HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-03-24, Page 5STORE FLOURS OPEN FRIDAY iNITE 'TILL 10 P.M. FROM APRIL 1st 'TILL XMAS TO FALL IN. LINE WITH SURROUNDING TOWNS CLOSED SATURDAY NITE 6 P.M. .ffisplOgmativilmeaffelamaus.11,041.0141"`-^ HOLY WEEK SERVICES b'RUSSELS AND DISTRICT Palm Sunday, April 3rd, 'Brussels 'United Church 8 pan. GOOD 'FRIDAY 11:00 a.m. United Church, Ethel 10:30 a.nx. St. John's Church, Brussels 11 :00 a.m. United Church, Moncrieff EASTER DAY EVERYONE WELCOME TO ALL REGULAR SERVICES The Sap is flowing these days and you'll be anxious to taste some FRESH, MAPLE SYRUP, so why not try something extra good! Make 'a homemade MAPLE WALNUT SUNDAE 'with fresh delicious MAPLE WALNUT ICE CREAM Always Keep a half gallon of COUSINS 'ICE CREAM in your freezer for quick and easy serving. It's so good alone or when covered 'with syrup, jams or fresh fruit. GET A HALF GALLON TO-DAY apponiggpiaaislopownago...tasoro SAVE. I BUY 'I ifs WEEK AT G. E, SCHUETT'S iViliLDMAY PROMPT DELIVERY FROM A LARGE STOCK OF FURNII,TURE CHESiTERFIELDS DISCOUNTS * BEDROOM • KITCHEN TERMS SUITES TRADE-INS ACCEPTEiD CARPETS PIANOS APPLIANCES • GODFREY E. SCHUEtT LIMITED MILD'MAY and Mt. FOREST YW101008* THIg IPRIA.14.6 P.011 anusam.i, os1TAIII9 ANGLICAN CHURCH Oki CANADA Rector; Rev. H. L. Jennings kiik• 10.04, Organist: Mrs. S. killott ST. JOHN'S 11:30 a.m. Morning Prayer and Primary Church Se fool St. Alban's and St. Dashi's 10:00 aza. gorilla& Prayer and Clburai Scaool 111Aitiai 24th 1501.1 FORD SALES and SERVICE $EA1 THE. TAX SPECIALS 1965 Pontiac 4 Door V8 automatic 1963 Mercury 4 Door V8 automatic 1963 Mercury 2 Door Hardtop V8 automatic, radio 1963 Meteor 4 Door Sedan 1963 Ford 4 Door Sedan, radio 1962 Pontiac .4 Door Sedan, automatic,, radio 1961 Meteor 4 Door Sedan 1960 Monarch 4 'Door Hardtop V8, automa Power brakes, Power steering, radio 1960 Meteor 4 Door Sedan, radio. 19$9 Meteor 2 Door Sedan, radio 1959 C•hev. 4 Door liardtop V8 automatic, radio 'NEW. FORDS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SPECIALS UNTIL END OF MARCH 1965 Pontiac Stratochief 4 Door Sedan W8 automatic, positraction •-••••••• ........ ....• $2195.00 i962 Pontiac Laurentian 4 Door Sedan automatic transmission, radio $1195.00 BRIDGE MOTORS BRUSSELS WINGHAM PHONE 249 357.3460 DANCE BRUSSELS LEGION HALL FRIDAY, APRIL 1st Ian Wilbee Orchestra Your RED CROSS is S Te ondi ai nyg Sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion ..Admission: $2.00 per Couple Ready for Tomorrow Lunch Counter Admission restricted to persons over 21 years Producing Ontario Hardwoods For 100 Years JAS. T. CRAIG •& SON AUBURN PHONE 526-7220 STANDING TIMBER and LOGS BOUGHT ALL SPECIES 1866 1966 Lyceum Theatre WINGHAIVI THUR-FRI: MARCH 24-25 (SPECIAL) "COUiNTRY MUSIC ON BROADWAY" All your favourite Country and western artists invade Broad- way to bring you all their hit tunes. Adult airhoission $1.00. Students and children regular prices SATURDAY MATINLE MARCH 26 4 TW1CtS" -ADULT E~1ITERTAINM NT "BOEING — BOEING" colour Starring: Tony Curtis - Jerry Lewis When Tony C urtis and erry Lewis get together there is bound to be fun, In this ono its jet Doweed. WED.-THUR-FRi MAR, 30-31 APR. 1 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "DEAR. HEART" Stairing: rord Geraldine Page - Barbara Nichols This is an unusual love story of two people caught up in the whirl of, the big city, THE UNITED CHURCII DE CANADA Minister.;` Rey. A. M. Johnston S.D. Organist: Mrs. Fred Stephenson 0:45 .a an. Church School 11:00 a.m. Public WorsluP PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA MELVILLE CHIMP* interim 'Moderate!: Rev. .IllaLeen Organist: .Margaret Thompson ARCT 10:00 a.in, Chureh Scheel 11:00 a.m. Public Worship 11PersmiMk, IN MEMORIAM SULLIVAN — In loving memory Valieria Sullivan whu Passed away 1.eb, 7th, 19i and Dad, Herbert Sullivan, who passed 'away March 20th, 1964. Loving memories never die, yeafs roll on, and days pass by, In our hearts a memory is kept, 01 ones we loved and will never forget. Always remembered and loved by their family. IA).WLING NOTES Team Standings Lois' Lions 105 1VIarauders 100 Jack's Jokers 91 'Karen's Go Go's ; 91 Willis' 'Wonders 83 Maly 's Lambs 82 Ladies High Singles Dianne Hastings 206 Kay McWhirter 203 Karen Hastings 201. Ladies High Doubles Kay Rutledge 344 Mary ten Pas 344 Karen . Hastings 340 Mary Lowe 339 Mens High Singles. Jake Zackalria.s 244 jack Lowe 212' Ross Duncan 198 Mens High Doubles Jack ',ewe 409 iTake Zackarias 384 Jack Higgins 378 Substitutes Geo. McCutcheon for Barb Bray Ted Elliott for Hay Bronson Bonnie Wilson for Velma Steph- enson Barb McCutcheon for 'Mary Lotire Nobody's opinions are worth- less. Illven a stopped clock is right twice a day.