HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-18, Page 8s DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and every Description of Interior Fiuiah. STAIRS, HANDRAILS, NEWE1.s and BALUSTERS A Speelalty. Send fur Price Lists. SHINGLES L.tTH & LUMB Estimates on app IIipt- Lion, I-t1'Addres FRANCA; SMEk'rU, Ouderewh The Werk for Farmers. . The Guelph liernl.t my* :-It will be gratifying to our numerous readers to learn that a work is soon to be circulated in Canada that must prevo as valuable and indispeneible to the fanner as his reaper, or any other labor-saving implement, and that will, by its careful study and following the instructions therein contained, place him in a posi- tion to greatly increase hu profits. It is a well known fact that !ares profits have hitherto been 'nada en stock rais- ing, by sten who understand their busi- ness, and that the department of stock breeding is now 1.ereuining more impor- tant than ever and yielding better re- turns than any other bra!ich of ltuslan- dry. Hitherto the want of a first-class, reliable, practical work on Live Stock has been felt by every farmer as a refer- ence book for breeding, breaking, train- ing, sheltering, buying, selling, use and care, as well as wherein to obtain the most recent improved humane methods for the preservation and care of stock, the prevention of any disease and restoration of health of horses, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry. That great want is now to be supplied by. the World Publishing Co. of the city. In the present age of exporting of live stock, when it oosta no more for ocean freight un a heavy animal than a light one, the improvement of our stock be- comes doubly important. On Most of our farina are to be found horses, cattle, pigs, piultry and occasionally a few sheep. With proper care and attention any of these animals will soon double in value. To bo able to detect any disease, bruise or injury, and apply the proper remedy, is infinitely better than an insurance The Canadian farmers are too well informed to need any illustration as to how much more profitable good hor- ses, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry are to ordinary ones. The author of ' The Illustrated Stock Doctor and Live Stock Encyclopedia "-for such is the title of the work under consideration --J. Rus - 'sell Manning, M. D., V. S., is one of the most successful practical farmers and breeders of the day, as well as a skilful Veterinary Surgeon, possessing a lifelong experience. Never to our know- ledge has any book been so thoroughly illustrated and points of animals shown so carefully. The history of -each breed, illustrations of symptoms, the tint and last stages of diseases, and directions for treatment of the same are minutely given in plain language, so simple that any one can understand what remedies should be kept on hand, and how to mix and apply them. The work is divided into 10 parts, with 57 chapters in all. We doubt if there is a farmer or stock raiser in the country who, cannot learn something in any of these chapters worth more money to him in one year than the whole cost of the book. The following 'testimonials, from some Of our best judges, speak for themselves. They have carefully examined complete copies of the wurk, and ordered one for their:own one. Ontario Agricultural College and Ex- perimental Farm, Guelph, Feb. 7, 1881. } To the World Publishing Company, U selpk. GENTLa11EN,-I have made a careful examination of your new work entitled " Il:ustrated Stock Doctor and Live Steck Encyclopaedia.- One thousand pages ie ono volume having 400 illustra- tions devoted entirely to information on horses, cattle, sheep. swine and poultry, is certainly a new feature in agricultural literature. There has long been a want, both in Europe and America, of what I should like to call a Test Book on this special branch of rural economy, and the work now before mie comes the nearest to this ides --at once the farmer's refer- ence and the student's guide. I have no hesitation whatever in recuimnending it to our farmers as well up to the times, thor..u.;laly practical, and, what to me gives it greatest value, every clan of 'animals is handled in detail ; points and judging fully explained and illus- trated. and all itetns in health and disease ably treated. In short. in this age of live stock snaking, your work is bound to have a very large circulation, and should be in the hands of every farmer. Yours faithfully, W. Bkowi. P:ofessor of Agriculture cad Farm Sn- perint endent. Mosnosoree, Gu uligY Township, Feb. 14, 18 1 To the World Puhlishin;l (:e., Guelph: GENrt.sise,-Your book " The Illus- trated Steck Doctor and Live Stock Encycl opeedis, " is a very valuable addi- tion to our agricultural literatnre, and from its value as book of reference, should occupy a place in every farmer's library. It is s work containing a must of useful information for the farmer and stock owner. All matters relating to the breeding and general treatment of domestic animals ire dealt with in a manner plain and easily understod. The various diseaeet and ailments which the live stock of the farm are lieble to, the symptoms which would indicate the presence of those diseases, and the re- n.edies to lie applied are so clearly pet before the reader as to he readily under - at... e4L At the present time when the breeding and fsttening of stock has become such an important element in su cceesfiil farm ung. its more than ever imlortent'that the owner (d stock should Foe p serei"d of all the tnfornnetion necessary f..r the intelligent carrying sero of that industry, end for the purport of acv,niring that in fornat.im i certainly know of no work where it can be obtained to such an ex tent and at the same time within the same compass u if can he in " The Tllw► tinted Stook Drew ,nd Live litnek ifiaeyolopiedia. " It is • wurk that should be in the heads of every fanner and etouk owner as a book of reference and of study, and 1 have no Resrtationt 10 nay mcg that if the advice there given and the information thereto be obtained were carefully attended to thialtuspiatenel wealth of this c,mitry woul won be largely increased. Jour+ I. HualIort. Breeder of Shorthorns and judge of farms entered for coespetitiM for prises offered by the Provincial Nara of Agriculture and Arta. Gvai.r& Tr., Foe. lb, 1881. To the World Publiahiag Company, Guelph, Ont. (;sirs, --I have carefully read "The Illustrated Stook Doctor and Live Stook Encyclopeedia," published by you and edited by J. Russell Manning M D., V. 5., and consider it a work which con- tains a vast amount of very valuable in- formation, and thoroughly practical suggestions on the breeding and treat- ment of domestic animals. The book is one which should be found in the hands of every farmer, stock or poultry owner throughout the Dominion. Nothing theta farmer can do pays hint so well as the improvement of his stock, and in every case when it has been intelligently done it has paid one hundred fold. By fol- lowing the instructions in this book no mistakes can be made. Every day a farmer spends in its perusal will be sure to show itself in the improvement of his stock ands better knowledge of their care. Its use will make detection of disease certain, and to cure the same it will only bo necessary to follow the plain, simple directions c,ntaind in this book. Respectful! yours, WM. µ HITICLAW, Member of the Ontario Agricultural Commission, importer and breeder of Leicester sheep and Durham cattle. HeLLETT, Co. Huron, • March 7, 1881. To the World Publishing Co., Guelph. Gaicrcawzs,-After a careful perusal of your work, entitled "The Illustrated Stock Doctor and Live Stock Encyclo- paedia," I cheerfully admit its great utility and the thorough manner in which the author treats everything in relation to hors"t, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry. The propel' care and man- agement of stock, the cause of disease, how to know it and what' to do, is cer- tainly a very valuable feature of the work, and such information as should be in the hands of every farmer and stock- man in the Dominion. JOHN MCMtLLAN, Reeve of Hullett, and member of the Ontario Agricultural Commission. Cueros, Huron, March 8, 1881. To the World Publishing Co., Guelph. Gems, -We have carefully examined your new work, entitled "The Illustrat- ed Stock Doctor and Live Stock Ency- clopedia," and believe it to be a work of great practical value, going (as it does) fully into the breeding, manage- ment and care of horses, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry. The causes of dis- ease, how to know it, and what to do in each and every case fully explained in plain, simple languege, easily under- stood; and believe it is s work that should be in the hands of every farmer that has stock. no matter whether it be much or little. H. SNELL & SONS, Breeders of Durham Cattle, Leicester and Cotswold Sheep, and Berkshire Swine. To the World Publishing - ., Guelph. Gerrie--I have carefully examined your " Illustrated Stock Doctor rind Live Stock Encyclopedia," and find it a very good and useful work, -containing a deal of valuable information, both as a veterinary guide, and in the breeding, care, and managennent of stock, and I have pleasure in recommending it to all fanners and stock men as a useful work. Yours respectfully, DAVID WALKER, Reeve of Tuckersmith, Co. Huron. House or COMMONS, Ottawa, Feb. 26, 1881. } To the World Publishing Coy, Guelph, Ont: Genre, -I have examined your new work "The Illustrated Stock Doctor and Live Stock Encyclopedia," and am pleased to add any testimony to its merits. The editor appear. to have a thorough knowledge of the various subjects du-' cussed in this volume, and has supplied • vacancy in this class of literature, which cannot but be of very great benefit to the farmer. I have long felt that a work of this description was much needed, and am pleased that Dr. Manning has succeeded in placing before the public so complete a text book of agricultural in- formation. The arrangement is, in my judgment, most complete, and i trust that this valuable wurk will find its way into every househould in the land. I have always contended that the farm- er in this country has been placed at a great disadvantage in our educational in- stitutions, and it is gratifying to those that men of ability and practical knowl- edge like Dr. Manning are determined to do their utmost to popularize the most important of all professions in this country Yours truly, J C. RvassT President of the Beard of Agriculture and Arts Aa nciatum, Ontario. Toantsyn, Feb. 21st, 1881. World Ptsblishiiy Co., Guelph, I )wf: Oweastai,- i have had an "ppm. tunny afforded Nee of examining your new work entitled, "illustrated Stuck Meter and Live Stock Enevclopowlia,- aid i am decidedly of the opinion that the reformation contained in your valuable work must pn.ve of great advantage to the ire and intelligent farmers, who wil make the work a sturdy. The immense strides the country has made within the last few year in orae breeding and stack raising. urgently called for the production of a work such as the one referred to. 1 hope the elates fee wham it is tepee ally inlet -Awl will take advantage .1�ca the THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY MARCH 18, 1881, work, and that the venture will prove profitable to your Company. I remain, gentlemen, Truly yours, Joliet J. \VITHROW, President of the Termite Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition. CO TON, P. Q. Cestoda, February , 1881. To the World Publishing (`clay., Guel . Gazrute Ex, - Having carefully ex- amined your publication, entitled the "Illustrated Stock Doctor and Live Steck Encyclopedia," by J. 11. Manning M. D., V. 3., 11 am satisfied it must be of great value to fanners and stook breeders generally. It supplies to a very considerable extent what I have often felt the ordinary farmer required -- a work in which with little trouble he can find a sirnply remedy printed in Language a child may understand for al- most every disease animals are subject to. Thu general information, too, con- cerning each particular breed, will be found most interesting and instructive. It is without exception the most practi- cal work, and contains the greatest amount of information of any book of the kind I have seen. I can heartily recommend it to all, especially to young and inexperienced (Armen, who will find this work of great advantage and assist- ance in almost everything pertaining to the thorough working and management of a fawn. Yours, very truly, JOHN. L. Gies, Importer of thoroughbreds, Ayrshire cattle,ahorthorns, improved Berkshire pigs, white Chinese geese, Pekin ducks and bronze turkeys. SALEM, Feb. 17th, 1881. GENmEMEN,-We have pleasure in re- commending to farmers and breeders, J. R. Manning's work, "The Illustrated Stock Doctor and Live Stock Encyclo- pedia." It will be found very useful to every farther, and a great help to all who are engaged in stock raising. Yours, &c., J. & W. WATT, Breeders of Shorthorn cattle, Clydesdale horses, Cotswold sheep and Berkshire pigs. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, March lst, 1881. To the World Publishing (u., Guelph. Garrs,-From the hurried examina- tion I have been able, in the limited time, to give to your book entitled "The Illustrated Stock Doctor and Live Stock Encyclopadia," I have no doubt it will prove a most valuable acquisition to our agricultural literature, and if extensively circulated will not only stimulate our people to give more attention to superior stock, but will also materially assist in guiding them in its care and manage- ment, both of which is much needed at this juncture, when the most valuable and important in the stock interest should soon become one of the country. Very truly, yours, JOHN DRY DEN, M. P. P., Farmer and breeder' of thoroughbreds, member of the Ontario Agricultural Board of Commissioners EDMONTON, MARCH 1st, 1881. To the N arid Publishing Co., Guelph. GareTLsnfaN,-Having examined your new work entitled "The Illustrated Stock Doctor and Live Stock Encyclo- paedia," I think I can safely say that it is in advance of any work of the kind I have yet seen. It is eminently practi- cal in its dealings with both the diseases to which our live stock are liable, and with the principles of breeding, showing that the author is not dispensing mere theory, but has an intelligent practical knowledge as well of his subject. Such a book is peculiarly adapted to the present state and wants of improved agriculture, and in view of the growing importance of our live stock interests, broughtabout by the export trade in meat, as well as the demand upon our country for blood- ed stock for breeding purposes, I have no hesitation in saying that such a book will prove a gond investment, and its perusal will stimulate every farmer in some degree, at least to improvement in the quality of his stock, and in their care. I can cheerfully recommend the wurk. Yours truly, JOHN C.. Stoma., " Importer and breeder of Shorthorn Cattle, Cotswold Sheep and Berkshire Swine. From Mr. George Rudd. of Puslinch, Guelph P. O., the well-known breeder of Devon cattle, and first prize and medal taker at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, 1876, and first prize taker for the past 12 years at Provincial Ex- hibitions. To the World Publishio1 Co., Guelph, GCELPH, May 2, 1881. Gaunt,- After a careful examination of your new work by Dr. Manning, I am convinced that any man owning stock should possess a copy. For years I have had a strong prejudice against all books sold by cant -users, having ;k sown so many die.:eptiona and misrepresentations palmed off on the people in that way, but having examined it thoroughly and every hour T read it I became more and convinced that I needed the work, as I am certain does every farmer who de- sires to succeed. The work is extremely well arranged; for references, just what you want to know, and all can be found to a moment. Farnner's sons should make it a Isalp practice to read some part of this b.e..k. Farmers get the w..rk, it will pay you well; its circula- tion will add greatly to the wealth of Canada i was one of the parties called 'pm to Rive evidence before the Agri- cultural Commuei.m, and can say that their report will be found of great nae, and 1 wielder it a very happy circum- stance that Dr Mannings work will be i/ened an near a the same time, as all who receive the Report will eertunl re- quire a r py ref Dr Meaning's work, es the Report is to 1)r Manning's work likeaspelling book by the aid efa diction - It a not to be wondered at that nearly all who gave *widows before that float - monition should have already ordered Df. Mannings work, and given such fine testimonials in its favor. Hoping the work will have a large circulation, and wishing you every sivontwe, 1 sm, gentlemen, Guiana Rrnn, imppxr.rter and Breeder of Devon Cattle, Cotswold and emuthdown Sheep, Berk shire Pigs and Fancy Fowls Uvaerm, 16111 Fob., 1111. To the World Publishiry Cb'y, (JrsipA, Ont. Os v carefully read your new work" a Illustrated Stuck Doe - tor and Live Stock bin.yclopaids" by !Vlan ll ing, and to be published in the Royal City of Uuelph, I sm mere thee pleased with its contents and the iie vestment made in the pu duces of the work 11 is just the work that kern long beau wanted by the Car 1 fanner and stuek breeder, and its eircula ' u will certainly lead to • beuetioiel much D eeded reforucto the breeding, and general treatment of domestic animals. * * * The work is couched in plain, simple laugusge, free from all technical phrases, yet scientifically correct, so that all can understaud as they read. In this northwest country where the industry of stock raining is assuming large proportions, and certain to iucreaae in nsegnitude as the country becomes settled, the circulation of a few thousand copies will he of great benefit to our breeders, as your work treats so practically on the causes which pro.luoe disease, the means to prevent the saute, and the remedies to be employed in treatment, in addition to many other valuable and important subjects * • * I cheerfully commend it to my brother farmers in Ontario and the great North-west, being assured we get full value for our money. Wishing you every success, I am respectfully, KENNETH Mc KINZIE, Farmer, importer, breeder and trader, Burnside, Man. CANADA WEST FARM STOCK AnnOCIATION, Bow Pass, BRANTFORD, March 4th, 1881. To the World Publishing, (,o'y, Guelph. GENTS, -After a careful perusal '.4 your book entitled `Stock Doctor and Live Stock Encyclopaedia," I am of opinion that it will be of great benefit to a large portion of farmers and stock breeders in Canada Yours truly, JOHN HOPE, Manager, Bow Park. From the Ontario Farmer's Advocate, March, 1881: -We are in receipt of the Illustrated Stock -Doctor arid Live Stock Encyclupadia from the World Publishing Co., Guelph. The work contains over 1000 pages; it is very differently got up from the trashy stuff generally offered in the present day, being bound in plain, strong calf, that give it an appearance of solidity and north. The contents are useful and practical, and furnish farmers a lot of information that is very valuable to them. By referring to the index of the different diseases, a farmer •may, in an emergency, save the life of an animal. Every farmer should be in possession of such a work, and we think it the best of the kind we have seen. It1,issCanadian publication, and should be an the bands of every farmer. JANsrraLD, Guelph, 14th February, 1881. GENTLEMEN, -Having examined your new work, "The Illustrated Stock Doctor and Live Stock Encyclopedia," by J. Russell Manning, M. D. V. S., I find it of great value as an historical account of the various breeds,. of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. Your scale of pointa is very much needed in judging the various pointe of animals, as all who attend our exhibitions well know. And last, but not least, it conveys a know- ledge of various diseases, how to meet, and the best means to overcome them. In short it is a book that every farmer, stock owner and breeder should possess. Yours truly, THOS. MCCaas, Importer and breeder of Galloway cat- tloCotswold sheep and Essex pigs. GUELPH, 15th Feb., 1881. {World Publishing Company, Guelph: GErrrLaasx,-I 'think J. R. Mann- ing's book, called "The Illustrated Stock Doctor and Lire Stock Encyclopaedia," front what I have seen of it, a very use- ful work for breeders and farmers to have to refer to. I am, gentlemen, yours, &c., FREDERICK WM. STONE, Importer and breeder of Shorthorn and Hereford cattle, Cotswold and South- down sheep and Berkshire and small white breed of pigs, and Suffolk horses. CHATHAM, March 8, 1881. I have examined J. R. Meaning's "Illustrated Stock Doctor and Live Steck Encyclopedia," and feel confident that'it will prove a useful book for the fanner and stock breeder. A. M. LIvirmeroxs, V. S. To the World Publishing Co., Guelph. Gezcee, Feb. 15, 1881. World Pttblishini i.e., Guelph: Gsxrt,--After a perusal of your Live Stock Encyclupredia i beg to state that I find in it a great quantity of practical in- formation which I consider of very high value and interest to the stock breeders, and should be in the hands of every farmer. Dear Sir, Yours, truly. E. A. A. GaA.Nos, Lecturer on Veterinary S:ieece, On- tario College of Agriculture. The news that three members of the expedition endeavoring to crass Central Africa were murdered by the natives has been confirmed. Forged telegrams were received in the imperial House of C„mmona during the visit n( a deputation from the Liverpool envision trade in regard to the trtehtno- sis question, which were intended to in- duce the Rosrd of Trade to take action against the importation of Amberiwa Po*k A relief party of seventeen Orange laborers, engaged by the Emetyency Committee, left Brace terminus nn Thursday evening for Bellyaakill, Cam- nenam, to assist the Protestant recto Canon Fleming, who was recently fired at, and has for • long time been Boy- cotted on account of sectarian animosity. Each laborer was armed with s rifle and revolver, allowed by special license. They will be eenveyed from Galway round the mast by the frigate Valorous, the journey by road through Connemara being deemed dangerous. "wing ft. poen lar eutitctment rftebicel. HG. MACKID, M. D., PHYII- , ciaut. $urge.ot and Awuir.:l.er, u��y 40 Toronto Unii,-kits. Otticcopposite l7sMs/� ren fr Cameron's hank. Luaattwe. 1t nut is office. enquire c.t tl.'. Ham, 17QL7. DR. MtjLEAN, HYSICiAN, 8UR- 05li (:o{Md o nr Ds aresidence ea Bruce Stn (wr, writ of Victor* Street. 1751. DRa. SHANNON & HAMILTON, S Aoeouehers, Ike. (Mice at list s residence. war the ,at. t)oda•W.. U. C. ANNOs. J. 1.'. IL• ?est. 1x,61. AIKENHEAD, V.S., (SUCCESSOR . to Dr. Duncan) Graduate of Ontarit) Ye. ternary Culiegc. Otboe, stables and residence. un Nn street. tour doors cwt ut1'ulburuu Hotel. N. B. liwues examined as W suuld- uera. 1751. Legal. ARROW & PROUDFOOT, B A R - • RISTA:ItS, Attorneys, Solicitors. etc., Ooderieh. J. T. Garrow. W. Proudtoot. 1761. BL DOYLE, BARRISTER A ND At Lorne.), • :Solicitor la Chancery, fret U-udsrlct.. oat. 1751. QSAGER aC MORTON, BARRIS- 1IJi VCRs. &c.. &e.. Goderich and Wtnshas. C8oagar, Jr.. codrrich. J. A. Horton• WLns1761. - MALOOMfriON, BARRISTER AND ti Holtoiter. 0mce-L'orner of West Street soul Market Square, over George Acheson's, Otxlerlch. 1751. �CAMPION, ATTORNEY - A T- . J,.►\V, Su:icier In Chancery, convey- =r, kc. ()Mee over Detiois store, Gods- Any amount of mosey to loan at lowest rates et l.Nse t. 1751-y. 4MERUN, HOLT & CAMERON, J Itairtnocrs, Solicitor io Chancery. &c.. Uoderiei. and WIngham. M. C. Cameron, Q. P. 11u1 . ;l. U. t'arne/on, (Jodcrich. W. h. Macara. WIagLam. 1751. ;Miscellaneous tiaras. TAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. • OMee, Cr•bb's Block, Kingston *L. Oode- rich. Plans and sppr«e.locations drawn correct- ly. Carpenter's' piesterer's and mason's work measured and valued. V ILE 'TIN EFL L' R. WATSON HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental Painter.. Parlor decor: sting made a specialty. GRAINING, GILDING, GLAZING. Shop on North Street, oppoeltc the Registry Office Oodertch. 1751 STRATFr)RD BINDERY- ESTAB- I.LSKED 18'1. This establishment is chidiy devoted to hob and library wurk. especially to those unique and economical half calf and rmor- rucco styles. In d eases the beet of stock and workmanship with etrengtp and beauty com- bined, Bindery overJohn Dutton's drug Kae. OEOM E STONE. OOMMER.CIAL HOTEL, DUNGAN- VV NON. -This first-class hotel. has recently bee* refitted and improved sons to furnish the brat possible s000mmodatfon to the travelling public. (food liquors and choice r lands a speciality. An 'attentive oilier always on hand, and excellent stabling and sheds. on the premises. THos. SMILIs. Ptowfetor. 1761. Loans anb insurance. 500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO W CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON. Gode- rich. 175/. fik75,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES - • TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to 13. L. DOYLE, Goderich. 1751 60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND NV wn et 8 on eer cent AppFarm ly first-clam o R. RADCLIIFFE. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to suit borrowers at eq to 7 per cent. Private funds.Apply to Stamen and MoltroN, Ooderich. \oiONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST Mortgage at reasonable rates of interest and on terms to snit borrowers. Address JAMES STEWART, Saltford P. O. 1780. :1V/ ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE iv" amount of Private Funds for lnvestmrnt at lowest rates on ttrst-elsss Mortgagee. Apply to °ARROW & PROUDFOOT. AI,ONEY TO LOAN. THE CANA- 1 1)A Landed Credit Company, Toronto - JOHN LAING BLAKIE, ESQ., Prosideut Money is lent by this Company to individuals upon the came system as to municipalities. -Send for Circulars. HUGH HAMILTON, C. L. Agent, Goderich. 1751 e20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgages purchased, no Commission charged. Conveyancing Fg8eess reasonable. N. A. - Borrowers can obtain dioney In one da 11 title Is satisfactory. --DAV DAVISON k JOHN- STON, Barristers. &c., Goderich. 1751 D RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, IN. Lite and Repressntiasaaars cllasssCompst �nieess. Alson�genti for the CANADA LITE Syner INerRANCS Co. Money to lend on Mortgage, either in Town or Farm Property. 1n any way to suit the borrow- er. Omoe-tupstairs) Kay's block, Ooderlch, Ont. 1751 INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ARS. CO'Y. TORONTO ---Established 1851. PHOENIX INS. CO' Y. of LONDON (Ertgland)- Kstablished 1781 HARTFORD iNS. CO'Y, of HARrtoa». Conn. Established 1810. Risks taken in the above first-class (Mioes, at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The tandemed 1s also Apprsteer for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y. Tonoyxt. Money to Lona on first -clam security. trots 7 to 8 per CentChargesmoderate. HORACZ HORTON. tioderdch, Sept le. Mk 1781 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Michael An- drew, late of tate Town of OodeArh. In the County of Huron. (leetleanaatt oe e4 Notice 1. hereby given pennant to the Re- vised !Astute of Ontario Ch•ptnr 107then the srcdltors of the late Welted Adrew of the Taws of tioderWt. geodeelek P 0 i le the (busty of Hares. wM_4Md roe or abeam e tweedy fourth November ovetnber A. D. lip area or before tiegsreasth day of Mardi.A DIss, idSM, to riek P. Isy psi). % w b assewrte f the lento will and teetas.eat of the maid Mlehee1 An. drew. their canisters sad nrnames. addrr es maid deserlptteatm, the All psrtlralsre of their ashes, hi of lbeelr •cewnnta and tae /stun of the esoertty 11timp held M them and that rut end after the sold fifteenth day or Marek. thr weeny of Use esetased will be dl► tr+betndaim the portals entitled thereto, having oar to the exams of whir* neater • ha -to then received. and the sold Erroeetew will not be liable �ler rsthe aaseere 7smsa wh�nM�claims shawl SettIImes !seta re s(ved r y the said ererutsw at the time et the dim:lbw Goa d the mid smote or say poet thereof as the erase may lie. ttAPROM- s PROfr TOOT, It7*A inlioltor, for Ereestor Just r"i.eued out an entirely --New Stock --- Of >y!. atines at pnoe varying bum to to t$1 each at MOOR8049E'8. ReOpeng of Schools., All the Text Books authorized fur use in High. Model and Public Schools can be bought CHEAPEST from M001111OVSE. DOPY BOOKS, FOOLSCAP, PENS PENCILS, RUBBER, EXERCISE BOOKS, and every School Requisite, ARE OFFERED AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR CASH at Moorhouse's. i N. B. -THIS IS THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND CHEAPEST BOOK • STORE WEST OF TORONTO -ES- TABLISHED 186?. BLANK BOOKS. A complete assortment of every dis- cription of BLANK BOOKS, DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, MINUTE BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, MEM- BOOKS, INDICES, &c. Also* full mock of Poc[el Diuis For 1881, at greatly reduce rates. SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES. A fresh assortment of Books. specially selected and adapted for circulation in Sunday Schools A Iteral dsc..unt allowed according t . amount of purchase Call and see ample, anti get quota hoes at Moorflons's. Goderiok, Dec y1. IMO M TWIT K•rov RTH VI WHOLE NC]IBYI Item .1cher Wanted-4103141. an�J ywor anise. hard thanks-Jra.O."Bt a Auction eeva ire --J. C.1 eee7 For sale or to Let -J. M abating Itiuc -J. C. HU Card of thanks --Alex al Wanted -Marten o! Cre Servant girt wanted --41, Farmers .attention -G. Trseenne GRAND 1 Pass. 1 Ooderieh.Lr'.:Imam .12.1 Sesharth 7 .50 " 1. Stra:ford..tr S. Lavin 4. erm 1'aor. I Stratford .L; 1 _want •; essatoeth. t1. ..L Goderich.Ar 11tpm / GREAT K - Es Clinton g )i nota north /.: sluing south.. J4 STAGE Lueknow Stags tinily, • Kiuu•rdine " Benmiller ` t We.lsesdal • *mares', an Denti IRCHOLSON . esilr • three below s Ban rich lest 3 FOR SALR-TB the late Charles 'yet . I Bombed throughout wlt ea. WW be eoid cheep. L Ceetg ton. Manage 14•OR SALE. -LOT J. T'a of Colborne, vi scree cleared. balance_ e • good clay loam. As. the Point Farm If PI 1. situated. For p t. 1st 1881. HOUSE AND Lol Du anon, 12' n D at of i of an acs a cremho e use. a gond e on the pre rises. The 1 proved. Tenni resters t'o had hos: Mr. J. M. '::agaeaos, or g. 1. Nuc H'orsz, AND Li t' It corner of V i..t, are town of Oottrrld .. /c•i exchanged for farm I:rrl alotr to JAIL 8Muu.. At cr .1. C. CAR, . 'r • QHISPPARDTt i ► ask: 0) serve, (treed. Brtrk Cottslce size of house. A :erre dot. rto a Vast. !cr.: dine orchard surrounds t ad other buntings. T. to R. T. HAYNES, let 16 1 coils T'ewnecip, cr to roar. FAR.M F `R SALE m, t . o horse.:, ' •sccuenes, ebtopr1irg:At aise house. and a re NV a stable and otter (t,t nt'ugirr.. A' oucr cri! Or the farm. The fare, . ides of It. Icor acres listen'. only 1 nide fro, rsrtloulars aptly to V: - on ':• -on P O. . HOUSE AM) Lfs 11 'r ^' riESL:yt; r• sti91 x: le( 7V5. ono o.n 1 :.rh.r4 an,l good w e:) r. eft osier rlstrr. Tt • cellar end v. oce.t ted Per particulars. a, i p. y t. on the rremieca �+HEPPAR.DTON. - IJ Nat OAMe. for sale ;tied. Stork all fre'h; ho !rosy terms. baelrg on, re. F.•r frrt.ber patti•• NArwFo. Aleo HO net,. Lot 5, cn the Jed con.,) .hard. Frame }Wile ,.r elesred and well ter.c .• k Plot nrn(vrr�+. `T - �,LUABLE FAR Lot 6. Con. + Town1 Huron. containing 38 a ^ItarN1 and In a Knot' There Ie a frame House the whole. ktteher 16. stable 18x1b, for berme". There Is a Well 'vlth sad a good someg oreha +elected. T roe easy. M 0 TROAS WATIOF. 1 r OARSOW & 1 FARM FOR R.1 i. Comprising Lo N• the Township rf waest to the late Mr. Charles se0 tuts in all. t cleared. There are ov. wood. and the hitar rr A small Frame Pfnii.e tu ^ premises. A good fa, For part(• ule r q VL L,�� 4-, rmgsre r n (ioAeste�. or to IA.s Of POR RALE :.'R L dee,-able reald(n perty of John Meet .e Fieikres. together r "t acres '8 extent, c ! w overd by orcban!. ict fndt trees' Lawn and house 1s rornrno'ila.s tr pa 73 motes. good -.1• sad le well replleed Tose oat-hulldtoqpp ro r horses, . era .5.55.' 2 lora over all .M. This dsuattat near the river from raiderlch. TNM XL Jog' Mnevvv, 4 W*Lar k )ewetbr. Ne rc� ,RMS FOR SA ii a faint fen h },a n/ ?l er atses clears!, and and .d dtaste'd ab P. et I weds. 'esvepd lLIt0w1 knees slit a arm 7 Wn'i •1/Rs, and w0 d i lui�emrth ,m. kwew* a w„wa Nan) a n)fltwi • s'fre.`m west gnat s13 <snwed M s I5 SSM ks T nil ^ASE(1