The Brussels Post, 1966-02-10, Page 4Of to ti La AL k; 4ruasels 1 ivestoc t gaioo iarci esVt.:14.1 l'ItliDAY 11 4 4 Your Home Merket Where. You Are Welcome AS ViSitote Conslahors or auYse PHONE 46. ONT, •••••••X..••••......• .11411 IIIIIASELS POST aRUSSELes ONTARIO GENTLEMEN'S CLUB. NEWS ITEMS lied ferry Mason and Me decided to take action against the Gentlemen's Olub for the manner in. Which they hurt my dignity as well as my anatomy we met in Toronto at a saloon called the Royal York, made famous by the Odd Fellows con- vention held some years ago. The first thing Terry done was to send Paul Drake to Rhodesia and Zanzibum. Now, says Terry. we will go over our ease. When you entered the club you were tripped by a Mr, Long. No doubt your knees were sionnett ana your teeth loosened by the fall. this occasioned bodily harm, pre- preventing you from participat- ing in wor.a of any kind. Mr. Long will be up on a charge or assault and battery. Then you were spat upon. We shall charge them with germ warfare and take our case, if necessary, before the United. Nations. A Mr. Tureey threw a lighted cigar, which, no doubt, burned you severiy. This gives us grounds for a charge of arson. Charlie Draper attacked you with a dangerous weapon. We shall demand a charge of attempted murder be laid. You were bitten twice by a vicious liner section severity seven, page 101. eery dog is entitled to one oite but for the second one we shall demand un- stated dameges and ha‘e the club fined for harboring aevireeis without a license. 1 am sure witi the right kind of jury you win be awarded at least one nundred thousand dollars on the above charges alone. But to continue, Walter Kerr called you a devilish individual.. We will collect ten thousand dollars for this insin- uation, unless of course. he can prove you have horns and a tail. How valuable are you to your, family in the terms of dollars, and cents? How valuable are you to yourself and how much value to the public at large? After en hour or so of careful thinking I said, Terry, to my family, I figure, they think I am. worth about ten dollars apiece, with one exception. I gave a deep sigh and said, I think exception thinks this a bit high, make it eight. He ,said, pleage explain. Well, I said, its like this. only my family knows it, but I am in great curler. My last match was in Winnipeg when I Wen easily front a fellow named Richardson. After I had him whipped at both ends, and in the middle, I taught him the finer points of the game. Well, I continued, am / ewer asked to skip, uo sir, it is always George Mutter, Selwyn Baker, Sam Sweeney, Frank Carter, George McCutcheon, Hugh Pear- son, Tom MacDonald, but never me. I think Terry, says 1, you llt .D tai SLccLU Ot eight. 1.U011., .I. says, I 'ilia to to a OUCLU:e party. saturmiy night 1 was at Jack. McCutcneon and met the imest people in Lae world. Clirf brays, the Frains, rue Go‘,Ings, the Aici.;utell.• eons. e uaa a Swell time •inaiiii6 to Jack and _Esther. ‘t.nat nappeus when the .14iit.e money barons lima men' party? Am . i laviten? Oh, no. i nave to stay Lome eau watch Juliette. West enock another couple or dollars off that Terry). It islet oecause i can't play. Maybe its because of my double breasted suit. I wear the same shirt and sox mai Georgs did. Oh well, I aiways go up early 'Monday morning to snoop the news, regards the party held. Saturday night. i was on my second piece of cake aim my third cup of coliee, amelousiy waiting to hear who got the booby prize, when I'm greeted with, "you should have been to church yesterday, Reverend Johnston is such a wonderful speaker." Now 1 ask you, Terry, couldn't she have saia, just as easily, "/ wish you had been to our church yesterday. Like yourself, Rev. Johnston is a wonderful speaker. Oh no, not tier, (Best knock another dollar off that TerrY). Then a trip is planned to Florida, Miami, or California. Am I in- vited, or consulted? the answer is no and yes. I am not invited but am consulted regards keeping old Fluff while they are away. am advised as to his diet, his powders, his pep pills etc. Well, they load up the trunk, of their new ,66 Oldsmobile with bathing suits, and golf clubs and. head south to California. I load up the trunk of my ancient Dodge with shovels, and picks and boxes, and also head south. I get almost as far as Walton then I turn into a gravel pit and fill my box with sand for an ordinary ungrateful old Tom Cat. Continued next :week See you at the Legion Feb. 10. Legion versus Gentlemen's Club. Admis- sion 50c, Free lunch. Truthfully Youts, T. K. F. FOR SALE — Tractor IHan'unermfl Belt.( 25 it. endless. Roes De.ncan Phone 454J5 MRS. qkpftG.E H. K488 Word was received last week of t.ue death of irene Van NOrainh, wile or the late Dr. George Rees of Wingliam, in :formic° en.: January 2erd, 1999. .1AUOAA Aa sorte r 01 14 t OiAlit;;11LU1af r'41,.r4;1.1a, 4POO1"4, nit/ cti4O. 41,,AAAA,,, Aye IL Dow u. TerontO, 41.144- ary ehtulnoMent ,..‘‘as in v.+ Ingham idadsole1/411. paste, ft. eizirjerie hues, e lie of ie. Mohr° Blain of Toronto, and youngest Ltcit.v''lut=r vi tile late Air. and. Airs. D. C. ituss passed away in 1 wont() Li enerai on January 211., 1966. Airs. Blain Is survived, by her husband tutu three daughters, • Aun J. Eixler) of Boston, Mass.; Sheila, (Mrs. John Metcalf)'. of Wilowdale and Karen (Mee. brederick Coward) of Maple. eelee a brother, Dr. J. 'V. Ross of Lond- on, and three sisters, Mrs. Meleauchlia and Mise Gertrude, Ross of Brussels and Ales. Gifford Swartman of Sioux Lookout. • Funeral service was held at the Trull Funeral Home, Toronto, on January 2Sth. Word wGas. A:ecHeOivOedD by Mrs. Jas. Michie of the death of her uncle; Me% G A. Hood, in a nur, sing home in Gladwin, Mich.; in his 95th year. He is the last survivor of a family of ten, who came over from Scotland in 1870. Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hood, of Sunshine, Morris Town- trade. ship. He a carpenter by e funeral service took place rc jAh in Norte Branch, Miethodiet Church where he led the choir in ,the servie of worship for many years. His wife predeceased him six weeks ago, Dec. 24th. He leaves two daughters, (Myra) Mrs. Cameron of Fayettville, Arizona, and (Eleanor) Atli. H. Sterling of Gladwin, Mich. Inter- ment took place . Friday, Feb. 4, in Burlington cemetery, North Branch, Michigan. NOTES Team Standings Marilyn's Marauders 73 Lois' Lions 72 Karen's Go Go's 70 Jack's Jokers Mary's Lambs 64 Willis' Wonders 61' Ladies High Singles Ruth Hiuether 206 Karen Hastings 205 Elaine Nichol rt 198 Ethel Brewer 190 Ladies High Doubles Rhth Iluether 366 Dianne Hastings 362 Ethel Brewer 1 354 Mens High Singles Ned. Rutledge 296 Allan Nichol 233 'Wayne Lowe 214 Mens High Doubles Ned Rutledge 632 Allan Nichol 407 Wayne Lowe 396 Substitutes Mierlene Rutledge for Wayne Lowe vera Hastings for Murray LoWe Barb "MicOutcbeon for Mary Lowe Village of Bruce 011 ‘1 *1"o fa 04444: snow reinovai, PAWWOW' on tile, Rtreet0 trag iVidliK4fla-OtY W44 the ailowen between trie hours oA ZiOU 4413. 4=14 awo 04111* 7)111 4 "Po ot,rlotly euforoed In accordance with. the iiighway 'Traffic Act, Section 89, Sub-section 9. NOTICE tiS 11EREBY (WEN chat the Municipality writ not be responsible for any daniages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow removal operations. OAViD ,HASTINC.IS by-law r..nforcement Officer tzuW WrAth,: 'vanii&Lkalazia2riNkimaga:64 and Norman Mulligan NOTICE — Any Person interested in haying an Auction. Sale feein. March 1St oh contact George Powell, Clerk. Telephone :Myth 693-41219 or Atibtira 1. Harold 3Atittitin: AnetiOneet SEAFOF,TH UPHOLSTERY Centre Streak TELk.Pt.1014"4 44I F Oat eines. ur upholsterine Brussels Representative SELwYre BAKitlit PHONE 79'' SRusszu *NI i•,•••••• NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the tEstate of JOHN FOWLER STAPLES All eersons having claims against the State of John Fowler Staples, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Retired Civil Servant, deceased, who died on the 15th day of November, 1.965: are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the tieciersigned on or before the. 21th day of February, 1966 after which date Inc assets will he distributed having regar I only to claims then received, DATED at Seaforth, this 25th day of January, 1966. McCONNELL StENTART, Seaforth, 'Ontario Solicitors for the Executore NOTICE St. Johnts Anglican Paineake. Supper will be held on. Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 22nd. Keep this date onen. WAN1'ED — Reliable men with 01' without cars. Average $3 per hour. No experience necessary. Write i'tawleigh. Dept., 13-152-5. 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, IVIsentreal. ruirt tiAL4 -- Continental i3ed, spring mattress, good as new. Phoue 257W, F Cei SALE Boy's wardrobe, good as new. Will sell at reasonable price. Phone 7$W FOR SALE 1962. Pontiac Laurentian Sedan VS automatic, fully equipped. Al condition. Joe Brewer Phone 95. Brussels SgLGRAVE SCHOOL FAIR OFFICERS ELECTED Harold Vincent has uee.n elect- ed president of the Belgrave School Fair, He alleCeOUS 1, V11- Jiam Liston. The 1906 fair will be held on Sept. 14th. Other officers: first vice-pre- Meat, George Johnston; second vice-president, Peter lie Groot. Directors: Moms Towi6hip — James Wilson Mrs. Louise Phelan. Clarence Yuill, Mrs. Ernest. .Pletch, Glen Smith, Clem McLel- I Ian, Mrs. Robert Grasby, Wilbert Procter, Mrs. James Alair, Mrs. James Ireland, Wilfred Haines, + J J ,. 1, AIU.Aill.11.118Wil, MIL :illarleS -,ilathers, lieu Sellers, Carl uow- ing, Mrs. Peter Campbell, Una, Boyd Taylor. Last M. awaitosh l'oWnSiiiP — Alex Nothery, Mrs. Maurice Hanahan, Airs. Gordon Smith Arnold. Coon, Henry Pattison, Albert. Bienian, Mrs. Calvin Robinson, Wilfred Welker, Ken- neth Wheeler, Mrs. Ronald Coulter, Mis. Ai ee Robertson; Jack Currie, Ralph. Caldwell, Mrs. Gordon Caldwell, Robert Hefiry, Mrs. 13ruce Falconer, Borden Scott, Mrs. Eldon Cook, John Lockhart, Mrs. William lempey, Gordon Bosnian and Mrs. Cliff Pardon. Music Festival Committee: Mrs. Sidney Thompson, Airs. Norman Coulter, Mrs. Wilfred Halides, Mrs. Gordoe Smith, G. Ross An- derson, Harvey1WeDowell, Lloyci Walden, Kenneth Wheeler, Mrs. William Elston, Mrs. i4ora IVior- fait, Mrs. Phyllis Rogers. School work prize list com- mittee: Mrs. Herbert Garniss, Mrs. Robert Henry, Mrs. Gordon 13osman, Mrs. Bert Fear and Mrs. Kathleen Wilhelm.