HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-03-03, Page 8PHONE 46
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Phone 523.9501
R. R. 3, Blyth
New Holland 340 Feed Mixall, slightly used
George White Snow fnower, new
Gehl Mixall with Swinging Auger 'Feeder, used
Letz Grinder with Belt Pulley, new
International M Diesel Tractor, excellent condition
International B414 Diesel Tractor, reconditioned
1501 Loader and hydraulic bucket
Massey Ferguson 35 gas Tractor, with Loader and
'Mechanical bucket
Brussels Livestock Sales Yard
Your Home Market Where You Are Welcome
Visitor, Consignor, or Buyer
'One evening last week r was
guest at a rather unusual social,
event held in a village, one halV
hour away (as I drive). Five
games of euchre, a few old time
dances. punch bowl. and a sing
sung. The euchre was a little dif-
ferent. You had the same part-
ner, the same Opponents for the
full five games. My partner,
was Edna, my opponent to the
right Ethel and May to the left.
My partner opened the program.
With "It's your deal Ethel and.
for heaven's sake give me a good
be sure of
your spring
fertilizer save too.
waiting until spring to buy
your fertilizer ... that's
when everyone else does.
Don't make the Mistake of
Buy your CO-OP fertilizer now
and you'll enjoy worthwhile early
delivery savings: SpaUal winter
savings are in effect from;
That's when supplies can
run low too, even in the
best-stocked warehouses.
That's when you should be
BelgrEive Co-Op. applying, not buying. Maks
sure you have your spring
supply of CO-OP* fertilizer
in time ... order now.
Phones: Brussels 388W10 .a1161117721CMCBattr=
Wingham 1091
+Breveted Trade' Mark
hand. Just as I thought. a nine
spot and a spade at that. Well,
this one isn't any better, the
Queen of diamonds. Good heavens
Ethel, another Queen, for Pete
sake give me an ace or some-
thing. 'Well, this one is a little
better, the jack of Clubs, What's
trump, hearts? Oh, it's a dia-
mond.' Well, Ethel takes it up
and I lead the ace of spades.
What's trump, say Edna. You
shonldn,t lead a trump Partner,
Oh, diamoade are trump. Ab,
there's Mrs. Hogartn. She has her
a look at my hand, and then an-
other look, then I took a darn
good look. I had left, right, ace
lung and queen., the five impoia-
sibles. I, of course order it up
for a lone, I ant avow. to lay
them down and count four when.
1 hear Edna say, good for you
partner, oh, good heavens, I've
only got four cards, where can. it
be. Well the ladies all stood up
and shook themselves. Edna says,
oh. here it is in the deck, so I'll
jtist take the one turned up (the
nine of spades) and turn up the
next, She says. goody, goodyi the
Jack of hearts, bnt turn it
down and maybe my partner will
make it clubs. TA three seconds
have thotight of another Way to
kill. with punishnient good en-
ongh for Edna. 'Ethel makes it
alone in diamonds and thank
heaVens, she gets four. The only
break in the game for Me so far,
Edna says, its my deal, now
says no. May says nothing so
Edna and Ethel leak at me and
says, isn't it M. Thynne? So I '
says, what's trump? Each One;
gathers up half the deck, lays
them down. Real ladieS you could
See and May' picks them up and
starts to deal. Edna says excuse
mo girls big T want to go and
ask Bessie alle8 Bessie Ho-
garth. of. cotirse) to my after-
non tea next WedrieSday. When]
she got away Ethel says, did you
notice, rdna.'s dress:" S. know
that's the one she. Wore to
(marlin's reception three years
ago. Of course it's been dyed,
the same OS her hair. May says
did you notice, that too? Three
years age when it Was pink T
noticed a button that was masts
lighter than the Others, That's
th 9t11116 blittmi r ti thff fOrt dretilt
now. Her hair, says Ethel, if
natural would be white because
tldita, is forty if she's a day. I
know she is six, years alder than.
me and I'm thirty seven. Well,
really thirty six, as my birthday
was just a month ago.. Someone
deals the cards. FAna asks what's
trump and away we go.
Away I go too. Don't forget
the 10OF Hockey Carnival CICNX
vs Brantford, IVktrch 11, proceeds
for CPT fund. auspices' Brussels
Oddfellows. Please buy a ticket
for the draw. Euchre game, March
14, Legion vs Gentlemen's Club.
Nest week, how I averted the
greatest battle since John L.
Sullivan fought Jim Corbett.
I'm tired. What's trump?
Truthfully Tours
T. K. le.
2763 Grainger Road.
Victoria, B.C.
Estelosed amount for continued;
subscription to "The Post".
We don't see very many names
mentioned dating back to /910.
I Caine west that year, and Myrtle
MacDonald came out in 1912
when we were married in Sask-
atoon, Sask.
We have had The Post sent to
418 from those dates on, and
would miss it if discontinued, as
every so often we find names
and events, etc., are of real In-
terest to us both.
We both send kind rerneni•
brances to those of our time and
age, in Brussels, Cranbrook. and
and district.
Tom* Sincerely
170 Mooney,
sA4Es and S E ft V 19E
nerve coming here. They neve
• get an invitation anywhere, she'
such a cheat. My play, you sa
What's trump? Diamonds, wh
you took up the Jack of Clubs, Q
no, I have the Jack of Clubs, hu
it's no good Well, I get one trick
they count one. My deal! I hay
I ace, queen. nine of spades, ac
I of clubs and a little heart and tUr
up the ten, of spades. Pour trump
e and ace of clubs. May leads, ac
of diamonds. Edna says, now
what should I do. This requires
some thanking.Let me see,
just leave this for my partner. So
She throws on a little club. I take
it and lead the queen of trump.
May puts on the right bower,
Edna plays the left. Oh good.
heavens, Mr. Thynne, she says,
never load trump unless you have
the right. You see lost my- left.
I really should, have put the king
out instead but I was so discour-
aged the way you are playing.
Now, let me see, She says, is
diamonds or hearts trump? Well,
its even now, one hand each, the
most of the other tables are finish-
ing the first: game. Ws May'S
deal, She turns up the queen of
spades. I have right, ace and
king, with ace and king of hearts
for suit so I order. Edna says
there's Bessie Hogarth sitting
in to replace. Oh, whO is that?
should know. His Wife knows a
friend of mine. My play, you say.
What did you take up Mir. Thyn-
ne, or did yon I turn it down, and
say what is trump? Before anyone
Could say a word sue contianes,
you know, Mr. Thynne, you do'not
m knowmuch about euchre, so if
we girls can help, oh; my lead,
you say, Just look at that Mrs.
ilogarthl What's trump? Well,
I'll lead the spot of hearts. Se
May gets my ate Of snit with her
trump (queen or spades). She
leads spot of clubs and Ednal
cracks on left bower. She pullS
in the trick and leads hack withI
course.ace or clubs, a renege of course.
T, down my cards and Edna
says, knew you. would sooh catch
on Mr. Thynne. Don't worry my
husband tsn't any good.either.
Ethel pipes up with, lo you mean:
nerds, or what? I'm busy think-
' ing. or different ways to kill a,
woman. have nine picked
bow lint none
punishment emote:Se Ethel is a big'
husky girl. -would think about
forty five. Well. it's Edna's cleat
and she turns up the nine spot ot.
Fit11:08, Et.nol iMftrinri and t took
of them with.