The Brussels Post, 1966-06-02, Page 2THIMSDAY, 'TUNE e nd, Me TVA BRIMMI)LII ant1 .0010 •c,r4141,!
Year in Chevrolet History —the year when more
Canadians than ever before are buying Chevrolet
—so your dealer can give you the best all 'round
deal going. All you have to do is ask.
Have you taken that first r de yet? if not, see your
Chevrolet dealer today. It won't take you long to
discover that Chevrolet is the right car and that
the price is right, too. You see, this is the Hottest
TrEser YEAR iitiflifibm,mwm allay 007 msrmses
sure the price has t
right, but so does the car
your first
Jet-smoother ride
tells you that
evrolet is
the right car...
'''''' ' ..•
Impala. Sport Coupe
your next trip
to the bank
ill remind you
how great
the deal was.
Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each. Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time.
-available. These remedies must
be tailor-made to the individual
natiefit'a own, requirements, Head-
ache may be a difficult condition
to diagnose, and if it is a tontin
ulna- problem the cause 'simaild be
determined by a physician Were
any treatment is used.
Morning Star Rebekah Lodge
41'0 having a Cold Supper On the
0th of July. Reserve: this date
and Watch for further particulars,
Murray Gaunt M.P.P.
A sot of amendments to. the
Highway Traffic Act were in-
tro4ueed. in. the House this week.
Ontario will have the power to
require safety devices on motor
vehicles and to • sot alilli121111s
standards for tires.
The amendments also provide
for the recognition of internat•
ional drivers' permits in Ont-
ario, permit non paying pas-
sengers in motor 'vehicles to sue
the driver if they are injured in,
accidents involving gross neglig.
ence and make it illegal to oper-
ate a motor vehicle when the
windshield or windows are covered
by snow or frost. la addition the
amendments require vehicles
approaching from both directions
to stop for school buses.
Negotiations have been taking
ailace with the presidents of the
Canadian Auto Olattipanies with
the view of encouraging them to into their cars such safety
devices as four way flashes to
flash all stop lights and turn
signals when a car is stopped on
the highway as well as pro-
viding separate brake systems
for front and rear wheels.
The section granting non pay-
ing passengers the right to sue
drivers who are guilty of gross
neglience afford partial pro-
tection to such passengers. The
have had no fight to collect in
court or from insurance when in-
jured in accidents.
This will undoubtedly be a
record breaking session in terms
of length. There are still 13 de-
partmental estimates to be dealt
with, which will at the very least
take up 6 weeks. This will put the
end of the session somewhere
around the middle of July,
Last year the session pro-
rogued on June 22e 'vvhich es-
tablished a new record.
However the province -has a
budget of $1,840.6216,1500. consider-
ably higher than last year's bud-
get which was $1,429,020,000. This
has meant that the estimates
have received more detailed and
searching scrutiny than has beet
the case in the past.
Add to this the fact that a
number of major bills have yet
to come before the House for
discussion, including the redis-
tribution, bill.
It looks like a long hot sum-
MAY 30 °to JUNE 11. 1966
while they last
5 to 10% OF*
Health Tips from the
Canadian Medical Assdciation
Headache, in one form or
another, is a'very common com-
mon coniplaint in. any doctor's
office, and no age group is im-
7nur e, acording to the Canadian
'Medical Association.
While there are qeveral causes •
of headache, a straightforward
classification would be "simple
headaches" and "serious head-
aches The vast majority are
simple In tatttro hut have under-
lying phy!piologiical and, Psycho-
logical Causes so complex they
are difficult to understand. On the
other hand the serious headaches
usually simple to identify, result
from organic disease of the
brain such As tumours and blood
clots, and require vigorous treat-
Migraine, the cause of which
is unknoram, is classified among
the simple headaches, It has its
onset from eary childhood to
puberty, and there is.a strong
factor of heredity.
Typically) the Migraine head,
aches is preceeued by visual and
sensory diaturbances such as
flashing lights in the eyes. It has
a slow begining, eventually reach,,
ifg• a throbbing or pulsating
climax and is usually one-sided
-- the side affected semetimea
varying front one attack to an-
other. Tire severe headache may I last for hours to days, and in
5,0 per cent of cases headache is
accompanied by vomiting.
The 01‘1,A points out that treat,
meat is aimed at prevention of
attacks, although specific remed.
les to relieve the headaehes are