HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-25, Page 88
DOIO R S, 1 °od'�''R's0"'p' �"'� THE WORLD OVER.
SASHES, BLINDS, I LAMB Tairt.aTu -A ewe belonging to on the evening oh Friday, Much 11th, The Week's Neale in •Nutshell
MOULDING$, and every � Mr. l'harles McIntosh, of the 4th con., soewe of the wemlwro a /mown Lodge,
Description of Interior Finish. on the 17th inst., dropped threeI. O. G. T.. , mi
meted the Sons a Tetnper- tstereeses teadeesestleas by w and
lambs. / slice ce at ltmouiller. The heart rete ndeeteiasaestets.
NL5 and 13AL1?dTERtI - w,il1 w•hiuli the} met and the , hospitable _
A Specialty. Mend for Price Asl>n2'>Z wanner w which they weie treated left The Pope's encyclical is issued pro- Oomaalen. llarob24.lila).
Lots SHINGLES, I pro -
110 lrup•n•.sir.0 n.,i woods t,. be removed. claiming a jubilee from March 19th tee
Wheat. 1Pa11►ir >JI.t0 ee 11 oY
LATH & L4•MBER s sold brew -toe Souse-- Mr. George _,British _ _�- N uveutbiir 1st for Europe, and to the Wheat; (Spteel r t oo e 1 10
has sold his heavy draught here, British end of the year forlthe ret oft a world.no ..cwt u twit ts u io
Estiesstes pial Clinton.} hOats.V bash..
tion, Address Ensign, to Mr. Dickson,Dikig(if aerho d for Full return. give Dimon, Conservative, Paas. a busk 0 art w o et
A uwethtng w the neigh!, .rh„o,d "t From our °wit $9 uta oris forChaFlevuu, and Amoy, ley. r busk 0 86 a 000
FRANCIS SMEII:'I>�. $900. t 1 Y }' Putatuas. • buss 010 rd 0*
,������� Eiutldiie operations are gotug to he Conservative, 33 harlev y for Belchasw. Nsr. e tea ....9 00 ,a 10 00
Q'•T"' l►Laoru . -Several membe.t of the eeryboa duringthe incoming • sirs ownell, Collector o Cee- (,lessen . •066:41 ,a o s0
Masonic fraternity want from here t.• p Mr. J. H. lir f Batter. n ►... _..........,..., w o s0
y and summer. The excavations for ground teltu, of Ki,nctnliue, has rwtgnnd that Y des taaatsokedl........ w a in Exeter last week to attend a Lodge ,.f work are already bring pushed ferwurd, office, and purposes going back to the
be 9 7 SU
instruction held by the U. D. G. M. ,.f and our town will soon completely re- news r R leauou. He and Mr. \\ Pet 080 7 00
Huron district. newspaper p 1 it 1 per ...,..-,. 2 6e 3 00
modelled in appearance. Retra un., have purchased the stat per semi. . 100 to 100
The merchants of the village are get- The literary society of Cltaton have Orangeville _ode rt,iro.
tine 10 thetr sprutg stock of goods. hasp a winter of spleudhl success. Be- Ou Monday. 14th in t ,while John ` • tebicaL.
Cletus.- There s a rumor atloat to sides the weekly meetings of the House Folluok, of the Lske Mosel, Exeter, was I _
the effect that there u effort an eort beteg of Cowmen', which have been, full of in- chopping in his father's woods, in Hay,
made to start the Maitland cheese fac- terest and edification, the society held the ase glanced and struck hit right fo,.t,
tory, which has,u
been lying idle fur settle two "pal resters:, which were favored indicting a very severe cut ou the fastep.
time. We hope the effort will be crown- by full houses, and latterly a grand eon- Several in pieces of bone were removed by
ed with success. cert eras given under the same auspices. Dr. Moore in dressing the re....L
WHO PATS Tea DuTT f -Mr. Norton Many .•1 the members have made won-
Flenting, of the Manchester stills, bas derful progress in the art of expressing
received a car load of corn from Chicago, their pleas. and doubtless they will miss
which he is selling to farnier,i in the its influence wheal the meetings cease.
neighborhotdforfeed. Some of tho•.e eh.. The a,•ciety intends holding a local en -
buy it are able to tell note who fury.: the tert:timuent seen, which will wind up
duty, the producer or the consumer. The
the ee:as.r. Mottday evening last a du -
duty, on the car load was over thirty nation d Z•'0 wasmad fromthe funds
While tat. Patrick's proc•tsainu was 1
passing down M,iUi11 street, Muutreal,
some evil disp.esd person threw several
bullets into the crowd. One mut was I .i
sennuely injured. '
Rt. e:esene's Ciente.' Vestry tlleettes.
A special meeting
of the vestry of
Si, George's Church, was heed in the
new church un Monday evening, Van.
Archdeacon Elwood in the chair, for
the purpose of taking steps with regard
to the following matters : (1) The adopt -
of the Bickersteith Hymnal; (2) The
introduction of the envelope system for
collection; (3) the renting .1 the pews,
and the ingathering of arreert:os in pew
After explaning the objects of the
tweeting, the Archdeacon withdrew from
the chair, in favour of the Rev. Mr.
Hicks, and the consideration of the
questions at issue was proceeded with.
It was inured and seconded that thellic-
kertcith Hymnal be adopted by the con-
gre;atioiS. Carried.
It W:s decided to let the sittings by
auction for a choice of situation, after a
graded rental had been placed upon
them by a committee consisting of the
Wardens and five other members of the
c .ngregatuin.
On motion the envelope system was
adopted se far as it applied to the Sun-
day collection, and it is also the inten-
tion of the church managers to have the
proportion of the ,pew rent per week
placed in the envelop& t.,gether with the
voluntary offering.
It is expected that the new St.
George's Church will' be opened about
the 10th of April, and a correspondence
is now going on between the Ven. Arch-
deacon and a number of prominent out-
side Churchmen with reference to the
cervices on that occasion..
The church is capable of seating over
500, and as the rental of each sittint(will
be averaged at $3 it. is hoped that $1,200
,.r $1,503 will result from the disposal of
the pews. Fully $2,500 will have to be
raised annually to meet the requirements
of salaries, interest, &a; and the volun-
tary c.,ntributiots are looked to' to make
up the difference between the amount
reised from the"pew rental ;end the soon
On the question of arrearages, Mr.
Dunsford, on mution,-read out a state-
ment showing that some $'i 00 were yet
uncollected in rentals, while the local
indebtedness of the church amounted to
,nearly 8500
After ,considerable irrelevant dis-
cussion on the above natter, the meeting
Adjourned. '
THE Or.nisT M.ai. -The to.vnship of
Wellesley stay lay claims to p.ossessim4
tate oldest inhabitant in this kart of the
country. His name is Wiliam John-
ston. •he it 111 years old, a native of the D� SHANNON & HAMILTON,
north of lrehmd, and nue of the tint But Physiciana Sur eon& Atwouchen, tc.
tier& of R'ellealet•. He is healthy and ow.
at De. Shannon, residence. neer t1
• . _ e cheerful, and doesn't look older then vJOall. l ems• U. C. SHANNON, J. C. Hans
of the a testy to the Mechanics' heti- t 1751.
many men of 80. - ,Be ecen.
. eisa Surgeon and Aocouebur. Graduate
of Tomato University. Office opposite Canter -
run & Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. If not In
ogle-, enquire at the Bank. 17OY-y.
+f emote Coroner. te. Office and residence
ea Bruce Street, second dour west of Victoria
Street. 1751.
Clinton.The insurance claims :a:icing out of the Ruuskuff, who rasarrestediwmedirti' J� AIKENH AD ,((SUCCESSOR
__ 1 after the bomb burst College. Office, stables and n) Graduate uf Ontario Ve-
late tires here hate l ren satistacterily y throwing terinary
PROSPECTIVE Roan.- \\' e understand settled. under the Czar's carrutge, stated that a ea Newgate. street, tour doors east ofColborne
that there is a prospect of having a new Our enterprising merchants are bossily dead body found near the spout was the i, N. 11. Gorses examined as to sound -
1731. ruad opened from Goderich township in- preparing their early apring openings. man who threw the fatal explosive. The
to Stanley, running from Lot is corner The display in the windows of Mean. police also discoverel,the house where
and striking near Varna. C raib, .310\1M -ter Sr co. is most artisti- the explosive missies had been obtained. Legal.
Ya1L•toN.L--Mr. James Elliott, of sally arranged, and catches every eye A nye "ecupaut of the house committed -
Guderieh township, arrived on 'lhinday with both the beauty and richness of its suicide, but t woman was stresses Thr ``t ARK(AV ,k PROUDFOOT, BAR -
evening last from Dakota, whither heI appearance. police found a nutuder of grenades and l7f HINTERS. Attorneys. Solicitors, etc..
had gene with a carload of hones seine I other munteruue missiles in the house. Ooderh:h. J. T. (Jarrow. W. Proudfoot. 1761.
time ago He says he had a pretty 132'712b9a• A young man entered, but when the ��: BARRISTER A N D
rough tripthis time. ecurd. police attempted to arrest him he firedB L.
�R upon thein and killed a policeman. Attorney. solicitor in Chancery, tc..
How Ha GOT rr.-A certain resident HY-NENEAL.-Anlung pleasing occur- p" tioderielt,o,it. 1761.
of Goderich township has been owing a' reucesthat Iiappeneal inBrtisselslast week Other arrests have ads.. been made.
business man of Clinton an account of was the celebrating of the bonds of mat- Rev. Father Rousdot of Notre Dante, S G tR &MORTON, B A R ericb and ngbam:
86 for over a year. Repeated dunnings riwuny between Jas W. Degge, of Chat- alnntteal: denounced the petitioners (' seater. Jr.. Goderich. J. A. Morton, Reins.
had no effect ; learning that this man was bun, a a•entlennan favorably known in against the temperance crusade, and ram, 1751
going with the Dakota party, put Tues -this vicinity, and Miss Ella F. second called on his congregation to pray to MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND
day, the merchant went to the station daughter ef'Jas. Strez:u:n Ess:, last Wed- God for those weakminded persons who S
signed. accursed 'petitions for liquor unr li- Solicitor• Os -C--Corner of West Street
and followed. him around iike a shadow, n y afterpoo,n, by the Rev. F. Ryan. ign T 1 and Market Sgeurr, over George Acheson's,
although the other tried to evade him. The bride was ,sterol in navy blue silk, cense.' 14udereh. 1751.
As the train was starting the merchant triunned'with real lace and orange Woe- If half a dozen omen were to have their C,�fYItIN ATTORNEY -AT-
A T -
again tackled him, threatening arrest, if soma. Miss Emma J. Sntitlt was the. iegs and arms broken, and were to re-
e- �, L4\t' Solicitor in Ckanrery. Convey -
not paid. ': osis had the desired effect, bridesmaid and E. J. Degge, brother of main all night exposed to the inclemency anter, &c. office over bettor's store (Jode
and the fellow "shelled out, - but the tlie gt•ouut. groomtnlan. - The bride re- of the weather, the whole country would rich. Ont.' Any amount or money to loan at
merchant had to go to Seaforth, as the ceived a large number of presents from be in'a state of the most dreadful agita• lowest nice of interest. 1751-y.
train had started.r-['_dew Era. her friends amung- which were a gold tion. Look at' the wholesale death of `hAMERON, HOLT` d CAMERON,
watch and chain, a cheque from VV -,J. the battle -field, to which Sir Frederick V
Grey. Howard and lad}•; of Chatham, fer $5O, Roberts, went oat the other day 'over a
silver -ware, toilet articles and a, hand- path strewn with flowers by lady ad -
some prayer book from Rev. Mr. Ryan. nurers-acres covered with dead and
In the evening the happy couple were half dead and dying ; and the .,shrieks
serenaded ley the band who with a large and agonies of scores of human- beings.
circle of friends and well-wisher escort- There is more of misery inflicted up -
ed them to the 9 o clr,ck train. We un- -on-mankind by one year of war than by
derstand they were to have a reception all the civil peculations and oppressions
Would respectfully Intimate to bis nume,loua
cwstomcra and the public generally Oast be
has JLit opened out a
Isaac Currie has moved back to his
farm in thin township from McKillop.
Rev. G. Jackson, of Muuht Brydges,,
well known in this township, who has
been very ill from measles, is now fast
It was reported that John Tait we--, bn Thursday evening in Chatham. s Mr. in a century. Yet it . is a state int()
about to leave this section of the count- and Mr:: Degee • carry with them which the masa of mankind rush with
ry altogether, but we are pleased to state the hest wishes ..f their many friends the greatest avidity. !tailing official tour-
COlborno.I that he expects to snake h he,rne• ir, i. r their future happiness and prosper- derers in scarlet, gold and cocks' feathers
-- Brnssels. • The many eue-4ta were hospitably "as the greatest and 'most glorious of
ILL. ---Mrs. N. Fisher, of the Maitland The second teacher in S, :. :.u. i wn_i el.., ertained iy,31h. and Mrs: Strette11 human creatures. It"te surely the bush
c.ancession,. ie down with a severe attack be dispensed with after this month until l'"`it- news of every wise and goal man to set
of brenchitis-and erysipelas. next fall Mr. Black, the head teacher, Tei FPH1.NE. -Mr. Thos. Fletcher our , himself against this passion for military STRATF9RD BINDERY EST411
The ice is cleared off the pier; but the appears to be giving the best of aatiafac- enterprising Express agent, proposes t,.. glu and blood-letting, which seems • to LISHF.D 1909. Tide, Atal•tishment leehluAy ‘r -Pt- A call solicited No t.ront 1::
latter is yet impassable, owing t=e high tiun- erect a telephone between his unite and be Ine most fruitful source of human devoted to lob 'Maury +tor'., especial!: w
water. Jas. Patterson, who has been employ- the state, :'. 1* akinghis office the "Hub. ` misers. -[Ex those twin...L.-. l ..,vyn a, ,,!,,tycalf and mor- .&hntrpattel'ili whctktei' }Ott big QT :.
ed as a maker fes the GreyCheese and All iea sishing u1OC 2 sty' ` cost ti:• lest of stock amp
part pttrtiCil,aie can worts, sorted : h •a•.r•etihandbeautycom-
::: "L'4l
Butter Manufacturing Co.; has leased connect their ottfce with his. The idea tamely er borne atatisttes. based. sit^n s I r ht 1 •-tetao.drngstore, {f DII 7Tj�(a1�•
the • 'Varna factory for a term of tire is good and should' receive the hearty ` - R 0E -Olt � _ea tt TI J. trnnnu0UDF
• r•,cx.-Mr. Anthony Allen has years. The factory was built at a cost :' , support .-•f the to,wtl. I Front therer of the Aricultural atm- riOM Ekt f 1f: it . L DUNfiAN-
• ttiurntad, purchased a fine stallion 83,0tx), and is fitted up on the moat 00 1 W H. jt-crscken, of -the "Bee Hive ;mission the following facts are given l_ •Nti v. t a, +.otPc. has recently
:.000. Mine hunt of the Exchange proved plan, and has a plentiful supply •Grocery," shipped last week ai,out 900 concerning Huron County; -"The sot- ben sego , tri-.rc..tve.1 •Cas 0. f%i1 ening
niteu•18 shortly to purchase a bull of spring water running through the fsc-' bushels of p,otatues to Cincinnati. Bement in this, county commenced in I part?` : ,..e. , a--.1,,„„. :lands a
I le i t it 1 reeihng shortly. Millburn tory. It was buil; two years ago and is Ohio. Mac is a businotiw man ;and wish- ,828,and this iirhlpl the caw, at.will ti` •peau , .r. n 1 , -tier n• wage on
t tit., 1. okmg• up.• situated on the Erie, Stratford d Harris- es the public to knew it. t seen that wonderful ptogrL;el lee l,etrr.' Itatd r t I n.lshe,'i en th<
t 1, ail os RecoRn.-Mc George ton Railway. p }matte. In reference to the of ri et tram. s 't rico,, 1751
Asn-T.NNaniset.-Brussels can tar.• pn1
ncu, our assessor, finished his laboro f of farms the report says that first -c. e . ' ' - ---' ---- - -__ . p
•:, .fifteen days' time, which eclipses the Port Albert. the lead in producing "Bhoys" that can; farms sell at $50 to 860 an acre; ,er a -i r BLANK BOOK,.
et outside the largest quantity of salads' t•r�S1(: t'tG {rsU, ante. I i.
ccord of any previous knight of the mil. B 'y i class: at $30 to $44; third-da.s at •
+►n some days his movements were so -1 have been anxiously 1) Kdne f, 1 11n the &hottest epeeo of time. Since the j e1' to 20, and that faros rest et • r h
rapid that the owners of dogs had not an 1 1 great agates feast that toe place two' stn to $3 an acre, which is :iii,.' r '',.;A:(1'
c.!.� fc l!,r\.`i. \1'PI,Y Irl
opport unity of hiding their canines, At P g
weeks ago. A couple of epicureans have than genera11 • In Hallett e; I. t? ((44..71,..,''''.1.4.!...
r'' " ^ t' .11EttOA. Gxtc A complete sew sirens of ecery
._- r_--. L_--_ _ hard , fight . tnac.e themselves note:item by eating at Smith 80 per cent of , '73e. •
one time five c:e,zer, buns (bakers de- ¢ a -___ . oription (ti•
1d `
between a savage dog and the plucky as- ret to h 1 ,!eater r•r salt a fertilize' - __
ceases, the latter having to sacrifice a nominatir' with the ,greatest ease and an ether. The oral ace • n' SI ' EIIL' Of, R 1i A L ES -,.BLANK Bootie:.
pair of pants in the frau. However, that kl d' h cemfor:. Yee'. ty is i'io. 829 ,cress •+• . 78 W' .r T1g r r1 :a.or1110 'fiery tr L 1. 1
: ly IICCLL.•;t ni R. Ifet
the township is a dollar ahead, and the y e , A ROMANT1. Attar.:.• -a curious case • ar" cleared, to that t1 , trot• n_ -_-_ ,� __
:essessor is pr. nil in the consciousness f h' g dor nus of mistakes: identity occurred in this half 1 a n yet t* ,he 8O,('((1 Pulls` `•IT 1'T NDRTO LZIXpi DAY SOUKS,
the, he has rune his duty. No ordinary P place .:n Sunday last. A certain Mrs. cultivated acres ., .:s. in Iced rime r nor: -^lass Town Prop. •1s-� LEIGERfd .
(log can scare our assessor. I G., rejoicing in the ar.l•elIation of " rasa HullOtt boars t a,h. 7.,t re s per a ': • are a. o 3. R.wCLfFTtt 79
widow," while out promenading with a bred .tock. iT,r.
o :.;oL � f,T;y ,• ro BND " IN AKY L- JOURNALS,
8iiitiotl. ing -Rivulets" 111 various pr.-rts of the
gentleman friend, was r: et on the street raised it, this t• restoried .1. , c. t 'Li; ' rrowcix 32 .4 to Gi `ie
world somewhat interesting, but the hqq a person who bore a striking reser- i as thon,ughbr rscBC! era. ] rlvr . e:. eerier e,p tjsMrias ,ed14 "A81 HOOK,
honor of discovering thatblance to her ton -lezt husband. Their' factorie. in the ear,•
- ^t'r0> o=ur. nee...
i H tT R true • a:1. The citizens of g it is Suitt in- _
' teresti to road, and wallow in, a week- eyes rtes and al u abts iratantly die- ors. The to .... :.,n has lac IN.;1 Ft, . r t'i1t N ON' VIP IT
flourish of roan• ng *metered. With ;u tae raatioh t,f Boor• ".X10 miles v`. • �.1^• i t 111 ]to ► (r: trtvsoaapya rates teats, est
rt• ;n e• trail-
. ty torrent of ditchwater, has been re- Pp I» i , s
ct, d c rail• served fur the author of the prize essay use she uttered .fhcr ecce my lilts- : the 1'rovinc ; and on to me to R; tt borrower., Adr. ins
1Ntnd :" and tomtit i,er gaze in the dir- i Jawax f- rs yr nr ss;fae ^d P. O, tt e,
tees. on "Conqueror." V. there is no Ile- ++•-- -=
- , • tinting for tastes, some like unions and ectinn cf her k,rd. The p onetrating-j y1et• ° -'" "1".°444." .1k40.sEl TO LEND - A I, A R r3 E
., .. , :• , . garlic, while other some, are /to vitiated leek of the lady had causes: her ennui- I ltd anima:. Of i'rlvwtr.
:.r• re for .tshfielcl, asto prefer oranges and grapes, It is petting victim to else tern and look, Dr, Rich.:•, r =. is rt!0werr rwtson 'Ire-cll.Fundstor`went •
• .+'plml
I. 11., •, :caro to hate fsllsn simply astonishing to see how f3Yndi• which aroused her suspicious. He was I intonate- ►•`. 8 ie ge
ieep on their oars, or p,crhaps they ate cases and ditchwater, Greek wythnlegy ltntnediately tracce to his hetet, the 'Italy I amen ..a. . it/ eR-- f j OANS .'•1'i.FE 01' CHARGE.-
estilts on the laurels that they consider and roaring cataracts of trash, "chase remaining o aid while her gi►llant l 1" , r LI ones is 'e d rot bawd nor+, a ,«�
they have won in proxlucing those .won- nisch other through his zodiac as -Taurus went in and gently broke the ice. In tany coos cr Pb 1.r a STAG FR 4. MO iv*,
chases Aries." The syndicate letter c. rain did our ham protest, repudiatin•g \t'' rl:taopyesf (Aherne Ho41.
derful resolytirns in the advocating of y f prat P b ti , a h ..t 1 c3ede irt"h.1 a March Isar. g
which the committee displayed an im- which our essayist could only be induced the name of ,:.., t ..clering his name was
tuease amount of brilliant oratory. I fear to father the tail, repudiating an port C. that re lute' a loving self,. and a f' - .at the a:�d uON$Y 'Iii LOAN. ,:r HE. C -A NA -
that theoietthof ,\urlatecorrespondent,^f in "getting" the head and led large famii. I f sinal el '., . •i •r in n. he r: .at
h... :aria
Jobe: tt' an•lwd (`redo f`or,pRrry. Ternto-
Y' re Teaswa er end that > keit co ' e°z'e,tdtrg umteer s f t,r•,fuasadly talent fit, Company to individual, upo
yrimandel "Conqueror- in no choice t ,. h J Labs. QtwKtt; ts�., prox dens. MOO!,
Aumra," (peas to his hashes; has put a P 1 in Brussels a-. -- •• C} a arra" nSUNDAY SC H O O �.
dam[jerr on the spirits of the committee, terns for meddling in affairs with which see i'e T+ •• Mr. MoKay has un- the sass s7 r to estmi IMies. Rend
his death being caused (1 h:we reason to he had no business: viz, with daring to derrick. An n: a elan' 'a o>•to s (;teat work in he for C�BIJ(tif HAMILTON. : L,
believe through grief at the removal ,,f express an opinion in regard to the male "utside -.C:1.4 ;.r- 'n' '••i •,: i•..::• sees His lecture' was in- Admit. 1731
that o1.1 one horse pile driver of Mr. , f expending a Government api,ri.pri• they confrereea
. Hee;•oke err needy $20,000 SATE FUNDS TO LEND
:et if there esu
Farn,w s, our venerable M. P. "Gent• ,tion. i ant pleasantly surprised to eon alla,n prrAOtad . I • ' on Farm and Town Pro
that in his last he takes a more rational temaine,l 0TNlcn. ' r t esu not party AT lowest im
die" has made another ap;x,sante in the tenet. Mrn•tgnges pie -hexed. no come -amen
Star anent the Port Albert harbor, but view ..f such things and admits, what no t1elfinaing W a 1,1 ' soli N.. ; e- at ebaged, conveyancing Pees rimernabte.
all the whitewashing hill McConnell can sane individual could for a moment )oat c' nstgireri Ile ' `• 3I 1 e+ •N' R' Is satisfactory. ers obtain �y t in fcsei1 /
do will not conceal the hawk's bask in doubt, that "Conqueror" "or any other to an anfathnmalrle lr y t . rt :78- Lis w:2,4 ! BalrlstRtk &e.. (aaderlo h. 1751
that little plug hat, wire -palling, pile- ]Iran" has a perfect right to criticise a conte to oke rescue a it ,r ' :4o r. ,•:r. quote a
driving, contract-hmking sandal at Port Government expenditure here or at an who hd known hie: kat t 1 ^tc r r. 1 c *oil. utas :tad n
Albert last year :unr yet conceal the East other place. in a nelu.i,,,• 1 would i Y"� u Mt. C., .,f ^ . • e , : th .s t rain's►1+ pe:4 5A1 .• : tit ^ e t ttrtatinnft Fi dLlFl dent iIniuurnnfcx iA
that the Chief Engineer ordered piles to simply ask the maple whether it is b7 t ewe who was never eu. . y R"+! a�n�:oto tI i a.r t ads-. Cs he re- > s ny,yr}pme��,,,�,�,, AI•"fit
aerabieS ve'- awn i t hro'J ,r mer, JtaQ tate Leas a.DA L1111 STOCK IN•1I'RANt7 Co,
he tete' that he had preeiotuly condemn- divine right or the right with which the � guilty "4_,_„,t11. "'me ,d i' • oetrsJt,:, e•tther in '-own or
Beale txtterabit ,:ole• •, ' te/at(:sv. , lfii:.:o,-', •,a'. is amender- (Joey to tend on M o A fresh aee;ortmemt. of BOGY
cd as unfit for use ;nor stn he explain trustees have ch t1,ed hist, that I„ is en- 1 3 a 1►anrt laro!a.rq 1w war to cress the eOrrew-
why the ('fief Engineer ordered the desvoring to teeth the 'old" „low of irngeished her flair',. anei • ' '} 'temp.:, r'•&.1 it iJ :m- .: Omar /apiiaOAl Ray's M8.k, t: d0N(•h.
for oars ed the tv..rk to use that old oils this place hew t . h••.d' ease in e ort 1,na,hl} ,polo. • I .•wrblr oar rz:iy.e to Jus :est i 1; :1 spe(`ially eel+.c ted and t'
. r , Indapt.+d for
Mt. +' iwll ace.•I •r, :ouch a circulation in Sunday Schools
erects n,,e•n h,• nes infnrane l that he The (;..v"trr)n, rtf f ,n•rnan has pushed n / , t' „.. !e++n►- a t cur .iIAJ I16M it AIWA CARD.
-- - - I Y
the fexwo an) r old not drive more than on the work of wile driving w t iRonxrl stare in a, inc rhos e'en,
• y which thrrtte nr,l hue. •t Pt •et ,• t • r. Ssafo^tn.
six piles per day with it. Perhaps Mr. that it will onl • take about smaller ,
Farrow can explain. Haring lost ,faith to finish the jell. �� '-hrultil it a� iv ttttit tar taros s. are
ButlnOtvct$�fa11 falba reach larger sla. A liberal diacennt *Rowed lawn -cling I
ARIT_lig A.4 tarY. T^wmaTn-For in the Pert Aileen railway %cheese, i W. 'elMwi mill dam •'flowed Istat Moa Itlwsdell, w -aa tried a t�•tlaw►aercb .hist that r.. /seedily rigid.
have under c• nseleration a ahem. to M.mday night or'ftweday mnrtung, but on the chasteef pmcnrang • r• At toe's noes e1 it+sretr•arse, a coliseum
build a reale iy from Luckww 1.. Kin- fertwutely the dautagr• was r, alight the Pere"" f Malq{le M a he I
tail %V, h:a% e a g„e .1 pile 1' ek here, that it will be ropeirw.1 and made as good
heat without the a61 e.f t;.,vee nment pal., las new befoto the item is in type e
and i think the scheme well be sor'p iful number of the faithless and unbelieving
s, i hat.- been aepeinte.l by invself. de- were sting in their !elicit when Mr. P
legate wale n•11;tmtel (totter TO nng.,tiate hough( his mill Pito that k *RR not Werth
be the Lodldeng of said raid. 1 kaip a . leen. Penhsidy genie of th, m
b,irght a hennhfol plug hat •rttenf thane think so still, but it u a ntetake. For
ena,nificient ptnia that self appointed de- further pertieniar, enquire er the Tp.
Nitrates tuuwllt wear. for instance, one Conned,
likes etie..•r.fie •• • lily that '1 eo.rdie's" I .4 o,•rt of the machinery in .1
eta• to -t r^rte 1 'rant to morrow to in- Mahafl'y 8 ane mill 't out e
g f eInitr „n
-erc,o•e rndlwnt ff)eial. " Aden, *r, ITne•%dal• ft ternoon itwi111+etereral 1%vw
FA..,,, „pun - I'owpratt.•0 t,..1-- .1.. . ,...on ........... _a,.,
(iod Harrnch and WBoUei$ore hi Chancery, kc.,
M. C. Cameron, (f.
C.; "P. M. O. Godertch. W. h.
Macara. Magness. 1731.
Fresh Stock
Of Paper Hangings comprising every
Novelty in
suitable for
All this Season's Patterns in
iiscellaneaus tares. Window Shades,
Mice. Crabb's Block, Kingston at., Code -
rick. Plans and specifications drawn correct.
Ir. Carpenter's' plasterer's and mason's work
mesaur,xi and talo 141.
.14. • and Ornamental Painter,. Parlordecor
sting made a speciatty. ORaiNIMe. Oasts,,
GLAZING. Shop on North Street. opposite the
Registi Oal1ee, Goderich. 1751
Which will be found much superior to any
thing yet shown in this county.
somethingin the shape sof news form
Port Albert ria that bright particular
Star light, who so kindly consented to
urn his native hamlet -net through
any pecuniary motive -but to dam(h)
weekly torrentofditchwater, and
maybe with an eye to the eternal fitn s
of -things, to take said hamlet un '
fostering care and allow it to grow up
withhim. fancy several writers have
made the "Babbling Brooks and "Gush -
1NDT(IES, &c
on e e weer taken tip ill* rt cf 0-e work to which PT:(R h INV. ' of i O*PO.J I ltRstivel, &111"I Tit of purchase.
pleaded guilty to the chst'g� nc, l ::,c!t- ]top. McKay lido . Netaed his life, which
tamed to penitentiary fur pia. , ar8• united 1 t evs►seai lc )LtKay toss RAtttF mRi) tNe Cil V. or tlA*•rtmotn. Cann.
.Inst as the) were t.• he i.r.-,'r..,e,. by+ t,crepteefetiIVO I -)w rrrfe� wise IsaChiral, - i%tabtt0t1.� setas
diosa iiia
small pet, the family of Chant a 1 • sjer he At. -aim dote of the sees* She )tiara token In the arc A lees��{,,0 At l%ail and ee• smplo•. ami get stun
soar Lezint,n, 111., were turner". oat iri-'rsh onwehrisd 5e"f he lt)0M sellae 'Mr"' u'e Ms."'" it."by "Cyr
Wi�R/1Rt•!�s perms ,+
to the stern, by the burning •.l their i uee.l t• the ,earh ec:�, end its theypas1ed Tb g ender d is oho Appremer for tete
hi -wee. Rather than endanger their ' 'et rs,t�y '-sef +fie /4,4 -airs of atu►kittg rf,AMAf) TIM. LOAN ANP Stu't`543Q co 1'.
neighbors. thee ',rebel eel tbemal! -e. haneia'tent '$1/'f.1 4'11t•1tt"" *step p
f..r ....yen hntns with he•dcletjn rd foei tg.Sere; '40V' 1t+Ilr'+at�tfyae-otntl'sk tt �foy tem r tIstbelas. ere -stray. from oo�OUs. s
then travelled eight veil** I )., r n a Mt: J } *rid f• t. n: i "A +4 a ,meai,x taro T toe,* CO* mn0erate esI
wa{�gnnn t, reach t h, real donee 1 i i r ?de 41 tt(•1- ' • T1f:: MINA/ thein I a leaving
farad,.,l,•e.a,1,- etn,are.r e.it), ,he moderns flattlethi''•t'"i ifee 4+11 , -'+.' ';6,•r.•• ,1'00 f taA{M IPPKAIN
4,47!.Lws, oaNAtft Stiarlielt •r: A'"! '►.,rie•er( Match 21t. 1800
d •5-,.. tot e41 • ..•.Ni era
.7.nasi •.r-_ •