. FAameoNAILa. — Mia Stewart's spring opening will take place on Wednesday and Thursdaynext, and the ladies of Goderich anvicinity maylook fur a treat in the millinery dispy. Somal. —The Ladies' Aid society will give a social in the M. E. Church this (Friday) evening. A programme con- sisting of music and speaking, etc., will be given. A good time is expected. Admittance, 15 cts. The Gasoline with which St. George's Church will be lighted was tested on Monday evening last. On the whole the experiment was successful, although the peculiar weather on the evening in question militated somewhat against the thorough working of the test. We are sorry to see that Capt. A. E. McGregor, is suffering from another attack of his old enemy, rheumatism. The captain has been engaged by the Beatty Line to take command of the steamer "Sovereign," and hopes to be in good trim before he gets hfiat. At Tax Bi egt•sr. —Amongst those present at the military banquet to Lieut. CoL Taylor, at London, last weak, were the following officers of the 33rd Huron Battalion: Lieut. Col. Ross, Capt. Miller, and Quarter Master Jordan, of Goderich; and Surgeon Holmes. of, Brus- seta. OUR POPULATION. —The population of Goderich, as taken by the town assess- ors, is as follows: St. David's Ward, 1,286; St. Andrew's, 1,179, St. Pat- rick's 1,162; St. George's 550; total, 4,195, against a total of 4,328 last year, this shows a falling off of 133 in popu- lation during 1880. Which looks bad for the N. P. LrrlR.t$T ENTIarArNlIIR\T.—A liter- ary entertainment will be held in the Temperance Hall on Tuesday evening next, under the auspices of the Mechan- ic's Institute. A very full programme has been prepared, and a moat enjoyable treat is, it is believed, in store for the people of Godench. For particulars see programmes. Weo Is HE ?—If you see a fussy little I man at your front door with his coat collar turned up and his hat sheered over his left ear, do not set the dog ou him. He is not an impudent dun, or $ tax collector, or a tramp, or a new and indespensible patent, or even a mission- ary; he is only the man who wishes to ascertain your eldest daughter's age. So deal gently with the census taker.— [Ex aker.— [Ex LITSRARY SNRAK THIEVES. —We have been informed that certain persons make a habit of visiting the Mechanics' Insti- tute library and carrying off periodicals, etc. It is high time this petty meanness and dishonesty on the part of these persons was stopped. One ..r two cases of pilfering occurred during the past week , and asthe perpetrator is known, it will be necessary to have the period- ical returned to avoid further publicity. Bouts OF CURLING STAMM. —There have been several transactions in curl- ing stones during the peat week. A. McD. Allan has sold his pair to Harry Smith; CoL Ross a pair to W. R. Miller; Capt. Murray McGregor partedwith his pair to C. R. Dunsford; and J. Colborne disposed of a pair to W. T. Welsh. Mr. Steve Andrews also purchased the stones of Mr. Jas. Thomson sometime ago. The" value of the curling stones owned by members of the Goderich Cluh is esti- mated at about $400 Mr. Joseph Kidd bought at Georgian Bay, reoently. 3.000,000 feet of pine 1ncs, ready to be boomed and brought down ss. soon as navigation opens. He has also about 1.000,000 of hemlock, elm and basswood, up along the shore We are informed that he intends bring- ing down by his new beat. the Josephine Kidd. He in about to have the telegraph extended to his office at the works, as7rion as the frost is out of the ground. It will he of the greatest convenience, since his son commands the electric key. T n dl F -_ P. G M. .Tno Gibson, instructed the Patnarchs of Huron En- campment No. 28, in the new secret work no'11toreday afternoon. of last week. In the *venues the waw work was tho- tecesfbly taught and exemplified by P. G. 1L Oibenn to the numbers of Huron Ledge No. 62, and visitors from neigh- boring Lodges. At ilo'clnek p. in. sheet SEW Orf the stembMa sat dews to an st- aailat oj'sbw sapper. Ishii had been by Mr. Jas. Bailey, at the I.mhiTAaT.--The 4�riittor in its vomit ad the curling sfNal<se in O.a elek kat week, heaths lsirwfEt. "At the mmehmiea ot the 6■Nar Mie woo amide tamed their visiting Latish! style as Carty ea apnad was d►CtM mild and ems duly sp. 11.10 i See hawgry eeebees. 'Re evening we MSM pleasantly 'peat, avid the lleaferth teen spank in teres of the hbghest OlioM s.1 die %ad and lbottenw slesiner �h eery were �'�Md sad sap that sett 1. Nsasasel els they k8ow of now in whew pempuNiOrt they wenld anener nes the medal than in that 'f the 7edsrieh 4'loh for this era. 'Urinary" SAL.,—An extensive sale of household and hotel furniture will be held at the Albion Hotel, Market Square, Goderich, commencing on Sat- urday, April 9th. Among the articles to be disposed of are • piano and sate, and a large quantityof household and hotel furniture anbar fixtures. The whole will be sold without reserve. For particulars see bills. CANNIBALISM. — Robert Thompson, blacksmith, was yesterday brought be- fore the Mayor, charged by Win. Mc- Keown with assault. Defendant bore evidence of having been roughly used, his nose, which had been badly bitten, being almost entirely oovered with pieces of sticking plaster. This savage assault grew out of a quarrel over the settle- utent of an account, McKeown for four years having done the wood work in con- nection with Thompson's blacksmithing business. The result of the trial will appear next week. Cueueo.—The following is the result of the match played on Friday last at London between two rinks of the club of that city and two rinks front Gode- rich. As will be seen by the score the Lake 'Town men kept near the tee dur- ing the greater portion of the game : - . GODERICH. LONDON. Rink No 1. J. Colborne, John Simpson, E. Martin, James Durand, Arch'd Dickson. • Robert Henderson, Capt. Davey, D. Dodd, Skip, 26. Skip, 20. Rink No 2. D. Realer, James Dutaeld, J. Christie, 5, Crawford. Skip, 20. 51. 40. SODDEN DEATH.—While sitting In his eon's shoo shop op Thursday morning, Mr. James Campbell, one of the oldest settlers in Goderich, suddenly expired. The deceased had gone down to the shop, as was his daily custom, and made no complaint about feeling unwell. He was very old, being 82 years of age. He came from the county of Sligo, Ireland, and settled in Goderich in 1839. He was one of the first councillors in the town, and at one time ran quite an ex- tenaive shoo business. A few months ago his aged partner in life died. De- ceased leaves three daughters and four sons behind him, one of his sons being Mr. Wren. Campbell, First Deputy Reeve of Goderich. The funeral will take place on Saturday afternoon at three o'clock. A Live Busrrsss FIa3s.--It will need no direction from us this week to draw attention to the "loud" announcement of J. C. Detlor & CO. on our fifth page. A great clearing sale is advertised, and quotations are given which will strike every reader with astonishment. A bona jtde reduction in price has been made on the goods, and the public can calculate on bargains. The firm is one of the oldest and most reliable in town, ank their name to any advertisement is a guarantee of good faith. Scan the list of bargains; and then go at once to the store of J. C. Detlor & Co., and view the goods. The sale will continuo for two weeks, but as the first who go to the store will be the first served, all who would enjoy the privelege of the best se- lection should not fail to visit J. C. Det- lor & Co. early. PasassrArio:ff—On Wednesday ev- ening an interesting occurrence took Fplace after the regular meeting of the ire Brigade at their rooms in the Fire Hall. On that occasion the Chief of the Brigade, Captain T. N. Dancey, was pre- sented with a handsome silver fruit basket and butter cooler. The present- ation was made on behalf of the Brigade by Lieut. McKenzie, and appropriate remarks were spoken by Fireman John Mnrtin. Capt. Dencey, on rising to re- spond. said: Members of the Fire Brig- ade, allow me to tender you my most sincere thanks for the very handsome present you have placed before me, hut notlbeing aware until this moment that I was to he the recipient of this beauti- ful donation, 1 feel inadequate to the task o.1 making a suitable reply. How ever it is very satisfactory to me to know (ss just expressed by a member) that the Company have confidence in me as their Chief, and i assure you that I have full confidence in the members of the Com- pany, and feel sure that, as heretofore, when our services are required we will be found in our places and render • good acrount of ourselves: and I may further say that i believe the people of our town have confidence in the Brigade. This is • satisfaction to us to knew that (IT services are appreciated. i might have made one exception i allude to the member that use to his feet at the Coun- cil Board, and made all kinds of insinu- ations about us, but i think we have little to fear from that source, for the public will consider from whenc. it came, and give it weight accordingly. In onnclnsi.on, let me say that it is a soere• ret happiness to as. to know that the hest haretowy exists between all of our same - bars, sad the plum/ore we haws in meet i}t 9�e/wys to for the ditty, d - t 4 LIIILL artlssoes, we have too �'� ARIN are N again thank you EK the eery Imailiame gfeseat you have Dela so Wad at to mien! oe with A. McD. Allan. A. M. Roes, H. 11. Smith, M. Hutchinson, Skip. 25. aemasse Mesas I A man shot in C. O. Newton's hat nerd furnishing steps hue no one wondered whets they hard that he was wiling Issw Myles in all eg�oo& at old style Prieto MA ! cin hand alwaysthe sad set n nect n+Ms*1e I to dhow goods r n ifttwa,t $.hser Eeard fleeting, The regular meeting of the School Board was held on Monday evening,Mr. Crabb in the chair. Paesent—Msar. Buchanan, Ferguson, McGaw, Cook and Swanson. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Principal's was read and on mo- tion was received and fyled. The following accounts were read and ordered to de paid; vis:—Huaow Stamm., $1; W. T. Welsh, 75c; Jas. Saunders, 610.60. The following communication was read from W. R. Miller, Principal of the school. GoDsuca, April 4th, 1881. Board of C. S. 8. OoderieA. GlttrLntsN,—I beg lave to report, that for disobedienoe to his teacher, and refusing to submit to punishment, I have suspended Joseph Murray until he expresses sorrow for his conduct and submits to such punishment as I may consider necessary. Hoping my action may meet with your approval, I remain your obedient servant, W. R MiLLIR. On motion the Board approved of the action of Principal Miller. Maas Longworth askew two weeks' lave of absence on account of sickness in her family. On motion the request of Mina Long- worth was granted by the Board. The Bond adjourned. AT RIDGEWOOD FARM. What Ws Saw amid Heard There about Thoroughbred ausek-The asestess that has attended Mr Aurora E8erta. Inunediately opposite Goderich, end on the northern bank of the Maitland, is situated " Ridgewood Farm," the pro- perty of H. Y. Attrill Esq. The farm occupies some four hundred acres, and is finely situated, and within easy distance of the town. For some years back Mr. Attrill's name haa been identified with the breeding of thoroughbred stock, and at the different agricultural fairs of Ontario hie name has become as "fami- liar as a honeehold word." On Tuesday of last week we paid a visit to "Iii •wood," and were kindly shown over the premises by Mr. David Hain, the obliging and energetic mana- ger of the stock yard and farm. The cattle sheds forma court as it were, be- ing composed of two wings and a Hain extension, while a mammoth shed and barn occupies a considerable portion of the fourth side of the "Court. Entering at the left hand side of the range of buildings, we were shown the magnificent herd of Princesses for which "Ridgewood" has become noted. Here we found,Red Rose 14th, RdRose 16th, Red Rose 17th, Red Rose 20th, Red Rose 21st, Red Row 22nd, Princess Carlotta, Red Rose 23rd, Princess Clar- ence and other magnificent cows and heifers. Besides these the splendid ani- mals, Red Rose 15th, Lady Ann, Prin- cess of the Valley, Princess of Ridge- wood and Princess of Airdrie were ab- sent at Bow Park for breeding purposes. Mr. Attrill has also a number of the Princess tribe with his Port Huron herd, prominent among which are Red Rose 13th, Red Rase 18th and Red Rose 19th. Inaddition to the Princess herd Mr. At - trill has a tine lot of the Duchess and Princess -Duchess breed, but we under- stand it is his intentii.n to dispose of the latter herds and devote his attention to the pure Princess strain. With this ob- ject in view, on Friday last some forty- one head were shipped to Chicago, where a great public sale of thoroughbred cat- tle will take place on Friday, April 15th. The following are among the animals which Mr. Attnll intends to dispose of, and it will be seen by the list that some very fine breeding cows and heifers, as well as well-known bulla will be on sale on that occasion: Cows and heifers -- Dachas of Dereham 9th, Duchess of Denham 14th, Cambridge 13th, Pimper- nel 2nd, Imp. Airy Buckingham, Imp. Dorothy, Viscountess 2nd, Adeliza 3rd, Duchess 26th of Woodhill, Airdrie Sera- phim, Adeliza 6th, Gay Lady, :Satin, Hobe 4th, Bebe 5th, Milkmaid, Lady Lily, Duchess 25th of Woodhill, Oak- wood Gwynne, Hobe 7th and others; bulls --Earl of Antrim, Earl of Staf- ford Earl of Springwood and Duke .of Elmhurst. Everything about "Ridgewood" indi- cates that no expense haa been spared by the proprietor to make it a model tho- roughbred breeding farm. The hest men that money can bin have been m- oored to superintend the care and breed- ing of loris of the finest inmate in America, and -ve hope that Mr Attrill's laudable et(rte to improve and keep pare the thoroughbred settle which he bee aide a specialty 'f, will be profit able as well se pleasant to him Although the sheds and stabling at "Ridgewood • are already of (extensive proportion, we owderstand it is the in- tonation of the proprietor during the en- suing wminer tn erect additional build- ings et • coat of some $15,000, sothat the large additions to his herd whish lie meats ere lewg, will we be eireueneslib- ed in their Baits. Taken all in all, Mi Attrill deseraee the thanks of the community for the Newest, es.rgetie and, we hope, seeecss- Ad aisle be M moat g to iwttedooe hla/i tlai hwdiag inti the Nttk of our l,said a erneen ie ivi ksapi esu! ww�as� _ere the orf ret •411trdb"!girt sail M b fining (it the past, earls mow M NJUlatwe ban M the maimewefat pntrof td! bestrad ptes will Barry the day. A RISE IN BEEF. Ear Tests Mtehes• add Another Lena w Female to the Pries et Edible /heap. Some time ago, when beef was in great demand, and prices were eorrss- pondingly dear, • facetious reporter stated that that article of diet was never so high since the cow jumped over the moon ! It was reported last week that the meat dealers in town were about to trip the price of that article a cent per pound. A few days ago, a SIGNAL reporter called upon Mr. Steve Andrews, one of our leading butchers, and asked • "Is it true that meat is up a cent a pound, Mr. Andrews 1" '"Yee," replied the other, as he aseid- uoualychopped at a log of mutton.with a cleaver. What's the cause 1" asked the reporter, anxious to get the reason from a but- cher's lip& It's the Old Country trade," was the response. "You see there's been a great demand for heavy beef, and our farmers sell their fattest and best cattle for ex- portation. The demand is strong, and only the smaller animals are kept for home consumption." And Mr. Andrews, who is not a man of many words, returned to his mutton. Marine Mews. The ice is still in the harbor, and the opening of navigation here is a thing of the uncertain future. The diver who went over to Pelee Is- land to fix up the tug Sampson has re- turned to Sandusky, having patched up the leak. The steam barge Coral has been sold by Capt. H. Ives, of Windsor, to Stoke & Tiffin, of \\'allaceburg, for $5,500. She will be engaged in the carrying trade between Dresden and Buffalo. The sun crossed the line with norther- ly and westerly winds prevailing. Ob l salts predict that for the ninety days following such winds will be the most prevalent, and numerous instances are cited of such prognostic•tions proving Correct. Carr. MCARTHUR left Goderich os Monday last for Detroit to take charge of the propellor Samuel F. Hodge, a fin.4 new boat launched in January last. She will run between Buffalo and Duluth, and is considered one of the best on the lakes. Dunbar's drill, o,It the Limekiln*, which went to work last week, was on Friday morning early, by the explosion of a cartridge, sunk and damaged to the extent of 6500. She has been raised and hauled out on the ways for repairs. She will be out again in a few days, as will also the dredges. 0o1boraa. Mr. James Jones and William C. Robertson cut 16 cords of maple wood out of the solid tree in 17 hours with a champion saw. Let as hear from the boys in the bush. Mr. Thomas Lawler intends building • cider press this season for which he has the timber ready. He does not like to see the farmers going 5 or 10 miles with their apples, when they can be made into cider much nearer. The quarterly services in connection with the B. C. Church were held at Zion appointment on Sunday 3rd inst. The Rev. Mr. Webber from Exeter eon ducted the services both morning and evening. The congregations on both occasions were very large and the ser mons were very forcible and were atten- tively listened to. The following is the result of the ex- amination held in S. S. No. 4, T. Elliott, teacher during the last week of the quar- ter uayter ending March 31st. Fifth class, marks possible 780, ,T. Kernighsn 694; fourth class, marks possible 535, Serena J. Fisher 515; third class, tnsrkspossible 625, Emily R. Mitchell 487, Leah Flick 400, Henrietta Halliday .370, Elle. Munninga 368, Lydia Flick 335, Rachel Pannebaker 285; second class, 1st John Good, 2nd Johd McClure, 3rd Wm. A. Mitchell 4th, Mary A. Petrie, 5th Martha Blake, 6th Caroline hike; second pt., 1st Mary Pannebaker, tad Adeline Krupp, 3rd Richard Fisher, 4th Mary McClure. Ounces. MR. iL :U.:KT MATHRaiiN, formerly of the Nee, Ern, and Tater on head masdar of Napanee High Sc'tonl, obtained a area place at • teachers' examination kaki r► ently in Chicago, and is now on the eta& of an educational journal. WsLL Sporran. on Thursday last • teem of homes ran sway from neigh- borhood the neigh- bhoed of the Brent eatere Statists. They were followed by the owner's dog, which tool in its teeth the bailing lines, and hung on to them until it brought the hnues to a standstill rrearth s ogles. Ruch • dog is worth owning. 1110000. Bownianvifle. Ont. march 22, 1881. %Whereas e,Hnn parties in the town ..f Sednrth are enveetis awl (Awing for sale Organs and Pianneimering our name Ws hereby 're imam that said parties have no ti Whatever from ns to eel) oer 111111111eniiMen gad wnuM advis all f .tja no dal will/ Mcsar'a W yMEinfe$tli, who are our 1 the t onlyau nt lieffe na�Otr in and foe Drranfiwtl. Oats• ` k Pismo Co Jotrw Walla? Seely.