HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-25, Page 7m v18NSU8
A Deseel +le t opt tie Week er the leaumer.
aa.rs what a Expected era w
awags, Iu-
rSaH t Infesenossies ter *Al*At wad ase
In tOw of the apptruachitt.g takiut of
the mentum throughout the Duwiunu,l a
glance ea the oatost sad gesture of the
work, with the mode of marrying it out,
will be found Interesting. the Particu-
lars as they are given, have been gleaned
from tbm list of Inatru,ttww mid schedule
..f subjects, which are wade out fur the
guidance of the Commissioners and En-
waastors, respectively. The instruc-
tions :are minute, and relate G. every
subject in such a maturer that it is unit
to imp essabl. that mistakes tan be made.
AU persona will he registered ... the
province and lucidity in whic . their how.,
and family reside. whether they a*y be
absent, such as tisheruun, or lumbermen
.,r those who are travelling abroad. The
WIMPS of such penmen, ns, temporally Ab-
sent, will be taken as being presu't.
Therefore uc.wes of seamen at sea, col-
r e et . , s me n a
lege students, and children et se!i•wls, t'.td itemise' ..f acres of land in the
sick in h.rpitals, theme temporarily alp D"'mini.ru; ,sad all irtatitutious of a re-
sent at educational, charitable or pe'nl II4iia:*, ►t Lolm.tic, charitable or penal
institutions, are to les salve a.. if they
were at home. And an euutu.•rel.or hod -
tog any perm), whom house or dwelling
is any other province e ill tee make au
entry of that name, es it will b; take:i
in the province where his house .s.
Servants *Pure under the three cate-
guries following:
1. Those having, or belengu+g , to
families ur homes of their own in the Do-
miniun are to be taken with their own
2. Those not having homes as above
Fere to be taken with the families with
whom they are living.
3. Those in settled employment and
resident with any family are to be taken
* not having a home of their own.
Persons having no family abode, ,and
no fixed domicile, will be taken wher-
ever they are (omit!, whether on board
ship, in schools, in shanties, private
houses, or elsewhere. orphans in pub-
lic institutions, and persons in asylums,
and prianu.rs without family or h , or
sentenced for life, will be taken where
they happen t, be.
A family, as tniderep.sel for the pur-
pose of the census, may cenan't of one
person living alone or of any 'mintier of
p.ers.ms living together under one roof,
and having their foal provided together.
The censer returnee, " 'opulatom and
Property • are to consist .1 facts sa they akscklsa Disclosures.- The netted Meat
exist ou the 4th of April, 1881. Re- Trade.
turn., which are to *sublime a yearly At };inninehaum, on Saturday, Super
period, such u the number of births and intendent 1}irchley and Inspector Lath -
are 'ealttnetfs Tlilt+ul.r7elf 'Vita
Y, Real estate, public institutiuus, amt i nem a Coate N'
industrial establishments. I The coat of regular smoking, says an
4. Occupied lands, field prtolnets, "g (t
plants, fruits end other products. exchange, is shown by the following
4. Live stuck, sninul products, home- computation, upon a basis of a weekly
expenditure of $1, the amount, 82't$,
wade fabrics, and furs. i'"
6. Product* of the forest. being brought in as capital at the end of
7. Shipping and fisheries. every six months, at 7 per cent, Per an -
8 Mineral product*. I nein, compound interest. It amounts to
Every perwei will be registered by at the end of
name, family by Wilily, taken frau Years. Arquunt.
house to house. There is a column for 5 .. 8 3014 9d
vessels, with person* on board; one for 10 736 13
temporary buildings, one fur houses in 15 1,341 97
construction or uninhabited. In enter- 20 2,192 94
ing the religion, the enumerator must be 23. ,-, , 3,412 37
careful to ewer the information given by 3+) 6,108 56
the person questioned. The profession 3,, 7,511 08
trade or occupation must be entered in .40. ,� 10,4100 07
full, as given. 43. . .. 10,980 u3
The registry of deaths is required to 50 . • • • 22,428 98
be made with extreme carr and attention. 55 31,936 49
The uwsea Of death are to bo ascertained G0 44,433 11
pia nearly aa-1•.rssible without toeing time. 65 64,281 42
90,980 22
128,641 64
181,773 12
Reel estate, public i1t.,�.1ru:iens and in. 70
d tial :I. h t will include the 7U
clarcter; :old an industrial establish-
ment IS to he known its any place where
manufacturing, altering, making up, ur
changing from one shape into another
materials for sale, use . •r consumption, is
carried on.
The schedule for occupied. lands, field
products, Sc., will refer to lands in ac-
tual t)ccup,ation.
Schedule No. 2, relating to live stock,
Animal prodacts, etc., does not re luire
to be further mentioned.
The products of the forest are to • be
considered as those articles being in the
state in which they are got out simply,
and not confeunde(1 with returns for saw
mills. The census standard for register•
ing lugs is 'made equal to 100 Superficial
feet of sawed limber; in other words,
one log will be counted fur every 100
feet of lumber which may be got from a
given quantity- of logs.
Shipping and fisheries will set out the
number Id vessel owners, the tonnage,
cumber of vessels, number of fisheriaat:,
and the quantities of fish caught.
Mineral products will relate exclusive-
ly t, the extractitm of mineral products,
and do not in 'any way refer e. the
quantity manufactured into any article
of use or consumption.
deaths,' 'the enumeration of pivducts,
Sc , are to be counted fur the twelve
,nonths immediately preceeding the 4th
„f April, Therefore, any person who d therediscovered
was alive on the 4th of April, 1881, *I -
am, faun "information received," visit-
ed sumo premises at Winson Green,
described as a "potted neat and save-
luv manufactory," an sac overs
though he may have died between that wfiat they described as the most perfect
date and the date of the enameest.r's tnanufactory of the kind mentioned they
risit, is to 1* recorded as if living; and had ever seen, the ovens and the steam
uuchiuery being of the latest and most
improved description. .Potted-'tpeet,
saveloys,'„ ''savoury deckle" ssaauusssagges,
and other delicacies in large gnetilfties
were in every stage of production.' The
material used in the. putnufaeture Witt,
however, of a must disgustianeharieter,
diseased horseflesh, diseased smattim, •
for the mance reason infanta edit may
AMt11 Mem td'h3
1881,{$ nit i . .
dead or Mira
The enumerator will himself write the
answers given to ,the questions arising
out of the ,headings in the mot scrunu-
taus meaner. The information mit be diseased pork, red ochre, d -e. The 'ti-
the definite answer of the pe can to a t,rs seized the whole t,.t U eilleat,
ahem the question is to be put: and the weighing about twelveorthinteen hhnd'
cnuut4ir i r u never ts. take upon him rest sounds, and the same was condem-
ned to insert anything which is out 1 and medical
stated or distmc* acl:nowledgeti by the utbc rs b the
lth g There mesa rind bear
person giving the infurmsti, n. But an kens of sausages, each containing :about
enume..tor may assist the person givies ttrentf rounds weight in tae
the information so far as to point out ehe sausages were red
any apparent error, or
over the facts he has taken to the person 1
td them, for
v card
putrid horeefleah. -and richly coloured on April. �i,ii t .:!!I► .tae � .,h'
In case i�refusal of any pC[Mon fo an- with red ochre, were oils() seized. Be- fres..; 80 lives lo,t:. :
h sides tie, were were.,
man sausages," . .The Cityof$et%on .1<eft..lice Yo
cer yueations put, which are neo weighutl( seiersl pounds each, January 25, 180, wee • novas sftev-
indicate a fact agenda,
with red ochre to give them a
Delft In every case he must read p recently"stud
Most smokers •of cigars) will pay out
at least 25 cents a day fur the weed, at
which rate the anouuts in the above
table would be nearly doubled.
About Taxes.
The idea entertained by political ee-
°notnists has always hertofore been that
to impose taxes meant to take money out
of the pockets of the people; it was cer•
tainly not supposed that it meant to put
money in. The London Free Press has
changed all this, and proves conclusively
to its own mind, or what it is pleased to
call its inind, that the way to make a
country healthy, wealthy and wise is too
clap on taxer. It says that of course
coal is dearer now than it used to be,
but that the .tial tax has really very
little to do with the price, and that we
never had such good sugar or coal oil,
both of which commodities cont more
money than they used to, as we have
now. There is nothing very. profound
in the statement that the more you {say
for coal oil and sugar the better quality
the c..al oil and sugar should be. At
the same time it is absurd for our con-
tempxorary e. claim -that you can bring
down the price of household commo-
dities by� increasing the taxes on them.
If thin were so, all that the Government
wr.uld have to do in order to wipe the
tears from everybody's eyes and till
everybody's pockets with blank notes
would be to pile on more taxes. We
have heard of people trying to lift them-
selves over the fence by their boot straps,
but the Free I'reaa evidently' knows a
trick worth two of that.—[Telegram.
Ulla Never Wrard Frem.
The following European steamers
have never been heard of since leaving
putt :--
The President, which sailed from New
York on March 11, 1841, and among her
plsssenjgees were Tyrone Power, the fam-.
Otis Trish comediaut; and • sun o.' - the
Duke Off 'Richmond. • ' .
. The '(treat" Britain was • lletlt• .it a
atewm oti the oatst.uf IPelsai Ontt.8ept..
!I'he City of Glasgow was never 4
of after leaving Glasgow in the sprang of.
13(0, 48) liven
'1'1s.,Pacitic was aeever- keatil fiomaftiei'
Jan. 23, 1836, when she 'e t Liverpool..
200 iimalad
The Chit aught was borngdt-agf': the.
oma of: Massachusetts' :cher
1860. 1 _'.. i e• -
..The Temp°.t. west newer „Amick f otp'
eRt rdw:•,XR>rrIt ata• 794: 26
Seeds! Seeds!
The subscriber begs to draw the atten-
tion of the public generally to his
large and varied rteck of
eunalstnig of
PEAS, 1 IATti,
BARLEY, and choice WHEAT;
and all other
at rates that cannot be beaten.
diem• Seed !Maier.
Hamilton Street.
LerFour houses to let on Newgate street In •
thorough state of repair. -S. S. 1774.
Haring dispose., of my Photo
Baa;nraa in (iolerieh, I wouhl take this
poi ignity to return thttake fur the n.at+y
lector.. recelred since rolnntencsw3 business
herr rr:en wars (,:u. For my • successor,
Me.: ul:u.r•.:, I bespeak o euntit.unnee of
the p•ttnnoo c so Lind'', tendered me, and
knotriny him to possess eupSr;i,r dF3ility,
p,re:dict for hist u weer yul btasirttascareer.
Y. 1:. TAu3fP:c'. ,
With reference to 11' &bete. I would inform
all interested tial Inti a:m wILIAM, to produce
work at the Lowost Prices couslet•t,t with
000d Qual.ty, end shall spare no pains to ere
sat tafact ion,.
thio &s n.:m.0r of Alh'm., Frame,;, &c..
tobaud inafew da;s.
t all a,.tici:ed.
1. 10e.. liiakc's lila. k. U.•derlo h.
(Succelsor to 1t. 1:. '1' o minuet.)
N.A.—As 1 Dave ail 11.e `:cgattvcs made by
R. R.Thomrson previously to my taken, the
Dewiness. part is a wishing duplicates will please
Fend enc thc.r t :•8rs.
'}l. SALL+)tV'.
at the
The undenlgned to now prepared to pay- the
highest cash price r the following saw -logs:
Soft Elm, anRock Elm. lift. lift. and 16 feet
long; also Basswood. Utak, Black Ash. Maple,
Cherry, and Hemlock. any length.
wtf la th,C time to purchase your salt for ag-
tkW1nraJ purposes It pays 100 per cent to
t44Logs or wood taken in exchange for salt
•atar" Salt Wbi tI ifoicricb
• 17413.•
after the 1
aloPearatice• Severe :.
fres s'1>•.nt he has . , ey,cans of tottetI.. treat the meat A most . ..' e alt' ittp{� left, j� .Turk I
checking 'C,PTieC ' 'j�•�s ecitlies.
h n e of
to obtain infutinatiun requuud fur fillingrotten horseflesh, two horribly (bio sed
the schedules, or of the enumerator resheep, (horaeet but uncut, quarters, legs,
.•giving any information which is appar ehouldera, and btensts of diseased mut-eptly untrue, it is hu duty t) warn thetun aid over two hundred pptmde
person against the d if itpispems of each weight of horseflesh diseased and cut upscriminal sty t :and if it is persisted n,and a can of red ochre which -was used litit is his dot then to briteg the offendercolouring rocess. The inspectors state
to ustice, as provided by the Act taut they hoto never known a seittrre oI
The enumerator ,ntlatendeavor, taLitittctisease,l tneat in which every stage of
for his guide the spirit of the law:process was su clearly represented as,ytf1. Not to omit anything of impaortthe present i7latance.otting}taingtJotidince. rel.
2. Not to reoord the same thing twice.3. Not fo expgge;nte anything...
4. Not to underrate anything. •
The intercourse of the enumerators
with the public is required to benemarked
witji discretion.snd foebearance. Per-
sons are to be assured. that noshu�taken duwn.esa► possibly injure orafilalf,their standing or business, as the enema'
erst)r is sworn not t) make known any
circumstances whatever to any person,
except to sworn officers of the Depart-:
sent, who are alsoo sworn to secrecy.
The commissioners and enumerators are
forbidden to give any synopsis of the re-
sult of the census, or any pert there(t(,to an ootnye. The result will be given 17,
theft ne t st, tbe...o►r} ��tssible
The enumerator must himself. isevegy case, go to every dwelling or in-
dustrial establishment m each district as
division at which enquiry is to be ms
s h e8sary' std andwerda heard rom ; ,about .11:5) .lives
lust.�y�The Hibernia foundered off the Irisin ► .t� Ois• Vtltl,it72lAi>f .
coast N,ov. 29, 1868, but w•aa not heard
Never gq frith`alilluebu%�Is'd, if
you canhe1p ata:and sf .ye: dem,-asahe it
up,�tn• as-- .non as . possible If you
4barrledbecrllithi loved Y -W $ t you
I6*eetbit} :g1!-tbf{7itilis'.tis8i t world
aspaatifec' SOUK seed: •no *tatter
what ew.wasy believehimto have (tine,
Mise fteire" ou than arty one
3�.)i°R ': In a mutrient of
indiignation yo44painx > k. that you can
cut the bond. that -Bind and -be free
but there :�e,0,1 ifi ,ahrOis that
:you canngtte�( manor. •.•-cannot -b4sey* "�.*_`id
MAW]pallet' night da ! aipare•vrfl suffer-
ing agonies of remorse; Mid alt the argu-�el4 could not
t�'hi: 1ltuni-deither
8'yfo Ins the nor
•`_im�' it or»s{a be rlgbt
'^ J1 ha ehaticter she ahaha• '•tak s*for etllae or worse." She should
�P � fulfll her vow and
witb h.can �r�c.elder a man grows the >oore he vallum s.
j�o"ria wife.Put out of yd? hesd all 1Yme411 }t tie
passibility of a diToro. from a hndrrad,even if his 000duct draws telars fr ntopt s; W I.mmel it aloe that of is a Ant
together without lona or kinfo
we. —i;ai(These sale4_1414 Ir. dirtkom,
Practical BOILER -IA
1 r
The Subscriber. Imes bought the Tools and
Hotter Buatses of 1). RCaClMaa d• Cu., lately
carried oa by the (ioderich Foundry and Manu-
facturing Company, and bovine had as sin
perlreoe of ever eight yeah In that shop are
now prepares, to carry un the trade fn all Iia
K lay work entrusted a w will reodvo
prompt attennan. FYntalass work guarani
All kinds of Bollen made and repaired ales
Smoke Stacks and Sheet iron Work. de., &-
reasonable rates.
New Salt Pans made and old uses repaired
on the shortest notice, and at rRics. mar mi-
ry corrirrraon.
gni iF(
Chrystal & Black,
WI M. 4•BatiltU. 117471
l(-1UI12$RIJI3 \} IirTt?f:,a11311`-f ,
THOS. JAnse, Darlington, England,
says : The "Only Lung Pad" is being
thoroughly tried here. One lady has al-
ready received great benefit, who has suf-
fered for years from Bronchitis and Asth-
ma, and congestion of right lung.
H. S Hoaos, Cambridge, Mick, says :
I have been afflicted with Asthma for
years. An "Only Lung Pad" gavo me
'immediate relief. -I can recommend it
as the greatest remedy over produced.
HINNY VAN NonywICa, of Toledo,
Ohio, says: A friend prevailed upon Inc
to try an "Only Lung Pad," and 1 ob-
tained immediate relief from a hacking
cough. I know the Pad helped ole.
At retail by all druggists.
Wholesale 1,y if. HASWELL A CO.,
Montreal, P. Q
FOR 1881_
GO D E R I C H, Two Years for the Price of One !
-- 'BALER IN --
The subscriber has a complete assort-
ment of STotas, TINWARE and SToys
i'Irt:-, a:
Prices as Cheap as le Cheapest
Examine the stock and you will be
sure t.i be suited.
Sheepskins, Wool Pickings, Cotton
Raga, Copper, Brass and old Metal taken
in exchange fur Goods.
760-3m. JOHN, RALPH.
THE 1IKITI'H QI (ItTESIL1 4L:raagdic5J).
0 WI\ 441 tftl'I:It Li .".••L. .,'rnutiee
EDI \ BI x4:11 /,./17•14//,
WI.. iI*ISl.11: I keit. rut,
Blackwoc d's EGiabtrgh 1 Magr site,
Present the 1.r.• ,,,rt (, ,:0•1),•"!14 in a . on
ventent torn m slid- inten.4.: n1n (41./14, ,.t .n-
Terms •fauIi.ertptlen flu rindlag 1.0stitgr.i
Blackwood r,)• any ere'.•view... 2 &rel {carat:.
Blackwood and any o• a Review. 7.00 •
Blackwood and two Ilev.ews 10.0) '•
Blackwood and three Reviews1:1.00) •.
Any two Reviews 7 el
The four Reviews... .........:12.00 "
Iflackwood and the tour Reviews l:,.lu
Theme are &feint Aulf the prfrea charged by
the English Ihtbliahere.
Circulars giving the contents of the Period-
icals for the year ISA and many other lsrtic-
ulan, may De had on appllcallon.
New subscribers may have the numbers tor
1884 and 1851 at the price o' one year's sub
seriptiou only.
To any subscriber. CCW or old. we will fur-
nish the periodicals for 1879 at half price.
All orders to 1e sent to the publication oRice.
To secure premiums apply promptly.
The Leonard Scott P'3blish:3 w do.,
4t *1 (Its l.) .T.. NEW Teak.
to WEST ST. next door to the POST OFFICE.
opened out this week.
�ra::rri,•..>sar.>�1(VkE�'S AT COST
v,•.... , . 7:rt0 c.14 ill: i:,L•,01; P SP. Clear out dock.
• •rids? t i lib n shortest notioeand chargee moier*teif
auesenta.-edantsexecetedmthebesst):tetreasonable �'es.4lerbtedf snick. (:rase Monnme1jtj 5114 :En
imported to order.' •<1 (•:..: t1•WoR•K•WARRt3f?B.H.
The Carolina .was wrecked on the.Irish coast Nuv. 10, 1863, and 50 lives
The Ismaha left New.York.Sept 29
1873, and isyet unheard of.
The beat known remedy.for all affec-
tions of the Cheat, Lungs' or Throat is
GuaT's STsrr or Ran Smock Grit. It
is e.wlstantly used by thousands of per-
sons sufferingfrom the above diseases,
and in nearly eery instance it affords
immediate relief. - In cti� of trouble-sotie, tickling Cough, where the patient
passes sleepless nights, nne fit two domes
of the fiyrup has such a quieting, sooth-
ing effect that the rest ensues ane1 the
Cough speedily disappears. Try it and
be convinced. Sold by all chemists.
Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle.—ad
amohn of p
twelve months before such taking.
example, a farmer reports �grrowag
beaedd�11(( 1w ,i61d1ii! 17�1�'j'4fX-110•41 11114
whole 609 must be sot dewit Fess gat -r $ (n tube .their )sadana
ebors-lieepsr or merchant who haw per-ehsasa the wheat has no thing t) meter in
the cerium for thio !in with • saswv-pedes r who lkr ssmd elairod 10,000
yards of cloth Un tlla twolve
months. Fie h Wentit•thi 000
yards, no matter what pectin h. lag
sold. or what M has stills stook.
.� peri b 41st
an very ergp tP 1! preef
tb tvfirk wMieb ion to tse�wMfl�iYr1I byth.sn, to 4• careful in .very matter ti t:o be enterer, to avoid mistakes, to die
rjetkuFhave swim . gnryetcterstms.
Tlte,+ ** Welt t1 dtai,ll, w►br►as follows•
1. Nominal return of the 'iv'M
Wnderful N.eevery.
If you are suffering with a Cougtl,
Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever,
Consumption, loss of voice, tickling in
the threat, or any affection of the Throat•
or Lungs, use Da. Knso'a New Dwnvt-
sr for Consumption. This is the great
remedy that u closing sn much excite-
ment h its wonderful cures curing
thousa of hopeless canes. ()vet one
smillion bottles of Dr. Kinggs New Dls-covey have been tsseoi within the last
year, sad have givenperfect satisfaction
in every instance. • gen wabeeitat-
i.glly .ay•that this is really the onlj ourf
cure for throat aid ltneg affe.tions. add -
cheerfully recommend it to dl. Cali
and get a trial bottle for ten gems. or a
=Ler eine for $1 F Jordan Uodi.
eltr res Sae ■ledo
Tie great .ant j 1 Iesm rte! 'a
be owe
ey the straincr
ardatieswrt•idattrnaLr a s A vr sHop Bitters.
It yeti w young stet
&aeration or sawn�,�,rind a aalgle. old br
poorbealtb or sh
sea. rely on op
wbearerlDemmer yon feelyoar apnea%
Meda c1rsa><tny, too-
or atbtalttnr
`Itt•Id•Ham y tidge-
army'se,etas neo
T�`y,,SOp BI
jee too 1
roan of. lei
torttdllnro*ln work, to
Gore bran ,oe0 and
eraata,•uoe Mop R.
F4Rertot fro•rany in -
tion ; l 7ou a. cmar•seaeeltrnaoa a bed of smpk
re.bo *.dsdfi
pally rdossro*ae J1tdesra tease) i r I�MOP.
Iff4 y
• 0.>k Oi
•1 .a ae esti
Carpet Weaving
b sewTl.N�rps..
tag sew War
....A .: t'f .
t.l i l:r;:t ,ora c1.!t no 3
, . •0RY•
's`^pSO^R$ TO J011I1 jipwo i iyx, l ypats OF
.'zetfjl► :To:
tNi;eY•Int +.. 1
- lI C
ll reit
ttEPAIR11'fl gjid �{1$13iN13 none with Weais_�.�.t� d 1)epystcl>,. 'iii at lleaa-
piethi" states. (,I11 Bal' ne tore purchasing eI.svr6eW
Ilht _ At •r-•ibR.Y,
p(.n. rpl. �i �rr�t 9kf 1 -44'A 5t 11.1'(1:: FtT1ti.F:T.
fli N c l a'itt Q lei, y__ 7,
A ` Di
4WoD ," God ,
is .
iln(41 RS
S S MA--N-
o6•PIk8T C A S.1 , • •
}CT CIES, mita.
cosh, t
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Ig e-1111sf 1IMP 14+01 -tit •
sot r:•:•tut
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•..fft ni e
t7 Jad mu.f:.
epics'. nag) 114.00
DIEII[1-110011.•, 04M11,1
sad all wart 1w the wesvtwg Iter emeAwr
needy stat prom ptlt'd cue
a►+s+ili11tr i(:
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Ali As df u.. 3'z
1,:pa nTs•ffn)
p oili.Ie8 the
.perfbatli And
, 511. Oaosti-
tkad Qellt-
Mimi its Tom
or SOL
MIN Ili HIE 11111111.
Meet ____ r gum fh.ee
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Druggist, Godeneh.