HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-18, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MARCH 18. 1881. 5 THE A88AJ38IN ATM MAIL rartlicalars .r are zegoemey-agessi igr teagenisters. -T Now after. New Volta, hiareh 14. -The , W rfil's Landoll correspondent says the town wes startled by theannouncement of the Czar's assassination. The Duchess of Edin- burgh was at the Duke's seat in Kent offthe aftertitsou with hiart4(.9ur children. Prayer, were ered the Duchess &t service an the churches, and in the even- ing special reference was made W the murder from the pulpits of the principal churches. While great excitement wee ()hairgrips' in official circles there was comparatively little un the street& The people had lung aspected as touch. Great sympathy was expressed fur the 1...ichess of Edinburgh, who M in • detente condi- tion. Official despatches a„gree as facts. The Czar was returitiog in a cov- ered carriage from Michael Palate about 11 &. in. with his brother the Grand Dnke Michael. The escort consisted of a quarter troop of Cossacks, and sesern1 offieersof the household ao romp:mm(1 him in sleighs. is the carriage was palming along the banks of the Eliatortnofsky Canal, iuunediately opposite the Imper- ial stables, a bomb was thrown by a luau standing behind a knot of pedestrians, whts had stopped to see the Einieror. It exploded right under the body of the carriage, the splinters dying across the etreet, doing no injury beyond tearing away the back of the carriage. The driver descended Ingo the box, and the Cossack .Scott, which was a few paces in rear, at canoe galloped up. Not more than twenty persons were present. The Czar, hearing the cnuih, at once raised the window, opened the door, *Adieu:w- ed out, mid while drawing a fur cloak about hima second bomb was thrown from a knot of lookers-on, exploding right at his feet. The smoke was still hanging about, and when the mooed bomb struck the pavement a dense cloud enveloped the carriage. A howl of pain and anguish arose from the Cossacks, some of whom were killed, land more ten, where the Nihiliata were auppueed to lei, numerous crowds gathered at the axioms end discureed the tragedy, re- niarking, as the police and military dis- persed them, "I' hey have doge fur hian at List. The potion agents arrested several persims overheard denouncing the (haul Euipensr and applauding the murder. 'Ton minutes after the first MilawiLi a as arrested his fellow consp - razor foil into the hands of the police. He lime colicealed louusolf in au old buildiug pi a lane near the Imperial stabler. I1 cordou of pollee and Cos - auks hadLt&en drawn aniuud the stables. The police routed bile out, and he was bound sad gent to, a (!tt town. He ad- mitted his guilt, and un being told that his acCoilLiiiice had been arrested, said they were ready to din at any intone:A. Hd equiu. tf the Cam was dead. tln the p.d•ce refusiug to auso er, he gleefu!- ly ! 1 1 tiow by that we k o's Saazee(e 1. Law live the people !" The po'sie • v-ise to vs MAAS ur aay am a relat lug L., the prisoners. B eteu apparently of good b rrh Rua edit. Minn. Szt•10.11:‘,. March 14.- Thu Russian ral says that the eld- es . 199n, who njw b000nics Alexander IU., it very isupubir with the Russian py,,u'm22. lie is about 33 years old, and cioniniandit g officer 9f the Imperial Guard u! 40,000 tnen--the flower of the' Russian arioy. lie has three children t. whom he is devoted. His wife, the • si..tor of the Princess of Wales, also shares his afigictitn - to a degree mum- kable fur a mender of the Royal family. Michael MAnege, he explained, wits a very large hall, somewhat similar t Madison Pquitro Garden, where the military reviews ta!io place. It was the Czar's custom to review sonic oue nu...i- ntent in Michael Manage every Mond.ty during the winter. Sr. PETERMBUItG, March 14th. -The Imperial manifesto has been pro- mulgated :---" We, by the grace of God, Alexander III., Emperor told Auto- crat of all the Ruggles, Czar of Poland, Grand Duke of Finland, etc., hereby wounded by splinters, and three ur four make known to all our faithful subjects, on -lookers 1.11 .1.0. This crash brought that it pleased the Almighty in his • squad of polios on duty at the Imperial inscrutable will tn visit Russia with the heavy blows of fate, and call her bene- factor, Alexander 11., to Himself. He fell by the hands of the imperious mur- derers who had repeatedly sought his precious life, and made their attempts becauae they saw in him • protector of Russia, the foundation of her greatnese, and the promoter of the welfare of the Russian people. Let us bow to the 1111 - fathomable will of Divine Providence and ofer up, to the Almighty our pray- ers for the repose of the pore soul of our beloved father. We ascend the throne which we inherit from our forefathers -the throne of the Reasiaii Empire and Csardoin, and Gland Dukedom, insepar- ably connected with it. We *WNas the heavy burden which God has iniponed upon us with a firm reliance upon His Almighty help. May He bless our work to the welfare of our beloved fatherland, and guide our strength for the happiness of all our faithful subjects. In repeating before Almighty God the sacred vow made by our father to devote **cording to the testament of our fore- fathers, the whole of our life to mire for the welfare and honor of Russia, we call upon all our faithful subjects to unite before the altar of the Almighty their praises with ours, and commend them to swear fidelity to us and to our successor, His Imperial Bighnsaa the hereditary the police putting irons upon biro and GrandDuke Nicolas Alexandrovitch. the V.essacks bindiug him with rope& Given at St. Petersburg, Anno Dom - The prisoner was thrown into a sled and ini 1881, and the first year of our reign. driven of under a strong guard, Djorjeb- The Agenee Russe says the- Grand ky's sleigh bearing the wounded Kipper- Duke Michael, who was driving behind or and two or three attendants drove the Czar's aleigh with Col. Dorjebky rapidly to the Winter Palace, where a when the second bomb was thrown, dis- mounted messenger bad previously ar- appearee in the crowd and escaped. rived. By this time the story was The troops have taken the oath of allegi- known throughout the neighborhood, ance to the new Emperor, and the Im- and, as the sleigh drove through perial family to -day swore allegiance to the main gate, the people stood by un- Alexander. The court officials covered, while hundreds and thousands swear their allegiance at one this after - flocked to the some. An alarm had n„n. been sunnded in the military barracks, and the guard at Winter Palace had lined with soldier& Thethenewset soot EYNIN BOOKS. been doubled, and reached the churches, and the congrega- tions rushed into the stroeta and made for the Palace, where squadrons of Cos- I sacks and regular caealry kept them at I Mow presbyton'all lly-limal bay. Melikoff, the Military Governor, 11U was nn the spot ten minutes after the Czar's carriage He stalled out large de- tachreents of cavalry and artillery, and telegraphed all the carnmanders of the city and outlying poets to hold them- selves in readiness at a moment's warn- ing. No doubt the authorities half fear- ed a general rising of Nihilists. The whole city was an armed camp before the clock struck 12. Firemen and See police kept a sharp lookout for fires, and the principal Government and municipal baildings were put under a close guard. A large body of the military and police gathered, and an active search was made fur the other samainin. The Crar was carried up stairs oa a litter. Besides the surgeons -in -ordinary the most skilled men in the city were present. His left leg was fearfully shatteeed, the greater portion of the foot an 4 ankle being blown of Thii right lig was near torn from the body. He eras iiensible, with brief intervals of anoonacieusases, to the last. At 1 p.m., the Iaperiai family were summoned to the be9 prayers for the dying being said by tie Greek patrisch, and the okra_ The leave taking is said to have been most Womb- ing. iru ow kissed **as all, and pve thaws his blimmiag. lls bore tie 2ony with lissom fortitude. sad said -he was ready to dm, and that Ramie valid never forget that ho had hors rarrassel for upholding her us- stitotions and araistrisarg had eater within bur borders. Toward 3. was evident Shad the and was soar. At 3.30 he branthod has last. Ths first aa- nounosenaten1 Pstroweraisb4orra Si toing of 991111'Whs rifts, tisti tailing at elaureh bilis, Om hoisting (dib. national lag at half -meat upon the dome (4$h Winter Palen* anal the turrets or the prin#F,I haikkoga A minute later bp ad haM-sioat end Mewled OW ~fa drooping from ilia fiscpalss au this booms of the nobility luta gentry sad Court. Governmest sad 'municipal A- erials, and • long roll of kettle drams mattered the tale in every street. Great exeltement prevailed in tho neighbor- hood of the Pekoe. het tlie people on th• street. rawei red obs nous ia solaria fig WELL 11111r1 ELLINERY ESTABLISHMENT osa OVAL GODICRICH 2\21.90 Stewart Ila gait reesivixi a Large and Varied Assortment of MILKS sad AT1NS u,f all greAee and colon, LA.CES, GLOVES,' HOSIERY, PARASOLS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS and other NOVELTIZS, from MONTREAL and TORONTO Every departnamat is well stocked by FIRST CLASS GOODS of the most fashionable patterns, and as all her purchases have been for Ready Cash, she is enabled to pre Itur numerous customers the very stables. As the smoke liftod, the Czar was seen lying on his back Maids the wreck of the carriage, his legs shattered and blood pouriug from ghastly wound's in the thighs. The cloak and wearing apparel was literary torn froushia back. He was deadly pale. and his cries to the Akers of the household for help wan scarcely audible. Colonel Itiorjebky, of his suite, who was badly injured by the second explosion, raised the Emperor, and with the aid of Cossack officers lift- ed him into the sleigh and conveyed him to the Winter Palace. The bombs wore thick glaas bills Med with dynamite. All this did not occupy Wise minutia. Meanwhile the Cossacks and police had charged upon the people, from which the two bombe were dung. Several per- sons pointed to a man in the rough sheepskin garb of a peasant, and declar- ed that he had thrown the first shell. This was confirmed by the Cossacks,who saw him hurling it. The chief of Pollee seized him. The man struggled breath- lessly, and. as the dismounted escort closed epos' him drew a revolver as though intending to shoot the Grand Duke Michael, whose serape from death by the second explosion was littleahort of miraculous. But his hand was struck down, and in an instant be was thrown to the pathway and securely pinioned,. BEST VALUE AT THE OWIT POSSIBLE prices. 11•1131:" CTI01•T PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Mr. Thos. Sneyd, who for a number of years has been in the employ of Mr. John Acheson, has entered into partnership with J AMES .A. REID . The business will be carried on under the name and style of REID & SNEYD. C. JDOI" TO THE PEOPLE OF GODERICH 1 extend any best thanks to the townspeople who worked so well in endeavoring to save lily goods at the recent Are. It is pleaaant to know that you have the good wd.I of your neighbors, and actions like that performed by those whom 1 take this oppo1 unity of thanking, make one feel that "a friend in need is a friend indeed. ' I'o rstruly D. C. STRACHAN. I Lave removed my stock of general gneertea to the corner I of Blake's Block, whew I will be pleased to meet all my friends and old customer& We have oonsiderably enlarged the premises., and put in a very large stoek of general Dry Gonda, which has been bought entirely for cash. We invite the public to take a look through our stock, which will bo sold at very close prices; and we are satisfied our way of doing business will so meet the viewe of the general public as to secure a very exteuded patronage. in every variety published. 1== MANCHESTER HOUSE, JORDAN'S BLOCK. Ouderich, March 18th 1881. 1778•1111. D. C_ Stale woe,. (*.••••I A ir• er..4 Opt mime. fon • was .ii • • s • a. 12• 0., • L • T wasuo m Ue. L ;IV • 1 • • ...Lal prism • 4N • g•. • 1 TR,11C04c7-130" SAUNDERS' VARIETY STORE, to WEST ST neat door to the POST OFFICE. • New Methodist Hymn Book in all its forma. LOWEST PRICES SHEPARD'S BOOKSTORE. JOHNSTON'S INDIAN ROOD STRIP. elm BOYD'S GALVANIC BATTERIES. BOP 23ITTMPtf3_ INT=77\7' C11-001DS opened out this wee.. WALL PAPERS, CRUET STANDS, PICTURE GOODS, FAN CY BASKETS. eirr0 I.0 s T COST 10 elear out stock. "eirTinamith work attended to on shortest notice and charges moderate "THE CHEA PEST HOUSE UNDER THE 1777 Record of the LYMAN Barb. - 14 A FIRST PRIZES AWARDED THE "L-5Z.INCE.L6.1\T" , Four -Barb Wire Fencing at 12TNLIDE11N:T CINCINNATI, OHIO. 7EXHIBITIONS. SYRACIINK. h. Y. DAVSNFMT. IOWA. f ent Y2LCELLENCE ond IMPSItIOSITY Cor .r:// Compete/M. The Cheapest & Best Fehall[1 271 THE NV -0I - Adopted and In use on 19 Hallway Lines in the IT. S. and Canada. See that our trade mark, "ILTYAN BASE," fa stencilled on esck reel. But 710 OTHIMIL Send for prices and circulars 10 11. W. McKamtia at Co. Ooderich. DOMINION DARE WIRE FENCE CO, 1771.4o. Montreal. JAMES WILSON Druire.- izissinat IMPOOMI6017 1100. NOTICE! Odeihy este Phelegeverhowl Oederesk. Is rataralmi thanks IiwipStr swod =4 1411.;r:r..Z.V • 7t1 A WILICIC. 812 a day at home easily 4. mMaim i made. costly outfit tree. Aldre Oa. Anemia. ss New 'flinch, Pewsee 1. Worn OM IA ergesTolte par &a. tor &a. • g Asia Flyeess be ma the above et INOTTOadr w Ill X 0 113 S- aws all mell layee=t= thildesselairstrallis god Ise - . brash 1 cove NEW OTSRCOATINGS, NEW BOOTCH GOODS. A r11111 iirTTLY or LOVELL'S I '19ESCI• CYKBP 'rI-IE CI-ZMPTCINT .Tr.= BBT IN MEC 1\tr.A.1=t32Ci. 00L.13011143 MOB: A. L40'T cF N ZW SPRINGIRINTS. a Melt 0 ra. Ladie's Cloals„aad llisters. SPLENDthVALUE at Colborne Bros. Province of Ontario Directory Hwy Caliadiam Woollen Jest the this. kir wastes' ekithlait. I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. —OF - 1V1 IRr. ID. FERO-T..7 SO —T a -- VERY GREAT DISC OU T ! Nearly all of mid Stock, as well as my own original stock. wntioneht bellre ihe .td•nne of Mardware. 1am therefore in a position to sell Cbroper thou any eider Souse $ the rowdy. FOR i.881 -1882 - TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 1881, Price 15.00. Ult. LOVMLL, at the request of several .01 Merchants and others of the Province of Ontario of the City of Montreal. arc,. begs to annonoos that his Arra will pekiisb a PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO DIREORY, in No- vember nextcontaining an Sono Geo! Laws of Genre' Piprinrinap Mr- seem- num log Alphabetical Directory AND A THOROUGH Classified B118i11888 Directory MY STOCK OF mteral IlathalT is Colliiitc, wklch I want to run oft quickly. cola ArD 131711AT MT= MOW WILL PLEASE YOU. Fresh Ground Water Lime in took., AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. R.. W.. MIE C11\1ZI - 1751-1m. of the Briaioesa and Professional men in the Cities, Towns, and Villages or Ontario, with a Classified Business Directory 071 171E CITY OF MONTR AL. The same care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 be given to this work. Subscribers names respectfully solicited. Term* of Ad- vertising made known upon application. JOHN LOVELL & BON Montreal. Dec. 1881. Pablt.three. 1769 011.RC.9ATS, d. a week in your own town. Ikvms and Q. $5 outfit free. Address H. HALLETT Co.. Portland. Maine. CLOTHING MADE to ORDER talky my sows traparviales .11^ ALL !roils WARRANTED lig Egh Danlap, PAISMIONA PLR T II (IR nom* row On Siskekk blredett, Stoves 1 Stoves 1 GRAND CLEARING SALE F— Boots and Shoes, —A CAVIES BOOT and SHOE WHIR FOR ONE MONTH. Previous to Stock taking. My Stook is Largeand well -assorted, and RANTS TROU011iffl and CONReelING PIFER, CISTERN PUMPS, LEAD PIPINI„ JL P15511 WO FANCY TINWARE. COAL OIL warisaanLa sow sorsn. GREAT BARGAINS coat 0 Iseepaste.. cm Irak 0011=Frudi Wont Irialkimos sod Sheep When ha toreheowa J. STORY. 1111.19W the 0•01011 Sarni will be given. r=2\ZO — C.4L1A.S1-3 WM. CAMPBELL. Ooderich, Jan. 13, 1881. 1789 ICIT\TT_A Carriage Works! 33_ 10IINTT=17Z having lamed the shop of Mr. P. Boyne, is now engaged in the manufacture of first class CARRIIGIS BUGGIES, 'WAGGONS, etc. Give me a call, and I will give you prices that cannot be beaten in the county. IIIELP.A..111.1asTal- etc 1703313II•T0- 1301%.T1E1. KINTAIL CARRIAGE WORKS, B. pOINmEOEL r 421-1R,F.A_T SAI 0V FM? IRMICTI31,1.M Ilke ilis ems SS diva FURNITIIEBAr riur FOLLOWING- PRICES FOR CARR: . BRDTRADII, Om 0.111 up.13111UIACTS, frost 186 00 or CRADLES, LSO WASHSTANDII, from 1.00 up Good High Top CV P$OASDI; for 700 ClOOD CHAIRS. at 36c ail at WorulatiftULLow Prices! GIFEINETWIa CII▪ -17lik.P B.A,..LIEL CALL AND BIZ !MOCK AND PRICES TOR YOURRELVEO A LI, IPITIRIllitl) Tv) telt ARS irjariate.41.1. A NI) Optrr,II SA AL.," Gl• 13.."..X.1... its Wedowee tialcory . sr salie amsritees, dither ladies ev reetiemim rb.....14.... A..— 1...... ..6Uwe.......A i....... .. 11,p• ••• otoors sop ,...t., IN;1-.-- "a—