The Brussels Post, 1966-07-07, Page 1russets)
$2.00 A Year ill Advaaas $2.50 To U.S.A.
Combined Pipe Bands To
Play Ijere 'Friday, JOy 15t4
The Pipe 'Saud will parade on
the Main iStreet of Brussels on the
evening of Friday, July 15th,
between the hours of 8100 P.m.
and 10;0() p.m.
The band will include bands-
men of. Brussels, Clinton, 'Teter,
Forest, Strathroy anu Cioderich
Legion. Pipe Bands.
This band was formed this year
to fulfill an engagement in the
'U,S.A. at .the end of July.
At least a fifty piece pipe band
was reque,sted, but as none of our
bands were large enough, the six
bands have banded together to
come up with. a sixty piece band.
Owing to the nature of their
work, all of the Brussels band
will not be able to participate in
this engagement which will be
held at Sherrill, New York, on
the 29th, 30th and 31st of July.
On the evening of July 30th,
the band is also engaged to per-
form at the Griffiss Air Force
Base at Romeo approximately 15
miles north of Sherrill.
Members of the Brussels Leg-
ion and businessmen will take
up .a silver collection on the
15th, to raise funds to help
defray any out-of-the-pocket ex-
penses incurred on the trip down
and return.
Everyones assistance will be
much appreciated,
Melville Guild
'Melville Guild held, its 14st
meeting of the season on jtine
21st in the church parlour.
The committee tor the evening
Aileen Mutter; Mary Ruether,
and Ruth Pipe, chose as their,
theme °Loyalty".
In charge of the program,
Mary opened with the faMiliar.
words, "Greater love hath, ne
man than this, that a man lay
down his life for his friends"
"'What a Friend We Have
Jestis" Was sung and prayer was
offered by Aileen, The scriptnre
lesson Was chosen from. John 15:
14-27. •
Rah read a Mein entitled. Loyal-
ty To Frienda o and Shirley Pipe
entertained: with two enjoyable
accordian solos. ,
"The. IMportance of Friendship
Was the topic given, very capably
by Mary and the worship pOrtiOn
of the meeting OloSed With "Blest
Be The Tie That Binds"
Aileen took charge of the bn8-
ineSS and coming events fon the
fell were diSen8Sed,
A Contest SVaS codneted by
With and a delicious salad 0*
06rirOd. 01000' it: "010 fliM i*
Three Members Of
Walton. Area Family
Killed In Manitoba
Car - Truck Crash
Residents of, this area were
shocked and. saddened when they
learned that three members of a
vacationing 'family of the Walton
vicinity, Andrew Coutts, 68, his
wife, '&S, and their daughter
Doreen (Mrs. Edward McCreath)
36, of Clinton, were dead, of
injuries received in a car-truck
crash at Winnipeg on Monday
night. nrs, McCrea,th's 47 year
old husband °Ted" McCreath,
driver of the car, is reported in
:good condition in hospital with
a fractured leg.
The fatal accident claimed two
other victims, Mrs, Yvonne, King,
Mission B. C. and Mrs. Anthony
Fehr, Calgary. Mrs. Fehr's six-
year-old daughter, Tracy, was
thrown out of a camper unit
attached to the truck. She was
found beneath the overturned
truck box and is said fo be in
good condition in hospital.
Mr. and. Mrs. Contts left Walton
with their daughter and her
huSba.nd, on Saturday morning,
to motor to Calgary to visit their
son Earl Coutts and attend the
Calgary Stampede. Another son,
Carl. is a. patient in the Ontario
ospita I, ,GOderIch.
Mr. Colitis farmed in MoTCillop
Milton f t
Township; four daughters, Mrs.
Cecil (Alie) Rietkerk and Mrs.
Cornelus (Clara) van Merken,
stein, of Waterloo; Mrs. Cornelus
(Martha) De Boer, Clinton; Mrs.
nSank (Agnes) Ten Pas of
Brussels; three brothers and one
sister in Holland.
The funeral service was held
from the D. A. Rann funeral
home in Brussels on Thursday,
June 30th, at 2 p.m. Rev. Simon
Terpstra of the Christian Reform
Church, Listowel officiated.
Burial took place in Brussels
Pallbearers were Gerrit van
Veen, Peter van Veen, Cecil,
Rietkerk, Cornelus van Merken-
stein, Cecil De Boer, Hank Ten
Miss Joyce Procter, daughter
of 'Mrs. Richard ,Procter, Morris
Township, wh has suenessfully
completed her first year at West-
ern University, London, has been
awarded a $200 scholarship.
McCUTCHEON s--- To Mr. and
ACE'S. David McCutch eon at
South Huron Hospital, Vsseter, ,
on June 29th, a. daughter
Karen Lee.
Dance to the Fortune - Tellers
of Leriden on Friday July` 8th
In the Brussels Arena 9:00 - 1:00
Admission $1,00 sns $1.75. Lunch
20064 Op000m by Brussels
Royal Conservatory Of
MuSic Examinations
At the Midsummer nixaminat-
ion centre of the Royal Conser-
vatory held in Blyth United
Church, pupils of Margaret
Thompson obtained credits in
!Pianoforte and Theory examin-
ation as follows. Mir. Douglas
Elliott of Toronto presided for
the Practical examinations.
Honors Grade IX
Anne Oldfield
Honors Grade VIII
ellie Baan
Dianne Turnbull
Honors 'Grade VII
Joan Elliott
Carolyn Fraser
Gail Searle
Karen McDonald and
Jim. Wheeler (equal)
Bob Black
Honors siraae V
Julie Valiance
Dianne Fraser
'Karen Muler
Debbie McCall
Kathy Work
First Class Honors
Grade III Harmony
Anne Oldfield
First Class Honors
Grade II Theory.
Carnlyn Fraser
Diane Turnbull
To Miss Vonne McCutcheon,
who passed with 'First Class
Honors the Grade V Pianoforte
'Examination of -the, Royal Con-
servatory of Music of Toronto.
She is a pupil of Mrs. Edwin
Marti n.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ralph Keffers
RR 2: Bluel'ale, wish to announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Florence Brenda, to Howard
William, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Courtney 'Turner, of bunetiburg
Co., Nova Scotia.
The wedding on July 30th, at
three o'cloci;, al the bride's home.
'Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Verbeek,
Bluevale, wish to announce the
engagement of their danghter,
Alice. lo Mr. David Clifford
Marks. son of Mr. • and Mrs.
Clifford Marks, Brussels.
Wedding to take place Satur-
day, 23rd of, ,Tilly at 2t'30 p.m. in
, Joitani ChurCti,
Brussels Public
School Promotions
Kindergarten to Grade 1
Louise Alcock
Gwen Bernard
Bockie Biomes
Donna. Beirnes
Cynthia Braby
Richard Siraby
Lynne Bridge
Lyle Bridge
Julie Campbell
Donald Cousins
Margaret (Peggy) Gibson
Joan Huether
Norman 'Kennedy
Brenda Kuuim,
.Town McArter
Michelle McCutcheon
George. MeWhirter
Kevin Nichol
Carol Raymond
Donna Willis
Grade II
Adams John
:;ridge Scott
Bryans Robert
Cousins. Nancy
Fee Brenda
jutzi James
Keifer Rhonda
King William
McCall Julia' ..
Pti.ehmond Bonnie Lee
Scott Larry
Speir William
Stephenson David
Visser Tom
Weseeberg Dawne
Grade HI
Bauer Douglas
Braby Keith
Bridge. Robert
Brigham Chris
Campbell Lawrie
Elliott 'Fernie
Johnston Wayne
McWhirter Jacqueline
Nichol Murray
!)earson. Janet
Raymond 'Coleen
Rutledge Gerald
vallanCe Elizabeth
'Wheeler .Murray
Grade IV
Beirnes Patti
Braby Owen
'I'udnark Susan.
Cousin Lynne.
...Cousins Randy
Elliott Barbara
Usti. Fred.
irinton Kenneth
Keller Debbie
nnunin Vincent
Martin Stephen
Sanderson 'Debbie
Somers Randy
Stratychuk Anne
Sullivan Maureen
Visser Clara -
Visser John
Wesenberg Tnenne,
Willis Dianne
tn,m1trillaii !Olin
Summer Concert Enjoyed MISS JENNIE BUDD
;13y Large Audience
An evening of good music was
enjoyed. by a large audience when
pupils of Margaret Thompson.
presented their Summer Concert
Gast Wednesday evening in Mel-
ville PresbYterian Church. Piano
solos, and duos using two pianos,
were played, also piano trios,
and organ solos on the, Pipe
Organ of the church, Misses
Dianne Turnbull and Dianne
T-Tenderson, voice Pupils, sang
popular and sacred songs.
Soloists for the evening were
Lynne Cousins, Lori lifcCutcheon,
Brian Work, Chris Exel, Lloyd
Valiance, Barbara Elliott, Debbie
Keifer, june Williamson, Janice
Houston, Cathy Cousins, Gierry MRS, MARINUS
Jilts', Dorothy Nicholson, Clayton Mrs, Agnes van Veen, 64, wife Fraser, 'Kathy Work, •Julie Val- of Marmus van Veen, died .sud- lance; Dianne Fraser,' Judy Work, denly at, her home, Con. 14, Grey Karen MeDonald , Gail Searle, Township, on Monday, June 27th. .Tim Wheeler, Bob Black, Leslie Born in Holland, she came to Penne, Carolyn. Fraser, Joan, Canada in 1948. !Elliott, Maryann Phelan, Dorothy She is survived by her husband; Elliott, Dianne Turnbull, Will.
Perrie, Kathleen Kreuter, two sons, Gerrit aim Peter of Grey
Bewley, Anne Oldfield,
Thiether, Mary Gibson.
Rhonda Keifer was unable to
play because of illness.
Miss Jennie Budd, 93, died in
Wiugham and District Hospital
on Sunday.
Miss Budd, who was born on
the 3rd concession of Morris
Township, was a resident here
for most of her life.
There are no i.tuntediate surviv-
ing relatives.,
The funeral service was held
from the D. A, Rann funeral home
Brussels, at 2 inm. on Tuesday.
The Rev. Allan Johnston of
the TIrusselh, United Church of-
r3sirial took place in Brussels