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Morning Star
Euchre Party
An enjoyable euchre, party was
held in the Lodge room last Wed-
nesday afternoon with 13 tables
in play. High winners were Mrs.
Barb ,MicCutcheon and Mrs. Elsie
Evans, Low. winners: Mrs. Edna,
Caldwell and. Mrs. Donna Vander.
woude. Luck Chair, Mrs. Roy
Cousins. Thanks again for com-
ing. Rebekah Lodge.
Hurry Or You
'Will Be Too Late .
The committee in charge re-
port that entries, from outside
this community, are pouring in
for the Lions Amaleur and
Variety Night. Any local talesit
from this area eesiring to enter
should do so at once before the
classes are filled. Phone Brussels
841V or 68 immediately so you
will not be disappointed,
The Women's Institute sponsor-
ed a St. Patrick's euchre party
on Thursday evening, Mach 17th.
Ten tables were in play and high
score for ladies went to Mrs.
Clem Steiner, genus Clem Stet-
fler, low, Mrs. See Smith of
lforicrieff, and Bruce McIntosh.
Miss Beverley Evans spent the
weekend at her home.
Mrs. Gordon Knight, Listowei,
was a weekend visitor with
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes McEachern
spent a few days in Galt where
they attended a funeral,
WMS Evening Group Meet
The Evening Group of the WMS
met at the home of Mrs. Doug
Evans. Mrs. Gordon Engel and
Mrs. Deng Evans were in charge
of the meeting. Mrs. 'TIMIS sub-
stituting for Mrs. Alex Cameron
who was unable to attend.. A. St.
Patrick's reading was given by
Mrs. Jack Knight. Scripture read-
ings from Exodus 19 and Isaiah 43
were used along with meditations
and a discussion 'period. It was
decided to purchase the study
book and help with COC study ma,
terlal. An article for the bale
was Oven for roll call. In April
roll call will be answered by
a hazaar srticle, tench
was served by Mrs. NOM ark
Pfelfer and the hostess.
Mrs. Donald Cotton is home
from. T .istrnwl Hospital where
she mulerwent surgery.
Mr. Allan Smith is home from
Victoria, Hospitel, London where
he spent several weeirs mime
'ming tenter
Celebrates St. Patrick's
With Daisies
Instead of celebrating St.
Patrick's Day with Shamrocks
Mrs, Jack Lowe enjoyed her
boquet of daisies she picked on
March 12th, Spring must be here.
Last week it was a peculiar
egg, this week daisies in early
Mareh. If you have anything
unusual let The Post know about
Last Call
Subscribers who are still in
arrears are urged to make
immediate arrangments for
payment. Time has run out. The
postoffice department now half;
our revised mailing lists, Sub-
scriptions still in arrears must be
paid by April 2nd in order to avoid
additional cost of collection.
'Melville Guild
St. Patrick's decorations struck
a, light note for the Presbyterian
Women's Guild meeting held on
March llith in the church parlour.
Jessie Little read an opening
thought entitled "Be True To Each
Fight the Good Fight" was sung
and Leke 1,1. 1-13 read in unison,
This is the portion of scripture
which teaches, "if ye then, being
evil, know how to give good gifts
unto your children; how much
more shall your hea.venly Father
give to them that ask Him".
After leading in prayer, Jessie
introduced the guest speaker for
the evening, in the person of
Linda Wilson, a grade VII student
of Brussels Public School who
splendidly presented her topic
which won first prize in the Can-
adian Legion contest need in Wing-
ham. it was entitled, "What i can
Do For My Conimunity" and has
since won second prize in a wider
district extending from Kincarine
to Exeter.
Elizabeth :Klliett then gave the
theme for the evening called,
"Having a Sense of Direction" In
which it was stated that in
order to be happy our lives must
have aim and purpose.
Elliott, took charge of the busin-
e,ss. Secretary's and treasurer's
reports were given and the roll
call answered by 20 members and
2 visitors.
A Secret auction was conduct-
ed by Esther. Smith, Leona
ArmStrong and Helen. Elliott and
refreshments were served by the
committee in charge, Jessie.
1;,,) Ng be tb t and Mildred
Perrie at which a delicious note
of spring was supplied by a;
sampling of maple syrup from a
local sugar bush acrampanled by
homemade muffins.
Thanks is extended to all who
helped the Guild With their'
Mrs, Lynn !]vans, 75, conces-
sion 12, Grey Towship, died
suddenly at her home on Tuesday.
The former Amelia McInnes,
daughter of the late Mr. and.
Mrs. Duncan, McInnes, she had
heed all her life in Grey Town-
ship. She was a member of Knox
Presbyterian Church, Oranbreolt.
She is survived by her 'hgebartd,
a sister, Mrs. Ethel ..Gorelite,eof
Ethel; six. grandchildren and
three great • grandchildren.
The funeral service will be
held from the D. A. Ram funeral
home in Brussels at 2:00 p.m.
on Friday conducted by the Rev,
Charles Winn. of IVIonkton, )3urial.
will be in Brussels cemetery. ••.
No iebbours Pay
Svrprise VIA
Mrs. Winnlfred Edgar was
happily surprised Monday night
when a group of her intimate
neighhours called at her home
to spend a pleasant social even-
During the course of the even-
ing MT. a Parker delighted the
the group -with pictures of a trip
to Hawaii. Before leaving her
neighbours presented Mrs. Eder
with a clock for her newly reno-
vated kitchen.
,'?r1 Guide Notes
On March 1st, The uirl Guides
held their meeting in the library
with 19 Guides present,
The. Guides enjoyed a game of
wink. Patrol leaders were called
and patrols formed.
The Guide Prayer and the
Guide Promise were repeated
followed by the Queen.
Lt. Sholdice taught Fire Pre-
vention to the itrul class and
Cpt. Kelliegton taught First Aid
to the 1st class Guides.
'Campfire was held followed by
Guide Tap,.
On 'March Sth, Guides held
their meeting in the library with
2l Guides and two new members.
The Guides °netted their meet-
ing with the came, Upset the
Fruit Basket. Petrol leaders were
called and patents formed. Guide
Fraser and The -else were follow-
ed by the Queen. Company lender
Anne teneht Canadian flag. Cam-
-nem, leader Dianne Inneht Watcr
Precautions. Captain Kellington
held a test en Fire Prevention,
The Guides had general Inspect
ion. 'Karen Mutter's -Patrol hod the
skit "Tine, n Boy Scant drinks
Wattle'. The rneetiee closed with
Stores To Remain
Open Friday Nights
Commencing April 1st
The Business Men's Assoc-
iation held a well attended meet-
ing on Tuesday night, in the
Brussels Library.
The chief discussion being
whether the stores would he Open
on Friday or Saturday night.
A vote was taken and by a good
majority Friday night is to be
the opening night coMmencing
Apirl 1st. Stores to remain open
until 10 o'clock.
It was decided that we should
have a project for the coming
centennial and a committee be
formed in the near future for that
UCW Plan Rummage Sale
The March meeting of the
Ethel ITCW was held in the
church Sunday School rooms.
The meeting presented a St.
Patrick's Day flavour.
The meeting ViPAS opened by
MTS. Earl Mills with Mrs. James
Cardiff at the piano. A St. Pat-
rick's Day reading was con-
tributed by Mrs. Carl McDonald.
Mrs. Bert Godden dealt with the
topic "The roll of the missionary
in Canada". Mrs, Chester 'Earl,
president, conducted the business.
A collecton of $17.70 was received.
Mrs. Russell Wilbee gave a
reading. Mrs. Dorothy Brown
read the minutes. The treasurer,
Mrs. Alex Bearson gave her re-
port and a• report on the sick fund
and boxes was given by Mrs.
Wm. Dobson,
A rummage sale is being held,
in April. Tea table committees
are to be arranged for by the
activity committee.
Thank-you cards from Mrs.
Wilbee, Garry Crozier, Mrs. ,Toe
Jacklin and Mrs. Sam T-Tiemstra
were read,
'Mrs. Alex Pearson, and Mrs.
Jim Struthers served lunch.
On Saturday, March 19th, the
Brussels held their St.
,Patrick's Dance at the Brussels
Legion Hall. The music was
supplied by- the New Sets from
;London, whose music wan en-
joyed by everyone. The spot
dances were won by Barb Bray
and Wayne Gruby; Marlene
Smith and Mtn Vuill. The door
prize was given to Bonnie Work-
man. The dancers cypress their
thank to Mt. and Mrs, Rae Crew ,
ford, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Nichol
and Me. and Mile Ted Elliott.
The next dance will he April
"ml. which e a sociehme with the
331.101 hit Jerry CI.TO tile
.1.144t0fil fi‘bffi TARteMil,
The 'Rev. H. L. Jennings
St. John's Anglican Rector
To Leave Brussels In April
The Rev. Henry Leonora
Jennings, B.A.. L.Th. Incumbent
of St, John's Anglican Church,
Brussels, and St. Alban's and St,
'David's, Atwood, has been
appointed to the Parish of Christ.
Church, Huntingford, Trinitn
Beachville,and Trinity Zorra, The
'appointment, effective April
1966, was announced by the Rt.
Rev. G. N. Luxton, Bishop of
Mr, Tennings was born in
Toronto, but later moved to Ex-
eter where he received 'his early
education. He is a graduate of
Huron College and, the University
of Western Ontario.
Mr, ,Tennings 'was ordained,
Deacon in l95 and Priest in.
1936 by the late Archbishop C.
A. Seeger, After ordination he
served in the Diocese of Atha-
basca. He returned to the Diocese
of *Huron in 1941 and served In
the following parishes: St. Paul's
Thedford, St. Stephen's, Arkona,
and St. 3ohn's. Fettle Point; St,
John's Morpetle Trinity, Howard.
ane St. David's, Clearville; St.
Paul's, Brantford: and St. Peter's,
Lucknow, St. 'Paul's, Dungannon,
St. 'Paul's, Ripley, and Christ
Church, Port Albert.
Mr. Teenings came to Brussels
from the. Lucknow Parish in. Sept-
ember of 1960.
in his years here, he has been
interested and active in com-
munity, as well as church affairs.
Iris leaving is regretted by many
ethers beside those of his congre-
gations. He has served on the
'Library Board as the represent-
ative of the. Board of Education
and is the Padre of the Brussels
Branch of the Royal Canadian
He has ministered here to the
congregatiOns of St. John's,
Brussels; St. David's, Henfryn
and St. Alban's, Atwood, and
during this ministry accomplish'e'd
the amalgamation of St, David's
and St. Albans.
His last service in this parish
will be a 'Confirmation. at St.
Alban's and St. David's, Atwood,
attended ey Bisnen Appieyard of
Georgian Bay. at 7.30 p,m. April
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