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KO L. Year lay. Advance — $2.50 To U.S.A. THURSDAY, APRIL 21st, 1966 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
Surprise Party Honors
Morris Tvrp. Cowl.
On Thursday evening, April
14th, a surprise gathering of
friends and neighbours arrived
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell• Bone, to honor them
before their departuro for their
new home in. Wingham.
A number of tables of euchre
was played. Just before lunoh
Russell, Verena, and Brenda were.
. called to their chairs. Wilfred
Warwick read an address and
Frank Sellers presented Russell
and Verena with a platform
rocker. Brian Warwick presented
a double goose neck desk lamp
for Keith, and Brenda with n
pair of boudoir lamps.
Mr. and Mrs, Bone thanked ths
people for the lovely gifts. Keith,
who is attending Waterloo 'Uni-
versity, ,was not home for the
A. delicious. Innen was served.
The people left wishing Mr.
and Mrs. Done 'and 'Brenda hap-
piness in their new home.
Lytle. Gordon suffered a heart
attack on Sunday and was taken.
by ambulance to Listowel Hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Dob Engel, Mar-
ilyn Anne and Robbie, Mitchell,
visited with the Engel families on
Ross Smith has purchased Jas.
Sterner's farm. An auction sale
was held on Saturday.
Some in this district are victims
of mumps and various forms of
On April the 5th the Guides
held their weekly meeting in the
public library with. 23 Guides
The patrols enjoyed a game. Mrs,
D. A. Rann was present to teach
the Guides Copper tooling.
Patrol leaders were called and
patrols were formed. The attend-
ance was taken followed by the
Queen and the Guide Prayer and
Promise, Lt. Kellington took the
first class Guides• for first aid.
Co. Leader Ann took the Tender-
foot Guides and Co. Leader
Dianne taught Organization in
Captain Inellitegton held a test
oh Waterfront Safety and other
Campfire was held and the meet-
nig closed with Taps.
The next few weeks will be
spent in getting things ready
for Division Day. priaselS is to
have handcraft.
Mrs.. Stuart Evans of Cran-
brook wishes to announce the
engagement of her daughter,
Patsy 1Grace, to Robert Barry
Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs.
'Robert Taylor, Varna,
The wedding to take place on
Saturday, May 14th, 1966, at 3 p,m.
at Knox Presbyterian Church,
Cranbrook, Ont.
On April 13th the Beaumonts
played at the Brussels Teen Town
Bunny-Bundle Dance. The proce-
eds of this dance were given to-
wards a Crippled-Childrens fund.
• Sincere thanks is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. George McWhirter
and to Mr. and Mrs. George Lang-
lois, for chaperoning the dance.
Prizes, from the "Easter Bun-.
ny" were awarded to couples for
three spot dances.
A special birthday present was
given to the Hi-T pre,eident,
Marlene Smith, on behalf of the
Teen Town. This' presentation
Was followed by a dance number
started Oft by 'Marlene and Jim.
The next dance es on April
23rd at the peussels Legion Hall.
(W:D. High School Rate Is
Reduced By Three Mills
In this day of rising costs in,
every phase of life, the announce-
merit of a three-mill decrease in
the 1966 Wingham District High
School rate comes as a pleasant
The finance committee of the
W,D,H.S, Board brought in their
estimates for the year at last
Thursday night's meeting, and it
was evident' that the rate could
be reduced substantially, due to
pnareased grants votious
phalnes of secondary education.
and patrieularly in the vocational
Last year's rate was 12 mills, 'so
the 3-mill reduction for 1966 tax.
ation purposes presents a low of
nine mills.
Mrs J. G. Spelr is a patient in
Wingham Hospital.
We are pleased to report that
Walter S. Scott, who was hospital-
ized for some time. is now visit-
ing with members of his family
and is enjoying improved health.
Last Thursday Clarence and.
Mrs. Martin were at Aurora, home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Quante:,
parents of Mrs. Fred Martin,
owing to the death of Mr.
Quantz, who passed away sud-
denly Tuesday evening.
Lynn Cousins, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Cousins had the
misfortune to suffer a broken
collar bone, in a fall, last week.
BILL WALKER is now in his
fourth season as moderator of
CBC-TV's popular panel show
FLASHBACK. One of the top-
rated shows oil Canadian tele-
vision, FLASHBACK is seen
every Sunday on the (;BC-TV
Daylight Saving Time comes
into effect here at 12.01 a.m.
Sunday morning. It would be
advisable to set your timepieces.
AliEneD one hour before retiring
this Saturday night,
The change-over to Daylight
Saving Time is more or less
general. There are only a few'
centres who still adhere to
year round. Standard Time.
"Daylight Saving" will con»
tinue in , effect until the last
week-end in. Ocober,
Dear MT. Editor:
As a life long resident of this
district, a tax payer and voter in.
Brussels for over twenty five
years, I. want to dedicate this
letter to our present council.
At the annual Telephone meet-
ing Mr. Dan 'MacTavish, a com-
missioner for many years, tend-
ered his. resignation. Mr. Men-
Tavish, of mature years, 'no
doubt thought ne was entitled
to live, a few years without any
more service to the public. al
public that sometimes is more
critical than kind. As a com-
missioner he was always faithful
to his convictions, and right or
wrong, he did his duty as he
thought best for the 'Brussels,
Morris and Grey Telephone9
System. According to the Brus-
sels Post you re-elected him at
the last council meeting.
We have in our village young
men who are capable of filling
this • position equally as well.
Young men who are raising fam-
ines nnd the renumeration would
be most beneficial to them.
Gentlemen, you have made a
mistake. Go to Mr, MecTavish
and apologize, then release him
from this absurd and ridiculous
Now a question please. From
Newfoundland to B.C. arrange-
ments are being made to celebrate
Centennial year. Large Cities,
to the smallest hamlets are pre-
pa ring plans, doing something.
Elven Grey and 'Morris town-
ships have plans underway,
Probably yon didn't know that
1967 is Canada's Centennial year.
Will there be, a public meeting to
do something, or will it be behind
closed doors (The, Iron Curtain)?
Yotir's truly,
A. •Local Taxpayer.
in 1754 the fleet wheat grown in
'west was seeded in valley of
Car-rot River in Saskatchewan,
by the Chevalier de la Come,
Car "Borrower' Adde
Insult To Injury
The party who took a 1964
Chevrolet Biscayne from the
M.cCutcheon Motors lot during
the early hours of Sunday morn-
ing, did not have either a long,
or enjoyable ride in it.
After helping himself to the
ear he Promptly ran into a tree
in front of the home of W.J.D.
Cardiff, only two blocks from•
the car lot, smashing the grill,
headlights and fender.
Perhaps, after surveying the
damage, he decided the car would
not be of much use to him for he
returned it to the spot from -which
he had removed it. Unfortunately
for McCutcheon Motors his driv • -
ing ability had not improved after
his encounter with the tree. In
backing the car into place he
came into contact with. a huge
plate glass show' window, shatter-
ing it.
The O.P.P. of the. Wingbaln,
Detachment are investigating
this inept "take-away".
The annual spring bazaar of the
Walton unit of Duff's UCW was
held in the. Sunday school rooms
Mrs. Wm. Coutts, president of
the unit, received the guests,
assisted by Mrs. Leonard Leem-
Easter lillies and spring flowers
afforded a seasonal setting.
Mes. Walter 'Bewley extended a
welcome to those present before
declaring the bazaar officially
Those in charge of the various
counters were: fancy work,
Mrs. Mac Sholdice and. Mrs. Nel-
son. Reid; aprons, Mrs. Peter
McDoeald and Mrs. Cecil Lydiatt;
quilts, Mrs. Ernest Stevens; bak-
ing table Mrs. Ronald Bennett
Mrs. Jack Ewing; baking table 2,
Mrs, Allan McCall, Mrs. Arthur
Higginbotham; candy, Mrs. Doug
las Ennis, Mrs. Earl Watson;
touch and take, Mrs. Leonard
Leeminga Mrs. Jack Gordon:
miscellaneous, Mrs. James Clarke,
Mrs. Roland Aphilles.
The bazaar committee in char-
ge, was composed or Mrs. Allan
McCall, Mrs, Howard Ha.ckwell
Mrs. Herbert Traviss, Mrs. Ed-
ward Miller, Mrs, Nelson Marks,
And Mrs Mac Sholdice,
Mrs, Allan Searle, Mrs. Ian
Wilbee, Mt's. Ed n a Tin ckwell,
and WITS, Gerald Watson super-
vised the serving of lunch.
Direct assistance to over 24,164
cancer patents was provided lest,
year by the Canadian. Cancer
Clean up your property now!'
Spring Time le
Clean ,Up Time
Now is the time to clean up,
paint up and beautify our home
surroundings and make B1113505
really "Ontario's Prettiest Vil-
Homo owners can do much, with
little expense and a few hours of
energy devoted to making their
homes, lawns, and gardens pre-
sent a more pleasing eppearance.
Get rid of messy debris, and,
eradicate those unsightly weeds
that ruin the appearance of your
property and spread to that of
your neighbours.
An energetic clean up program
of untidy premises is needed in
certain cases.
Some fresh paint, additional.
bright flower beds and lawns
well groomed impress on passers
by that Brussels ,residents take
Pride in the aPpearance of their
' homes and their village and that
this is not only a pleasant place
to visit, but to live. It also in-
creases the value of your prop-
erty. ,
There will he longer evenings
to enjoy outdoor work with. Day-
light Saving Time coming into
effect this Sunday, so let us all
get going on a real "smartening
up" campaign now.
The Village Council requests
that all property owners co-
operate in cleaning up their