HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-06-30, Page 6X1.714,4 30th, 966
Repaint woodwork.
Paint and repair existing
New ;rOnt.
Repair gutters and downspouts.
,Weather stripping and storm
Lawns and landscaping.
Repairing or replacing private
New fences or retaining walls.
Awnings and shutters
Garbage nod rubbish containers.
If you do any of the things
listed above you will tie in with
the Centennial Commission's na-
tional program aimed at achieve.
ing a coast-ts-coast community
face-lifting for 1967,
,Our Conimunity and Beautill-.
cation Program includes every.
one, front John Sinith it I. Maple
Street to the biggest industry in
town. There are no carrots in
the form of grants-in-aid with this
program. it is simply one of
Advice, encouragement and prac-
tical information.
. For the. Community Improve-
ment and Beautification Program,
the Centennial Commission held
a "Call to Action" seminar at Ot-
tawa on April 22 at which 250
mayors, reeves, federal, provin-
cial and community association
representatives and businessmen
got together to devise ways of im.
plementing the plan.
Your local , eilvic officials
should be able to tell you about
the details of Community Ini-
provement and Beautification.
Very soon they will have received
our various "how-to-do it" man-
ual -- on eveything from pail-it-up
plans, what to do about trees in
towns and on private properties.
how to plant, how to organize
rural clean-Ups, lighting, boule-
vards, renovations and so on.
I see by the papers that the
program already is catching on
well. The City of Ottawa, for,
example, is sending out, with the
water bills, a list of tax-exempt
improvements property owners
can make. Local publicity pro-
grams are alreadi being ,conduct-
ed by editors to encourage clean-
up and beautification.,
Ut course taere are, many own-
Munitles which have set good ex-
amples in programs like tn,is long
before, the Centennial Commission
started its program and its likely
that they have not received the
credit they deserve. We are simp-
ly asking all Canadians to do the
same thing to help make the
"civilized" patts of Canada as
beautiful as our vast natural sur-
roundings --, mountains, lakes
and forests p-- beyond the cities
and towns.
Awnings or shutters.
It is well to remember that
cleaning compounds are ofteni
highly toxic, and should be used
strictly according to directions
Wear rubber gloves as some toxic
substances are absorbed through
the skin. Avoid inhaling fumes
Never attempt to mix dry-
cleaning fluids in the home. Al-
thci.igh the final result may not
be inflamm,able, some of the
ingredients may explode on con-
tact with: others, before they are
sufficiently diluted. Also, the
tosao fames ..-42zianating from the
mixture could cause serena harm
to a person mixing and using
thew. tinion.
Benzine or benzol is volatile,
inflam,mable and toxic. In the
home it may be encountered in
'paint remover, spit removers and
plastic cements. Prolonged in-
halation of benzine fumes can be
deadly, damaging the blool-
forming systeM and causing an-
emia. Riven small doses can cause
fatigue, headache, • dizziness and
ic e
In Canada, one of the world's great agri-
cultural countries, it is ironic that there
could be a shortage of milk.
One of the main reasons for this is that
each year an average of 10,000 dairy farmers
are leaving the business.
Despite increased efficiency, high costs of
operation, equipment and feed are forcing
dairy farmers out of business. Nearly all
farm expenses have increased while the
price of dairy foods has remained fairly
There is a serious shortage of farm labour.
More and more farm workers are attracted
to other industries where they can work
fewer hours for more pay.
• If dairy farmers continue to leave the busi-
ness at the current rate, there could be a
serious shortage of vital dairy foods in
Canada. The dairyindustry is important to
Canada's economic and, nutritional health.
And dairy foods are still one of your best
food values.
30 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto 12, Ontario
The tax collector in the com-
munity might • not. lake what I
have to say - but One often hears
about owners neglecting to Im-
prove properties for fear of in-
creased municipal na,xes.
The argument goes something
like this: "If I fix up the place
the assessor will be around and ,
up wili .go my taxes next year."
Not necessarily so.
. Here is a list of things you
can dc outside at your house
without increasing your munici-
pal taxes, (The list varies with
municipalities so you should
check the local municipal clerk's
office for confirmation):
Remove open verandah.
Repair steps and porches,
Wedding Invitations
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The Brussels Post
TABLE ..CREAM in your tea or coffee
and on fresh fruits
WHIPPED CREAM and strawberriers on
cake or ice cream;
covered with fresh strawberries
fresh from your grocer's