HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-06-30, Page 2b Cieudose Capitol, iSein Bosieveni of Laurier Ave.
41111 Ovalde loom - Free Noel We
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1964 FORD 1/2 ton TRUCK with Custom Cab
Due to recent fire in Brussels we are conducting our
Sales and Service in Wingham on Josephine Street
he had passed out. In fact, he
had passed on and Passed away.
The Americans demanded an
inquest and the jury brought in a
verdict "Death by Cowology".
The Americans didn't know what
this meant so they let the matter
pass. That was the battle of
Luiidy's Lane.
Bugs Bunny examines the ratings for his Bugs Bunny Show, seen
On the CBC-TV each Saturday afternoon.
NEWS irEms
Being a citizen with intelli.
Bence far above the ordinary, I
am addressing this to the Vill-
age Council. They seem. nto know
so little regards the Centennial
we are celebrating next year
and I doubt if they know what
,Confederation is, or what brought
it about. It is my duty toy enlight-
en them., a real problem, because
I doubt if they will listen. I know
they won't understand and always
a chance they won't believe me.
Well, anyway, in the year of .our
Lord 1866 things were in a
terrible mess with the provinc-
es all quarrelling like spoiled.
children., New Brunswick said to
Nova Scotia. you are nothing hut
n bunch of Blue Nose, No good
people down there and the worst
in the world around Louisburg,
Robert Borden was born in
your province and the only good
thing you could say of him Is he
chewed tobacco. Well, back
came the Blue Nose with, you
are nothing but a bunch of Her-
ring Chokers. The only good
people in N. B. are in the peni-
tentiary at Dorchester. R. B.
Bennett was born in your pro-
vince and he didn't chew tobacco.
Quebec says, listen to the Blue
Nose and the Herring Chokers,
ha ha. They said shut your mouth
you 'Pea Soupers, you Frogs. you
etc, etc. 1/Innitoba had Indian
troluble., (Saskatchewan Was fil-
ling tin with rkranians and
worse than that Pritish Colernbia
was filling up with 7nglishmen.
Ontario was gang- to the dogs
and Alberta was going to the
horses. John 4., McDonald says,
let's all go to Fredericton. Which
trey did. Th•,;.•12 signed this here
.;-,nre,deration and as .y Oil. know,
we have all lived in harmony ever
since.. The reason John chose
Fredericton? Scotch whiskey was
only 20 cents a quart and rum
60 cents a gallon down there
John had some smart helpers in
his parliament. Rudyard Kipling
Jack Dempsey, Abbot and Costel
lo, Hazen Argue, Jessie James
and others. I have Just forgotten
their names. His main adviser
was Sir, .Tolin Clark Thrine,
B.R.A., Duke of Dysentry, P. B.
and D.L. Another adviser was
was MirS, Simon Secord.
Shp had a daughter Laura and
once Laura had a very trying
experience. However, it was only
a trip, but a death was caused
by it The Secords kept a cow
to get the rich milk that went
info their candy. It, was one of
them cows you see on TV could.
go backwards as fast as forwards
and was, sold to Cadbury's to start
their herd. Well, this morning
Laura went out with the milk
pail and the cow had :lumped the
fence into Lundy's Lane. When!
she was driving the beast home
a big burly vankee :stepped out in,
the path of the cow. Laura tried
t n nose but the soldter reade
pass too. Not at the cow, at Laura,
His name was Passmere, Well,
what a Predicament, the three all
trying the forward pass at once.
The'eow was the smartest. When
yankee PassMore was directly
behind her she ran backwards
and passed over 1nm. Backwards
and forward over his body until
Truthfully 'Tours ,
T, Ir.
Health Tips Irtorn the
Canadian Medical Association
Modern heariaug aids are effect-
ive in helping persons suffering
several types of deafness, the
Canadian Medical , Association
If deafness is due to some con-
dition in the outer or middle ear,
which hinders sound waves reach-
ing the inner ear, a hearing aid
gives considerable help. This type
of -d-Wt less condu-ctiv es—deaf:
ness also very often can be
helped by nibdical or surgical
When deafness is due to dam-
age in the inner ear or the hear-
ing nerve. efilectiveness of an aid
depends on the degree of deaf-
ness. An aid is no help .in total or
very severe deafnes.
Also in inner ear .deafness, be-
sides hearing loss there are
factors which cause distortion,
especially when sound is' ampli-
I fled. A. hearing aid cannot correct
this, although some' of 'the mod=
ern aids help to recce the ldistort-
ion and some people with inner
ear deafness obtain benefit under
good listening conditions with • no
ba.ckgrou n dr noise.
The .c.m.A.• stresses the im-
portance of seeing your doctor If
you think you are becoming deaf.
If necessary, the doctor will re-
fer you to an otologISt for further
examination and advice.
For good heavy fo-Wl, 61A) to 6
ms. 2] C to 22c •a lb.
Les Hood
pb an ri 347-2974 Monkton
Have a safe holiday,
Morris Township
Tenders 'will be received by the
undersigned until 12. noon ALLY
4th, 1966 for painting exterior trim
of the Township flail and Shed.
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Mrs. Helen D. Martin
Clerk, Morris Township,
Belgrave, Ontario.
Have a safe holiday.
A black and white collie type
dog and a, light brown smaller
dog have been chasing our cattle
and causing considerable damage
to both our cattle and our fences.
We intend to shoot these dogs if at
all possible while they are maraud-,
Ing. If we 'can prove their identity
we will be looking to the owners
for eompensation for damage
done by these dogs.
Ian McDonald, Bill AdamS.
'PHONE 249
Signing of the Confederation
bill was simple. They all gather-
ed around the Union Jack and
the picture of- Queen Victoria and
and sang The Queen, and swore
allegiance forever. England had
sent over a Pair of hoots worn by
King Alfred the Great, They all
got down and licked these boots
and we were loyal Canadians. A
new nation. The first 50 years
it Was Canada for the English,
and the next 50 years Canada for
the Americans. The next 50. God
help us to make Canada for the
Next week, the Lions and the.
Good to=te needn't be expensive. Our beautiful Bouquet
Invitation line proves this with the most exquisite papers,
type faces sand workmanship you could wish for! It
features Thermo-Engraving—rich raised lettering—olegont
as the finest craftsmanship — yet costing so little! Come
See our unusual selection,
One to two weeLs delivers