HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-04-07, Page 2POST, 13.11.USSELS ,oN:Tauo
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THURSDAY, APRIL 7 01) 1900
(Murray Gaunt.
Education. ;NI ittister
Davies indicated this week that
all elenicuelary school teachers
in 01il,41'1U must eventually have
a University educati,on. HQ
anounced a long term program
in the Legislature with this
.objective but said no major
parts of the program would be
implemented this year.
The Program. will provide for
the eventual integration of Ont-
ario Teachers' Colleges into the
Z; M\ ersitieSI The first phase of
the program would reqnire that
all proepective elementary
school teachers be qualified for
University adavissioin land that
they take a two year coarse. in,
colleges affiliated with the Uni-
versities. The Second phase
would extend the period of UM,
.versity training to 3 years and, the
third phase for 'four years. The
new Plan will not affect those
now teaching or taking teach-
ing courses.
The /Ontario Liquor Control
Board announced it will intensify
its testing of all beer and ale
brands sold in the province.
The move came within hours of
the announcement that Dow
Breweries Ltd. had closed its
Quebec City plant after two of
its I muds :vele suspected of con-
tratlYng to a number of heart
The L.C.B.O. normally tests
each of about 1,000 brands of
alcoholic beverages sold in the
province on a rotation basis.
An Act to amend the munici-
pality of Metropolitan Toronto-
Act was introduced this week. The
will envoke a great deal of
debate with virtually every Metro
member expected to participate
both on 2nd and third readings.
Grade 13 has been undergoing
some serious examination since
1964 with a view to making a/
number of major changes.
The basic complaints are (a)
that the student is required to
study too many subjects. (b )
that the contents of each of the
subjects he does study is so
heavily charged with factual ma-
terial upon whim ne will be ex-
amined that his approach to the
subject. is narrow rather than
wide ranging and philosophic
and (c) that everything depends
limn success at the examinations
be w11 face in June.
in addition many difficulties
are cre.aLPd for the teacher by the
existence of. grade 13 in its 'pre-
ent form.
The original study committee
on grade 13 recommended the es-
tablishment of an extended system,
Of nest-secondary education. The
Colleges of Applied Arts and
Teehnology are intended to serve
this purpeSe. As Well the Com-
mittoe recommended, with re-
•spect to the number of gxades
that Ontario change to a 12 grade
structure, It was against this
background that the 14Pinister of
Education made an announce-
nient outlining the Grade 13
-examination procedure for the
lintriediate tante.
In 1966 Grade 13 exatiiitiatiensi
have been prepared as In the pest.
The examinations will be written
bpfweea June and 24 according
to a published schedule and will
be marked centrally by appointed.
examiners )1'QQ), the sepoudapy
schools, private schools and nui,
versifies, The final mark will
consist of 35% teacher's imuls:
and ti5% examihation mark.
in 1967 Glade 13 students will
Write tests prepared by the
newly formed serviee for admis-
sion to College cud University.
These tests will include an apti,
tude test and achievement tests.
In order a make a smooth trans-
ition the Department will con-
tinue to have Grade 13 exam-
inations. The teacher's mark will
remain at 36 per cent.
In 1963 no Grade 13 examin-
ations will, be set. University
Tile Canadian Cancer Society
maintains that only through re-
search can the 'cancer problem bp
completely solved. 4111104t halt' at
the Society's inofnes.,, collected
during its April campaign, goes to
the Natinonal Cancer institute or
Qatiada — its professional affiliate
-- to support cancer research
projects in many parts of Canada.
Your donation to the Canadian
'Cancer SOCiety will help hasten
the solution to one of the. Most
,cliffien14 problems faeed • • :by' •
modern. •litedieine.
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applicants will again. write the
aptitude and achievement tests
prepared by the service fop ad-.
'mission to College and Unversity,