The Brussels Post, 1966-06-30, Page 31011,1042,KaaiddreillESEMELIMIMMIINIM
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Tit JIMES8110413 POST, BILIISSELO ,011'.1.4100
TII11.1.1SDAY, JUNE fiOth, 11464
A trick of tue calendar could
cause record July 1, holiday traf-
fic this year.
A giallc.e at a date nook will
tell you why,.
This year, Domlnioa Day falls
on a. Friday. And this means
that Ontario motorists will begin
their rush to the roads aid high-.
ways on Thursday and start the
return lionise on the evening og
July 3.
the U.S. July 4 But this. year
holiday fails on Moinitty so traffic
authorities are expectiug that
road facilities will be taxed to
capacity particularly in the
bottler areas ana in tue cottage
country. 4 Ae-tet
"The individual driVer Will be
called Upon to show exceptional
caution and courtesy, ", said Hen.
Irwin Haskett, Minister of Trans-
port: "With so many visitors on
our normal holiday traffic hazards
will be multiplied."
The Minister stressed the re-
sponsibility of the individual
driver in road accidents. "Out
statistics have shown that most
accidents are caused by the hu-
man failure of average individual'
drivers and not defective ye-
hicle", he said.
Figures for 1965, released by
the Department, show that 94.4
per cent or vehicles involved in.
accidents were apparantly in
good condition, in 3.1 per cent
the condition was not known
and the number of vehicles
actually found to be defective
was 2.5 per cent.
"When we consider all tho
other factors and 'whoa we.
take into accouut the unknown
"hietice. detects' - it is appar-
ent. that the mechanical condit-
ion of vehicles cuutributee to.
no more than three. or four per
cent. of accidents at the outside
maximum, he said.
The minister en pliazied that
this is still a substantial number
and worthy of the action being
taken to reduce it. But no warned
that safer Vehicles are not au
easy solution to accident prob.
Hasket said, the leading causes ot
accidents, are on the record and.
include: drivere 'who are not pay-
ing close enough attention to what
they are doing; drivers who do
not yield the right of way; drivers
who are going too fast for condit-
ions; and drivers who go off toe
,J way.
"it will be noted that these
causes all involve the driver." Mr.
liaskett said. "What drivers are
these? The records show conclu-
sively that the greatest number
of accidents are caused by the
person who may have gone for
ten or 15 years without an acci-
The Transport Minister had.
these suggestions tor improving
individual driving efficiency and
thereby reducing accidents over,
the weekend:
1. Travelling when over-tired.
Take frequent rest stops
along the way.
2. Keep your car well-ventilated;
fresh air keeps you alert.
3, Allow yourself sufficient.
time to reach, your desti-
nation and to get home safely.
4. Plan your trip ahead of time.
Maps should be consulted be-
fore you set out. not when
you arrive at a cross-road.
Indecision can, and does
trigger accidents
5. Treat otter drivers with
the courtesy you would like
them to show you,
IL Maintain a clear field og
vision at all times. Be sure
that luggage, boats and
trailers don't obscure car
Walton Bride-elect Honored
Miss Pauline Timmer was
guest of honor at a miscellan-
eous shower prior to her mar-
The guest boog was presided
over by Mass Linda Traviss. A
short program was presented
with Mrs. INeion Marks as master
of ceremonies. It included a piano
solo by Mary Bewley; contests
and skits by Mrs. waiter Bewley
and Mrs. Dmerson Mitchell,
The bride-lect; her mother,
Mrs. Wm.. Thamer; the bride-
greom's mother, Mrs. Alex Gu-
lu.tzen, and" two grae-muthers,
MTS. John Campbell of Seaforth
'and. Mrs. Michael Stratychuk, ois
Am address extending the good,
,wishes of the gathering to Miss
Thanaer, was read 'by Mrs. Wil-
liam Humphries. Gifts were pre-
sented to the honored guest by
Miss Anne Holt, Shirley and
Jud Thaxaer, Linda Travis, Caro;
Wilbee, Karen Coutts and Mrs.
Michael Giulutzen.
Pauline thanked her friends for
their gifts. and her appreciation
to those who had arranged the
The young ladies of the coin.-
in,unity served lunch with the
UCW of the Walton unit
charge of the preparations.
Duff's UCW 11th
Boundary Unit Meeting
Mrs. tieorge vvilliainson was
the hostess for the meeting of.
the 11th Boundary unit of Duff's.
The meeting was !opened by'
Mrs. Harvey Qraig with prayer
and the reading of scripture
The topic "Why happy people
are happy" was given by Mrs.
Jim Clarke who also conducted
Bible quiz.
The business session was in,
cheige of Mrs. George William-
son. The financial report was
ing at the close of the meeting.
gh.en by Mrs. Clifford Hoegy and
MTS. Ross Bennett,
Mrs. Williamson gave a read-
Lunch was served by the hostess
assisted by Mrs. Martin Bean and
Mrs. James Clark.
Have a. safe holiday.
PORMA.'110N OF THE DOMINION 01? CANADA, lst Jnly, 1867.
Statesmen who Inaugurated the Union of British Provinces in North krucriCa.
14 It Bernard, ElecrOtarY4 10. F. T3, 3. Carter, Newfoundland. 20.
3, W. A. Henry, Nova Scotia.
L E. Palmer PrinCe Edward Island.
4. W. H. Steeires, New Brunswick.
5. C. Fisher, New Brunswick.
6. Erl',Whelan. Prinee Edwajd Island.
7. Col. T. H. Gray, Pr. Edwitd Island O. G. Coles, Prince Edward Island.
O IL L. Tilly, New Bruaririek.
11. A, Shea, Newfoundland.
12. J Cha.Pala, Canada East.
13. E. B. Chandler, New Brunswick.
14. A. Campbell, Canada.
15. A, C. Archibald, Nova Scotia.
16. Sir H. Langevin, Canada East.
11. Sir Job-u A. lilsociel!Lisld„ Canada Tr)
18. Sir G. E. Cartier, Canada East-
19. Sir E: P. Tactic, Canada East.
20. Hon. George BroWri, Canada West,
21. T. H. Haviland, Pr. EdWard Island.
2E. A. Galt, Catada. West
23. P. Alitchell, New Brunscirick.
24. Hon. Oliver Mo•Wat, Canada Went.
21. J, Coekburn. Canada Wart.
R. B. Dickey, Nova Scotia. • .
Sit Charles. Tupper, Nova Scotia.
Co]. J. H. Gray, New Brunswick.
W. H. Pope, Prince Rdwatd Island
\V. McDougall,. Canada West.
T. D'Arcy McGee, Canada..
A. A. McDonald; Pr, Edward Island,
J. McCully, Nova Scotia.
J. Johnston, Now EiransWiek4