HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-03-17, Page 1UM A Year la Advance — $2.50 To U.S.A. TEE BRITSSZLS POST, THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, 1956 TOWNSHIP OF GREY COUNCIL MEETING Meeting held Menu" eth. Resolutions peewee as fellows; By Kenneth Bray and, Lawson Ward that the minutes of the laet meeting be adopted as read. By Lawson Ward and Melville Lamont that the tender of H. F. Donegan, Listowel, for crushing and hauling approximately 20,0ve cubic yards of gravel at 80c per Yard be aceepted subject to .the approval of the Department of Highways. By Lawson Ward and Charles Thomas that the tender of Murray Reid, Londesboro, for approximately 1,400 lbs. warble fly Powder at $4.+25 per 15 lb bag be accepted. Powder to be de- livered to residence of Fred &menden, Inspector. By Charles Thomas and Mel- ville Lamont that the tender of Charles Fischer for warble fly spraying at 10c per head per spray be accepted. By Oharles Thomas and Law- son Weed that the Coilectorte Roll for 1905 be accepted and the Collector be relieved of further responsibility, By Kenneth Bray and Lawson Ward that Court of Revision on the Rowland Municipal Drain, By-law No. 4 of 1966 he now opened- By Melville Lamont and Charles Thomas that the de ctsion of the Court of Revision on the Rowland Drain be as fol- lows: The appeal of Tan McDonald against his assessment on Lots 19 and 20, Con. r,5, be not allowed and assessneent sustained. The appeal of Stan Alexander , Lot 2a, Con. 5, be not allowed and assessment sustained. By Kenneth Bray and Lawson , Ward that Court of Revision on the Rowland Municipal Drain By- law No. 4 of 1966 be closed. By Lawson Ward and Melville Lamont that By-law No. 4 of 1966 Rowland Municipal Drain, be finally passed as read a first, second and third times and the clerk he instructed to advertise for tenders to be in by One o'clock,• Monday, April 4th, 1966. By Lawson. Ward and Kenneth Bray that an, application to,* a. loan in the amount of $1,500, under The Tile Dranage Act be teeptctl, By Melville Lamont and. Lawson Ward that the Huron County Historical Society he given a grant of $25.00 By Lawson Ward and Kenneth: Bray that all approved accounts hs paid. By Charles Thomns and Mel- ville Lemont that we do now 01104.1171 to nip t. figoiti Aorli 4$h' C.B.0 "Special" Of Local Interest "A World of Fairs" will be seen on Camera Canada on Thers- day, March 24th, at 10 p.m. This "Special" will be of parti- culer interest to viewers in thin community due to the fact that the script was written by Lester Machan t a 'former resident of Brussels, now of the OBC Toronto staff. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Meehan, Brussels, or at the call of he Reeve. The following acco'ints were paid: Ontario. Hyrdo, office, $1.2.1ez Federation of Agriculture, fees on Roll, 937.46e The Municipal World, dog tags, 26.46; Wilbur Turnbull. balance salary, post- age and exchange, 65.00; Huron County Historical Society, grant, 25.00; Grey Twp School Aree, balance school neeenture issue and interest, 6,330.68; Hiemstra Nursing Home, Feb account, 104.25; Queensway Nursing ,Home, Feb. account 104.2.5e 'Humphries & Ce., Feb. Relief accounts, 213.25; Shelter for re- lief, 20.00; Robt. L. Cunning- ham, fuel oil, relief, 30.86; Robt. :Ti. Cunningham, fuel oil, office, 218.42; Geo. Wesenber, Assessor's License, 10.00; M. Cardiff, by- laws Rowland Drain, 60.00; Clifford Dunbar, Court of Re- vision, Rowland Drain 5.00; Ken- teth Bray, Court of Revision. Rondand Drain 5.00; Lawson Ward, Court of Revision, Row- land Drain, 5.00; Charles Thomas, Court of Revision, Rowland Drain 5,00; Melville. Lamont, Court of Revision Rowland. Drain 5.00; Clifford Denbar, to Good Roads Convention, 40.00; Kenneth Bray, to. Good Roads Convention, 40.00; Lawson Ward to good. Roads Convention, 40.00; The Listowel Banner, adv. warble fly tenders, 6.84; Jim. Dobson, garbage collection, Ethel Village, 14.00; Robt, L. Cunningham, zorbit and gasoline, fire dept., 3.86; Fire-. men to Allan Gilbert, 24.00; El- wood McTaggart, main, fire dept. 846; Ontario Municipal Board, fee Rowland Draen 10,00: Nelson Hanna, fox bounty, 20.00; Jack Warwick fox bounty 12.00; Lloyd. Felker, fox bounty; 8.00;, Receiver General of Canada, deductions, 41.83; Roads and Bredgee, 2,226.85; Taal $10,494.61. Clifford, R. Dunbar Reeve Edythe- M. Cnrdifi Mein 'Sociat Evelninn 'For Sketnre; Sunday, March 20th will be the last evening for adult couple skatteg at the arena. A social eireing will be held. Ladies 04) 'Oink MT" B.M.&G. Telephone System Annuhl Meeting The annual meeting of the Brussels Morris and Grey Muni- cipal Telephone System was held in the Brussels library on March 9th, 1966. The Commission and staff were Pleased with the unusually good turn-out. The pros and, cons of algamation with the Blyth Tele- phone Co. were discussed at length. It was decided to give the commission the go-ahead to look into this further and report to the subscribers their findings and more definite reports on this subject. 'Mr. Dan llifaeTavish retired as a member of the commission after serving for more than thirty years in this capacity A vote of thanks Was given Mr. MacTavish after which he spoke briefly. The meeting adjourned to meet at a later date as to amalgamation Last Call Subscribers who are still in arrears are urged to make immediate arrangments for Payment. Time has run out. The emstoffice department now has our revised mailing lists. Sub- scriptions still in arrears must be paid by April 2nd in order to avoid additional cost of collection. 'Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs Carl Hemingway and family attended College Royal at Guelph University on Wednesday and stayed for Awards Night when their son Don received the trophy as Grand. Champion, Ontario Vet- erinary College division of Col- lege Royal, Freak Egg We can't say the atomic age affected this egg but certainly something strange happened to to it. Ii resembled, more than anything else, an elotigated jumbo shrinip, The white shell •Sehe very fragile and appeared to contain the itetial innards: of an, egg. It was no Easter egg. 'This oddity Sens brought in by Mrs. Alvin MO,Lellan, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. ,Harold Harvey; Burgesville, announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Carolyn, to Mr. Douglas Logan, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Logan of Brussels. The wedding will take place in Burgeeviile rieited Cherels APP11 Father And Child Night Held By Lions Club The Father and Child eriglit, held by the Brussels Lions Club was well attended in the Brus- sels United Church. Following dinner a sing song was led by Lion Tamer Cecil McFadden, A guess conducted by Tail Twister George McCutcheon was won by Brian Armstrong. eClark .Johnston and ,Tack Thyn- ne provided special entertain- ment.. Lion Calvin Smith reported on the plans for the Talent Night. Crests are to be given to each :contestant, placpies from the Lions Club and a trophy from the Home and School Association. Hugh Pearson was present at the meeting to receive the money (82,310) collected for the Arena Pend. Hugh thanked everyone on behalf Of the Recreation Com- mittee, The Lions Would like to thank everyone who helped in anyway with the canvass and those who made contributions. 'March Meeting Of Majestic W. I. The March meeting of Majestic W. L was held March 10t h in the library basement, with 1st Vice Pres. Mrs. James Smith presid- leg. The meeting opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect, Mrs. Smith read a poem. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and apProved. Treasurer's report and correspondence given by the secretary-treasurer, Mrs. John Speir. Plans were made for monthly euchre April Tenta- tive plans were made for a Desert Euchre to be held in April, date to be announced later. It was reported that the quilt the memb- ers ere doing for a customer was almost completed. It was decided no one would attend the Con- ference in Guelph in May. The roll call was answered by "One good thing our children should be taught, which provided a variety of ideas. Mrs. Carl Hern- ingwuy, Education Convener, con- ducted the program. She gave an interesting reading and a panel dismission on. Modern Education. was held The panel consisted of. Mrs. George McCutcheon as chairman, Mrs. Geo. Mice, Mrs. Earl Ctidreore, nire Doug Heming- way. This discussion proved very interesting. As April is annual Meeting month conveners are reminded to have reports ready for next meeting. Also don't. forget card party April rte at 5:20 o'clock. (WRY ....A number of news items had to omitted this week because of lack of space, They Will appOar in thq Honored On 40th Wedding Anniversary e)n Saturday, March, 12th, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pryce of Win- throp entertained, at their home, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin, in honor of their 40th Wedding Anniversary. A surprise dinner and supper were served at Which thee the families were all there- Before dinner was served the grandchildren Sang Happy 40th Annifjersary. After dinner Fred acted as Master of Ceremonies, with a few well chosen words. and Presented "Morn and Dad°. with a purse of money. Mr. Martin thanked all for everything they had - done, Clarence and Mrs. Martin have a. family of three, Mrs. Harold (Naomi) Pryce, R.R. 1, Seaforth, lered of 340 Crosby Ave, Rich- mond Hill, and Edna of 2.72.King Fast, Ingersoll. Mrs. Martin was the former Margaret H. Mooney of the 6th of Morris Twp. and Mr. Martin living on the fifth of Morris Twp. They were married at Belgreve manse by the late Rev. S. Scobie. The day Was very cold and clear with very deep snow and (trifle after a recent storm, for the horse and cutter to go through Surprise Gathering On the eyeing of March 12th a surprise gathering arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin when _neighbours .and friends came to help celebrate their 40th Wedding Ann.versary, A very pleasant evening was spent ..chatting. is, number of tables of euchre was enjoyed. Prizes were: to high lady, Mrs. Walter Bewley. How lady, _Mrs. Don Fraser, _high mail Ken Mc- Donald. low man Stewart Mceall. ,...Just before lunch Clarence and Margaret „were celled to their chairs. Alvin McDonald read an address with Mrs. Ken McDonald and Walter Bewley bringing in, and setting up lovely pole lamps. Mr. Martin replied thanking all for the lovely gifts. A dainty lunch was then served. ItIOF Draw Winners The winners of the draw held in connection: With the 100r hockey game Were: 1st, radio, Neil Coglin, Listowel 2nd.. electric carVing knife, T).lt. Shearer. LeStOwel 3rd, tel Ken Tyerinat, Brussels ALIci•rticialtir-al Meeting The. Hortienteiral Society will meet in an Brussels Library on MondaY. March 21st, at A p.m. Mr. Weetethout of Clinton will itw ill; Rmilt