HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-18, Page 7rin....."luilm....""...'
----'- --'-'tr*fl-milt *.t7lesiStromiwttee,10t 7*A11rWesnr
.1 Magee or
ntio, r^
Terriffic Exploit/Pia of a Boiler
Under Test at Buffalo.
Tyre Year Wiesen £.r.aa a euees ..d
Three* a Wali.
Serrate), March 11. -At ten minutes
least four o'clock the iuhabitanta ul the
city in the vicinity of Ihetaldson A. Pat-
tertun's bailer shop, on Indiana street,
were suddenly startled by s terrine
cheek like am earthgwJ., and thou-
sands of people immediately started in
all directions, confused as to where the
.wed carne from. It was discovered
that the large building weep •• t by
Donaldson & Patterson ors one lordly
levelled to the ground by is frietttul cx-
pltwu.n of a gigantic boiler. the wreck
was complete, and many of the buildings
near had been crashed into by the dying
ekbri,. For a while it seemed as if peo-
ple were too exeitexl tot do auythtng, and
the thoroughfares adjoiuiug were being
choked by the fast hie -reeling crowd.
Htmdre3t of laborers and ironworkers
fruw TitR's foundries and other extols -
minus rushed into the wry,. k end' bean
to. pull away the mass of faucet walls,
etc., to find those who aright be injured
or dead. Suddenly there was a cry of
the disoovery of an awful sight. Iunne-
diately acres the street from the boiler
shops two bodies were founfthat had
been blown entirely through a wooden
shed and torn into a terrible mass of
mangled flesh. One portion was de -
covered to be the remains of Robe. Pat-
terson. For a time it was thought by
the excited people that the other body,
,,i cruelly torn, was that of the partner,
Mr. Donaldson, but it was subsequently
discovered to be that of Win. Gilson, a
young boiler -maker, who lives in Ham-
burg street, between Perry and Fulton.
Several more bodies are supposed to be
under the debris, and the ,nen who are
pulling away the wreck momentarily ex-
pect to be horrified by the sight of some
killed oomrade. The firth of Donaldson
& Patterson made a specialty of testing
boilers by steam. Two pieces of the
boiler were throws; crashing through
the roof of the 1Ve:ha eleveter: The
shuck of the explosion vas felt as far
north as Broadway. - 'The explosion oc-
curred while a Isrgs boiler was being
tested. Jolts Format, a laborer hiving
near by, and whose h+,nse was wrecked
by the exploison, as'•a he heard first a
Among sound as if steams had sprung a
leak, awl then a low, heavy rumblin, as
if an u:ntcrground explosion, and then
his house wan ahakeu from foundation
to roof, the windows were driven in and
he was thrown violently to the ground.
When he recovered the men were carry-
ing the body of John Britz into his
woodshed, and an awful sight Brits was
broken, blackened, gushing blood and
feeble moaning. In Tifft's boiler shop,
separated from the wrecked premises by
a humble beer house, kept by John Bag-
ley, the sk lighta were blown in and
every window demolished, but no one
sews hurt. All concur that there were
two distinct shocks, separated by a brief
An old lady said she was pausing along
4 thio street when she hear the explosion,
a'td saw something fly across Indidna
street, amid a shower of timbers. She
probably saw the bodies of tho unhappy
Patterson and Willie Gibson being blown
across thestrect, clear through the plank-
ing of the shed.
The writer once saw the bodies of vic-
tims by the explosion of a caisson on the
battlefield, and Patterson's body could
not have been worse mangled had he
been in s powder magazine. He was s
mass cif torn flesh, entrails, brains, hair,
blood and blackened clothes. His head
and boots lay in a oonfused mass, an aw-
ful wreck of manhood. Willie Gibson
lay on a heap snow further inside the
shed. He was not nearly so much man- I
gled, nor had he, like Patterson, left s
torn handful of his flesh upon a project-
ing splinter id the crashed planking.
Crowds of curions people, whom a single
policeman strove no vain to keep beck,
pressed around to feast on the hideous',
epectaele. The same thin was to be
seen in the rear of Forrest s house where lt
John Britz was mooning hit life away.
The additional victims are: Engineer
Chadwick was blown across the street:
residence, 364 Hamburg street. Jno.
Langefield, boilermaker; lives on Shure -
way street. A young man, short and
,tout, with black moustache; apparently
twenty-eight years of age; clothes torn
off; is unrecc�grtized. A boy, upper part
of trunk and head crushed; unrecognized.
Bob Mazzeech, blacksmith, 36 Peckham
street, face, shoulder and arm bruised
Eric Rupert, Eric street, boiler maker
leg broken: Carl O'Valts's legs blown
get; Wm. Gnoor, right foot smashed.
Mr. Donaldson appeared un the soene
with tears streaming down his cheeks,
used took his stand in a dared manner in
the centre of the ruin,. About two
hours before the explosion he went over
to Somerville s livery stable, „i the
terrace, and was there when he heard
of it. The information that he reoeived
appalled him, hut when he appeared en
the grounds the sight that met hie gaze
almost distracted him. When qustioned
as te the camas he was only able to saay
that an old boiler of the tug Mary
Piero* was being tested, and that about
twenty -fire boiler -maker were in the
Morns of 'Wisdom.
If • fan Dan be happy and contented
in his own company he will generally be
good company for others.
To attain long life ---love nothing too
violently, hate nothing too passionately,
fear nothing too strongly.
Mu er$1$ou is the father of health,
cheerfulness, and old age. Excess has
a family too numerous W be counted.
The qualities of your friends will be
the qualities of your enemies; oold
fneuds, cold enemies; half friends, half
enemies; fervid enemies, warm friends.
Virtue its becomingly and modestly ar-
rayed, and must be sought fur by those
desiring her acquaintance. Vioe attrac s
more by the boldness and richness of her
apparel than by her own comeliness or
"Yes" is the language of positive peo-
ple; "probably" is the hunguugu of the
hopeful; "leihapi' is the language of
duubt:ui.l uuuertainty; "nu" is the lan-
guage of refused, of opposition, or of de-
A good inclination is but the first rude
draught of virtue; but the finishing
strokes are from the will; which, if well
disposed, will by degrees perfect; if ill
disposed, will by the superinduction of ill
habits quickly deface it.
Accustom yourself to think vigorously,
Mental capital, to bb worth anything,
must be well invested -must be rightly
adjusted and applied, and to this end
careful, deep and intense thought is ne-
cessary if groat results are looked for.
Therm is no such thing as standing still
in this world. Change is the eternal law
of nature.
Recess WELL. -To be able to read
well is a great accomplishment, and one
too much neglected, even among educat-
ed people. It iaa been well said that
the art of public speech has been shame-
fully neglected in all our higher training
schools, and young men are poured out
upon the country to get their living by
public speech who cannot even read well.
How often, in public worship, the Scrip-
tures and the hymns are mangled, and
&horn of ell their proper effect, by
wretched' reading. Everyone who has a
taste for reading should study elocution
for few accprplishmenta confer greater
pleasuie than the ability to read well. -
[Portland Transcript.
A Pi..aAtrr Picroas, -"There is $
man," said a village carpenter, "who hes
done more good, I really believe, in this
community than any other man that ever
lived in it. He cannot talk very well
in prayer meeting and he doesn't often
try. He isn't worth two thousand dol-
lars, and its very little he can put down
on subscription papers for any purpose.
But a new family never moves into the
village that he dues not find time to give
them a neighborly weh.ome, and offer
any little service he can render. He is
usually on the lookout to give strangers
a oat in his pew at chu.ich. He is al-
ways ready to watch with a sick neigh-
bor, and look after his affairs for him,
and Eve sometimes thought that he and
his wife keep house planta in winter just
for the sake of being able to send little
bouquets to invalids. He finds time for
a plea ant word to every child he meets
and you will always see them climbing
into his one-horse wagon when he has no
ether load. He really seems to have a
genius for helping folks in all sorts of
oommon ways, and it does me good
every day just to meet hint on the
Fun ana Fancy.
Well posted -a telegraph line.
The railroad flagman does a flourishing
An epitaph for a faithful car conduc-
tor.- He took his last fare well.
Passing around the hat is one way of
getting the cents of the meeting.
A Massachusetts newspaper says roan
wants but little here below zero.
Strange to any, the more honest a
policeman is, the more, he is on the
Thermometers reform bite in life; they
never become "temperate" until nearly
Tennyson wrote "Half a League On-
ward," but in• Ireland they have gone
hint another half league better, and are
going onward with remarkable rapi-
Man with his coat off struggling with
• piece of steak, calls out to the proprie-
tor: "Say don't the horns go with this
'ere piece of meatr'
"i threw this off in ten minutes," .oft-
ly said the poet, placing a manuscript on
the editorial table. The editor said that
when it came to speed no long-haired
poet should distance him -and he threw
it off in lees than ten seconds --off the
table into the waste -basket.
Para a..r.. iiim.
The adulteAition d food, 000dilnante
condiments and beverages, has become
aa immense business from which souse very
respectable peorp.lederive veryrezpeetabl.
pronto But u11 this is so .lthill4 done
Quit in many articles of dist, it is quite
impossible fur the majority of people to
detect the 'cheat," and we are inclined
to praise the skill displayed in this work
at the same tines that we denounce this
policy of deception.
Many people would not seriously ob-
ject to eating oleomargarine, knowing it
to be such, but they do object to eating
it for butter. When sold as oleomargar-
ine it is well enough, for when properly
manufactured it is much more whole-
some and nutritious than poor butter.
Pulverized sugar has many properties
that would not make it "half so sweet"
if we knew what _they were. The pres-
ence of certain acids is necessary in
ceder to correct the dull, yellow color of
the cane sugar, and glucose is now largely
used in sugar manufacture, so largely,
indeed, in one instance, that it is Bald a
single fires in one year realised as profit+
11,000,000 un a capital of $400,000.
Glucose syrup mixed with low grade
molasses makes an excellent golden
syrup, which sells well in market, or
when allowed to harden it can be ground
up and mined with low-grade dark -
brown sugar, and • substance results
having the appearance of a refined, light -
brown sugar, though not quite as sweet.
It is necessary to speak of milk adul-
teration 1 What did the analysis of 45
carts of milk in New York show 1 Rimply
that the quantity of water extenuation
was about one quart to three and that in
this way it was bringing the comfortable
price of eight or ten cents per quart.
Not much, indeed, if one were dying
of thirst on the great desert, but rather
high here. And so we might go on
through the list, finding in confectionery
almost every metallic poison known to
science; in coffee, various quantities of
chicory and other substances; in certain
teas, 35 per cent of poisonous substances;
in pickles, blue vitro' and alum; in
pepper, mustard husks, &c., to the ex-
tent, in an extreme case of ')S pounds to
two pounds op pure pepper, and in vine-
gar corrosive sublimate was found. It
is gratifying to know that, in some sec-
tions of the country, not only individu-
als but .orporations are becoming thor-
oughly awakened to this kind of fraud
and imposition, and are waging an un-
relenting warfare against it, and we trust
that at no distant day such preventive
means will be used as that no article
shall be sold, in quantities large or small
under any other name than its proper
one. --(Rural New Porker.
Serie nesse.
-- The undersigned is now prepared to pts the
highest cash price for the following sew -logs:
Soft Elm, and hock Elm. llft. lift. and 16 feet
long; also Harwood, (Mk. Black Ash. Maple,
Cherry. and Hemlock. any length.
SeeisT Seeds!
The .abscnber bep to draw the atten-
two of the pis to generally to his
large and vu led steak of
...Iu•too,g of
HARRLEY, and choice WHEAT;
and all other
at rates that cannot be beaten.
General Seed healer.
Hamilton Street,
ger Your houeee telet on Herniate street in •
thorough state of repair. -8. 8. 1774.
Hoeing disposed of pity Phufo
Business in Goleridt, I would take t'. i..
�rtwnity to return thanks .for the many
s rococo! *into runul✓ncoo bttsirees
herr *even years /ego. Fur ne,1 truce !soar,
Mr. &llou•s, I bespeak a coa.t:ievieme of
the patrorwge so kindly tendered nee, 031
knowing him to poetess n(per itr ability,
predict fur hire a successful busineascareer.
ft. N. THO NPSO N,
With reference to the alwtc. I would inform
all interested that my aim will be to produ.:o
work at the Lowest Prices consistent with
Good Quality. and shall spare no pains to give
A tine assortment of Albums, Frames, &c..
to hand in a few days.
A all solicited.
Photo. Blatt', Bhw•k. t odelict.
(Sue, seer 1), 1t. It. •fLtmpeon.,
N.B.-As I have all the Negatives made by
R. R. Thompson previously to my taking the
bttsincas, parties wn.hleg duplicatze will please
send me their ordrs.
F botograf o.
at the
At a meeting in New York City, where
diplomas were being distributed to a
grduating class, the Rev. Rube. Collyer
was called on to stake a few remarks,
and, among other things, he gave the
young teen just starting out in life this
advice :-
Any kind of an honest job is better
than no job at all.
Take a dollar • day for your work if
you can get no more.
A man's best friends are his ten fing-
When evil days come, as evil days
will, no Iran deserves the title of • gen-
tleman if he does not take honest work
to do, regardltua of social influences.
A good farmer is better thou a poor
doctor, and a good horse-shoer is ioetter
than a bishop who preaches sermons that
nobody wants to hear.
A good day's work of what you can
best do is the hard pan towhich all must
Society says one thing, and nature
says another.
Have a reserve force that will come
out when you need it.
The Kincardine Irre Brigade cleared
about 130 at their late concert. The
money will be used in making additions
to the library.
Mr. G. H. Moffatt, of Morrishank,
sold his young thoroughbred Durham
Bull, 9 moths old, named Prince of Hu-
ron, to Wm. Fowler,, Tuckersmith. for
$I05 ash.
It is stated that there one day appear-
ed at one of the soup -houses in this city
a nice lookingwoman, who presented her
pail to be filled, and the soup operator
asked how many she had in her family.
"Six," she answered. "Who are theyT'
was queried. Without hesitation she re-
plied, her hest -end, herself, two dogs
and two cats; and she continued be eech-
ingl "Please don't pat so much pepper
in t�youp, the dogs don't like it!'
"Some Quscks," is the title of an
amaetng article in Rrr m.r's Moraine for
r nfw to leaving fits Australia. lay �tr°ary, An oaiosboy to a "r«k-doc-
cock, the carman, went* to the London tor- relates that was Dihe sentinto
cock,worlds to get some of the inner
Sportsman as fol i cis "To those gentle- of a butternut trot 'Teal," said the
man (many of them t+nal stranger• to doctor as he departed, "I want you to
'ne) who. onsedicit.d, a.s grn.•musly c'en- senppe this bach downward. it is fox s
tnbuteel to make up my .take in the h jmertie. Dfm't wisp* it upward, or it
'nateh with Bosnian my thanks w ape- will be as flambe. ' Acid whatever you
really due. i earn ensure them that 1 do Thomas (hint scrape it both ways.
tri my very hest to won. sad 1 w,. If you de, nobody on earth can tell how
fairly and hfru+rsWy defeated. My Mat it will act"
regret le that Australia ked nol • better
"'pretested,* than wtyweH.' The ?few Haven itleyisln mays that
r snow an be put to many rases. It is
good to go sleighing os, to clog np horse
ZOPIESA from Rrazil. is now ..me re.ilred*, to fill ep ill-lonking front
nto Canada it is • mild purgative, , b ,trate into snowballs, snow
seting as a w•,nder upon, and giving
strength snort weeny to the digestive
epparatns of the human etomach. cora
mooting and increasing the arida It is
strongly sati bilious and carries (off all
serpins bile, tones tip the Liver, rives
sound (lire:tine and speedy health to the
and the Bilious. Ask F.
ferrta, snow men, tet slide eli of roofs and
hit you roe the hack ef the neck, t+. get
ht your boots, to trawl up your panta-
loon's lips'
antsloon'slape, to bring into the front hall,
NMI to shoed; but, taken as a whole, it
it but the driftwood of the Storm Ring.
"i`nn ALL on re.' - -To beautify the
the breath
The best known remedy for all affec-
tions of the Chest, Lungs or Throat is
GRAY'S SYRUP or RED Sniuea Gem. It
is oonatently used by thousands of per-
sons suffering from the above diseases,
and in nearly every instance it affords
immediate relief. In cases of trouble-
some, tickling Cough, where the patient
passes sleepless nights, one .,r two doses
of the Syrup has such a quieting, sooth-
ing effect that the rest ensues and the
Cough speedily disappears. Try it and
be convinced. Sold by all chemists.
Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. -ad
now is the time to purchase your salt for ag-
ricultural purposes. It p.ys 100 per cent to
use It.
NI' Logs or wood taken in exchange for salt
176x. Star" Salt Works (loderich
Marble WorKs.
Headstones, House Trimmings, Monuments,
and work of all kinds in Marbles, designed
and executed In the best sty le and at most
reasonable price,- Marble Mantles kept in
dock. Granite Monuments and Headstones
imported to order.
Mop race Comb.
If you are suffering with a Cough,
Cold, Asthma. Bronchitis, Hay Fever,
Consumption, lose of voice, tickling in
the throat, or any affection of the Throat
or Lungs use DR Ki;co's Nsw Dts•ovs-
Iv for Consumption. This is the great
remedy that is causing so much exoite-
ment by its wonderful curve, curing
thousands of hopelesa cases. Over one
million bottles of Dr. King's New Dis-
covery have been used within the last
and have givenect satisfaction
every instance. We can unhesitat-
ingly say that this is really the .enly sure
sure for threat and lung affections, and
can cheerfully recommend it to a11. 13.11
and get a trial bottle for teen cents, oo
reipil.r size for 11. F. Jordan (cods
Moss See Web.
The great secret of obtaining riches, is
first to practice eernwwy, and as gond
old Deacon Snyder says, • "It need to
worry the life Writ of nee to pay enorm-
ous dnetnt's hills, bet now i hare `struck
L rich ' Health and happiness reign
supreme in our little hnueeho,
simply hecanse we use no other medl
cine but Electric Bitters, and fluty onsfa
fifty cents a !settle." See by F. Jor-
or. heeo
.wea.toted•ed by the •tr•:a of
dark, s'-olJ
nt.aad Cee
Mop totters.
u you are your .ed
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rely on M O p
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• T.,..ts, ((.1.
Practical BOILER-YAgEBBt
The Subscribers base bought e Tools sad
Butler Bugloss of D the
Ri.,-Ia11 & CO., lately
carried on by the of_
Foundry and Maau-
lactucing (%ompaa7 and having had an ex-
perience of over eight years in that slop are
now prepared to carry un the trade 111 all its
Asy work entrusted to us will receive
Menet attention. Met -dem work guanat
w All kinds of Bollen made and repaired. alee
&nuke Stacks sad Sheet Iron Work. d`c., a -
reasonable rates.
New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired
on the shortest notice, and at PRICKS I THAT Da-
rr t'Oril'gTITION.
Chrystal & Black,
MI lis. WKR1CM. 117671
Toon. Jeans, Darlington, England.
says : The "Only Lung Pad" is being
thoroughly tried hen. One lady has al-
ready received great bensat, who has suf-
fered for years from Bronchitis and Asti•
me, and oungestawn of right lung.
H. K HoDos, Cambridge, Mich., says:
1 have been adieted with Asthma fur
wars. An "Only Leng Pad" gave me
immediate relief. I ban r.euuiiueud it
as the greatest remedy ever produced.
HzNNY VAN Noarwlcs, of Toledo,
Ohio, says: A friend prevailed upon we
to try an "Only Lung Pad," and I ob-
tained immediate relief from a reeking
cough. I know the Pad helped me.
At retail by all druggists.
Wholesale by H. HASWELL a. CO.,
Mintreal, P. Q
'C)1. 1881..
GO R E RI C H, TwoIeii f•.rthePriceof One!
'flue UUUITtwtl Qt tBT612LY (F:rawgrlicull.
UNDO% et;- ill i i t', ( ! ',n: •r *afirel.
e!^� EDINItt ittat i ll'.5ip,
th��J� ♦res
IT1:A •. 113 (Li .r1,11 )
3lackaord's relinburl'h Marax:ae,
Present the tett foreign perroindlrrla in a Dew- .
venient norm 1114,1 a-ishowt abridgment or
nllcswtioa. .
Teretoereabserlpsl,:n tlertudl,s,tre•tage.l
Lilo. tees, u a ., :i,evlcw . U1.O0 peran.
Ittnckwot,d un : a: y our l:eview. 7.19
Blackwewd w::,c ewes I evitt.a 1e.00
Bleckwooli al.,i fen.: tte•vu wa.., 10.66
Th., subscl•il.et• Ilea a cnwplete masers_ Any two net • sa=e.. 7Oa
meta ..f .�1TU1'L't, TINWARE and 1TUrr.
Thtour Lv.1 .. ... 14.06
Piro, a+ lulu: kwiwotl an,? i i., Ga Lo v cwt 15.40 '
rives are eoeat .a tec .,'l , c.:.aer7M by
the len fahJmt•I.i4,, N .•
('iorekire rev, m,:-t•ol'ent.iii f1he•Ie: od-
teof• 'or n e • rote here, see'tm•nn rater partk-
ulars, mass to ..ad u,, kepi:tatlow.
Prices a Cheap as :he Cheapest.
EX 0ine the owe:: tied you will 1,e
■toe to be suited.
Shewoekins, Wool PickingKs, Cotton
Rags, Clopper, Brass and old Metal taken
in exchange for Gowrie.
Pilin 7.'1T11dB.
Ore. subecriberu may have the t ureters ter
14t0 and l&1 at Ile press ea one },.ear's sub
script Lon only.
To any subscriber. new or del. -'• will tar-
nish the 'web:s eels lir IxP' al hat wits.
All order+, to h, ,want t . t'." .uhl • alien °Moe,
To secure perm nota argil, pnin;•t!Y.
'Ph!Ssetlm3'' "oar'Tnlf.19. '.riff Coy"
Manchester House."
Hee juatbec±trod a ehniee lot of
New Dress Goods, Vt'inoeys, Flannels, Blankets, Shir.inga, Cottons, Prints, fin
which for value is unsurpassed. New Shawls and Mantles, special value.
T.AILORINQ- DI%PBRTMB T. -A splendid selection of Tweed,
and t'nc,tings. ('ail and leave your meaoire for 11 nI t or overcoat --etyLoh made. well trimmed.
area tit guaranteed. (,loth bought cut !; ee of charge. tar Hats. (Opel and Drawers at close
'rhe highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. JArtEU A. RLS.
-�^-'e roti,,.} (1re1.rich.
acc_, _ _ ./ , ,� mac_
REPAIRING and ,JOBBING done a ith Neatness and Despatch, and at Reas-
onable hates. Call aid eau:sine befog' purche ng elsewhere.
T_ t3z J_ STORY,
" Dominion Carriage Works," Goderioh.
manufacture,. of FIIt.YT (' ASS
Carpet Weaving
in new Patterns and new %Tarps. s.
sad all week in the erasing len, iarefnlly 1
neatly awl promptly doe..
Kingston street, Godaricb.
Chilled Plow
-- AND -
id, and ail AGRICULTURAL
illweitteirearalea Salve.
The hest Halve in the world for Cuts,
Denise', Sores, Tetter, Chopped Rands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all kinds of Skin
ernptiems This Valve is gearentswad to
t OI,i site Colborne Hotel. We solicit an examinatie,n of our vehicles.
Havteagtsure ss yoaf the (jed eeirlsrh Fonaand ri 1
CHHtiLr,EJ i frv►tt►ae AARhhLTIRtAi
1 awn" Rep t'n ..n sa w e 1AW ouch.
6aoat. All sen rtes nae t/� M ate!
Newt. An wort
to venom
Yr. D. Rsefreaa Is the ez1g �r�p�ef�Nrmwata and ales ? Os
%W et tho lite ors of vudINIa
nja comas Indebted w regpMeA la eaves
The only Yadleme that sncoeestally purifies the
Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowels, Skin and Lidneys,
while at the same tune it allays Nervous Irritation.
and strengthens the Debilitated System, perfectly and
speedily caring IZl ioasness. Jaundice. Dyspepsia, Oonsti-
patio . Headache, Rheumatism. Dropsy Nervone and Oen.
oral Debility, tamale Complaints. Scrofula. Erysip.Ju,
Balt Rheum, and every species of Chronic Diseasle arising :from
Disordered Liver, Kidneys. Stomach. Bowels or Blood
nasi,.r asci., see 1. SOMI & elk OLA Aim reels,•ts•o•v slat ts.N
• . Ire. Ise ctrl sAMeN OSNesfw M eerie a e0abe, v
epee ars pan r ivwv seta f w anghta... • •"
efterbllw suse♦i