HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-18, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL
Is published every Li Ttie t miefsssss Jeeel. a�*r-sevem-
Giuncunnr Hine ll k qts w eeymeieeWeasw.
�OOODZRICH, ONTARIO. f a , menus ills, Q. C. Malan esialsr.
And the eurrosind-
ing country by�the eeairliiest malall parts ls and Melba Wednesday, March 16.
tot• o a..erai adolosien it has a drools- The mvestigation of the alleged wres-
c�a ssrt d ed J e
and most liaba. iourems Mr wb is Ontario.welest tour Judgeanes dgof the Couuty of Huron,
e e.gtsgi'e "" sgwe-dame badan on Wsdnsals Iasi at 10 .sit ,
amity to tits above. s first -dame b j y
mast pap tis therebie• • on &meliw Living, Q.C. of Hamil-
_� y�aless Baty ltae/teea- tun Yr. Garry" appaawd for We prow
•l 11 p Id .�a ssoita�id prose -
cuticle, sod Ur. I ua,assisted by Mr.
ustoe• ed so Pall. rea rule will he. strlctl)r Seager, defended Some seventy wtt-
RATea Of ADVI*T1SIwu.-Eight Genu �pee nouns have been subpumed fur the
line for first insertion; three costa line [or prosecution and the prospects are that
each Yearl1yy the investigation will be very lengthy.
and quarterly contracts at reduced rates ��
jos rRrtrTTlsta.._ Are have also a ere"_class The following is the list of charges
Jobbing department in connection and possess- einem t the J edge . --
ing the must complete out -At and best facilities
for cursing out work In Ooderich, are prepared In the nutter of the complaints against
to do business in that line at prices that cannot Wilmot Richard Squier, Esquire, Judge
be beaten, and of • quality that cannot be of the County Court of the County of
sarpassed. -Tenon CasA. Huron, about to be investigated under
FRIDAY MARCH 18 1881. Commission, :Emeliw Irving , Esquire,
' Q. C., the Commisioner in that behalf
appointed by His Honor the Lieutenant
Aaa•Noassavrs are in progress by Governor of the Province of Ontario.
which telegrams from Great Britain to 1. That the said Wilmot Richard
South America will be lessened in price Squier was when appointed to the said
by $6 a word. It is needless to a that office, and ho has ever since continued
7 to be so embarrassed financially as to
under the old figure, special newspaper render his retention of the said office
telegrams were few and brief. improper in the public interests. Among
other to whom he was and is largely
BISMARCK has another grievance. He indebted are Daniel McDonald, Clerk
complains that the municipal assessment of the said County Court, the estate of
P Pv Wharton Hodgson, deceased, formerly
of his property in Berlin is too high, and a Bailiff of the Fifth Division Court, in
ranks the act as a species of persecution. the said County of Huron. James A.
The great Chancellor, like thereat of tis, is, Benson, a Practising Attorney in the
tender on the matter of high assess- said County; R Carswell, who sold him
vents; although he is not u Particular the law library which he uses; R. Hay
g Pa & Cu., who supplied him with the fur -
in placing heavy burdens of taxation on niture in the house which he occupies.
the nation as a whole. John Kay who supplied him with car-
pets for the said house; Stovel & Arm -
Ir sexes now that Dr. Orton, M. P., strong, his tailors; Breedfoxot & Box,
fur -
is not e6tiefied with the N. P. as an an- furniture dealers; Daniel Gordon, niture dealer and many others.
tidote to the exodus disease. He is go- 2. In addition he still owes former
ing to endeavor to hinder flitting to client. of his considerable sums for
l'ncle Sam's domain by special legiala- monies received by him for them while
tion of a mere stringent kind than here- the said County ofyHunron whi hSor he
tofore in use. But nothing short of failed to pay over. Among others to
malting emigration a capital offence will whorl he is indebted are: Thomas Mc -
stop the outflow of people from Canada Lennan, John Leckie, Alexander Hun-
an long as the N. P. and the Syndicate ter, the estate of John Barker, Benja-
are kept bythdoughtyman Frslick, Anthony Dnddsworth and
bargainP intact e others.
Doctor and others of his kidney. I 3. In consequence of the said financial
embarrassment of the said Judge, he has
been twice charged before a Magistrate
WE have it on the best authority that with criminal offences in the nature of
if the charges against Judge Squier are , fraud, since his s•tid appointment, name -
sustained, and he be dismissed from the l ly, once by one Darius Doty with ob-
taining goods by false preten�ee, which
Bench, a prominent London lawyer will
charge was settled, and the other by the
immediately proceed against six, other said Thomas M-i.ennan with the fraudu-
County Judges on similar charges. If lent appropriation ofmoney,and onwhich
there be grounds for such wholesale last mentioned charge he was sent up fur
proceedings, then, so far as our county teal to the next criminal court of *one
potent jurisdiction.
judgships are"concerned,
4. He improperly and corruptly dis-
"There's something rotten in the state of missed one Benjamin Fralick, as Clerk
Denmark'. of the Fourth Division Court for the said
However, let the Bench be purged of all County and appointed the Petitioner
unworthy occupants. against the said Benjamin Fralick, one
Alexander Hunter who was also then a
THa Dakota party which left Goderieh large creditor of the said. Judge, to the
yesterda were all cud citizens. We said office of Clerk.
Y g' 5. He improperly, knowingly and
are sorry to lose thein from the town, corruptly permitted one Wharton Hodg-
and sorry, tau, that the Dominion should son, then a Bailiff of the fifth Division
lose them. But as they, like thousands Court for the said County and who had
of our fellow Canadians, have decided to become a surety for a loan of five hu n -
cross the lines, we can only trust dred dollars by one Coombs to the said
Judge, after his said appointment, to sell
that they will meet with the success his office of Bailiff, to one Ellis for a sum
they look for there, and which, despite sufficient to indemnify him, the said
our commercial cure-all, the N. P., has Wharton Hodgson against his liability as
been denied thein in Canada. such surety for the said loan, and the note
given therefor was, after the confirm-
ation of the resignation of the said
IT l8 asserted in certain quarters that Wharton Hodgson as such Bailiff and
the change of ruler in Russia will hasten the appointment of the said Ellis as his
a•great European war. The new Czar is successor by the said Judge, paid by the
said to have no great anxiety to continue legal representative of the said Wharton
Hodgson who had meantime died, and
amicable relations with Germany, and on the said Judge hes not since paid the
account of his wife being a sister of the same.
King of Greece, he has strong pro -Greek 6. In the Autumn of the year 1877 the
feelings. It is also said that in case of a said judge obtained possession of a sum
of ntoneyamountingg to $54, the property
Russo -Prussian embrogliu, France would of one Benjamin fhalick, under oircum-
form an allian9e with the Bear against stances which amounts to the criminial
its old adversary, in the hope of aveng- offence of larceny, and he retained the
• ing Sedan. We will see if the sanguin- same until criminal proceedings were on
ary surmising' come to anything. the eve of being taken against him there -
'for, when the claim was paid together
with a considerable cum for the Clerk
Tits assassination of the Czar of Rus- after said County Court actors for the
sia on Sunday last (a full account of said judge.
which appears in another column) sent 7. On the trial of Michael Hogan up -
thrill thrill of horror through the known on a criminal charge before the said
judgehe improperly andfradulentlyallpw-
world. Far from being a good man, the ed the said Daniel McDonald Clerk of
murdered Emperor had many commen- said County Court the sum of eight dol-
dsble qualities, and the fearful mode of lam witness fees for procuring some
despatching his life has nothing more documents in the official charge of the
said Clerk. The re -payment of these
terrible in the annals of history.Well
fees was refused by the Government and
may other crowned heads tremble, for the County of Huron therefore lost the
no matter how numen•us their body amount.
guards, each must feel at the mercy of 8 At the voters lists Courts for the
desperate wretch who can carryan Townships of Usborne and Stephen held
any pe in the Autumn of 1878 the said judge
explosive. refused to obtain the!Clerks of the said
Courts their fees for serving notices un-
Asenteetr those called in by the Fi- less they would divide the same with the
nano* Minister to assist him in revising said Wharton Hodgson although he had
the was s Mr. George G. Duna- pe..orme.. no feat after the services and
tariff, the said Clerks were obliged to pay and
tan, who was about to start a sugar re- did pay the said Hodgson one-half of the
finery at Halifax. Mr. Dunstan told amounts allowed them for such fees.
THE COUNTY JUDGE. judicial functions tea be even sit keter n- bar of hours on Wednesday and their
timidly usurped by those hav ao evil examination luted till 7 a. in.
desire, who et manage to in a them- Thursday, Mash 17.
selves, u�te hia drunken bats, into The investigatiuu opened to-do at
ita•tten before bion, for udicial t90 a. w., the Commissioner presiding.
12. It is a matter of frequent remark The following witnesass were called: -
and public repru&ch that owing to the James Addison, John Reid, A. M. Ross,
said Jude's fivanoial difficulties ted his IL P. P., P. Adamson, F. W. Johnston,
said habits of drunkeanws, that he bap °tarif 0ibbuiu and Ira Lewis.
long been and still is under a species of During the afterno u an arrau$e-
voluntary guardianship, both as to per 'sent was curse to by the opposing
ten and estate, in which his guardian is awned to [tall no mono evidence
his chief ereditor and the Clerk of the on either side, but to allow the cage
said County Court. It is nut intended Sonia un the testitnuoy already sub -
to suggest that the Clerk has exercised emitted, and consequently no more wit -
fur any improper purpose the power ho nessees were "Idled
undoubtedly possessor over the aid Mr. Idington fur the defence and Mr.
Judge ; but It is a scandal and diagraee, °arrow for the prosecution their submit -
and highly prejudicial to the pruper ad- ted their cases for the cottsidemtiou of
ministration of juatioe in this County, the Commissioner, Mr. (Jarrow closing
that the said Judge should be subject to at 6 p. us.
the said, or to any similar, influence, The matter is now in the hands of the
whether morally or immorally exercised. Commissioner, who has the power to re -
The Judie ahould control the Clerk, and port to the Government between the
nottheClerk the Judge, u in the present present date and the l.st of July.
13. The said J uuge kas been repeated- evens mares Teelcbers' AracLuea.
ly drunk and incapable when engaged in -
the discharge of his official duties as A very successful tweeting of the West
such Judge, of which the following are Huron Teacher' Association was held in
inatarces. the Public School, Exeter, on Friday
Then follow the specific charges of and Saturday March 11th, and 12th.
which the following condensed out will 'rhe president, Mr H. I. Strang, being
give an idea unavoidably absent, the chair was ably
14. At Blyth- Oct. bth., 1878, at tilled by the Vice -President, Mr. George
Court for revision of voters' lista.
Baird. About seventy teacher were in
15. At Goderich-County Judge's attendance.
Criminal Court, when one John Mulligan The subjects introduced were all thor-
was on trial for larceny. uughly practical, end the discussions
16.' At Goderich-At en adjourned were much more general, interesting
Session of the Peace, •dart. 24th, 1879, and instructive than usual The follow -
Appeal case of Graham vs. Hawkins. I !ng committees were appointed. -Bus-
17. At Goderich-County Court, June inese-Messrs. Huston, Connlly and
13th, 1879. Baird: -Resolutions - Messrs. McAn-
18. At Bayfield -Division Court, Oct. drew', Gregory, Nash, Grauick sod
Collins. Question Drawer: -Messrs.
25th, 1879. , I Miller, Baird and Gregory,
19. At Bayfield -Revision of voter
After routine business Mr. S. S. Nash
list, Oct. 2bth,1879. introduced "Reviews," by reading •
20. At Goderich--Adjourned Session concise and pithy paper on the subject.
of Peace, which commenced un the 24th A lengthy and very instructive discusa
and ended Dec. 31st, 1878• ion followed, after which Mr. Gregory
21. At Gode.nich-Session of the Coun- illustrated his method of teaehine
ty Board of Audit in Jan. 1880. "Reading" to a fifth class, and Mi"i A.
22. At Goderich - County Judge's M.Taylor conducted a review lesson
Criminal Court, Jan. 26th, 1880. with a Third Geography Class After
23. At Dungaunun-Division Court, some criticisms and a short diacwsiun on
Feb. 24th, 1880. the methods adopted, Mr. • J. Conned -
24. At Dungannon -Investigation of ly read an excellent paper on "Tie cul-
tivation against bailiff of Division Court, of the Memo which was well
Feb. 24th, 1880. rye
25. At Goderich-During the County received, and discussed at some length.
Court holden in June, 1880. The literary and musical entertaut-
26. At Seaforth-Division Court; ment, held in Drew's Hall Friday
evening was very largely attended, many
June 28th, 1880.
27. At Clinton -Division Court, June bpm unable to obtain even standing
29th, 1880. r«ini. Rev. G. Webber occupied the
28. At Goderich-County Court, in chair. Excellent addresses by Inspector
July, 1880. Miler and Reeds, E. J. Robinson and
29: At Goderich-Argument in Cham- J. R.. Grandy, music and singing by
Misses Verity, Pitton, Oak and Messrsbeen, July gird, 1880.
30. At Godench-Argument In Cham- Collins, Hall, O'Neil and Brewer, and
ben of appeals from town of Wingham reads by Messrs Brewer, Fife and
and village ,•f Bayfield, July 29th, McCallum formed a capital programme
1880 which was well carried out.
After routine business on Saturday,
31. At Goraie-Division Court, Aug- Mr. Geo. Baird introduced " Uniform
ust 27th, 1880. Promotion Examinations." A short dis-
32. At Brussels, Division Court, Aug. cession followed, the result of which was.
28th, 1880. fila this occasion a suitor a resolution to the effect it was not eon -
named R. W. Mitchell told the Judge he sidered advisable to Introduce these ex -
was drunk, and was committed for con- amination' at present
tempt, but when brought to Goderich Mr. A E. Huston then explained in a
under warrant, the said Judge on being very instructive manner his method of
informed of the matter ordered discharge teachingGrammarto the third class, after
of said Mitchell. which Inspector Miller gave a very prac-
33. Great delays in the revision of the tical and useful addreas on " School
voters' lista for the year 1879 occurred Routine."
by reason of the said Judge's drunken- Mr. H. E. Huston was•appointed re-
news and consequent incapacity. In the presentative to the Provincial Teachers
cases of Blyth and Bayfield, special mea Association, and Messrs. Strang. Miller,
.engers had to be sent for such lists on Huston and Connelly a committee to
the eve of municipal elections, at which examine the "Revd Readers" with a
they were wanted. view to recommending their authorifa-
34. At Goderich-County Court, in "fun. It was decided toehold the next
the cage of Hincks vs Sowerby, the said meeting in Goderich about thebeginning
Judge was almost continuously drunk. of Oct. next.
36. On Jan. 22nd,1881, at an adjourn
ed sitting of the Sessions of the Peace,
for the selection of Juror, the said Auburn.
Judge was so drunk while presiding, ---
that the other members of the Court The Rev. Mr. Jamieson, of Bayfield,
withdrew in disgust. preached an educational sermon in?the
36. On Feb. 24th. 1881, the said C. M. Church here on Sabbath, the 13th
Judge was drunk while presiding in inst.. to a large and attentive audience.
the County Judge's Criminal Court on A collection was taken at the close for
the trial of one Holland. the college fund of the church.
37. The said Judge was drunk while Mr. John Caldwell, formerly of the
presiding in Chambers un March 4th, firm of 8. & J. Caldwell, of this place,
1881. has taken to himself a wife. He is now
38. The said Judge has been in the visiting his friends in this village. ; He
habit of concealing bottles of intoxiest- intends going to Winnepeg in a few
ing liquors m his chambers, and else- weeks to engage in the grocery business
where in the Court House, for the pur- Mr. Robt Mutch of the 3rd con, E.
pose of indulging in his said habits of Wawanosh, has purchasedathoroughbted
intoxication, s habit well known to Durham bull from Mr. Wm Graham, of
many persons, and, as is submitted, Stapley. Ho is said to be a first class
scandalous and disgraceful in itself. animal.
39. He has been repeatedly publicly
drunk at the said town of Godench, and ( ,
elsewhere in the said County of Huron,
on other occasions than when acting MAAowic.-An emergent communica-
judicially, both before and since the tion of Morning Star Lodge A. F. d A.
charges now to be investigated were pre- M. No. 909 G. R. C. was held on Mon-
fer'red. day ev'ng. March 14th, to receive the
40. On one occasion, the date of official visit of the D. D. G. M., Dr.
which cannot be exactly stated, he was Msrtyn of Kincardine, and a very en -
drunk at a dinner given to the Bar at joyable and highly instructive evening
Goderich circuit, by his Lordship Chief was spent by the brethren of the " mys
Justice Wilson. tic tie. Our R. W. Br. expressed
41. On another occasion be was drunk himself well pleased with tM eouriahing
when dining with his Lordship Mr. Jut- state of the Ledge, and the work done
floe Galt, at Goderich, on his Lordships in it, and we are sure that the remembers
circuit. and visitors were mon than pleased
42. He was publicly drunk on Dentin- with big valuable instruction tees are
ion Day of 1879, in the presence of • quits c on5demt that the Dr. will always
large number of people. be a welcome guest in Morning Star
9. The said Judge has for some years 43. On another ,evasion in the sante Ledge as long as he brings • stock of
now out past been and still is in the summer, the particular date of which Masonic lore. Quite • number of the
frequent habit of indulgence in intoxicat cannot by givena he was found lying Goderich brethren asses out
ing liquor to an extent which makes drink in Pansy's finery stable at the
him incapable of controlling himself and sad r orf Goderteh fl.
utterly unfits him for his judicial funct K (ht the 6th day of Aug., 1879, the
ions and he was unfit because and a an said Jodge was publicly drunk at Gude-
habitual and oonfirrned drunkard. rick' and was peeO by many persons in
"bat oond►ticwi.
10. From the said iodizes habits and 4b. In tk. month of June 1880, the
conduct since his appointment and hie saider w Jeer drunk, and found lying
financial embarrassment hit is stroragly helpless in a blit street in the aid
ste■peoted of being frequently moved by motives
iwopeoper etives m hs discharge of his Id. Thee wed Judge las for the pest
judicial duties. and whetherthe charge is toe years sad down to the present time
oorrecttor not it is beyond question that bean in
aha frwgveet habit cif iedulg•
the (bunt over which he is called to itis p.bhely in the exeessive lM
preside judicially has long since lost all of intexieating Nome, and has base re.
ennlidlenee in him, as an upright and peatedily drunk and isoapable in public.
capable. J4wlge, and be is ttgtully apnkrri lea hie to be more speer e6 se to
of o•ontemptuoosly both by litgianta and d tflw petitioners allege and
the legal profession whereby his useful- charas M is hat for two yews paid
news and capacity fn properly fill the been a amnion and notorious drank-
sald Mob'* is at an endamnion11. From the said Judge s said bad
habits he is necessarily at the mercy of
the wicked and designing. especially
when intoxicated, turd the proper admin
i.trati-m of juetiee in the G+onty of Hu
roe is in constant danger from this snow
The following lines, dedicated to the
memory of the lets James Gordon
Smith, were intended to be read at the
celebration of Burn. Anniversary by
the Lucknow Caledonian Society, but as
the Society did not hold their celebra-
tion this year, the reading had to be
There is • vacant chair to -sight to our haU,
Oft filled by one who le with us no more:
p�••a1licloud sit sorrow that hangs like •
Tor abevther niit lost, but gone before.
There's • vacant chair a here the l'hieftan sat
Ever cheerful and bright, midst so. cal cheer;
Whose humor and repartee never fell flat
When Eve's fair da lighters were championed
There's • vacant chair, and a form keenly
At the mart, and the rink, and checker
Wbo has played his last quoit, and rubber of
And gone when called by his Master and
Tilers's a vacant chair to • circle near by,
interwoven with thought of sacred love;
Ab! oft they'll think with an affectionate tdgh
Of the soul that fled to realms above.
There's • vacant chair, and • mound in K(n-
Forever enshrined in our memory;
Both hallowed to us, tilt the river we crows
That teacloth from life to eternity.
J. D. 8.
the St. John's knight what he knew
about sugar, but finally backed out of
his refinery project. He has been award-
ed $453.75 for his services, and upon it
kissing pointed out that none of the other
refiners who had helped to prepare the
tanff had been paid anything. Mr. Blake
remarked that they got their pry from
the people direct The leader of the
Opposition tumefy added that he had al-
ways thought that the tariff en sugar
had been prepared by jhe refiners, and
now he wee sore at
Atter the visit of Mr. Parnell to New
Rowe a green fag was left flying from the
rep of the okl sddey During a gale the
fag wea blown downs, and was replaced
twoth r beads[ the inscription, "The
es sieve the Red Tke rector. the
Peen tempeetos and some other person.
paeeeded to take it down, when a mob
.seseabled and endeavored to prevent
thee., lent the Rev. Mr 1,v Hunte. the
racier, taking off his oast, ehmbed to the
kip of the building and took ,leen the
v.deetes Markets-
etioanstee Meech I7.11111.
Wbe•t. IIra I V bush....,.... it • 11 es
Wheat, Itipringt V hunk....... 1 • 1 10
Thur Y
A 2 70
c_ 'r!t ........ •. •• .... Y
pais,. ..........:.... ^ tet 0
tg•, •• • A to M 0
° c 3s le oae
1' • �' 9 Iii a 10 00
C 1to....................... 021 r 080
Butter, 0 it 010
fid a t°s .,....,. p 5 is 7 s
Port e e.0 ' 7 OD
Wood.- . ..... ................ 280 " 1 to
salt per barrel 1 0) • 1 OD
We regret to announce the death of
an old neighbor, Peter Hollenback, who
died at his home, near the village of Salt
river, Labelle County, Michigan, last
month. at the advanced age of 71 years.
Mr. Horton has purchased the black-
mith shop here.
McWilliams -On T»e.day, the l5tb Instant.
Aaron B. McWilliams, aged 10 !'ears and 5
Williams -On the 1st Elisabeth Juliap
widow of the late Rowland Williams. Jadge
of the London District, la her ilst 'ear.
Tonsorial •
TV. Balt and Hair -dresser, begs to return
thanks to the public for past patronage, and
solicits a continuance of custom. tie can
vws be found at his Slaving Parlor, near
the P °Moe. (ioder4:b. 1753
She People's Solumn.
AU applications for Lionise, M the isle
etLiquor. must be in my hands befbre,$M
day off April next. ST6rms' 1 ATWA, LLlteesessaee
Ooderich. March 1st 1(81. 1770.
was found on the Huron ttuad. near the
411i con., Guderich Tp., about the beginning of
I'ebru•rtey. The uwner situ have it by proving
cid paling
el hats. It. Mil Wit.
From our own Correspondent. collection ail book accounts, and prosy
notes, due him up to Jan 1181. I must request
About 1 o'clock, Thursday morning that all persons be Indebted would call upon
the tranquil slumbers of our townspeo- me at once, and settle, otherwise coda will be
le were suddenly broken, bythe fearful from
tIncurred. I will be In Ur. da.inona Miler
Y f[nom feu a. m. to 4 p. m. each day.
alarm of the fire -bell. It was soon die- 1773; JAMl;8 J. McMATIM.
covered that a tire was assuming fearful TOT,ICE TO CONTRACTORS.-
power, having urigittatci in the rear of -1 Tenders will he received by the under -
soon collected and breaking into the 12th day of Mlart•h 1881. for making alterations
to save the goods. But and additions to • frame dwelling house 1n the
stores began
g own (.1 Ooderich. for ('hale Slack. Esgr.
the fire, driven along by a brisk wind, The plans and specifications can be seen at my
kept at their heels. It was thought as eateo Crabb'' Block, on and after Tuesday
next. Tenders may be separate or in bulk.
the monster enveloped in o nick succes- JAMES SMAILL architect.
mon the stores of Messrs Fright, Ste Goderich the 3rd day of Merck, ile70.
i. 17
venson, McGaw, Coats and Graham TN THE MARITi1V[E COURT OF' -
that it would be impossible to prevent it 1 Ontario. The Schooner or vessel
front crossing the street to the "Com- ••wILLIAM W 8 LLACE."
nlercial" and adjoining buildings. The
wind increased, the heat became almost Whereas a cause of Recoveries hag been In -
insufferable while the dense, deadly"'lied In the Maritime Court ofnt
Ontario on,
behalf of Nelson Simmons against the Schoon-
smoke hovered low in the street, and er emnini m Wearer," sow lyfog at the Port
threatened to stile the noble firemen, of Goderich. under arrest by virtue of a
Warrant !rued from the said Court and no
who fought like heroes against the ad- demurrer or answer has been filed in the said
vancing flames. At this fatal juncture, cause. This is to give notice to an persons
the tank, went dry;and some time who have or claim to bare any right, title or
interest In the said Schooner 'William
elapsed before the change could be Wallace" that 11a demurrer or answer in the
effected. A panic seised the spectators, said cause be not filed in the office of the
but the firemen went coollyand tell Depsty Resiatmr of fhe maid Courtat on of
telling' rich, within six da s [nom the poMioatlon of
ly about their work. A few of the most this notice, the said Court will order the said
venturesome of the tun dared the schooner 'William Wallace' to be sob to
answer the claims instituted against the same.
the stroke and heat, and by the use of or make such order in the premises as to it
a good supply of pails and water, held diel IleuTaken right 1 If. Ma l)KRMOTT
ground until the hose was again brought SEAGER / MOfi'roN • Depot Reatstrar.
to play. Barristers, asked). I at Goderich.
A heavy loss has been sustained by Mated LOU March 1981. 1777-2t.
the victims of this devastation, and to RARE CHA.�TCE
them' the sympathy of the populace is
strongly manifested. The following is Great Credit sale of farm stock and impie-
the amount of insurance on the build- sent' •t the international l4alt Works. Farm
ingsand stoke deaf Wm. Coats being lot number 2. 1st ign,•eesfon Goderich
destroyed: -Wm. o Township. The undersigned Is saving up
$3,509 on building and stock, in the Im- farming and will offer for sale by public Auc-
ria1 and 83,500 in the Phoenix; J. son on
cGawa, $500 on building in the WEDNESDAY the 23rd MARCH, 1881
at 1.30 p. m. the the following stock and Im-
Queens, and $300 in the Sovereign, piementa: Four oows in calf. tour cows newly
on stock; D. B. Strathy, building on calvod with their cves with thetwo
Albert street $800 in the Dominion, hMfen, rising two yeahalold, oae steerta risiulr
two years old. one wood Durham Grade bull
no insurance on life building on Huron rising three years at three heifers about one
street; G. H. Wrights stock was incur- year old, tour steers about one year old fifty
ed in the Western for g`l "100, Canada five sheep, two good working horses, one
drlvitrg mare. two good plows• one set
Fire and Marine for $1,600, and in the iron harrows, one good Meld roller nearly new.
Citizen's for $1,000; T. Stetenson's ane good Iron er, one. ooe good rake. two
and sower, one good sulky mks, two
building was insured in the Queen's for good lumber wagons, two goad sett bob -
$500, Citizen's $200, his stock was in- snoodradle, one good
Citizen's tanningleighs, amiil,gfir. Termharveste ofcsale, aft under.
cured in the' Queen's for $400, is cash• alt over that amount ten monilia
$ credit will be given on furnishing approved
joint notes". PETER McEWEN, proprietor.
CONCERT. -The concert given, on Fri- J. c. ccMil&, Auctioneer.
day evening last, was, as anticipated, Dated March 9.1881. 1771 -fit.
a splendid success Th.. New Hall .was,
for the first time, beheld in its imposing PAY lJ iTr
garniture and spacious maguiticence. s
and the large select audience which
nearly filled it, did no dishonor to its
BEING now oat of bolos'' on account of
splendor. Mr. Kennedy did nor arrive me n ul be settle&esarly t 1atakke dthis oppor-
owingtoillneu, but his place was kind- tunny of desiring all concerned to tin
OP at
ly filled by three most accomplished once -
ladles, whose services had been secured 1778.2m GEORGE CATTLE.
for toe occasion. Miss Reidy fairly took
the audience by storm, and 'by her Mrs. Mary Wingate,
masterly rendition of "Sweet By -and "formerly of Goderich, later of netrolte
Bye" charmed every heart in admiration.
while Mies. Barr did ample justice to her Has opened a
old and *ell -maintained reputation as MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING
one of Canada's favorites;. her Scottish establishment on
songs being especially fascinating; Mrs.
Newton of Clinton who is rapidly at- SOUTH ST.
taining musical eminence, and who has
already trade considerable progress as a three doors from the Albion Hotel, with
composer, added another laurel to her a full assortment of Tannest) and
reputation. The Literary and Debating UNTRnrtezn HATA, FlATHJCRs,
Society have the congratulations ,of the F1.owsai, Tux, Leese,
town, for thus affording them such a RCrrrLlxaA, Fic us,
splendid musical treat,, and they metal- F1.1 NOW,
so feel highly elated at the appreciation Vsevrrs and Dares TalwrtINos.
with which their efforts were met. Should A CALL IS INVITED.
these ladies again visit w they are sure
of a splendid audience.
Doted at ()Manch in the County d
Herrin this ff k day of Marek, 1881
J T. Gamow.
Solicitor for petite -met
lit err+ D. McDoesid sad R Malcom
fag himself - _ . 1Moreover attain dart Steam that hal east wi cia.:a witness ess boz for nulls
Osrrcamv. ---The death of tea of our
cameos bet week hes east •
over the seaRas mitt'. Oa under glum
ing Mr. Jells Plekerinr died at the mi.
dens• of his sae Robert, it Ur rips mos
of 111 seers. 11111 was me of the eidsst
settlers is tai *Asa* , and we. a gent,
semmemaing sem, • greed Mime •ad a
bied .at Ur tether's ris
breathed her lest, M
'$ler derti,wse awed by
meaner es/ kind how Her p��
woe the tens et all who blow
tErimsb will alwayshon
01st Meer, eget Mr Brown, of Homn township, has
se sympathy
pts klrgely attended esi ea cooed ennead arable trouble this
aygspstlhy Pevaib for flee Ir f"'^
reads" winter in sawing pints logs which came
505e Resister.
Wednesday, March 30. Farm, farts DAN$ OF MONTREAL
stock and implements. Jno. Murphy, I.
Lot 1, con. 9. E. D. Ashfield, J. 0.
Currie, auctioneer. C/Pile/t, - - gff,asn,eew.
SURPLUS. - • - - •,spews,
Thursday, March 31. --- Household fur-
niture, &c. Mrs. Dyett, J. C. Currie,
Wednesday, Marsh 23 Farm stock
sad implements, at international Salt
Works, J. C. Currie, auctioneer.
Goderich Branch.
L D UNBPORD, - - - Monster
AYewe� se depostte. Drafts. leiter
Before his departure for the Cape i t s.rr Vest
sets' lowed' i»/able
General Roberta 'eked fora of iT-�
jointed mounted guns These wil ba lit 07 COMMERCEsent, and also • battery of ordinary fltdd
mina pounders.
llf r Tiffin, for a number of ‘ears tis- Pei/ ef! Qrp4Mi, - *6,000,000.
sistent superintendent of the Welling -
p ) C if,4�,�,
Set, Grey R Benne 'Railway, has receiv-
ed -dm anointment of limners' ght
dom! cif the Credit Valley R�dsal•
mom. WM 1.MARTRR
Ilwqnrintentf nee at miaow, 11. N. ANDIUtION.
ashore lata spnng. For some reaann.
The 810,000 grained by Ib Gwent iron spikes were drives in the lags, and
wooing to the Poet login harbor, tem en be he has run the saw through several of
sepplemented by a grant of $5,000 fives them. damegrItig the saw sac! M1 ; lues
he• vi11a^e
Goderich Branch.
A. 1M. RORR, VAX Anil
tatereat allowed na d Drafts tie sl
Times te oilmen
tar end 1N toilet
old anti
Adtan, men
ere Notes with cue er
earn eat$re of the Twat
Nsw Yost", March 14.
Landon correspondent as
startled by theennouuoen
assawinatwn. The Luo
burgh was et the Duke's
with her 4cur children.
offered the Duchess s
earnest as the churches, 1
ung special reference was
murder from the pulpits
churches. While great e
observed in official co.
comparatively little un tl
people had long expected
sympathy Ir IA eapregwd
of Edinburgh, who is in
tion Otfiaul despateht
facts. The Car was rot
erect carriage from Mich:
11 a. tn. with his brutl
Dnke Michael. The enc
a quarter trmop of Cosa.
ofcersof the household a
in sleighs. As the earn.,
along the banks of the
Canal, immediately °ppe
ial stables, a bomb west
standing behind a knot
who- had stopped to see
exploded right under th
carriage, the splinters to
street, doing no injury
away the back of the
driver descended fount t
Cossack escort, which w
rear, at once galloped
than teenty persons we,
('zar, hearing the crash,
the winduw, opened the
ed out, and while drawl
about him a second bot
from a knot of looker
right at his feet. The
'lenge% about, and w
• bomb struck the pavem,
enveloped the carriage.
and anguish arose free
some of whom were ki
wounded by splinters, s
on -lookers fell also. T1
• squad of police on dut
stables. As the smoke
was seen lying on his 1
wreck of the carriage, h
and blood eouriug from
in the thighs. The coo
*newel was literary tar
He was deadly pale. an
oieers of the huusehcde
scarcely audible. C to
hi. suite, who was bad
second explosion, mise
and with the aid of Cot
ed him into the sleigh 1
to the Winter Palace.
thick (lass balls filled
All this did not occupy
Meanwhile the Coeliac
charged upon the pi
the two bombe were di.
sons pointed to a m
sheepskin garb of a pe
ed that he had thru
This was confirmed chey
saw him hurling it. 1
seized him. The man
lesaly, and as the d
closed upon him dre
though intending to
Duke Michael, whose
by the second explosi
of miraculous. But h
down, and in an least
to the pathway and
theputtiinngg is
the Cossacks binding
The prisoner was this,-
headriven of under a era
ky's sleigh bearing the
or and two or three
rapidly to the Winter
mounted messenger 1
rived. By this tis
known throughout 1
and, as the sleigk
the main gate, the pa
covered, while hundr
flocked te the scene
been sonnded in the
and the guard at W
been doubled, as
lined with soldiem
reached the churches,
tions rushed into ties
for the Palace, where
sacks and regular ca.
bay. Melikoff, the 1
was on the spot ten
Car's carriage. He
tachnnents of cavalry
telegraphed all the
city and outlying pt
selves in readiness at
ing. No doubt the
.ed a general rising
-whole city was an i
the clock struck 12.
police kept a sharp lc
the principal Govern
bedding' were put u
A large body of the
gathered, and an act
for the other asses
carried up stain a
the surgeons-in-ordil
nun in the city wee
leg was fearfully oh
portion of the fa
blown of. The rig
frogs the body. Hi
brief intervals def,
last. At 1 p.m.,
were etnmmixred to
for the dying being
sad the
Midellall said to hew
keg. 1S• Caw bin
them bie blossom
agrm� w th hess«
ed 1• was was
Russia wadi an
had boa OaQifsd
stitatirme mei trial
within her beeline
was evident thofi tl
3.30 he breathed h
nounoesnest ft. Pei
firing of mitred*
church MOs, the hr
lag at h.M-asst up
Winter iPalms rut
principal beribelini `
et k.lf-'sass sad
drooping trews 11
hares of the not
Corset, Geoernmee
sial', sad a long
metteed the tale n
eseftesset prevail
hood of the Pale
the streets receive