HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-01-27, Page 17$12.00 A Year lu Advance $2.50 To U.S A. THE 13Russz4s POST, THURSDAY, JAN. 27th, 1966 PUBLISHING WW1 UCW Officers For Coming IrOar The general meeting of time. U.C.W of Brussels United Church was held January 18th with 111 members Present. The meeting opened with t"he worship. Rev. Allan Johnston was the guest speaker.' His topic was "We Look at. Ourselves" — as church unite and the BOW. A Panel discussion with Mrs. Doreen Raymond, Mrs. Elsie Miller, Mrs. Verna Thomas, and Mrs. Jean Grenke as the panel and Mrs. George. McCutcheon as moderator followed. The questions discussed were: 1. Is there a need for a DOW? 2. Are we fill- ing the need? S. Why is BOW attendance decreasing? 4. Is our group providing opportunity to grow in faith? 6. Is our group providing opportunity to serve others? 6. Are we facing up to modern problems? 7. What way can we improve our program'? 8. Are we doing as much for our young people as we might? This was followed -15-y -Frieral discussion. A short business meeting followed. Lunch was served. JULC.ItVt. 1966 Officers Pres. ...... Mrs. Carson Watson 1st Vice 'Pres. Mrs. Carl Hemingway 2nd Vice Pres, Mrs. Mac Stephenson Rec. Sec. Mrs. Ian McDonald Asst. Mrs. George Wheeler Con Sec. Miss Luella Mitchell Treasurer Mrs. Wm. Miller Afternoon Pres. Mrs. H. Thomas Evening Pres. Mrs. Gee. McCutcheon Pianist Mrs. Jack Bryans Asst. Mrs. Irvan Campbell Committees 'Christian Education — Mrs. Ken Wilbee, Mrs. Ivan. Campbell Finance — Miss Mae Skelton Supply & Social. Assistance — WS. Roy Cousins, ,Mrs, .T. Bremner Social Functions — Mrs. Lawrie Cousins. Mrs. Gee. Bridge, Mrs. Geo. McOutcheon Kitchen Convener — Mrs. John Rowland Stewardship & Recruiting — Mrs, Ralph Pearson Baby Band — ivfrs. Robt. Ray- mond, Mrs. C. Parker, Mrs. Ross McCall Messengers .- Mrs. Vern Oren- ke Mrs. Glen Bridge Press & Publicity Mrs. Tart McDonald, Mrs. V. Grenke. Mrs. J. Bryans Lit. & Communication — Mrs. 'Adah Smith, Mrs. John Rowland 'Program — Orn, C, MnitafilW, 11,11c0160,041, Socipity Qfficor§ ;Effected;; At January Meeting The January meeting of Brus- sels 'Horticultural Society was held in the Brussels Public Libr- ary on January 17th at S p.m. Mrs. Hemingway presided opening the meeting with 0 Canada, the minutes. treasurer's report, correspondence followed, ft was moved we send thank you note to the judges Of our Christmas contest. Report of nom- inating Committee was given by Mrs. E, Cudmore, The officers for ie be, President ... Mrs. C. ,HcraingWaY 1st Vice ...... „ Mrs. Wm: Miller 204 Vice ....... ..„„,,, MI% A. _Knight See, "Trees, .... Mrs. E, Cudmore Directors appointed for a two- year tearm Mrs. Geo. Micirie Mrs. A. McCall. Mrs. L. McCutcheon Mrs. Wm, Perrie Mrs. F. Shaw Mrs, L. Meehan gave a humor- ouS reading, "Taking 'Care of the Baby". Mrs. H, Sinalldon lead in Corn- numity singing accompanied by Mrs. *W. Kerr, Mr, D. A. Minn showed slides, also Mrs. L. Meehan These were Much enjoyed by all. The meeting closed with the Queen. Mrs, El. Cunningham won the door prize. Mrs. H, Smalldon conducted a contest and present- ed a box of chocolates to the winners. Lunch was served by ,":,19.;!, George Wheeler, Mr, A. Knight and Mrs.. E. flidmore. Now is the tithe to join your Society. Come and bring a friend, f5pring flowers lists will soon be avalable. Support your Society. Topnotch Feeds To Sponsor BonsiaM, Topnotch Feeds Limited of Brussels are sponsoring a Bon- spiel to be held in the Brussels Arena on Wednesday, February 16th. Curlers of the district are invited to Compete for the Fariti, ere' trophy. See this beautiful trophy on display in the window of the D. A, Rana store, way, Mrs, J. Bryans, Mrs. rrbomns, Mrs. ,Tack Bryaris Cominunity . Friendship Visiting -- Mrs. C. McFadden, Mrs, 0.'Callnher, Miss M Skelton, Mrs. Sohn, Ritchie, Mrs, N. TIOOVer Mcmhershie ee Mrs. Roy Cousins Christian Citizenship 4,, Social Action -- Mrs. 'L. Wheeler, Mrs. Wm. 'Wheeler, Mrs. 'Wm. 1111, TERI:4,18H — PARKER. Brtissels. United there!). the setting for .a weddir,:g tact Saturday afternoon when Judith Ann :Parker became the bride of Thomas William 'Forbush. Ok- lahoma City. Okla. The bride t is the da,tighter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. ,Parker, Brussels, and the bridegroom's pewits are Mr. and Mtrs, Thomas V, Terbush, Latverne, Okla. Rev, Allan John- ston officiated. The bride, given in, Marriage by her father, wore a full-length Wedding gown of white French pent .de-soie The notice, of delicate imported Chantilly lace, was fashioned with a scooped neckline and elbow-length sle- eves. An empire•inserted band made way for the Semi-fitted waist line. The skirt fell to the floor in an elegant A-line, cascad- ing to a train at the back, The hemline was silhoutted with scalloped appliques of Chantilly lace, To complete her bridal out i. - fit the bride wore a French silk illusion EingerAip veil, caught up by a :peau7 de-soie wedding-band headpiece touched with Chan- tilly lace. She carried a white orchid boquet accented with. stephanotis and ivy,. Miss Adelle Biggar, Port Rob- [neon and Miss Kathy French, Harlington., were bridesmaids, dressed alike in empire-styled ; streeti-lengtb dresses of powder blue crepe with royal blue velvet tops, Miss. Sharon Terbush, Top- kawa, Okla., was flower girl wear- ing a royal blue velVet frock. Jim Terbush, Oklahoma CRY, was groomsman for his broll'ee' and the ushers were Fred Will- iams, London and Tom Arber a Arm Arbor, Mich. Following a wedding trip to the Northern TTnited Statee, the couple will reside in Oklahoma City, The bride is a graduate of Greater Niagara General Hos- pital and the bridegroom is at present attending Central State College. Edm ond Okla, GORDON LEWIS RYAN Funeral service for Gordon Lewis Iiyer„. who died last 'week, was held from St. Ambrose Boman Catholic Chureh, Brus- sets, on Friday, with mass at 11 a.m. He is entviVed by parents, four brothers. Nen of London: Don of Calgary; Cytil of 'Wood, , stock, and Neil at home. : Pallbearers Were Joe JackRyan, Seek Rowland. Veltee Nicholson, Nelsen and: Edward RoWland, Burial took place in 1It1lee, ligtey,. 1 Mrs, Ross McCall ' said that plans were afoot to expand the Workshop in 'Kitchener that would serve. this Branch area. Because of the coat and scarcity of the highly Specialized : staff needed to operate such facilities, these centres can only be devel, oiled on a district basis, Ho*-, ever. any patient from Brussels who needs such training will be taken to Kitchen* to get it. It, costs approximately $1,fa000.00 a year to operate such a centre and there are 8 of them in On- tario. The, Marching Mothers of Brussels are out to see that every disabled person in this district Will get. a. proper obance at life and they hope citizens will support their efforts. So rernemb- er, leave ,your porch lights on between, the hours of 7 and 5 on, Monday evening Feb. 7, 1966. sponsored this year by Morning Star Rebekah Lodge of Brussels, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Fraser of Kitchener. wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Louise, to Mr, Robert C, ,Taeklin, Kitchener, son of Mr. and 'Ales. Carl jaeklin of Brussels, The wedding will take place February 12th, in St. John's Anglican Churn, Kitchener. ANNOUNCEMENT .Mor, and Mrs. Louis Waxman, of Toronto, are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their son Ted to. Perlan, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. A. Shaft af Toron- to, on Saturday, February 12th, 1966. The temple will be spending their honeymeon in Mexico City and Aeuipoca. They will reside upon their return at 12 Ruokford Road, Will ow'd ale ENGAGEMENT MT. and Mrs, Charles Storey, St. Marys. are pleased to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Sharon F.41Izabeth, to Fredderick George Stephensoa, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Steph- enson, Brussels, The marriage is to take place Friday evening. Febletary 18th, 1966, at S p.m, at St. Johnl; .Anglican Church, "Brussels. NOTTC 17. The next regular meeting or the Ladles Auxiliary of the Royal Cl-an.adian Le gi o n will be held `Tuesday, February 1st, at 'District 'Deputy Governor 'Pays H's Official Visit To The Brussels Lions Club Thomas MacMillan, lib.;eter District Deputy Governor oe Zone SA was a guest at the re* gular supper meeting when he paid his official visit to the Brussels Lions Mb on Monday night. Lion President H. ten Pas pre- sided over the well attended meeting. The sing song was led by Lion Tamer Cecil McFadden.. Tail Twister George McCutcheon wielded the fine box with en- thusiasm, I3usiness included roll call, minutes, and correspond- ence. C. ..r• Pegelow was winner of the NHL hockey draw. Lion Cecil McFadden won the guessing contest. Misses Nancy +Pearson, and Venue and Pauline McCutcheon sang duets accompanied by one at the piano. The guest speaker was intro- duced by Lion Charles Thomas. Mr. MacMillan reminded his listeners that January is "Re,, dedication Month" and spoke spoke on Lionism, The first official Lions meeting was held in 1017 by the founder, Melvin. Sbnes. )Lions International was formed in 1920. Mr, McMillan said that the Lions sponsor Bi- lingual speaking contests and YOuth Exchange nrograms. He also spoke of Lake St. Joseph Camp for the blind. The speaker was thanked by Lion Jack McDonald and present- ed with a gift. District Deputy Governer Mac- Millan conducted the induction of three new members into the Lions Club, They were Tack Knight, John Hanna. and Henry Exel. Son's farm, RR Ti, Orangeville, Mrs, Pryne is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs, Ralph (Helena) Bedford. Mrs. Truman (Betty) Stephens and, one son, Rolle all of Toronto. and One sister. Mrs. J. (T.:num) Peern till Winnipeg, Ryan Atn- wK,..Porng THE \vat; MARCHING IVIOTHgR$ MRS. R. A. PRYNE Word was received here last ' week of the sudden death Of. Mrs. R. A Pryne in. Orangeville Hos- pital on Salivary 180. M17$ Pryne, the former Pearl L. Leatherdele, was born in Brus- sels. the daughter of the late R. L. and Mrs. Leatherdale. After her marriage she lived. in. Toronto until, her husband's retirement front the Ryerson Press when they Wok up residence on their