HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-03-17, Page 3--7.111111111."" WINGKAM 3577wq , BRUSSELS PHONE, 449 111 It's your best protein food buy TRY, THESE RELISH TRAY SUGGESTIONS 1. Pottage cheese, grated carrot and spanish peanuts. 2. Cottage cheese, and diced cucumbers or sweet pickles. 3. Cottage cheese, and coarsely chopped raw cranberries. 4. Cottage cneese, and chopped or dined ham., 6. Cottage cheese, grated cheddar cheese and chopped onion or celery. GET A 1 lb. CARTON FROM YOUR GROCER'S TO-DAY ":7.72.732.;asa4/1a2ratgliaaaffuntall .eatte. 1 44.-.0-..H A m THUR.-FRI. MARCH 17-18 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 36 HOURS" ' Panaviiiion Starring: James Garner - Rod Taylor Eva 'Marie Saint This is the story behind the Allied invasion of Prance. It's a tense-suspenseful: drama. ICS well worth seeing, THE ‘1111104StLS POST BRUSSSLS, ONTA1110 rat-U.4004Y, MA.Itfra 40, 4900 LENT EN SPECIAL for colourful, protein-rich salads and mai dishes enjoy, Fresh, Delicious COTTAGE-: :CHEESE FORD SALES and SErRVICE NEW CAR.5 NOW IN • STOCK USED CARS 1965 Pontiac 4D VS Auto. 1964 Meteor 4D Standard 1963 Mercury , 4D V8 Auto. 1963 Ford ZD Auto. OTHER OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRIDGE MOTORS SATURDAY MAT.. (SPECIAL) MAR. 19 "SNOW WHITE" Colour This is the fabulous story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Two shows at 2:00 and 4:00. All seats '50c. SAT.-MON.-TUES. "TICKLE ME" CinemaScope -Colour Starring: Elvis Presley - Jocelyn Lane - Elvis mikes action, romance and songs in musical, WED.:THUR.-FRI. MARCH 23-24-25 .(SPECIAL) "COUNTRY MUSIC ON BROADWAY" All your favourite country and western artists invade Broad- Nay to, bring you all their hit tunes, Adult admission $1,00. Students and children regular D A. N. E BRUSSELS LEGION liALL FRIDAY, MARCH 1Eith Ron Jasper Orchestra ..Admission: $29O per Stratford Cc:40)4.1 Lunch Counter Admission restricted. to persons over 21 years Sponsored by the. Royal Canadian Legion GENTLIVIEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS .e,fligiiiig Brothers combined with Barnum. and „bailey to make gees at :UttaWn nave combined to make the Pearson Diefen- baker circus the greatest the world has ever known, You can see the greatst show for a couple of dollars. We are paying millions to watch the circus •at Ottawa. j Previous to the last election the 71 Liberal and Tory cry was, the N.D.P. will get nowhere so 1'11 just - vote the way nly ancestors did. How wrong can a person get. Elvery vote registered against these old parties is a vote or protest and that counts more han. a vote of confidence. If Walter Williamson or George MeCutcheon or any Grit or Tory can prove to me they were, or will be, justi- fied in voting, the same old way I will eat feathers guts and all of the blackest Crow that ever said "Caw". Twenty seven days with one bill passed, a money bill to, help members make sure they received their salary. A salary raised to $180U per year plus and, its a mighty big plus. Ten new men put in the Senate with ninety two others., Men who deserve nothing but seventy per month like other impalrea people over seventy., One of those appointed IS the Liberal organizer. Four ' otherS OV.ere turned dewn :by the electors. . Their . neighbours, their felloW' citizens said no, we don't want you. Pearson just ig- nored us and is 'giving them, thousands of dollars while we pay the shot, 'One good thing for the Gaits is Pearson has no back bone and is totally spineless. If he wasn't he could never squirm or wiggle his way out of the hole he is burying the Liberal party in. Then. we have John, the great Tory leader. He knows three words, no, to, no. Not one bill has he ever supported except voting money for the 'house to carry on. One of the fourteen colleagues who left him called him a worse dictator than Ititler. Just what say has the ordinary back bench- er in either party. They are told, how to vote. The are not allowed, or else haVen't the intestinal fortitude to stand up and. demand a say. Now, thirteen of these fourteen inen who couldn't put up with Diefenbaker have crawled back into the fold. Why? crawl hack toe, for 1,80u0 year, They a, re like a bunch of jackals. Old John ip getting very weak and in short time they can tear him to pieces and take his place, Sunder their breath they Say "Me") We who voted N.D.P, can walk down the street with our heads up, laveryt lime we see a horse we don't have to say I. represented part of that horse last Nov. 8th. Every voter in this Dominion who voted for these men, if they are not ashamed, should be. In the name of our fair Dominion let 'it be your last Diefenbaker or Pearson vote. Now mud, dirt and filth, is all we hear lAunsinger case, the Spencer case, the Rivard. case. What secrets can anyone divulge mat are not already known to foreign powers? You can get a road map in, every garage showing the highways, the airports, etc. Zveryone knows our where our power plants are located. Any book on Hydro will tell you that we are well aware our nuclear weapons are near, North Bay. Spencer has got hold 'of a few love letters. Hove is that going to hurt security? Get on with the country's business. Never Mind love, sex, and a bit of lam- ation. Man is only human. He naturally admires a oeautirul woman. The only ones wild don't are men over a 1111120..r ea, eunuch. The Bible says thou shalt not covet. it doesn't say you can't Now, if Carl Hemingway doesn't stand as, Candidate for next elect- ion, nominate, and elect me. Here is my platform. For the young People 1 would ship in hunureds of baboons, The teenagers can watcu and learn a great many new dances. For the ladles free afternoon tea, soap operas on and a new MIRK coat each year. For the • men, — gentlemen TV and radio !Our hours each dap please trust me. You wouldn't your wiles to interfere would you? I promise she will be as kind as Mrs. Munsinger, and as beautiful . as Liz Taylor. (Whist).. guarantee my name will never be linked in parliament with ala. illicit love affair: They can't catch. Me. I'm too .8..taart. Next week: The OKNX versus. Brantford. MPolice farce hockey. game.. .• Truthtully Yours, T. K. P. have Now Watch The N.H.L. Playoffs Os A NEW ELECTROHOME OR MARCONI T.V. S 10%. DISCOUNT ON ALL CONSOLE MODELS NOW IN STOCK BEA TiiE 5% SALES TAX MACHAIN HARDWARE Brussels, Out. MARCH 19-21.22 Julie Adams a merry mystery • • "The Most Value ,'P ONE' .199 ORDER YOUR SPRING REQUIREMENTS NOW "Seed Grain": is in very Short Supply. Order to-day and have no delay at Seeding Time. "Grass Seed": We can supply you with a Forage Mixture to suit your needs, or we have a good supply of bagged seed available to 'make your own mixture. `Fertilizer": Our warehouse has a good supply of either Bagged or. Bulk C.I.L. Super Flow for your convenience. OIPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED For The Farmer's Dense' BRUSSELS