The Brussels Post, 1966-02-17, Page 1•$2.00 A. Year in A4vance
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Meeting held February 7th.
The following motions were
Moved by Lawson Ward sec-
"onded by Charles Thomas that
the minutes of the last regular
meeting be adopted as read.
Moved by Kenneth Bray sec-
onded by Lawson Ward that the
:Engineer's report of the Rowland-
Drain be adopted and Court of
Revision be held on March 7th at
2 p.m.
Moved by 'Kenneth Bray se-C-
onded• by Lawson Ward that the
Reeve and Treasurer be author-
ized to make applications to the
Minister of Municipal Affairs
foe the provincial grant under
The Tile Drainage Act for the
Rowland Municipal Drain.
Moved by Melville Lamont
seconded by Charles Thomas that
Engineer James A. Howes be in-
structed to examine and report
on the open portion, of the Sixth
Concession Drain to clear all
lands from Lot 16 to Lot 25,
Con. (3.
Moved by -Kenneth Bray sec-
onded by Lawson Ward that we
accept the request of William
Baillie and others to repair and
extend the Baillie Municipal Drain
to clear S1 Lot 34, ,Con. 15 and,
other lands, and that we instruct
Engineer James A.. Howes to
examine and report on same.
Moved by Kenneth Bray sec-
onded by Lawson Ward that we
instruct the clerk to advertise
for crushing and hauling approx-
imately 20,000 cubic yards of
gravel, % screen to be used.
Tenders to be in by One o'clock
March 7th, 1966. Certified cheque
for $300.00 to accompany tender,
Moved by Lawson Ward sec-
onded by Melville Lamont that we
instruct the clerk to advertise for
tenders for warble fly spraying.
Tenders to state price per bead
per spray. Tenders to be in by
One o'clock, March 7th, 1966.
Moved by 'Kenneth Bray sec-
onded by Melville Lamont that
the clerli: be instructed to adver-
tise for approximately 1,400 lbs
warble fly poWder stating price
her 1:5 lb. bag, Tenders to be In
by One o'clock, March 7th, 1966.
Moved by Charles Thomas sec-
onded by Melville Lamont that
Court. of Revision on. the Asses-
sment Roll he reonened end Lots
11 and 12. Con. 7. Ethel, owned
by James Cardiff he. assessed
re v T enc1 nitildings $1.500..
this assessment to be added to the
Roll fur lintS taxes. The Walton
Rev. A. Johnston
Addresses Likine Club
The regular supper meeting of
the Brussels Lions Club was held
in the Brussels LibrarY on.
Monday night with Lion Hank
ten Pas presiding.
The ladies of St. Ambrose
Church served a. delicious supper.
Miss ,Shirley Pipe, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Pipe enter-
tained with piano accordian solos.
Lion Gordon Workman was
winner of the guessing contest.
Business included roll call, cor-
respondence. Reports of various
conunittes were given by Lions
Cecil McFadden, Cubs; Cecil
Parker, NHL hockey draw
finances; Harold Thomas, Lions
Curling Bonspiel; Cal Smith,
artificial ice fund drive.
It was decided to hold the
rather-Son banquet the first
meeting in March.
'Lion Roy Cousins introduced
the guest speaker, the Rev.
Allan Johnston of Brussels t nit-
ed Church. Mr. Johnston's sub-
ject was "Jack Of All Trades —
My Father, and Master of Most".
St. John the Evangislist Ang-
lican Church, Kitchener, was the
setting for a double-ring ceremony
Saturday, February 12th, when
Mary Louise Fraser became the
bride of Robert Charles. Jacklin.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and. Mrs. John Fraser of Kitchen-
er, and the bridegrooms parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacklin of
5:1 ssels.
The bride wore a street length
gown of white embroidered
brocade, with a matching jacket.
A French silk illusion finger-
tip veil was caught up by a
double camelia headpiece. She
carried a bridal boquet of pink
and white carnations with steph-
anotis and fern.
Miss Nancy Miller, Kitchener
was bridasmaid wearing a, street-
length gown of maize brocade
'with lace bodice and sleeves,
she carried a boquet of powder
blue and white carnations.
Thomas Jacklin of Kitchener
Was groomsman for his brother.
Following a wedding receptions
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Keffner, New Hamburg, the
young couple left on a wedding
trip to Eastern. Ontario. on their,
return they will reside at 99
Samuel St 'Kitchener.
Feb. 15th
Brussels 3 at Blyth 6
at Teeswater. 8
at Monkten
Mrs. James ailichie, 7'7, of Bel-
grave, died Wednesday, in Wing,
ham and District Hospital.
She was the former Jeanie
Survivors are her husband,
son, George, Morris Township;;
daughter, Mrs. Ross (Barbara)
Anderson, Bel.grve; brothers,
George and Charles Cole, both of
London; sisters, Mrs. Jessie
Brandon, Frobisher,. Sask..
Funeral service to be held
Pri4ay at 2 p.m. at the D. A.
Rene .funeral home, Brussels.
Burial in trusaels cenistery.
My sincere thanks is extended
to all those who so kindly re-
membered me while I was a
Patient in hospital, with cards,
"and flowers. Your thoughtfulness
Was appreciated.
John Perrie
Mrs James Bryans wishes to
sincerely thank her kind friends,
and neighbours for the cards,
' visits, flowers and treats she re-
ceived while a patient in Wingham
and District Hospital.
The family of the late Don R.
Ronnenberg wish to thank their
many friends for flowers, mem-
orial cards, sympathy messages,
and all the acts of kindness
shown us during our recent.
bereaverrten t.
My sincere thanks to all those
who visited me, sent cards and
treats while I was a patient in
the Listowel hospital.
Special thanks to Mrs. C.
Thomas. Rev. A. Johnston, Dr.
W. Bigelow and all the nursing
staff on the second floor:
Your kindness will ever be re-
Ed. Morrow
8th AND 16th UNIT OF
The February meeting was
held at the home of Mrs. Wilbur
Turnbull, Wednesday, afternoon
Feburary 9th.
The meeting opened by singing
hymn 483, "He Leadeth. Me, 0
Blessed Thought" with Mrs. Wil-
bur Turnbull at the piano. Mrs.
Don McDonald read the script-
ure, Mathew 13th chapter, vers-
es 51 and 52, followed with prayer
by Mrs. Don McDonald. Two
poetnS "'Inspiration" and "Com-
aenSation" were read by Mrs.
Don McDonald. The topic. "1
walked to-day where Jesus
walked" was taken by Mrs. Dotig
riraser. Hymn 399 "Faith Of
Our Father's" was sung followed
by repeating the Lord's Prayer
in unison, The besiness part of
Thank You!
The Brussels Post conveys
sincere thanks to all subscribers
who have paid their subscription
in advance and so 6o-operated
with us in complying with the
postal regulation requiring sub-
scriptions be paid in. advance.
If you are still in arrears it would
be wise to contact us before the
first of March to avoid our being
forced to hand in your account for
the Meeting was then turned
over to Mrs. Harold Bolger, The
Minittes of the last meeting were
read by the secretary, The Roll
Call articles to be sent to Mts.
Tong was answered by 14 ladies
and there were three guests,
anelette was handed out for
crib quilts and pyjamas. The col-
lection Was taken. Grace was
sung and lunch served by Mts.
Tim McDotirikl w MrS, Harold Bolger
and the hoStesS
Brussels 1966 Fair .Dates
Are Sept. 29th And 30th
A noon hour banquet and the
annual meeting of tue Brussels
Agricultural Society was held in
St. Ambrose Church Hall on
Wednesday,. February 9th..
After the delicious dinner,
served by the ladies of the church,
'Gifford Bray, president of the
society, presided for the annual
Doug Miles, Agricultural repre-
sentative for Huron County was
the guest speaker. He gave an
informative address on the
Canada Pension Plan and Work-
men 's Compensation. Mr. Miles
also showed slides on a trip to
the North Central states of the
USA, which were interesting and
enjoyed by the gathering of
approximately 65 people In
New directors elected were
Wilfred Strickler, Laurie Black
and Herman Whittled. Jan van
Vliet was returned.
Routine business was conducted
and reports showed lower attend-
ance at the 1967 fair, but no
financial loss. The 1966 Fair dates
were set for Sept 29th and 30th,
Miss Nellie, daughter of
Mr. and 'Mrs. Martin Baan, winner
of the Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce silver tray at the 1965
fair. was not present to accept the
award as she was attending class
at Seaforth District High School.
Approval of the Dept. of Agri.
to re-name East Huron Agrleul-
tiral Society the 'Brussels Agri-
cultural Society. was announced.
The cnang.e was made to avoid
confusion, among outsiders. as to
the location of the fair.
,Officers of the 1.966 Fair Board
Pr esid er:4 'Clifford Pray
tat Vice Pres. ..., Don McDonald
'2nd Vice Pres. Jan van. Vliet
Sec.-Treas. Norman S. Hoover
9 A.M. Draw
1st. Prize: Rink skipped by
Ross Valtcli
2nd Prize: Rink skipped by
Claire Veitch.
Consolation: Rink skinned by
Selwyn Baker
11 A.M. Draw
1st Prize: Rink skipped by
:reek Taylor
2nd Prize: Rink skipped by
Ralph Feerson
Consolation: Rink snipped by
Duo 1? :1th woll:
Anglican Church prOperty asses-
s „,,,n t or $,100 he changed to ex- I Brussels I
empt assessment. The 1966 dog
(continued on inside page Rrussels 6
I Knox Presbyterian Church
Annual Meeting Held
The annual meeting of Knox
Presbyterian Church was held in
the basement of the church on
Tuesday evening, February 8th.
Approximately se sat down to a
pot-lack supper servea at seven,
and the business meeting fon
I lowed. Rev. Charles A. Winn.
Monkton, opened the meeting
with Scripture reading and
prayer. Rev. Mr. 'Winn was ap-
pointed chairman and Alfred
Knight secretary for the meet-
ing. The printed reports had
been circulated previous to the
meeting and Were adopted as
printed. The session report
showed a membership of ninety
four at the close of 1965. The
retiring managers, Kenneth Mc-
Donald, Douglas. Evans and James
Knight were replaced by Wm.
Bremner, Earl Dunn, and Stuart
Steiss. Mrs. Stuart McNair was
re-appointed organist and. Mrs.
M. J. Engel secretary-treasurer.
Ushers for 1966 are Kenneth
MacDonald and David 'Perrie with
assists las Jack Knight, Alex
Cameron and Carman Fischer.
Alfred Knight was named auditor
for the congregation. Rev, Mr.
Winn thanked the congregation
for the splendid co-operation
given him since taking charge
and hoped to become better ac-
quainted with the Cranbrook
People as he visited in their
homes. it was voted to send a
donation to the TV porgram
"rootsteps", heard over CKNX
on Wednesdays at 5 Pm.
Rev. Winn closed the meeting
with prayer.