HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-04-14, Page 3Respectively submitted, Monteith, Monteith, & Co. Chartered Accountants. License Number 2776 Date of March 31st, 1966 Total ' Debentufes Assumed from Other Municipalities Temporary Loi,ns Other Liabilities Unexpected. Debenture Proceeds fave8tment Capital Assets Gash in Bank 5,451.31 5,451.31 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31. 1965 ASSETS 307,000.00 366,492.14 59,34190 39,000.00 5,096.33 139,795.35 610,728.22 Taxes written off Institutional and Public Utility ljefictts and Levies Provided Cemeteries 450.00 Capital Dxpenditure out or Revenue Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates 4,7;08540 Police village Rates 534.05 Prevision for -Deferred Revenue 1,076.46 Cross Total Expondiliiro 76.41 972.25 Licenses and Permits (include dog tux Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. Other Revenues - Fines Service 'Charges 950.91 140.00 Miscellaneous Sales Tax Refund School Audits Gross Total Revenue 300.00 2,500.00 15.34 810.00 2,391.84 1,048.66 2,000.00 1,090.91 1,000.00 257,770.76 261,807.00 1257,770.76 261,807.00 $1,450.00 6,326.53 441.14 8,217:68 8,450.00 45,155.82 29;592.46 Eidueatioa, including debt charges Recreation and 'Community Services Debt Charges Long-term debt charges Less own share of school debt elthmes Government Enterprises: Ontaric., - 1-1.E.P.G. in lieu of taxes 15.34 otal Revenue Section EXPE General Government Executive and Legislative Administrative Other 257,770.76 261,807.00 NDITURES Protection to Persons and Property Fix° Fox Bounty Law .Enforcement Street Lighting Protective Inspection, Weeds Other, Flood Conrol. Warble Ply Livestock Damage 433.32 276.00 31.00 605.11 38.80 1,402.23 1,041.53 153.50 3,981.49 3,472.00 Public Works - Roads, High- ways and Streets, 50,115..65 57,000.00 Sanitation and Waste Removal 301.00 150.00 Social Welfare Child Assistance 497.28 Welfare Assistance 621.80 Institutional Dare 2,480.90 Welfare Adnidnistration 60.00 3459.98 2,550.00 72,503.67 ° 72,480.00 1,375.00 1,500.00 THE BRUS3111L8 PO Ti BRAJESE,44 ,ONT.11E14 THURSDAY. A.1%11, 14th, 1966 • HIP OF •.,GRAY Au. Report 28th *well, 1966 The Reeite. CeuuellierEl and Ratepayers, TOw,ushiP Grey;, gthel, Ontario. , Pear §1111; AS per your •instructions we have completed the audit of the of the books and accounts of the TwirnIaliip of Grey and the Weal hoards Or the year ending 31st, December, 1960, and, have pre- pared the various statements and schedules as irequired by the DepartMent of Municipal Affairs. The operations of the Township General Account for uie yea.r• stilted in a surplus of $208,29 as. Set out * Statement D, The ac- cumulated surplus at 31st De- cember, 1965, is $25,450.84 as set out in Statement C. The temporary loan balance of $40,000.00 on. Statement B is in excess of the maximum allowed by Section 329 of the Municipal Act. Once again we would re- commend that you budget for a surplus each year for the, next few years to remedy this situat- ion. Subject to the qualification con- cerning temporary loans, we hereby report that in our opinion: 1) the financial transactions which have come under our notice have neen within the, powers of the municipality. 2) the audit has been conducted in accordance with the in- structionc of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 3) the financial statements present fairly the financial Position of the municipality as et, 31st December, 1965, a.id the results of its oper- ations tor the year ended on that date. In conclusion we wish to ex- press our appreciation for th,- co- operation which we received from the officials of your township with whom we were in contact during the course of our audit. CAPITAL, AND. LOAN BALANCE SHEET Pecerilber 31, 1905 ASSETS QeMlred, 4,kkv .0 w40), Ratepayers (f4 4)01,NA,Atrureti) ano Coutintlation 4(4044,70 aau 111 Il 50.4*3!40,•:' iicliciatures Assumed by Other Municipalities Accounts lteccivasie 1)40 from Other Funds LIABILITIES Drainage (other than General) Schools Public and Continuation 307,000.00 Accounts Receivable Province of Ontario Other Municipalities -Other Funds Kunicipal Drains aDrailnsnicAlipa '[axes Receivable Other Local. Boards and 'Commissions Police "Village of Ethel Other Funds Capiltal rand Municipal Drains Deferred Re,venuo Surplus Total Liabilities and Surplus REVENUE FUND SURPLUS ACCOUNT December 31, 1965 Debit Credit Balance at January 1, 1965 22,991.46 Surplus or dehit inchided in 'Current, Budget AdjusLuient8 affecting: operations of previous years 1964 Provincial Road Subsidy Underes Gm a te 2,251.00 Dalance after above adjUstinents SurplitS or Deficit for the year 208.29 TetalS cif Delift• and Credit col-11111as _ZIttIatineOf SttrplUS.0 befiCit at December .:11,1.066 STATEMENT OF'REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Fvr ;1U year et-PUG! DeceMber 31, 1966 REVENLg • '40AI P.00.40, Total .11ovenue .frcnn Taidtlo4 . • 0.($0.6464i 4;100040.0V t.oilg• 1 urns. Lein Lagq,e's 4tecovet41)10: ,44.99,9.V C; outs urants anu .6ubsidies• ••• liovernuients; Ontario - Weifaie Assistance 2,473.4,3 ilighway impro•veinent u9,374,14 Unconditional Per Capita Grants 5.727.00 Other, Warble Fly 520.77 76.195.89: •. :$4,307.4* Other Municipalities, Relief 20.42 Fox .13ounw, 296.uo Sanitation 120.00, County, in lieu of taxes 1u9a, 53L76 772.150'. • 300.00 15,563.36 Short-term interest and other charges 2,720.91 18,284,27 18,000.00 2.00 $25,450.84 '.111i111118' for the Year Total •DipetiditUre• Section 180.14 7,233.19 6,402.56 25.450,84 • .$139,794.35 44,339.45 Total Assets Temporary Loans .Accounts Payable Sundry Interest LIABILITIES $85,122.51 40,000.00 937.46 3,600,00 3,600.00 11,154.82 24,151.47 24.46 11,155.82 44,339.45 180.14 13,635.75 1,318.32 25,460.84 $85,122.51 Balance 22,991.46 25,242.55 316.332.6.0 di),011.30 V1,3Zi5.76 7,23344 610,728.22 4490592.14 450.00 49,975.92 50,000.00 47,619.35 47,615.00 1,076.46 257,562.47 261,217.00 257,562.47 261,217.00 208.29 590.0e 257,770.70 241,807.00