The Brussels Post, 1966-03-31, Page 2With expanded warehouse facilities, C-I-L Fertilizer Dealers are now geared to, give you even bet: ter service. An experienced team of technical advisors. is on hand to help you. with your individual farm require- CANADIAV INDUSTR'I 'ES LIMITED ments. Take advantage'of this ex- pert advice. Find out how Super Flow Fertilizers and C-I-L improved service can lead you to higher yields and increas- ed profits. See your C-I-L Fertilizer Dealer today.! SUPER FLOW FERTILIZERS LOCATED AT: BLYTH, 'PHONE 523-4241 LUCKNOW, PHONE 528-2026 STORE HOURS OPEN FRIDAY INITE 'TILL 10 P.M. FROM APRIL lst 'TILL XMAS TO FALL IN LINE WITH SURROUNDING TOWN; CLOUD SATURDAY Nrrc many; Aug. 12, with Anstria- . age ry ; Nov.'r:;, with Turkey; Oct. 16; First Canadian Contin-. gent. of ,aver 33,000 troop§ landed I WAREHOUSES BRUSSELS, PHONE 119 LISTOWEL, PHONE 256 1014." Mg. 4, War with Ger- 'THE 1.14-ussaLs pogye, 1.1RIlr$SELS ,ONTARIO THURSDAY, NIAliCn 31st, 1960. OliDER YOUR SPRING REQUIREMENTS NOW "Grass Seed" 'Fertilizer "• "Seed Grain": is in very Short Supply. Order, to-day and have no delay at Seeding Time. We can supply you with a Forage. Mixture to suit your needs, , or we have a good supply of bagged seed available to make your own mixture. Our warehouse has a good supply of either Bagged or Bulk C.LL. Super Flow for your convenience. . •- . • . • LIMITED "The Most Value For The Farmer'. Dollar" PHONE 199 BRUSSELS 4-1-1 HOMEMAKING CLUB ACCENT ON ACCESSORIES First Meeting The first meeting of the Brus- sels 4-H Homemaking flub was held on Saturday, .February 26, 1966, at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mis. J. Wheeler. The meeting was opened with the 4-H Pledge and was followed with the election of offeicers as follows: President Judy Work Vice President h Norma, Muir Pianist Kathleen Krauter Secretary and Press Reporter ... Any girl chosen Tt was decided to bold the next meeting on March 18th, at 6:30 p.m. at the come of Gerda. Exel. After several suggestiOns the name chosen, for the club was "Brussels Cautious Stylettes". The book covers were discussed' arid the •exhilet for A.chieveraent; which will be "Accent With Ac- cessories" Joyce Treibrier was then chosen to give the comment. The leaders then gave the club objectives and samples of materials sititable for the hats. Tn the discussion portien the leaders gave a general outline of the -Club and. Achievement Day and distributed the 11l'embers' Pamphlets. there was a. discus- sion on the contents and struct- ure of a sewing basket, Tile leaders then gave notes which was followed by the leaders dem- euetrptiee the "Thlia Ilinurtene On 0'16 .01i'1_g participated in doing the check ,sheet and "Rule of Fourteen" in their Member's Pamphlet. The leaders had an exhibit 'to show co-ordinating acceSsoriei which may he dressed up or down. The meeting was closed with, Q ,capi4/„ ,Alrs. Wheeler served lunch to the girls and their mothers, who were present at this meeting. Second Meeting . The second meeting of the Brussels Cautions Stylettes was held at 'the home of Gerda Exel, on March '18th, at 6:30 p.m, The meeting was 'opened with the 4-11 Pledge. It was decided to have the next meeting on March 25th, at 6:30 p.m., at the home of„Dirs. 'Main The minutes were read by Rosemary 'Blake: At this meeting the'deelsion ' was made to have turquoise letters on a whiter back- ground for the covers. Of the.bookS. Mrs. Mair and Mrs. Wheeler disc:Us:5%i 1. Planning your tie- Cessories. 2, AccessOries do corn,. Aliment 'you. 3. Making acres- cosies. The. leaders demonstrated 1. Ac- cessories ArOtirid the Clock. 2. Estimating amounts of , material reenired for accessories. For the group work the check sheet of Accessories Around the ('lock was filled in in the meta- ers' pamphlets, Roll call was. what Is your I baste colour? Then there were Rome. Assignments and Rome Assignment ft 11FilMerS, The 'meet.. tbih WO! 'The. most complete ..FormaTailOred ,...FeetiOtet OtogeOro.avollable