The Brussels Post, 1966-05-05, Page 4or4P6•4412a* a-410M.01001111111150m411.1001"1.10/101"NaigiAa4WMPPIROO CAMPBELL SOUP COMPAN -- Limited Listowel, Ontario Have Permanent Plant Openings for FEMALE EMPLOY and MAINTENANCE MECHANICS The work is full time and permanent. Day or aftetoon shift. Five day week. Good wages and a comprehensive employee, insurance progtam are avail- able. Applicants should visit the Plant Personnel Office for interview. 4%*.maimaim,,m2.4 .guitanuar. were sent to, other institutes and. The brain of the elephant former members. Each member is the biggest of all land anim- is to take sandwiches, See you all It weighs more than 13 there!! pounds. GORDON ...JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER. PHONE: 291-4450 LISTOWEL Wedding Invitations Illisiriareagraved (sane uerrinuico) Vadding sod assagenseat announcements, birth ammo.* cominmatios imitations, golden and silver &universal!, 111111110ONMEN1114 Thermo-engraving (WSW LITTERING) said Ks the Inset hand engraving. noWm and individuality only the finest hod ani rev* um& Thenno-empraving (WEED amino) Costs elms 44 as ankh as hand ougrining, beams eihni. Mee eappor plate that makes hand eragrivingleangaldin Al. IT'S READY WIWI Tin WI= awn you sea Mkt mashing ansissono weds& lama ntspsnos, thank you and at ham suds.suds.Ina wais au gbast awahlas et flawkaiky romanEt 11 ammor. Ivies at Mtarft Wvddisop ao Ivo as 30 tor WM asd 100 for 1111.56, woo nib &oils vevelepss lad datum $U OUR DISPLAY AT 'he Brussels P ost T 7111 13,11V814111.411 POST, pausszba ANTIAIO, `414.1A$DAY, MAY 6th, 1900 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND 171).Eft AND BY lilitTLIZ of a Writ of 1Neri Facies issued out of the County Court of the county of Huron, bearing date the 13th. day of January, 1964, to me direpted, against the lands and tenements or WES'Lliy pup. :NARK, Defendent, at the suit of David Brown Tractors (Canada) Limited, Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in Execution, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said :Wesley Budnark in and to; All and singular that certain parcel of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of Village Lot No. 312 and parts of Village Lois Nos. 313 and 314 and part of Village Park Lot lettered "V" the whole of which said percel is more particularly deac'ribed as rollows: COMIMENOLNG at the north-west angle of Lot No. 3112; THENCE southerly along the westerly boundary of 312 and 313 to a point in the westerly bound- ary of Lot No. 313 which said point is distant southerly there- in 60 feet from the northwest angle of Lot No. 313. THENCE easterly parallel to the northerly boundary of Lot No. 313 and the production easterly there- of. through Lots nos. 313 and 314 and on into Park Lot "V" a total distance of 3 chains and 80 links or 250.80 feet to a point; THENCE north-easterly in a straight line to the centre of the bed of the River Maitland a distance of 2 chains and 80 links or 184.80 feet to a point, which said point is distant 2 chains or 132 feet north-easterly in a straight line along the bed of the River Maitland from the north-easterly corner of Lot 312; THENCE: westerly along the centre of the bed of the River Maitland .2 chains or 132 feet tot the said northeast angle of Lot chains or 132 feet to the place of beginning. TOGETHER with a full and free right to ingress, egress and re- gress to the Grantee her heirs, executors, administrators for assigns in, over, along and upon a strip of land immediately to the south of the lands herein con- veyed, which said right of way is more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point it the westerly limit of Lot No. 313, Which said point is distant south- erly therein 60 feet from, the north-west angle of said lot 313. THENCE; easterly and parallel to the northerly noundary of 'Village •Lot No. 313, 70 feet to a Point; TT-TB:NOE southerly and parallel to the westerly limit of Lot no. 313 a distant of 9 feet to a point; 'iri-tuNen westerly parallel to the northerly boundary of Lot no.• 813 7 distance. of 70 feet to a point in the westerly boundary of said Int; THENCE? northerly along the westerly boundary of. Lot 313, 9 feet to the place of beginning. the premises is said to be erected a 2 storey briok building 61 feet by 50 feet. ALL of which said right, title interest and equity of redempt- ion of the said Wesley Budnark in the said lands and tenements, l shall offer for sale by Public: Auction at my office in the Court House in tile TOWn. of GOdericli on Tues"day, the 31ste day of" 144Ym 1966 at 2:30 .o'clock, in the after, noon. Terms: 10% down, day of Sale, Balance in 30 days. H, L. STURDY, Sheriff, County of Huron. FOR RENT' House, Anyone interested call 2S4. CUSTOM ,EAVESTROUGHING Call: Joseph 0. Martin Phone 3551W13 Brussels FOR SALE — 6,5 Ford Ye ton Jos. B. Martin Phone 355W13 Brussels. FOR SALE — Certified Seed Potatoes, also suitable for table use. Mina Baker Phone 424J7 FOR SALE — Pure bred York Boar, 8 months old. John M. Perrie Phone 422:W5 FOR SALE — Ford motor, will fit any Ford from 1919 to 1954, in good shape. Phone 97W Fred Selling FOR SALE — Number of Registered York- shire Boars, 7 months of age., eligible for Government Premium of $35. Phone 441J6 WANTED — A willing, middle aged man to train as hospital orderly. Apply: Box 50, Brussels Post, stating previous employment experience. FOR SALE -- New six-ton spring wagon with new tires, 4, 6, and 8 ply. Una tires and rims $105; also 8 ton wagon. on 10 ply tires $275. See me at Brussels Livestock Sales Yard. Joe's Farm Wagons SALES HELP WANTED MALE Stop worrying about debts. Pay them by giving Rawleigh Service in Huron County. Established routes. We will help you if you are a hard worker. Write Raw- leigh, Dept. E-152-815, 4005 Richelieu. St. Henry„ 'Montreal. WANTED — Either whole or Pait time help for Henfryn Tile Yard. Apply to: Homer Henderson Elentry"n. W,ALTON Walton W.I. Elects iutticera At. Annual Supper Meeting The Walton Women's institute held their annual supper meeting in the basement of Duff's United. Church with the MoKillop Unit catering, on Wednesday, April 27th Forty two members answered the roll call with the payment of fees and presentation of gifts to Sunshine Sisters. The business was, taken over by President IKathaleen William- son. It was moved to continue Sunshine Sisters for the year. The District Annual is to be held in Moncrieff on May 3rd, with. Walton in charge of program for the afternoon session. Election of officers was held with the following taking office for 1966-67: Past Pres. Mrs. Ken McDonald, President Mrs. Roy Williamson 1st Vice Pres. Mrs. Jan van Vliet 2nd Vice Pres. Mrs. Alvin McDonald Sec.-Treas..... Mrs. Gerald Watson District Director Mrs. Ken MeDonald Ass't. District Director ., Mrs. Bennett Branch Directors Mrs. Ron Bennett, Mrs. T. Dundas, Mrs. Wm, Humphries Pianist Mrs. H. Travis Ass't iPanist .... Mrs. Rae Huether Press Reporter Mrs. N. Reid, Mfrs. D. Ennis Auditors Mrs. T. Dundas, Mrs. D. Ennis Standing CornImittees Agriculture & Canadian Industries Mrs. J. Nolan, Mrs. F. Walters Citizenship & Education. Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. Wm. Turn- bull Home Economics & Health Mrs. G. McCall, Mrs. H. Bolger ,Hiistoricali Research er Current Events Mrs. A. McCall, Mrs. Mae Shol- dice Resolutions Mrs. D. Buchanan, Mrs. George Williamson Public Relations Mrs. N. Marks, Mrs. A. McDon- ald, Mrs, Ron Williamson, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull Sunshine Committee Mrs. Earl Watson Brussels Fair Board Mrs. H. Williamson, Mrs. Stevens A short talk was given by the District President, 'Mrs. Frank Walters. She also installed the new officers. Reports were made by each of the standing corn- mittees. The business was held by candlelight as there was no hydro. The Queen was sung and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting is to be on open meeting on May- 25th. Everyone is welcome. Walton W.I. To Mold lath' Anniversary Social Evening The Walton Women's Inatitute are holding their 10th anniversary this year in the form of a social evening, on May 18th. Invitations no. 312; Murray Cardiff THENCE westerly a long the northerly limit of Lot no. 312, 2