HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-25, Page 5• ,u THE HURON SIGNAL. FI1,IDAY, MARCH 25. 1881. i3CYROit LPPI !Il - Mots GOOD *race. -Mr. Wm Gran- aad Mr. Robb. Scutt, of Mullett, ue.i bora each purchased • tine bred Durbtlru lruU front the herd of lt1t. 14R1sr,f Piekeritig. They are both good aniu ala. As both gentle- man have Already good herds, thew sui- ** will ice valuable acquisitions to tbNas. Mr (Integer removed to Hullett frees Markham about two years ago. 0.. lamely engaged to stock in the Iist and brought up here with hint sev- ere! Aro-clam animals, and his recent pants.. News hie determination u, Guotmue .at in the good work. We ate lad to have emen en of Mr.Orangto 's stamp settling in Hu -hitt. Milano nets Coasts Oers.,.s..w. A new horse shed is to to waned at the Ethel Methodist Charas. Awt7r 'Mv Rsttovs- -D. A. W sdaell, who ham bent a resident of brsaseht fur the past four years intends {savior for Kingston the 1st of April Hose Pvtlicluasa -Mr. W. Diss of the Milburn aches, has purchased frons Mr. G. Askwith, Maisoliesser, the imported cart stallion, "British go_ sign," paying therefor the sum a 1900 cash. Revive', 1}savlcas, -Rev. Mr. Mark- haiu and Rev. Mr. Philp are o„uducting a vary sueoeesful service at Bluevale Met odtst C►ttrok Hisses Sou). -A span of horses be- longing to Cyrus Hallman, Howiek, were sold to Wen. Barrie of M nria, for $230. They weigheJ- $,'6O lbs. sad were b years old, Faso Su1.D. -- Donald Sinclair, t f Brussels, stdd 100 acres of land in Bien - shard township this week to Patrick Hardy fur the sum of 15,900, cash. The farm is s good one, having a fine brick house and splendid outbuildings. FARM SOLD. - Messrs. Caluen)u d C.smpbell have sold the Hetherington Film, ls1 non. Kinloss, 50 acres, to Mn. \Vebb, of Harriston, for 81,459. The farm owned by the late Patrick Cantwel, 12th con. Ashfield, 50 acres, was bold under mortgage on Tuesday hat. A Paounc Cow. --Mr. W. Murphy, of Mullett, near Oarlock, has a cow which a few days ago gave birth to three calves, two females and a male, and they are all doing well and likely to live. Mr. Thos. Meilan's thoroughbred bull has the credit of being the sire of this fine brood. ADVANCING. ---We are pleased to learn that Mr. P. D. Mackinnon, i of Grey) and lately a pupil of Clinton High School, has been re-engaged as Principal of Por- tage la Prairie Public School, at an in- crease of $50, which snakes his salary 8650 a year. He is ppromised $700 if he routine next year. M. '_ is • first -este fellow, and we are pleased to know that he has struck a piaci w:tere hie services are appreciated. Hoban S)LD.--Hullett has Long been notes for good hurso-dash, the tanners here knowing what class to raise. Jas. Reid, near Oarlock, recently sold to Mr. Dunlop a two-year old colt f.,r $146. This is the one that t•.x,k sir utany first {prizes at the fall shows last year. Mr. Reid has since bought it heavy draught mare from Mrs.Johu Reid for the neat sum of 1190. Mr. George Watt has al- so sold one fur $165 to an American buy- er. Quite • number of the people in Ethel section of Grey have got the Manitoba fever. Robert Tindall left for that country on Monday last, taking with him stock and implements, also lumber to build a hoose. His family followed him on Wednesday. Thomas White, B. Pierce and some others, whore names your correspondent did not learn, went also. , t No FAILCRR.--It wall' lately reported in Brotlttrret's that the firm of Hally & Anderson, lately carrying on business 1 in Seaforth had gone into insolvency. Banking. 1-44 ilY IlWMTREAL CAPiTAL. - .400,000. SURPLUS. - • - 15,n00,000. Goderich Branch. L. D C ANFORD, - - - 3o undyu Allows interest on deposits. Drafts. letter of credit bad circular notes issued, payable a all parts of the world. 1754. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid lip Capital, - #6,000,000. Esau - • 11,400,000. Preairlew�. - HON. WM. McMASTEW General Manager, - IV. N. ANDERSON. Goderich Branch. A. 'M. ROSS, - - - - MANAosa. Interest allowed on deposits. llnfta on al the principal Towns and Cities in Canada (!rat Britain and the United Staten, bough and sold. Ad rancMo.Farmere on Notes, with ,ane or more endorsers without, mortgage. 1733 MANITGBA EXCURSIONS. Gfreenwa-Y will start another EXCURSION TRAIN on WEDNESDAY, 6TH APRIL, 1881. Connecting with the one over G. W. R. sante day. Concentrate freight at EXETER OR CENTRALIA. FREIGHT MONJ)A 1- BEFORE. APPLY To THOS. GREENWAY, Centralia. W. J. WHITE. Express Agent. Exeter. or to PAY UP. BEING now oat of business os account of Me Ire. It is Necessary that all debts owed me should be settled early. i take this oppor- unity of desiring all concerned to pay up at 1778-2m GEORGE CATTLE. Mrs. Mary Wingate We have been assured that the state - ment is untrue. In consequence of the death of one of the numbest, Has opened a of the firer, it became neaesary to 1 MILLINERY AND DRESS SLAKING wind up the bueintsrs. This has been establishment on done by the sale of the estate to A. U. McDougall Q• Co., who hare assumed SOUTH STS the liabilities of the late firm. Salah Hue nui.-Considerable plea- ' three doors front the Albion Hotel, with sure is being participated in by numbers • full assortment of l`r, "RD and a young men, who indulge in rabbit "T�yYSD HAra, FsArsaRS, huntingnear Blooming Hill. It is com- Fu.atRrt, Tisa, Lacs, mon to see a good marksman dying 4 RUrri.INoe, Ficatg, rabbit& u was the ease on Monday when 1 FRINGas, Wm. Davy and T. Ashford returned ids I VZLveve and DRESS TRIMMINGS. ter being out but a few hours. They i brought with them 4 rabbits and a huge formerly of Goderich, later of Detroit,1 grey owl, measuring from tip to tip 5 feet 2 inches and weivhing 7 -)oonds. Alsoruna 000D Horse. -On Saturday last Mr. J. J. Fisher received ,splendid stallion that had been forwarded to him from Aberdeen, Scotland. It is a jet black, with a small white spot on the nose and white hind foot. It looks to be one of the finest of the heavy draught class ever imported, standing 17 hands, very powerfully built, and being of handsome carriage. On it it arrival at Toronto it weighed 2100 lbs., havirgglost about one hundred pounds on the voy- age, which it appears to have stood very well. A.lrorstt Goon Bt -Lt. -Mr. John Mc- Millan, Reeve of Hullett, recently pur- chased from Mr. Jab Brown, of North Dumfries, County of Waterloo, a very superior throtghbred Durham hull calf, eleven months old. This animal is from the best and purest bred stook on both sides, and he will be a valuable addition to the thoroughbred stock of the town- ship. Mr. McMillin has been very suc- easeful hitherto as a invader of hor+cs, and we are glad that he is now turning hie attention to cattle also, as we ate sure that hw will be equally enoeenfd that direction. A CALL 18 INVITED. 17Th I'''arz .ers Attentiosi rt 1 r yt t ,, t cJ.iaaled Baahad Folios for la ny yaanttty a! very lowest prices OR 4 ARBED FENCE WIRE. EITHER 2 E. Wire and barb galvanized atter being twtst.d ..Lich cauuut scale ol[. Use Barbed Wire for Fences, NO SNOW DRIFTS- NO WEEDS -NO WASTE UNDS. F"r sale 1)). G. H. PARSONS, 1779. CHEAP HARDWARE, GODERICH. In Leaving Town I wish to return my thanks to the public for their patronage during the past, and solicit the same In future, and to remind them that I have lett a reliable person in charge of the business. REPAIRING AND PICTURE FRAMING will be done on SHORTEST NOTICE. T_ G_ HYMN BOOKS. New Pres hylEliaa Hymnal LAMP Prereass--Mr. Andrew Mir - riling; of McKillop, has purchased die farm of Mr. John Walton. whisk is situ- ated on the gravel r, I, nearly opposite and very eenveniest to his own. The farm contains 41 acres and was par- chaeed for 12,315 There is on it •Rood frame barn and stable, and about 8 acres el rn wDaRt. It is a eboies 1st, and be a e ea eostveoientiy ierested to $r. Mor - d,..'. ie -' -' d hoes. will net o. a yeas- raisadditlra its lois nivestyr hie /state sett a thinks e1 deem vi.g to the eei�ltbor#ood .f Berrie, where his rala- tivis midi. PAMID AWAY. -Mrs. Mernsen, wife r f Matthew Mesrisrns, Esq., of the 18th eon of Ory, died an Wanidav dwell ink sore es Moen efl eine clay& Clow j �ast'tta.�weli ensue d the low well the ream. of her 1 sew.ss o iime. CrShe !saws a f1a.10► cif Svc some 4 *Aor. • in every variety published. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Mr. Thee. Sneyd, who for a number of years has been in the employ of Mr. John Acheson, has entered into partnership with JAMES A. REID. The business will be carried on under the name and style of REID & SNEYDU We have considerably enlarged the premises, and put in a very large stock of general Dry Goods, which has been bought entirely for cash. We invite the public to take a look through otlr stock, which. will bo sold at very close prices; and we are satisfied our way of doing business will so meet the views of the general publio as to secure a very extended patronage. New Methodist llymu Book in all its forms. LOWEST PRICES •i SHEPARD'S BOOKSTORE MANCHESTER HOUSE, JORDAN'S BLOCK. Goderich, March 18th 1881. 1778-1m. Record of the LYMAN Barb. JOHNSTON'S INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. Jr- , GALVANIC BATTERIES. HOP EITTE7R8_ JAMES WILSON r+ FIRSTLYAN"H>s Four -Barb Wire Fencing at MONTREAL, QQL'E. HAMILTON. ONT. CINCINNATI. OHiO. BYRAt'UKE. `. V. DAVENPORT. IOWA. YC R Druggist. riMnalse'u Pomnioneas meerat v 9T1 `ERHIBITIONB. XCELLENCE and SIIPERIORITY Onrr all (`ontnriil•rv. TSP Cheapest & Best Follcisi 514 THE WORLD_ Adopted and in use on 19 Railway Lines In the U.8. and Canada. See that our trade mark, "Lynes BARB," is stencilled on each reel. BUT No OTHER. Send for prices and circulars to 11. W. McKi mm's a: Co.Ooderleh. NOI![fio °i' 7 wt Phretorregrhiry is Geller i�►- DO, I ION BARB WIRE FENS LOVELL'S THB WILL [NON YILLINBRY &&TABLISHi1NT THE SQUARE, GODERICH, Miss Stewart has just reoeived a Large and Varied Assortment of SILKS and SATINS of all grades and colors, LACES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, PARASOLS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS and other NOVELTIES, from MONTREAL and TORONTO. Every department is well stocked by FIRST CLASS GOODS of the moat fashionable patterns, and as all her pinches* have been for steady Cash, she is enabled to give her numerous customers the very BEST VALUE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE prices. INSPECTION INVITED, CAPD OI THAN��s_ TO THE PEOPLE OF GODERICH I extend my best thanks to the townspeople who worked so well in endeavoring to save my goods at the recent fire. It is pleasant to know that you have the good will of your neighbors, and actions like that performed by those whom I take this opportunity of thanking, make one feel that "a friend in need is a friend indeed.' Yours truly 1). C. STRACHAN. Province of Ontario Director REMOVAL_ I have removed my stock of general groceries to the corner of I.lake's Block' where I will be pleased to meet all my friends and old cust.•tr.ers. D, C_ STRACH - . n7'" tom, - ! • J•• .K t,•• r.xw. LM r ^ NIII pets.¢. 8 LOT OF NSW SPUISG PRINTS. red Meit o gut• Ladle's Cloaks andDisters. SPLENDID VALUE at Colborne Bros_ THEY XBBP TF3F3 CRM=TON CC:= T! ' '1 BEST IN TIDE 1�T1�RgET_ COLBORNE EROS. I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. —OF— MR. ID. FERGUSON --AT A— tIVE RY GREAT DISCOUNT ! Nearly all of said Stock. as well as my own original Stock. «)o+ 1 lit before the Advisor of Ilardwar,. I am therefore sin taposition to selll Cheaper than aa7 other 3, the FOR 1881-188_ TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 1681. Prue $5.00. MR. LOVELL, at the request of several Merchants and others of the Province bees of Ontario of the City of Montreal, &c , announce that his firm will publiaii n RO- VINCE OF OtiTARIO DIRECTORY, in No- vember next, containing an Ta$72A Weir". 12 a dap at home easily us Weir". , Maine. Addreu. Ncw Teeds Rli seal h„ee the ehIe.t dawrb- ..t ter hung scab *Mort Ferguson. at Walton llrp utas a woman who we. held is the highest esteem by ell who kart her, fur her Ckrtstan wait so► aid fiefs... fibs ha hmaw. 5 orK(- eisteat weather of the 111 • •d11et ch nroh. She wee buried a,a Rrusawi e Mod the retsps.t when alt. woo held in Ors neigh .4,.M w.. .imply attested by tire lar., biters lane.. ,' her fnn.rst erenat NSW OVER(`OATINGS, NEW SCOTCH GOODS. A FMB $rube or 5 H�at� Ouadian Woollens tea 1,n Kv des.. L tin ;.ea - - 1.90 1M And Prunes to telt t.M slows at •O�TT011i IrzRza w- jaddnNm eeese an sad ltr ifs e a awl ebM.elPass• hut tete thing for winter clothing. Sonne Good Linea of Gents' Irttr.tidicrps lr R. L. Jouweoe's. ll &MADY- ems 1114 Alph�lbe`ical Directory AND A THOROUGH Classified Business Directory MY STOCK OF farmas',11ililiers' kGelle�tal ihuill.widr is C� li>I)1alI of the Business and l'mft' Mlonal men in the Cities. Towns, and Villages of Ontario. with a Classified Business Directory or THE CITY OF MONTR AL. The same care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 will be given to this work. Subscribers names respectfully solicited. Terms of Ad- vertising made known upon application. JOHN LOVELL at SON Montreal, Dec. 1881. Publishers. 1790 OVERCOATS, $6cc a week in your own town. Terms and U 96 outfit free. Addreas H. HAttsrr a Co.. Portland. ]Paine. Stoves 1 Stoves 1 OOHZ AND 817TM.T 8408 flans A8 WILL PLEASE 704. Fresh Ci -round Water Lime in Stook. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FES'+'F_' WiRE. R_ W_ 1Vr0K TZIT1 17 :,t -lm. SAVE TROUGHS and CONDUCTING PIPES, CISTERN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, &. CLOTHING MADE to ORDER soder N sera asGervfieu one- ALL WORK WARRA NTSD.111t Hugh Dunlop, PLOW AND PAIfCY TINWkRE. COAL OIL WI10LIIRALR AND *bells GRAND CLEARING SALE — O F— 1 oots and Shoes, —A CARETS MOT allti SE BROM FSR ONE NIUN'l'H. Previous to Stook taking. My Stook is Lalgeand well -assorted, and Orel Ottl+s■wt „w� �i Meir Mho. `1r�.t nteRw ` ea rdeare . 3.� eroRY • �f>) dillseairea asrrel GREAT BARGAINS will be given. T leS — CASH WM. CAMPBELL Goderioh, Jan. 13, 1881. 1789 J►I8Bf07vI Bl.s TIILOR �� fgeee Yieea Nast Door to Knit of Montreal rrwsssw dime --5 gINTA=L Carriage Worksl laving lamed the shop of Mr. P Bayne.w engwged )n the manufacture classAro of CARRIMGBS, BUGGIMS, WAGGONS, etc. (lira one • sail, and 1 will rive you priests that cann.•t he beaten to W ovwnty. R3537'AI24.I1•Ta Az JOBB IND DONS. KINTAIL CARRIAGE WORKS, B. POINTER zglIMida