HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-08-18, Page 6&r:larkZt=krpaii,!;1".t." SAVE MONEY READ THE ADS. IN THE BRUSSELS POST • OAR; BRI.Ti38111LS POST, )3AVEISELEI4 ONT1S10 TITURSDAY AUGUST 18th, 1966 un Th Yeet eatre WINCHAK •••••••••••,5.1 1867 1967 NIAL by JOHN W. FISHSR CENTEN COMMISSIONER 4MM* •:604.0107.2.4trzilaggiavatativi ik-AW -witAVglirk-21.114/744Wei • Youth travel- programs and cut-I own 'Centennial project, and per- tare exchange visits betWeen ha•ps meet some of' the enthusi- communities and ethnic groups iastie Japanese Canadians who THUR. - FRI. ADULT ENTERIAINMENT wriig SEVENTH DAWN" Colour Starring William Holden - Capucine - Susannah. York This is a story torn from. to-day's headlines. and. is a good war story about the upheaval in the Par Bast, AUG. 18 • 19 HELP WANTED FEMALE COUNTY OF HURON requires COURT RECORDER for office of Judge R. S. Hetherington About average short hand .Salary commensurate with experience and ability. Excellent employee benefits State age, experience, edu- cation, when available. John G. Berry, County Clerk-Treasurer Court House? Goderich, Ontario. NOTICE 1 0 CREDITORS in tne estate of JAMES ANDERSON, deceased PERSONS having claims agailist the estate of James Anderson, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, veterinary, who died on or about the seventh day of July, 1966, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the seventeenth day of August, 1966, after which date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard- only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Brussels this twenty- third day of July, 1966. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Brussels Ontario Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of GEORG,E WILLIAM JACKSON, deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of George William Jackson, late of the Township of 'i\icKillop in the County of Huron, retired. farmer who died on or about the twenty- third day of April, 1966, are hereby notified to send parti- culars of same to the under- signed on or before the seven- teenth day of August, 1966, after which (late the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of -Which the under. signed shall then have received notice. DA9 Ian at Brussels this twenty- third day of July, 1966. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD MILL BrUssela Ontario Solicitors for the Administratar are being organized and financed by the Centenni al Commission to help promote emninunication and understanding between Can- adians separated by our country's great distances. The idea behind such programs of course, is that 1967 is a good time for everyone to get to know Canada better and to learn more about its peoples, its varied geog- raphy and history, 13,Ut govern- ment programs, as in most other cases act, merely as catalyStg.. T,he idea will become a complete suc- Sees only if 'Canadians, motivated from within themselves and on their ()Wit initiative, get on the move in '67 to see more of Can- ada and to learn more about it. Many of us don't take the op- portunity to do a little amateur research on Cana as even at short distances. I met a middle aged man, for example, who i ived most. of his life 90 miles from Niagara Falls and lied never seen that great -wonder of the world, even though he had toured the TThItCd Kingdom :Ind halt or Europe during the last war. d 1 across t,inada could well replace a European holiday with savings to boot. (Though the distance is as great, the fair is less.) For those of us whb can't afford such a tvp next year we need, only choose a travel radius of one or a few hundred miles to fit the pocket book,'" and pick an interesting spot we've never before .been We have no shortage of fase- inating communities, historical sites an natural wonders to be seen. I'll wager that Many Nova Scotian8 and other Maritiniers have not yet visited the old French Fortress of Lonisbourg, now being restored on Cane Breton Island, whose history on the mere printed page stirs excite- ment and wonder. How many B. G. Mainlanders have really ex- plored the beauties of Vancouver Island and met the nteresting hundred miles, to fit the pocket- island ports and towns? Vimagine I could pick anyone at random on the main street of any Ontario town and find that he had not explored unbeaten paths around the tobacco country and old Loyalist communities Lake Erie's north shore, the old Guinan Canadian Settle,, men.ts in the 'Kitchener area and studied the Huronia museum on Georgian say, If I were art MA bettati I: would Want to see thes6 Satiatietite Gardetiltl tethbridge'S Let's make Centennial Year the time for a real Canadian nOli- day -- with a purpose-:, know more aboUt our country and our countrymen, IBR FATAL TO CALVES UNDER TWO MONTHS OLD Infectious bovine rhiuotra- clients (111311) has recenty killed many Ontario calves under two mouths. "Seldom fatal to most. cattle this disease affects the digestive tract, liver, and brains in this age group',, reports Dr. T. J. 1-1411aud, Patnolo,gy p 111: 'Luella Ontario, Veterinary College, University of Guelph. "The calves refuse to eat, ap- pear depressed, and. die one to three days after they first appear to be sick. When MB. attacks older cattle they generally show signs of nasal discharge and cough for several days. This distress,, of course, prevents normal weight gains and has been recognized for some time as a problem in feedlot cattle. However, young cattle are dying. The virus can,be isolated DEAD STOCK under new management ATWOOD PET SUPPLIES GARNET SMITH We are here to' give you faster service and better prices. Paid on the spot for dead or'disabled cows and horses. $5.00 and up for any animal weighing over 700 lbs. according to size and condition. Smaller animals picked up free. Also free veterinary inspections. Call collect ATWOOD 356-2622 24 hours a day -- 7 days a week. Lic. No, 401-C-65 were right behind that conuuun- ity effort. Lots of people in La Belle Pro- vince have neither yet roamed the narrow streets of the old town of Quebec nor taken a motor trip through the wild country around the end of Gaspe. SAT.MON.-TU AUG. 2U-22.23 "PARADISE HAWAIIAN :STYLE" Colour Starring Elvis Presley - Suianna Leigh Elvis has some great adventures in colorful Hawaii and the beauties of Hawaii make this new Presley film a must. WED.-THUR.-FRI. Aug. "FIREBALL 500" Colour - CinemaScOpe Starring; Frankie Avalon Annette Funicello - Fabian Mile-a-Minute thrills as the Beach Clang takes to hot rod racing, This is the: snappieSt faateSt young America jamboree yet. from the nose, but this is a slow Procedure for diagnosis. The out- break is usually identified too late, by a pathologist's examin- ation of tissues from the newly dead animal. Vaccination of young animals 011 problem farms 'may be worthwhile. according to Dr. Holland, but information on vaccination value to these calves is still being studied. READ THE ADS. CASH ON THE FARM — For good heavy fowl, -5% to 6 Ihs 21c to 22c a lb. Les Hood Phone 347-2974 Monktou Watch For Them! The Imperial *Hen Drivers are coming to Brussels on Wednesday Night. August 24th. under the auspices of the 100F Lodge. Don't miss this thrilling spectacle by these dare- devil performers. .1