HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-25, Page 14
MoGILLICUDDY BROS., Pcnuallfilill
S eer Advinfi1togiegI4.
2 Whoa
IZdti=-J. G. Hall.
Auction C.Uurrie.
notion t1k.-J. C. Currie.
For sale or to Let -J. Mosel.
Skating Rink -.1. C. H trrisos.
Card of thanks- .lex Wall/see.
Wanted -Morton d'Creesnian,
Servant eel
Farmers .tttentloa -G. H. Parsons.
Travelling Guide.
Auctionee' ring.
3, • TIONEER. Ooderich, Ont. 1731.
"A ohiel's among ye. tak.in notes.
An' faith hell priest It."
onsor ial. TOWN TOPICS.
thanks tieliE ititespuad blic tor epasirt, plananagb) re=1
solicits' a coutinnance of custom. He min
always be found at Lis Shaving Parlor. near
the Post Ofiloe. Godertch. 1753
Ehe People's Column.
Pass. Exp.*. 7.1.1Cd.
Goderich.Lr 71�un 12.115pin 1.1.5pia. .0min
Seaforth 7O". 1.10 - 4.45" II. °
Stratford. Ar ,R.ljant 2.17ilitn 0.30pm I.0111**
P. Esp. 1111,1.
StratSord.L ‘• 1 Nan, 7.5opin Mn7.11
Se.aforth . 2.17 6.55 LIS ..1
oodericit.Ar 115pin 9.50;nat 11.04am 7.ligmi
Clinton going north ti.Main
Eisp .. Mad. M.
" Jiving south. .3.54pm
Lueknow Stage ,doily, arr. 1 LIU* &ip.
Kincardine •• - 1.0dam Taal
Benmiller t Wednesday and
- Saturday, arrives Lek= '' 9.15
TV learn the carriaze blacksmithing.
Apply us MOP.TON 4 Ctik.SSMAN. 177151t.
swing aad simmer work In towa.
ages WU per usont.i. Apply at this °Mtn.
11-.7 • (4.1,14 gr nem.: *errant wanted at once. A
ammo rt s-cferred. Particulars at Stumm.
Orrice. 1779.
Ji..4 An applications for Licenses for the sale
Dentistry. of Liquor. mum be in my hands before the first
day o: April t,,!."1. STEPHEN l'ATICA, License
1‘,1 NICHOLSON. SURGEON Das. csod,irich. March 1.t. lat. 1776.
L. T1T. 011ice and resislenos. liTem 41tresit.
. three doors b.O.ow Hank of Mootrea- (soda, -
Real Estate.
residence, built anti lately occupies*
the late Charles I tyett. Eel; Tn., Wen
finished throughout with modern convenienc-
e.. Will be wkl cheap. Appir at once to W.
L Creighton. Manager Nink of Montreal.
ifirantiord. 1776-11.
1 wm
.fe tumid us the Huron Road. near the
4..h 0. Goderich Tp.. about the beginning of
Febrisary. The owner can hare it by proving
tqwert) an 1 laaring 'stymies. R. 311L4CK,
D OWN itt'inr, eta 1 1770
Mileetion ail hook accounts, and promiaory
n otes. due him up to Jan ISA. I must request
Out all persons too indebted would call upon
me at once. cad settle. otherwise c ,sts be
incurred. 1 will be hi Dr. Shannon. office
from ten a. ID. to 4 p. m. each dai.
re. of Cultoorse. containing 111 acres. a
azras cleared. balance excellent timber.
a good clay loam. Al this property adjoins
the Point Farm i: is in connenTtence most
J. Wr
I take. this opportunity of tenderiag my
hearty Outului to those gentlemen who came
situated. For particulars apply In J. to my assistance at the alarm of fire oa taun-
t. day luventng, and helped to remove my
JtarcIi lit 1851. stock. furniture. etc. 1 also thank the fire
company for their enema and momptnees in
fighting and thus saving the block.
Al Dunannon. Ifmiles from Ooderieh.
onadming of t of an acre of lend. ooli
• frame house, • good weO rid pump are oho
collie preinlees. the lot' hoe been well im-
proved. Tem.. remeraloy. Perticulars osn
be had train kir. J. M. Poervere. Itterebest.
1-nillitsmeo, or R. Pao. tr. Nile P. e.
KA- M. eerner of Tferm-la nod Feet ....lots. Os
the town of GotkvInk. foe title cheap. or will he
exchanged for form property. For pry -II -liars
a110%.10 JAS. 811.411.1... Architect. (Mee. Cribb.
13 cr J. C. C.4,411.rr. nur*Icr.err
SsIc OD acres. 50 oenis chared .inc-. Ol
fenced. Brick Cottagel5a50, some cellar full
sloe of house. A large ercek rensrourh
e riot. no Waal( lard ert V.,: crest-, very
doe orebard earrounds the house. (Iced born
ood other buildings. Terms %ery afoot. Apr.y
to R. T. Hossein, 1st 16 Le.ke Shore Rota. o
come Tewrorhip, cr 1.4 Cotootow & Pootro
, 00o. :78/1. •
eon,i oneorne. abort seven nL1ca from
,iddetich. ebrapriaicli *scree, 50 cleared. A
"rame bonse. and a r.cw frame tarn 50s9t and
.% stable and otter 'euttotildlogs are on be
orerniers. A !mato cre)isrd aced OtrPC.
or the tarn!. The farn bin t road en two
-ides at it. icor aces of fall o -b -.9.t *miens..
Distant only 1 mile from la pee' office. Tor I
paeitP.rticulars apply to W. erortoo, Shoopord- ,
:741 e, •'t".
tt 1.1 795. oso of Ar. sere. .1.4
1 orhord atol eel are et. tht lot; also 7,ccid
tsrift water e steno The be.- No a wood
▪ eUtty and woodrhod, ;nil ie yea eorvt r ler t.
Et? partieulsts uppfy to PAN7D
on Ike orentieen meow,
• .
0,J Peet ce. Alt sale oe to rent, olth : acro
;and. Ptoek an tomh cod rood. WIllsell on en7
NWT terms. having other torlocia to tittered
re. F,•r forthetopartionlam apply to IL T.
11 %vers. Menlo° nem, of Ned. wive.% mat of
lwt 5, (-II the 3td con., Atithfictd. flood Or -
Frame Ititoomatide r table rtrty metes
;rarest and well ?envoi. SOPIT to Golitts0P
PRot Prom. 141.
Lot 11. Con. it, Township 09 Colborne. Co.
eontatnieg 98 acres 73 of which aro
-Oared and In ti anual ',tate of cultivaUon.
There Is a frame Haase Wale with cellar ,in.ler
: nu whole. kitehrw 16111, wend shed Ion,
:table 1/120, for berme, alto oow stable Dolt.
There Is a well telth a raver faille); toting.
%al a treed Tomer orchard with about 40 trees.
elected. Terms cagy. For rt1iri SPDTY
3 Timm Ati WATFOr, I erprfeter. (j -bo r te
GARRCW & 11101f0r0O1'. ((r5. -h.
W-t'Llr"-"!1* Thursday Mr John C. Conic
See Mr. Alex Wallace's card of thanks
in snutht r column.
Mr. A. G. Hodge, of the St. James
Hotel, Toronto, was in town during the
week, visiting his parents and friends in
Goderich and vicinity.
Rime &Tara SalZ. -The vacant lot
on the center of the Square and Ernst
known as the McConnell property,
will be put up fur sale by auction on Sa-
turday, April 16th.
ANDailwa' BAZAR for March is a decid-
ed iinprovement over any previous num-
ber. Always in the front rank of
ladies' publications, it is now der -vin
of any terms of praise.
Dominion $1 notes, with the " use
erased and "four substoutod, are in
circulation. The forgery ta very clusasily
done, and can be detected by an as-
stant's exannnation. „
Front the report relating to the regis-
tration of births, marriages and deetha
in the Province of olden° for the year
erelhig 31st December. 1879, we learn
thst in Huron there was 1,815 births,
415 marriages and 661 deaths,
Uiog.t& BkOWN's PoitTltarTS. -Gude
rich subscribers to the Globe and Sweat
can get their copies of Hon. George
Brown's i.ortreit be calling at this office.
The likeness is good, and the engraving
very well finished.
Avenel, Saw or FiatilTtliF.. -The
e a of
vaithetakfundte oseeereutoketwnedresider.cohY Mean'
Auction Sales. win handle -ko ummer.• The hos of
articleb appears tn. another celumn.
.. TOWN PROPERTY. The want lot
eft norser of EmitStare ,t andr.Court H01111141
$cowls, krown as the MeCoo•ill pmperty„
hermit a frentege of IS ft. 8 In. on the Souare.
wilt Ile void by trill,. auction. on seertett-
DAY. APRIL 'eth I981, at 11 o'e!ock p.
This is a et rner lot toad o le of th4t nwattellgiblo
blighters /Pea In town. It will he put on sub-
ject to th reserved Ind. Other partioub%re
made 'sown at tines of ea.e. J. C. C1711RiE,
plerart Fornituire. ("am Paboings
Silverware. Olossware. Crockery. ttr.
3 am favored with instroettoes from Mrs.
Drot to sell Pe..11c Auction on bee prerma
DA . MARCH 31 1101. the following
--.. •
Comprising Low_Neei_111 eon 4, -1
the TOWIlPhip of wan erawareitte teleurne
,n the late Mr. Chitties MeDenitld. nottOning
toe ((It' in all. Over that, a'w-s are
cleared. There are over 15 acres et good hard
000d. and the bolance cedar amt PIM %WC.
A small Frame noose sod a Well aro also on
premise's. A mad creek runs throalt bit
!aim. Forparticulars apply -0 JAWS* Taint -
q.. tJuapUenfla. or to Moo Werusect,
orlothoe. matt.
r dea,rable reaboa.' tprinerly the rra-
perty of John Moiety $sq. bad krowo
ins Relieves. together wilt. t woo) AO -wiled.
20 acres in ertent. cf sildriosbee I. 9 areal ere
covered by orcturd, 101 atm* .cddetalr414111
fruit tritest Inter. wed LIR:dice garnit -
hoIs coennwPilise and Darren -kW r,./40.1ki:
tot 13 -0.-ID'. good cells/num• _wooBir.1;-r,
oet a well 'Implied with hard rad soft wsle.
out comprise NahlMs fet Lour
horses, , ow slants, 5 ertmlege ho dallacne=
tette oepr all wv. nits_eecoetty p
deemed wear the Over trait and about tortes
from tosietich. Tale IndIsputatte. Apyht
Ma. Jowl Mone. Oederict. or to W. 4.
to ALSes. jeweibir. NOM) Name 'it. Meatiest
e revklenee of Mrs. Woofer, on
ilst t.f FurnAu-e kc.: 3 Deriving Room
Chaim, Napoleon Choir. Enin. Wytneteen (*en-
try! Table 8cC!n•h. Easy chair. Fender Stool.
Carpet. 1rarth Pus. 5 Pah% to`co• .1*Pts
in 9. Flarl4w. Stmettnen Glasser, Flower Maud.
Card Eir.sket, Card Reoeiver. Worked Otto-
man N'tsic Stand, Wlsat-lest. 2 roles Cnirtnine,
• pafictit 'retie. 2 Pal Halt
Pet Peek. 3 colo.7tor rage. Soatr Carom and
Reds. dna retina 2 reeve,- teeing :teem
Chare, rt, t c oca e.irm ?bade. PairCahn rower Iota teeereletet sad &ea
5 Ornre.tental caner!. 1,1127 Table
and (loth, Piraw Tire Semen, 3 Iloterees.
Fairs ?Ever carekqicks. !e.-. 're Iron/land
Ftarda. 3 Coal ted.". 3 Tette: Glosses. 3.1ted-
nsa4o and Watt:ewes, itertoca. strain -1v,
tail Tchkit, '2 Bedroom sets.
Small !test and Mot Itittroom
Draggy:. Pair CO! Petro nfl f*orektisp. 2
Corloo no. 2 Endo -it Teloce, gitehen Clotho.
Dumb water. ialtehoi Clock. 2 tem of Meat
C•ovem, 4 Trays, 6 Lane-Ilet on% 'lions.
Fix*rr Glesica, 5 Champagne. 6 Lames, 22
V. rine Gloom& 2 Hyacinth ft:rooro 9 Claret
DV. Cetery Gime. *liver Teapot. Silver
of newt, oink '.01V•31` q-tter ihiph,
411v re Forotand. Cake-backct. 2 4 r,let-Stlindl.
9 WI/it rk.11.11tarli, Mama...de rash. 2 Cheese
dishes. 7 Fenft dishes. glum I. !teat Safe, 1 set
rd Trutt knives and forks. 4 Sitter t-.7ide dishes.
pulr cr Crimson Curtains, Colton* Str•Ito11.
err. Together with s lot of other ese114i Lad
amental artSclea too nutaorrna mention..
Terms: Caph; and no renerre Sete begins
sharp .t 3 o'clock rt. .1. C.DR.R1k.
• Outcer.
Oodesich, 1Ctit March. Mt.
14 a sidendld farm of NO atom rornprOi. c
has of 1.877 ern t, Went Wawanoph
oneth . and balance in Frond hard.
4112_,6"re!„ tctierdivatev1 &beet • mile hon. Auburn
r."'"""•,, 'O., 'be sell il ri. and a newt fronts
and kit ri, asci st mall horn
"10111_, OIL, si farm ere w a ram orchard.
42"'" 011 t" Saga, and Mertes are powett wish
`-°5ttt•P enamor ranee Mao a 50 ante
Atli rt• s north half of north half of 104
11111". known • IV/monads with Mg boor and
ikoon &Asked it wares am awed. "t41 mr"._o_wi° ft. Arnow the .,uilsoce 'o eit
weedy 'me foto 19 acril of 1411 *hew 1711
bard weal both. goss, 5
11/11/441 la ,,110s't& 1,of tali
to TIRONAS tit '
cayse to_M• himit • emu
,,,,, 14* 11
IWO. -..-.....-__
Nott- -to LOotosibt on Foo third DIM., the
wife 0 Mr. Jain Sett, V. ri., ti o dambter.
neetiost-In :Rtokrtb, no the nth inst.. the
with of Mr..1. FP, Benson. eta 4togiiitov.
Scetto-Io Seatarth, on iest.. tho wits of
.1.0, Seett, /It. D., 012.,ili.Ingladr.
itonw-ti... 1.irsielleis, on MO nth IWthr wife
. of PAY. J. item. eases. .. .
cash- -1.. iln-q, on U.. 1Cth. in• -e... the vi:e of
' Mr. ...otre Cash, era len
Shotatrolo ninny, on the tint last. the 'sire
of Mr. P EluelotrJr., o...-.. ,latighter.
:Can -To eraterth, rr the erd tart., the .tic
of Me. Thomas M. Joellt, of a eaurater
ltang-de Coece eh or Menet tnet. Pie pito
of 11.1. Ramo, loholoall 01Ovide:ioli 7141t
Oiled. of s daullitter•
Doorteru -it Gods:et, c: *;ou. ?.‘,6 .11t,_ ,1,01
wit,* COW. Dlirlia"S. hi assiecealt (bit Mrn•
NW Malt. of ogee.
Cot 5o:terries. ..i (trey Olt Vrl
viarlr. ..1111111b
tint, P. Jeer:, Air. Junes 4 'Utt. kr
L. A. Omerins. an of ore..
ttclree entatlot To Dr. nets. on I.I.e 14th
tam., lay Me Rev. J. *i0. Ir W. R.
julier. cf Sbertrrn•.• 1) Mira Kline E. 34.
1t91, If ltesernete.
:op 1.- Sr Agri* at UM fee.ter evi
brae', f.'her ne weeeet.la 1,e, 1
• 'Wt.. Si, the Pato T. Ityor. Mr. wows .
tet tlasatoto, to "V. v oeood Imo
ertiitwhar.f r.lo_e.virnttrt
rmemollts,-,;, t.,0 zwit 7 0,
Wit 1....11,, by t,:eu s'W. r Tt-an Mr. VrIllawm
PtiftrIale. •-f ?Sem'. to Mies Rise
Campbell, tritesLaiseggtbihiry nett,. (4,7itimais, . lowtrA'.4.
irettIell. to 741,a Mary alle.Tatorbtio. la cf.
Ilic1.airr.iir .1.tiri.,n1, in tire o ow Vrevinee
darf ,taa Mak_,IVOL. by Rev. '1" Johnstone.
Mr. Meese Met.aughlh% Jr. to Miss Namur
et Clairtrled6, ail of wee,.
. •4111111.
1/1j11 ;n 4;CIT`4,, 'w St",•,,,,ereerla, *tenet tote
r+fmostoolas. biro Mom" Moto aged
et rears.
Mrlrioar In Osodor, h. it 1.14. Ziro lost .
islIflOsioniseil. halsond olio of Me John
PA , VInsr, aired al root
rhe fneertil will tate lie". 'IT fl% be -soi
i..""r-4 1,,,-bc't Art4t14.41,!4,,,a7;.".1
' Le Towin.•- -Mr. Wallooe, watch-
maker. cf Lneknow. was in town during
the week, eieiting his parents,. He re-
portel usinese ie his line 34.'4 in the
"Sepoy but says they have the
Dakota fiyer ball M that neighbor-
hood -•
• PeESONS Teeny flieeds et Mar-
shall Wrle.t. (BigeWright) will be pleas-
ed to learn that his stmely form will soon
be seer. again in our • r'idst--he bating
accepted the positlen of chief clerk of
"'Pre Poiret Ferns " for the approaching
dig else
ri 6•e
The tenterie, ei the Iteatty iine, .1 to
be &telt ccs e.-"!.. new c empourd engines
built exererety 'tie her Meesrx
of St. Caelrertnes. • Tt is overfeed that
tEc1250 05 these ergines rill result in a
great savtte cf f ed, :rid if he: experi-
ence of the sea,sIm p7eye thin tt'n be cor-
rect sitniiar nzince will l:e laced in
othor ' thr.: samc
11 will get Tan linson &Mem. for the
balance of 1881. fiend it to absent
The High School Literary Society will
meet this evenuig. We understand that
a good programme will be offered for
Mr. Justice Morrison will preside ai criticism.
The lecture and concert in Convent
Lecture and Consort Os Genveat Mali In
the Amixes which begin on Monday,
April llth. •
The Audit of the County and Gov-
ernment accounts will be held at the
office of the Cterk of the Peace on April
Samos. -Mr. McNair, the seedsman, is
making preparations for big sales this
spring. He has a splendid assortment of
field seeds, and his supply of garden and
flower seeds are from several of the most
reputable houses. We are pleased to
see 'Mr. McNair around again, after
three week's severe illness,
1111011.111aTio14 Fol THIL PCSLIC. -
-Notices of births, marriages and deaths
are inserted in TH1 SIGNAL free of
charge, but do not appear unless hand-
• ed in at the office or sent by mail by Thurs-
day morning of each week. Those who
, wish te hat e such notices appear will
, bear this in mind, and need not expect
that in addition v. making no charge we
should emp/ey e special agent to celled
•uch itou•
Wm. John Hall, jr., of Ashfield, was
on the 21st inst., committed by Win.
Mallough, Esq. J. P., to stand his trial
at the Aasizes, charged with rape on the
person of Ann Maud Ewing, of Aishfield,
un the evening of the 6th inst.
Mr. H. P. O'Connor, of 'Walkerton,
a former resident of Goderich, will con-
duct the Crown business at the ensuing
Spring Assizes. The criminal docket is
as follows: -Queen vs. Squier, fraud;
Queen va. Aiming, assault,. Queen vs.
Walwin, assault; Queen ve. Rapson, for-
gery and false pretences; Queen vs.
Hall, rape; Queen vs. Rolph, assault.
ENTIRE HORSES rua 10w4. -Mr. W.
L. Ferguson, left Colborne on Wednesday
for the State of Iowa, with three splen-
did stallions, named "Young Crown
Prince," "Huron Boy," and "Fogland's
Glory." They are fur the improvement
of stock in that prosperous state
Hall, on the evening of the 17th inat.
(St. Patrick's Dly) was well attended,
and was fairly successful, financially and
otherwise. The chair was occupied by
ex -Mayor Doyle, who discharged the
duties of the position in his usual ac-
ceptable manner. The opening instru-
mental solo, "Souvenir du Theatre
Italian," by Mrs. O'Loane, wee charm ing-
ly rendered, and proved conclusively
that this lady is thorough mistress of
even the most difficult pieces of piano
music. Miu Robinson's rendition of
"The Star of Glengary" was well given,
and gave fair scope for the rich, full
voice of which she is possessed. The
Misses Cooke sang effectively "I saw
from the Beach," and "Gently Sighs the
the Breeze," and were duly appreciated.
In "Killarney" and "Terrence's Fare-
well to Kathleen," Mr. Robinson appear -
"Young Crown Prince," a three' year old ed to advantage, but we question the
dappled brown, sired by the celebrated I propriety of the substitution of "McSorle
ey's Beautiful Twins" for sopure a genas
'"Kathleen M avourneen. The latter ee
is a touching piece of nice senti-
ment and of much power, while the
former is a rollicking, devil-may-care
ditty, bordering on the coarse side, and
suggestive of Mickey Free andlis com-
rades around a camp fire, or a knot of
genial, not -over -particular goseoons whil-
ing away the time around a, jug of
"mountain dew." Besides, " Kathleen
Mavonrneen" was to have been sung by
Miss Robinson, and many of the audi-
ence regretted that she did not sing it,
even tilout;'.1 the lively ,,hise-
tory of tho yng euMeSorleye, given by
her substitute. Two ercellent readings
entre given by Mire Maitnie Mac-
dermott, "The Orange and the Green"
being particelarty will renlierud. Mise
Itllactlermott liaa t teond presence, hoe
articulation it distinct, aniL when word
painting, alio utiliects grneefe1 motion to
eraphasizci her eft-et:ince. Min 1/oyle
• I
Presided at tiet.piFio, and When we say
The tiaras 0*11naday Evening. Narrow she maintained hr okl,time " r5pu"t.on,
L'eaPt .1 414""e" Tura". and ."6"1- further comment iiiineocceseee.
ware store.
"Crown Prince)," a horse that has always
n considered one of the beat in his
Mr V,nror, writing to the Albany A r- class as a stock -getter, and is one of the
finest types of the pure Clydesdale clan
we have seen in Western Ontario for
many a year. " Huron Boy 15 a pure
.1... says " The spring will be fairly
early, hot mid dry, and the midsummer
cool and wet The autumn promises to
open, dry tine. There to likely Clydesdale, sired by "Young IN hat s
to be a great deal of sickness during the Wanted," a horse that has taken more
year, but the. weather- except in a few prizes for his age in our leading exhibi-
tions than any heavy horse we know if.
He never missed a prize, and always first
at that. "England's Glory" is a smooth
limbed, well formed, black general pur-•
pow bermHe lies left some very line
stock. Indeed, when wo mention " Ohl
to weien to credit the following, but England's Glory' as his sire, and the fact
it coetains troth as well rgi alliteration : that the son is an lwnor to the noble sire,
imitated sections -will be favoiable to
the aericulturist. The winter of 1882 bids
fair to be open and generally mild, with
but few, aiitl those short-iived, storm
periods. •* .
.. A Poe Feu. OF P's. --We do net know
" Proverbial philosophi. -Persons who we csnnot speak
or the pecuniary prospects oi the press h, mos ewe ae eract ei tee,. of
) ,• • e
have peculiar power in pushieg forward
public prosperity. if the prieter is paid him getting top prime fur his splendid
promptly and his pocket -bock is kept anin'a17- -
plethoric, by prompt paying petrons, he .
in higher terlus. Mr.
•rat.' onize prpere shoel pay ProullAlro Foreueon may well Mho a •pride in all
q.S. TOM_ it.too!to -1 he North St.
Methantint Olitreh Sunday* teat -
pe: -rice eterotint be h'ld ;p the lec-
ture roem ce. Tues -my, 29th, at 7:36t A
programme censieting of -reading, 7aCi-
tatiOna, dialogues and ruesie will be
submitted, and its the admission is free,
n lotto turnOlt expected. About
21A wht attend the Sur.1 ay School have
signed tho pledge.
Tl e March Canada richool Journal
says: It iwa rstifyinc, fact that, while a
large nritnher.. of tr.einbers during the
last session :A Parli.mbint spoke in favor
of ,Aitteiling the eowart of Public Scheel
Inspectors, only cam votekie note of
complaint has been soutoled during the
present ulster. Mr. 'lose, of Huron,
deserves the gostitude of the profession
for the tnaniy way In which he defended
this Inspectori, as well as f,r the intelli-
gent interest he Mhos in education gen-
alucatiored somnembnlist
r ea Fast t should nentmber that
progressivo 'I:elem.:ere are not to be
diem -edited rthrown by Rip Van
Winkle'. •1 d tete *
Jim 1.0 ea i
won of Rey. Dr. Williams
lote, ream:4 delivermi .n [Ay -km w.
Aim IWO* o i.s.tt place eve:
• •
pelts hie pen to hisLpaper in peace; his
paragraphs t.re more pungent end pointe
ed, lie paints his pictures ef passing
et ente in more pleasing colors, and the
perusal of his raper is a pleasure to the
people. P -ate this in your pocket -
1001 - •
A hialtaou Escarg.-On Tliireday,
the 17th intt., Mr. W. Seats, livery
man. was ioroceeding up the hill near
Well's brewery, his horse suddenly
started, pi ecipitating the vehicle over
du precipice. 'A companion of Mr.
Stott% jtimped out, but the latter, the
buggy ani the horse rolled down the
hill a distance of about sixty eet, fortu-
nately without any injury, lave a broken
shaft. e understand that about two
yams Le a woman :433t her life about
this spot . and it in tin.e that railing or
other pretection was pet up by the
authorities. It is Vet clamorous s place
to Ina; e unguarded.
DIaln;u1111 AND ROASKIA.-- Tho
01 &rye? says: 1,. man named Whitley
R.bert s, who said hit hoine was in
Ooderieh, Ont., was picked tip in the
streets of Port Huron last Saturday
evening insensible. When he came to
no stated that he had been employed in
the w'. xis by a lumbeeing firm for the
past lilt' moths and had only arrived
in Port Huron en Friday 'evening.
Satur.lay evening lie went into A aloon
on Butler eireet. This is the lest be re-
membered of his whereabouts. When
he went into the saloon he had $22.50
and when found tho small sum of one
cent was all that his ii,)elio% contained.
The tiottors pve it as the'r opinion that
the yen had been dreggel and rob-
A Diao•141. 1'ART1 :inset tee ,'r. ---The
emievant party which left h .re on Thine-
Pithis-c1, N,tels, .l -ata. ',Tut
Nivel Re•dinF. 'was handled in a man-
ner t) at nould not but ennvince the
bearer tater the lecturer perfectly nnder-
steed hit sub_eeet extol was thorough
market f a. His review of this elan of
literature In the ritrifiva Magma throne%
which it has named dining this last few
centuries, wo% pregnant with koen crit-
icism and eenetrating teought Many
of the !eviler authors feral but 11 nn.
der his scathing ertticiams. The lisetnee
throughout showed that it wan not eom pos-
4.1 01 homily formed opinitus, lint was
mature judgment arrived at after careful
moldy and a 1 .ng bfe experienee. The
)toter held 13'10 audience in *lea. *Atari
tam for et:minis of an hour, and, on re
dot) morning of hut week, have had •
ratl. uncommon experieace. They did
nut reach the american border until the
eve ting that day, when they to -ere
forted to remain on the Canadian Nide
mei next morning. A nuniber of their
pa ey were heavily mulcted in duties on
, sto ..k and other farm property, rniteh
their disgust and disappointment, and
th • mutterings sgainat this merle ..f en-
le inring emigration 011 the part ef the
1:•utesi States Gevernment, were loud
and deep. Upon reeehint. Chicago on
Seturday, it woos found that a mew -
1 !orkeicle had set in, and Cie party had
et remain until Wednesdey. before they
eauld leave the Monne cry. lied the
'rain run on time, the travellers weillo
!vete arrived in Dakota nn Tires...lay last.
Remover Ai moat of the thelerich people
had friends in Chieego, tong stay
Tho lecture by 31r. •inhti R. Jonas was
At about 8 o'clock on Sunday evening' looked upon by teary as the treat Of the ,
evening,- 1..:nliko moat gentlemen of tho
name Of elone...., the lecturer claims to be
an Irishman, aril mama te; take•motw
pride -in beenei eg to the hent that telorket
in the meniery of lleireit Peru rain he
the flames were making considerable would Werethe nel'Tedeetlentsof IslewellYn
headway vi hen the alarm was sounded. sounded. as the &tee:, et his anete
The engine was promptly gut 0;4; and 1 The ancicnt .:•,.1.,•*!•..!s • I ...'.:nd. were dealt
in a compaiatively short time strong !with in a masterly mannee, her feata of
streams were playing on the huildjug in arms and. early educational institutions,
trent and in,rear. It was found that her bards and ststeeincti, her triumphs
the fire had originated is the work olive), and her defeats, her eonqueste and her
at the back end of the building, initler misfortunes. the patriotism ef her men
the stairway, and the effort., of' the and the tirtues of her women, the causes
leanchmen were principally directed try of her early at:cense' and aubeequent
that point. So well did the firemen at- downfall, and the remons why at present
tend to this work that the flames were one of the fairest spots on earth was
confined to a small , area, and with the cursed • as was no other place fico front
exception of the injury done to Mr. eerfdon, were all alltstied to itt a trim -
Storey's property, but little len tt as alla- chant manner. Mn'. jones !poke 'as a
tained. nationalistenol.at times ;le ' enunciated
But for the prompt action of the Fire sentimentathatteere noterelorselbysonsts
Brigade it conflagration of magnitude of his audience, but he souitu earnestly '
weld(' probably have ensued,ofor a num.- 311d well from his ststedmoint. His closing
ber of prominent business stanes imme- I contention was that.if tendloelica as it
diately adjoin Mr. Storey's kidding. now existed in Ireland Ware libniini1114
As it was Mr. 'Wallace, eatchinaker, and it eolitilail statitswere given te KehlMrs.
Mrs. Mellish, dressmaker, and ether such as we had in Canat!a, nodetrpior ea.
neighbors ef Mr. Storey did considerable more progressive people that her inhabir
packing and removing of goods. tants wouid ho found en the earth, Ile
Mr. Storey has been adjudged a lees ended with a brilliant perttentiort-nd emilt
of $500 on the building, but the injury, loudly apnlauiled r,t th i close. By no -
drone to the stock and furniture has not quest he then gave A character:We letter
yet been estimated by the agents .of the from Sir Boyle Porethe to -Tont Vereetrald,
nompanin interested. The iniurances written during tato trotiltkets titnee of
are: British American, $1,tiOth Phoenix i63 and cotictItkled 1,... reciting,
(Kng.) $2,000; London d• lave.rporil .S. Thacki- 'y,'laugliftV., ',,irt-1.141-, ' The
Globe, $800. Shannon's Shore -
Mr. Storey and hitt wife were away •.n The gathering wile brouele. r,. a
a via: t to Toronto when the fire ..ccurred, by the Ringing°, tine "lcetier et .t •
and sere summoned home by telegraph led by Mew Iletrineote.
after tie dimaster. ._
the tintinabulation of the fire alarm had
the effect of emptying the different
churches of their congregations. It was
soon discovered that a fire had broken
out at the rear of Storey's tin •shop, and
annuag hui meat, teeordest % hearty in that aitY In" not wtrmtl" it. •0' 1/(nlig
to f Ottelr M.
iSTILF.N 1145r 15 1111, 4 1,111111.4 141.4K 1. rin r. - --
The Canada Fire et Marine Instirtince Herieg been froeurat eith nuienef-
ef sitting% i/V Mr. F. 1k. W.,Luoiv..., tvor-
Co., by their Adjuster, Mr. 1/urand,
nee can get hie phote ey telling sit
eettled the loos on the building, "e- er will be so ut r•-•' address as
casioned by the recent fire at, $410 to
the entire utiefaction of the proprietor.
Mr. Chrietep`ier Crithh
*ale Iteglorer.
Wednesday, March - Fano, farm
ateek and implements .11.0. Murphy,
lsnt 1, con. 9. K Ashfield,
Currie, nuctionnet.
Thursday, March 31. --Househeie fyle.
niters.. Aet Mrs. Dyett..1. C. Citrrie,
awe toseper
Tneada %arch 21 Farm 'deck aria
implements. Martin Leigh, Lot 7, c'm.
5, 3 D 4410140.1, .1 retreie. 5ter41.•ry
air - 0
receipt on reedipt of prier,. Oeto frietm
Cabinet% 215ot 4 0.; 44 ,
P..'0 Paved I • ell I 4.! • I s • S.timis
deso sells his so it ;I,L4 inn -j, ,ti _It !ousts
lowor than any pelfller a.111 de We
guarentee all tanehinn et oh
Stere, niter ti,. ott,
Th. ham!) (mind 111 tho pn.:krq ' the
simmplin Itombakoff. was Me& its itwine
twee nontaintne gless tabus. Two wer•
hIleel with voted, two. with Berthold,
malts: India ribber tithes wit!, {alio inst.
merle to ami • beer hokihnu 1114tro-lify...
erring, emet *sesree. 'ho wieeie
*TM sie 098115 teal three- , ¶5\7t0Il1